Q. I also wonder what is sufficient vitamin A intake through food sources (not supplements) for a woman in childbearing age? I don’t know whether the RDA levels can be trusted, and they don’t distinguish between naturally occurring vitamin A in foods and synthetic.
A. It’s really hard to say. We recommend about 10,000 IU through cod liver oil, and 20,000 IU through cod liver oil pre-pregnancy, during pregnancy and lactation (using our recommended brands), plus additional sources from the diet. Remember that vitamin A needs to be balanced with vitamins A and K2.
Q. I’m a holistic nutritionist, and currently studying to be a clinical herbalist. Years ago in my pediatrics class I was introduced to the Nourishing Traditions book. This was my introduction to the work of Weston Price. Fast forward a few years, and I am pregnant with my first baby and following the WAPF recommendations!
I do have a few questions that may have been addressed before, but I wanted a bit of clarification on. What is your standpoint on caffeine consumption during pregnancy? I know there is significant data that high levels of caffeine can cause miscarriage, birth defects and low birth weight. I’ve always been a steady coffee drinker, so this is a hard pill to swallow. Is avoiding coffee altogether a recommendation that you guys stand by?
Next, and possibly most important, is about kombucha. For about a year before falling pregnant, I drank anywhere between 500ml – 1000ml of kombucha (store bought and/or homemade) daily. I know that ideally store bought kombucha should not exceed 0.5% alcohol, but it’s possible that poorly monitored brewing and/or home brewing can contain up to 2.5%. It’s clear that any level of alcohol during pregnancy is unsafe, but is it okay for me to continue drinking kombucha?
Similar question for taking herbal tinctures (alcohol extracts) – ideally I’d take ginger extract for morning sickness, and lemon balm or chamomile for anxiety, stress and insomnia. Although they are in a base of 40%, I would only take 2-5ml at a time, and can dilute them in water. Any thoughts on this?
A. I don’t think the small amount of alcohol in kombucha or tinctures is a problem, after all, the body makes about 1/2 ounce of alcohol per day. But I think the coffee is more of a concern. Not sure it would be possible to cut it out completely while you are pregnant, but I would certainly cut back–and that may reduce your need for herbs to deal with anxiety, stress and insomnia.
Q. I am twenty weeks along in my pregnancy and thoroughly enjoying the guide lines suggested by your foundation! I am curious if you have any knowledge on the nutrition of bee pollen?
A. I am not an expert on bee pollen–some people get allergic reactions to it, so might not be a good idea to start it while pregnant.
Q. I have two kids myself, and both have or have had issues with their gut. The oldest one is now healthy, but he didn’t tolerate gluten, milk and eggs while I was breastfeeding, and the same is now for the youngest (he can have eggs). But for my youngest, it also seems to be a problem when I eat any milk products or grains. Now to the question – do you know if there is any research on whether a baby can react to gluten proteins in breastmilk? Or if they can react on antibodies if the mother has an intolerance/allergy (unknown) and eats gluten?
A. These reactions are a sign that mom has a leaky gut, I think. My suggestion would be the GAPS diet for mom, and then for baby when he or she is old enough.
Q. Sally Fallon Morell recommends eating liver in the Nourishing Traditions Book of Baby and Child Care. I have bought desiccated beef liver from Radiant Life as is recommended in the book and website. My question is how many tablets do I need to consume before I’m pregnant as well as when I’m pregnant?
A. I would say a minimum of 4 capsules per day–I believe that is equivalent to 1ounce beef liver. But it would be good to get used to eating real liver also–such as chicken liver pate or liverwurst.
Q. Is it safe to take fermented cod liver oil while pregnant if you aren’t following the WAPF diet perfectly? I want to start with cod liver oil, however I read that it can cause hemorrhaging during birth if the diet is not followed completely and that really scared me! How can I take cod liver oil safely during pregnancy? What else do I have to make SURE I am taking alongside it?
A. Yes, you can and should take fermented cod liver oil, but in the context of a diet that contains plenty of butter and other animal fats. Also eat lots of aged cheese for vitamin K2. If you are concerned about hemorrhaging, discontinue about two weeks before the birth. And do NOT take any fish oil or flax oil, which could cause an overdose on omega-3s.
Q. What is Dr Prices recommendations for a cavity to be filled during pregnancy?
A. Hopefully you can wait until after your pregnancy. For sure, don’t use amalgams. Take cod liver oil and butter oil and it might clear up on its own.
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What are thoughts on prenatal vitamins?
What are the healthiest foods to eat during pregnancy? I’m currently 18 weeks and have SIBO, trying to comply with a low fod map diet but many of the healthy foods are in this group. I have a beautiful 7 year old step daughter with autism, so I’m trying to eat healthy, packing in the omega 3’s and choline. Any ideas? Thank you all
When my daughter had SIBO Dr Reid from Unblind My Mind suggested she take bitter herbs before each meal. She preceded dried herbs we crushed so not just a pill. After 3 months she no longer had any symptoms. From time to time now (especially if she gets aick- she could have a flare and we give her a bitter tincture before and or after meals. God bless you and your family!
Healthy food to eat during pregnancy is desiccated beef liver capsules, for healthy bones, eye health, blood health and energy. I like NXGEN Wholefoods beef liver capsules from Australia as it’s made using cold processing technology and from 100% grass fed livers free of any chemicals, GMO’s, hormones and pharma grade. NXGEN is really good because they care about animal welfare and only use organic certified farms.
During pregnancy, is it safe to take both WAP recommendations for FCLO and 4 capsules of desiccated liver capsules everyday? Thank you!
Second that question
What do they mean when they say “do not take Fish oil, which could cause an overdose of omega-3s?” What concerns are there with too much omega 3? Is it the risk for bleeding during child birth only, or something else I do not know of? I have a problem with very “thick” blood and clot formation and high doses of fish oil have helped my “thin” my blood and prevent too much clotting. Is there still a concern if I take cod liver oil and fish oil (3,600mg omega 3s daily) during pregnancy?
You need a 1:2 ratio of Omega 3s to Omega 6s. Fish oil contains only omega 3s, whereas other fats and oils, such as grass-fed butter contain the safe ratio
Hi, I’d,like some advice on morning sickness, nausea and exhaustion whilst following the diet. I’m at about 7 weeks and feeling pretty awful right now.
Hello Sarah,
First, congratulations on your pregnancy! I wish you well with the pregnancy, birth, and after. Being the mom of many children, I can 100% identify with you! Here are my recommendations.
First, make sure you are able to get a fair amount of high-quality protein and fat in small amounts during the day, along with a bit of fermented sauerkraut or other ferment. This will aid in digestion and help to settle the stomach.
Next, I recommend grating fresh ginger and mixing it with a little mint to make a tea, with a bit of honey for sweetening and, if tolerated, a splash of raw cream or milk.
Broth is always helpful to calm and soothe the stomach, while providing added nourishment. I keep it going almost constantly on the stove and, even if it’s all you can get down for awhile, this will help with morning (all-day) sickness and nutrients. You can try adding a dab of butter or splash of cream to this as well.
I hope this helps, best wishes to you!
Can a pregnant women eat raw egg yolks if the eggs are from chickens who are only outside in nature and not supplemented with any type of feed?
My daughter is 6:5 months pregnant with twins and was just told she has preeclampsia. Are there any dietary and/herbal suggestions that will help? Thank you
Reply from Sally,
Our diet for pregnant women would be best–high in animal foods and good fats. (https://www.westonaprice.org/health-topics/diet-for-pregnant-and-nursing-mothers/)
What is the best way to get all B vitamins in while pregnant? Is a methylated B complex supplement a good idea?
Things like RRL or nettle infusions are great for vitamins and minerals!
Hello! I am 18 weeks pregnant and am very happy to be done with the first trimester. I was very sick and could not tolerate a lot of the WAPF-approved foods. I was determined to eat well, but there were days where my morning sickness monster only allowed me to eat Chic-Fil-A and ice cream. I managed to get cod liver oil, butter, liver supplements, and raw milk almost daily, but I’m worried because for weeks I couldn’t get a bite of eggs or home-cooked meat without an adverse reaction. I am waiting until week 20 to get an ultrasound and am nervous that my baby did not receive the nutrients necessary for the formation of good bone structure. I have been eating well since about week 14 (dear old Weston would be proud!), but I’m nervous that I nutritionally “starved” my baby for a while there. Have you seen this at all? Can I still make up for my inadequate nutrition intake?
Hi, we are currently trying to get pregnant. Is it safe to use an infrared sauna pre & during pregnancy? Struggling to get natural sunlight during the winter!
Can you take the Green Pasture cod liver oil and a beef liver supplement like from Heart & Soil during pregnancy?