If you have never experienced a panic attack, then count your blessings. If you or someone you care about suffers from this overwhelming condition, do read on, for I have a point of view toward the eradication of panic attacks and intense anxiety that may interest you.
Even though you may not actually be dying during a panic attack, it surely feels like it. I know; I used to suffer them and I’ve witnessed many others in this ghastly state of mind. When they’re over, you wonder what all the fuss was about, but no amount of mind control can bring the relief of sanity when the tsunami crashes down upon you.
I teach my students and clients that the first place to look for the source of the disorder is with inadequate nutrition and/or the use of conventional drugs. If there are not enough calming saturated fats in the diet, for example, or if statin drugs are being taken, I’ve noted time and again that this can put the mind into a state of either chronic background anxiety (as relentless as Muzak in an elevator) or throw the sufferer into all-embracing panic attacks. Coconut oil, cod liver oil and butter added to the diet have helped many of my clients as has the decision to do away with superfluous drugs. Yet some conditions are not addressed by these measures. Although psychiatric counseling might seem to be called for in the case of chronic anxiety, I contend that often panic attacks are not truly psychiatric in nature, they merely present as such.
The first time I witnessed a panic attack was in a young mother after she had taken a drug for pinworms. Within minutes of taking a dose of this drug, which was essentially a pesticide, Paula flew into a surge of physical and mental restlessness. She described it like this: “It was as though my body was possessed, like I had drunk a pot of strong coffee and eaten a pound of sugar all at once. My mind was racing; my heart pounding and perspiration was beading on my face. I was actually dashing about my living room like the house was on fire and I needed to escape but it was only happening to me. My family stared at me in wonder. I knew it was the drug I had just ingested and I also knew when I took it that it would be risky since I’m sensitive to lawn pesticides. They make me feel the same way, but this experience was tenfold, because I swallowed those horrible pills.”
The remedy that not only relieved Paula’s symptoms but put her in a better state for when her neighbors sprayed lawn pesticides was Arsenicum album 30. “Within about five minutes of taking the little pills, my shoulders dropped, and the intense fear and restlessness melted away. It was miraculous.” Paula has since learned how to treat pinworms with homeopathic remedies instead of submitting to toxic allopathic strategems and is prepared with her protective remedy should pesticide exposure affect her in the future.
Then there was my cousin Mary who called me one evening describing conditions similar to Paula’s. Mary had no idea what had caused her fearful sensations. She was certain, though, that she was about to die of a heart attack; she was not in pain yet she couldn’t get the thought of impending death out of her mind. She decided to call me before she left for the emergency room. I asked her what she had been doing that day to see whether we could unearth the exciting cause.
Mary’s family had been out for the day and she saw this as an opportunity to hunt through her children’s Halloween candy stash. Her intention was to eat only one or two small pieces of chocolate, but after eight morsels, her heart began pounding. She recalled that when she was a child, she had eczema and that chocolate exacerbated the rash. Ever since understanding the damning association of the two, she had always felt deprived of chocolate. Nowadays, whenever the opportunity presented itself, she would steal away and indulge in her sweet secret. Mary hadn’t considered the premise that the excess of chocolate was the problem until we began talking about it. “I never had this kind of reaction to it. In the past, it might have caused some loose stools or a little reemergence of eczema, but not a feeling that my heart was racing.”
If you are already familiar with homeopathy, you might guess the remedy that I chose for Mary. It is one that is used after overindulgence, particularly of a stimulant. If you guessed Nux vomica, you are correct. Mercifully, Mary had a homeopathy kit and I waited on the phone while she dropped a few of the little pills into her mouth. For her, it required a second dose about twenty minutes later for her galloping heart to calm and I witnessed her demeanor transform from terror to tranquility. The next day, she told me that shortly after we hung up, she slept for twelve hours. “Today I feel better than I have for weeks.” Should she ever overindulge again, she’s prepared with her remedy.
But what if the cause of panic attacks has nothing to do with what was ingested? What if they seem to appear from nowhere? This is when homeopathy can do its niftiest work because we don’t always need to discover the etiology of the condition.
Meet Elisha. She is a twenty-five-year-old mom who had panic attacks related to the delivery of her children. At the time of the birth of her first baby, she experienced gob-smacking anxiety while in labor. Certain she was destined to die, her anxiety was worse than her labor pains. She muscled through them. Then with her second pregnancy, her anxiety reappeared and the panic grew as she did, until towards the fortieth week she was beside herself with anxiety. But it wasn’t until she was in labor that her knowledgeable midwife dropped a few doses of Aconitum 200 into Elisha’s mouth and it halted the anxiety attacks within minutes. Soon after the birth, as she lay with her babe in arms, her panic reappeared only to be met with another few doses and complete resolution followed: “It was like a miracle. The anxiety never returned despite the fact that I’ve had two subsequent babies.”
Elisha’s fifteen-year-old brother Martin also suffered panic attacks but his were different. Martin’s anxiety would appear only in the evenings and the pediatrician had given him Valium. Martin thought the name was cool; it sounded heroic. (Thank you, pharmaceutical marketing team.) It’s not so nice a name when you learn that it is a medication belonging to the drug class called benzodiazepine. Martin told his mom that he liked the high he felt from taking the pills, but the next day, he was often drowsy and ill behaved.
His mom was appalled that her son was experiencing a false euphoria and becoming interested in getting high, so she started the family on the GAPS (Gut and Psychology Syndrome) diet, and concentrating on obtaining ingredients from only the cleanest farm raised foods. She prepared all meals from scratch, which brought Martin’s overall condition up a notch. The daytime drowsiness thankfully fell away before Martin’s family weaned him off Valium. Now with his new diet and no synthetic drugs, Martin’s school time anxieties lightened, yet the nocturnal anxieties persisted. Instead of sleep he sometimes paced at night praying for rest. Meanwhile his heart felt stepped up and he perspired profusely.
The remedy chosen for Martin was Coffea 200. When Martin learned the name of the remedy, he said it made sense in that it was derived from coffee and was in fact quite accurately the way he often felt: as though he had drunk a large quantity of coffee.
Coffea 200 is a remedy that Elisha, Paula, and Mary all might have profited from as well. Just because the remedies chosen for these others were different doesn’t mean that some of them may not be interchangeable or used in different circumstances. Coffea 200 is one of our premier remedies for anxiety and sleeplessness. That might have suited any of these situations.
Martin took Coffea 200 before bed every night for a few weeks and his anxiety vanished while his sleep became fully restored. His family is relieved not only because his sleep was reinstated, but most significantly, he was not ingesting a daily dose of psychotropic drugs.
Allow me to leave you with one more important remedy that may make your choice even easier. A most ubiquitous remedy that seems to work regardless of the circumstances and is probably available at your local health food store is Ignatia amara 200. For someone who suffers long term, chronic anxiety, this may become your remedy of choice. It can be used for those who suffer fear, worry, grief, or nearly any disturbing emotion and it can safely be administered over a period of weeks and months. As improvement ensues, its use may be eliminated and then reinstated later, if the anxiety reappears. Most likely it will not be needed again and again. Remember, homeopathy doesn’t cover up symptoms; it resolves illness.
Here we have five simple homeopathic remedies: Arsenicum album 200 for when a poison has been ingested or inhaled, Nux vomica 200 for when there’s overindulgence of a stimulant, Aconitum 200 often used around birthing, Coffea 200 to resolve anxiety associated with insomnia, and Ignatia 200 when in doubt or if nothing else seems to fit. If you or your family suffers from anxiety or panic attacks, have these aids on hand and choose the one that most closely matches the circumstances and symptoms. Then watch the magic of homeopathy melt away the suffering at your healing hands.
When studying homeopathic remedies, it is wise to refer to the great medical minds of this noble art. Dr. William
Boericke’s book Homeopathic Materia Medica is as pertinent today as it was in its first edition of 1901. Here is what Dr.
Boericke tells us about the various remedies appropriate for anxiety and panic:
1. Arsenicum album: “Pulse more rapid in morning dilatation. Cyanosis. Angina pectoris. Great anguish and restlessness. Changes place continually. Fears of death, of being left alone. Great fear, with cold sweat. Despair drives him from place to place. General sensibility increased.”
2. Nux vomica: “Nux vomica is pre-eminently the remedy for many of the conditions incident to modern life. Seeks stimulants, coffee, wine, possibly in excess. These things are associated with other indulgences; at table, he takes preferably rich and stimulating food. These conditions produce an irritable nervous system, hypersensitive and over-impressionable, which Nux will do much to soothe and calm. Hypochondriac states depending thereon….always seems to be out of tune; inharmonious spasmodic action.”
3. Aconitum: “After-pains, with fear and restlessness. Great fear, anxiety, and worry accompany every ailment, however trivial. Forebodings and fears. Fears death but believes that he will soon die; predicts the day. Restlessness, tossing about.”
4. Coffea cruda: “It stimulates the functional activity of all organs, increasing the nervous and vascular activity. Great nervous agitation and restlessness. Extreme sensitiveness characterizes this remedy. Unusual activity of mind and body. Bad effects of sudden emotions, surprises, joy, etc. Nervous palpitation.”
This article appeared in Wise Traditions in Food, Farming and the Healing Arts, the quarterly journal of the Weston A. Price Foundation, Spring 2014.
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Don’t forget to include Suntheanine-L theanine is the extract of green tea-no interactions and no side effects-amazing!
Thank you as always Joette!
I have a very slight anxiety especially from march to August.and I’m on a very low dose of paroxine cr 12.5 mg.and I feel good.just dealing with irrational thoughts and fear in these months.cause I once had a panic attack in these months so its not getting out of my head.somehow I have to start taking ssri for 6 months.but I want alternate as these have alot of side effects.and being a pharmacist I know that.please guide me.
Moiz ahmed
You take ACONITUM NAPELLUS (Acon.), ARSENICUM ALBUM (Ars. Alb.) and PHOSPHORUS (Phos.) All in 200 5 droups in some water tell me about condition at my whats app 00973 35377256
Where I you located ? Can I contact you for treatment ? Thanks
I am 48 going through the change of life menopause I am having panic attacks left and right. Starts with heart racing and breathing hard to control then all the weird sensations of an anxiety attack can’t control it cause it takes over me and I feel like my heart is gonna pound out of my chest and I can’t get enough air. What can I take? Please help going crazy.
dear jane,
keep inhaling lavander, especially at the time of breathing needed attack. you get immediate breath, please keep drinking chamomile tea—9 to 15 grams. if you are under homeopathy dont drink chamonile tea. breathe right nasal strips give you immediate breathe. with nasal strips and lavander inhale you will get immediate oxygen my dear. try these two, love.
i use these immediate breathe:
I am 22 years old college student .I am suffering this condition since my childhood but I could not find out what is the problem actually is because I am confuse as my problem is I am feeling sudden illness it is going wrong with me .I am getting fear to travel outside from my home.I like to stay my home all time even i am afraid of going college that is far away from my home and i feel if i would go there I will fall in illness .Now I am feeling pain in chest ,back,belly and here and there i think it is gas so i am taking medicine .i am becoming thin and thin .I cant concentrate on my studies and my exam is kocking at, what will I do I cant understand please help me.
Call a homeopath in your area by googling.
For those of you suffering, try the suggestions. They really do help. Also try mindfulness meditation, it helps too. And EFT (tapping) works too. Know that the attacks are only temporary and chemically induced so when the fight/flight chemicals have run their course so will the attack. I have been suffering on and off for 4 years, since my nervous breakdown when my mother died of cancer. Memories can trigger or exacerbate the problem. Walks in nature help me. I’m going to try the suggestion for ingatia 200 since lately I’ve had more of a chronic anxiety.
To Mir Mesbahul, get some Pacific Bone Broth. It’s got the best ingredients, or make it yourself (google it). I too had severe stomach pain and couldn’t eat. Lost lots of weight, couldn’t stand let alone walk. Bone broth is highly nutritious and easy to digest. It will give you strength. Try some blender drinks of apple, spinach (any green), beets, cucumber, celery. Easier to digest and filled with nutrients. And clear soups.
Keep researching remedies until you find one, or combination, that works for you. Try to be a palm tree bending in the hurricane. It just bends, never breaks. You will be ok eventually. Hang in there and try to relax. Good luck to you all.
“May you move through your day lighthearted and carefree, knowing all is well.” ~Deepak Chopra
I suffered anxiety and panic attacks and always worrying for about 15 years now I am taking Meds for it and it doesn’t help that great I don’t want to be on it the rest of my life can you please help thanks
I am suffering panic from 4years.I was taking alopathic medicine for 3 years then I met a ent specialist for snowring problem he told me side effects if you take for longer period but moreover no relief was there in alopathic. My friend suggested for ayurvedic and I had started taking it from 1year . It wa’s just awesome good changes had come and from 1year it is going good. Problem is in my busy life iam not able to have the medicine on time. Because many mixing proportions and etc things.only on holidays full fledged medicine iam able to take. My query is can I go for homeo and get the same energetic and the same life back
Yes, homeo heals anxiety.
Well. I’ve yet to heal anxiety with any homeopathy remedies. What can be done
Dear Jane,
I am so sorry of ur symptoms. Lavender gives you immediate breathe relief. Look for breathe right nasal strips. Call a homeopath in your area by googling.
Get checked for Lyme’s disease
There are areas of the country that do not have homeopaths. I’m in Missouri there arent any true homeopaths here I googed several times with rephrasing, changing distance. I live nearly center of the state. Very frustrating.
I have Fall and Spring anxiety and need homeopathic relief. Anyone??
Hi I’m 16 years old and I’m suffering from anxiety, fear of death, loss of appetite and unstoppable negative thoughts from past 6 months. I have changed so many doctors and medicines Bt I didn’t got any relief till now I’m really drained from this problem it’s a request to please help me up and suggest me some good homeopathic medicine which could really work in my case. And sometimes I also feel a Lil prickly pain in my chest and mostly at my right hand side portion.
I’m 17 years old, female with hashimoto and hypothyroid. Lately I feel very anxious for no reason, and I feel unwell. Everything irritates me, I hate everything and everyone, I jumped at my sister, I get angry easily, nothing interests me. What homeopathy medicines can I take?
I had a serious upset about a month ago, something that was said/done years ago as a child came back to me over a smattered of days, this isn’t a normal occurrence, I had blocked it for a reason, but now it has made me fearful to an extreme all over again. I know it lacks reality in my current circumstances. It pushed me into a terrible depression for the past month which I am trying to pull out of now. Over the past week along with anxiety I have had a tightness in my chest and left arm that comes and goes, pressure in my head etc.
I read this and have since purchased Arsenicum Album 200cx took two doses yesterday, one in the afternoon and one in the evening before bed. Relief with the first dose but the after the second dose I still could not sleep, the tightness in my arm and chest came back and worsened until aboutn 4:30am when I took a baby aspirin and and herbal heart remedy I have used on and off for years. My entire body shaking with anxiety and fear. A 3rd dose will not be administered. Any suggestions?
Thank you.
Emma, since you had relief with the first dose, another dose should not have been administered. I am experiencing the exact same thing as you right now. Something I thought I had buried a year or so ago mentally, unearthed itself by something someone said the other day, and I have been in a tailspin ever since. 🙁 My body is physically exhausted from the anxiety……heart racing and feels like it’s in my throat. I was thinking arsenicum for this also, and I do have the 200c here. I might try it. Only one dose though…
I am tanvir i am worried about my son’s health . He is 30 years old and having Anxiety and panic attack for the last 7 years he does not want to have alpathic treatment . Please suggest some homeo medicine for anxiety and panic attack. Thanks.
I have been taking xanox 0.25mg at night. It is not helping but causing a lot of balance problem in the morning as side effect. How to taper this baby dose and replace it with a beta blocker ( my B.P is high ) or a homepathic remedy. Severe anxiety with muscle imbalance.
My 8 year old son has anxiety and gets panic attacks. What can I start doing for him?
Severe panic attacks that last day and night and no meds help. Almost no sleep. Please advise.
I want to know too