Until recently I have suffered from a condition called “menorrhagia.” The symptoms are basically extremely heavy menstrual bleeding accompanied by the passing of tissue, (it looks like a large blood clot, but is actually the lining of the uterus), and sometimes heavy abdominal, back, or leg cramping. It was, for me, a never-ending period. Sometimes I would stop bleeding for maybe only 2 or 3 days, before the next episode would begin. This had been going on for the past 3 or 4 years, gradually getting worse.
I really loathe the average doctor, and am not keen on pharmaceuticals, so I began my search for answers online. I came across a site which explained that fibroid tumors and menorraghia, almost exclusively, go hand in hand. Then I began looking at natural remedies for fibroids, and learned that fibroids are caused by an imbalance of the hormones testosterone & estrogen. The estrogen being the dominant hormone, with the fibroids feeding off of excess estrogen. The most effective natural hormone balancer to be found is Vitex, (chaste tree berry). The site also said that women suffering from menorraghia were prone to having a vitamin A deficiency. The site didn’t recommend any particular source of vitamin A, or recommend an amount. So, I began taking Vitex, in the amounts listed as being the most effective (1200mg per day, all at once), and what I thought to be a normal dose of cod liver oil (about 12,000 IU per day).
My symptoms improved somewhat, and I thought that it might just take some time to get back to normal. Apparently, every time I would get stressed-out, the symptoms would get really bad. One night I had to prepare dinner for twelve at an event with some guests who were very important to me. Even though it all worked out in the end, I was so stressed out after cleaning up the kitchen, that the menorraghia hit me full force, and I could barely walk. With the cramping and edema that goes along with all of that, I had to go home early.
Through the Weston A. Price Foundation, I learned that much higher doses of cod liver oil might help—as high as 90,000 IU. I thought, “I don’t know if I can get that down!” (I have a problem with gag reflex, when it comes to swallowing oil.) The next day, we got a couple of bottles of high vitamin cod liver oil, and I took three full tablespoons, (60,000IU), and continued to take this much for the next three days. After the first day, the bleeding was cut in half! By the third day, it was gone, and has not returned since! I take a maintenance amount of cod liver oil in doses of 30,000 IU everyday, and have noticed that my sleep has improved, and there’s much less edema as well. Even though I didn’t take the full 90,000 IU, the large dose worked incredibly well. I’m thinking that with the help of cod liver oil, I could try cooking for Jacques Pépin next!
Thank you for your help,
Ricki Nuñez
Gainesville, FL
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Thanks, Ricki. Thought I was alone. Did what you recommended and finally got relief.
Does it matter if it’s not fermented cod liver oil?
Hi I have fibroids n I m suffering from heavy bleeding. Dr is not giving appointments if u do not have smear test. Can any one please reply to stop this bleeding. Me n my husband are doing family planning but with bleeding it’s not possible. Please guide me I m really frustrated now.. sometimes suicide thoughts are also coming. Please help me to stop all these. Please
Please don’t lose hope! Reach out to the Dr. and tell them how you are feeling. I will be Praying for you.
UNSULPHURED BLACKSTRAP MOLASSES 1 spoon in warm water will stop bleeding and reverse fibroids
Thank you so much, much appreciated.
Daily? Or when just on your period?
Hi Pls buy UNSULPHURED BLACKSTRAP MOLASSES – I used Aunty Patty’s organic one from whole foods – take 1 glass warm water and put 1 spoon and stir it and drink with a straw ( it could strain your teeth). The bleeding should stop in 10-15 mins – if you are in between periods
You can take this 2 or 3 times a day
It will stop the bleeding
– pls get off all milk products even if it’s organic – only milk – you can take other products like yoghurt etc
– off all animal products like eggs chicken meat etc
– I don’t know if it works with birth control pills – pls check
For Anaemia
1. Wheatgrass juice daily 1 or 2 glasses – both juice and wheatgrass are available at whole foods
2.Cumin seeds – 1 spoon = 4 gms iron – you can take 15-20 spoons if needed
3. Beet and carrot juice
4. BLACKSTRAP MOLASSES will increase yr iron
God bless !
Pls write back if you see results
HI Payal,
I am suffering from pcos as well fibroids .Any help for pcos and can we have paneer if we have fibroids?
What about kefir? I drink a lot of kefir. Also do you think this will help my endometriosis?
does it really stop the bleeding? I need to stop the constant spotting!!!
Hi thanks for this, do you mean to eat the cumin seeds raw? Thanks
depending on your age – a doctor can prescribe a heavy periods reduce bleeding tablet. It has a number of potentially bad side effects (possible blood clots) so your doctor will need to speak to you about your health if suitable – but he can provide tablets to reduce the flow. You need to cut out sugar/coffee/tea/processed foods/meat and dairy really – they help fibroids to flourish ie GROW… Vitamin D is often low in fibroid cases – if you google there are herbal tablets to stabalise your hormones… but a strict diet really needs to be inforced – and get rid of the culprits that feed the fibroids. .Toxins in your body need to be reduced.
Dear Margi,
I hope you are doing well and got some relief from the symptoms.
I am 29 years old and always had heavy flow but from past year I began to bleed for 10 days and passed uncountable clots , I thought it was because of some hormonal changes with happens with age. I have had history of fibroadenoma in both the breast and got it surgical removed again this May. I was already so disheartened plus too much of stress because of mom’s health. I had acute pain near my navel from past month and was also spotting in between periods so I decided to see a gynaecologist. Got my sonography done and found out i have a 5.3 cm large fibroid on the anterior fundal of uterus. I was devastated when I found put because I am not up for another surgery. My gynecologist suggested that eventually I will have to get it removed. The stress is real. I am trying to find out natural ways to get it reversed. I literally went through every comment over here and found out that there are so many women out there facing these hormonal issues especially fibroids and it’s really heartbreaking. Thinking og giving it a try for ACV, vit A abd Cod liver oil. I hope we all get through this and have a pain-free period life and live happily.
Try Castor oil packs to dissolve fibroids.
This works…. ultrasounds before and after proved it
tranxaminic Acid 500 mgrs 3 times a day for 4 days. according to my Dr
Tranexamic acid is going to clot your blood, destroy your kidneys and cause blurred vision. I also get depressed because of them. I mean extremely low. Think carefully before taking it.
I wish I had a way to email you what has been helping. Maybe you email me rawar dot williams at gmail dot com. just remind me where you are messaging from. Im a Registered Nurse and I’ve seen things that help. Plus I had it as well. Good luck.
Research castor oil packs ❤️
Hello Margi, I am reading your message just now – 4-5 years later. How are you doing? While these kind of thoughts can come from hormonal imbalances, our enemy wants to kill, steal, and destroy. We need Jesus, seek Him and Father God our creator. Through Him, we have authority over the enemy. I’m praying for you. ❤️
Please read my replies as payal on UNSULPHURED BLACKSTRAP MOLASSES – it stops bleeding shrinks Fibroids
Thx payal
When do you take it? Off cycle? On cycle? Daily?
I have postmenopausal bleeding and hoping to see an end to the bleeding. It’s been going on a week now. I was diagnosed with fibroids 5 years ago and told they would go away but I think they’re the cause of this bleed.
Kind thanks
Yes, the cod liver oil works. I had the same results as you after 19 days of flow. After 4 days of taking it, my extremely heavy flow stopped. I take Garden of Life cod liver oil where the Vitamin A and D is naturally occurring. Avoid cod liver oils with retinyl palmitate. You’ll want 100% cod liver oil. I also take Vitex. This is my first month taking both.
Hi there, how much cod liver oil did you take to stop the bleeding please? The original post says 60,000 but I cant work out how much that is anywhere. Would really appreciate if you could help. Many thanks.
In the article she says, “The next day, we got a couple of bottles of high vitamin cod liver oil, and I took three full tablespoons, (60,000IU), and continued to take this much for the next three days.”
I get bleeding like this if I eat Truvia Stevia. Stevia is known to cause miscarriages and hormonal imbalances, so maybe that is why!
Thank you Mimi! I made this one change and my bleeding STOPPED completely! Women, if you are using stevia this could be your cause of heavy bleeding. I’m telling you it’s doing something to the body that’s not right.
What brand should I use? I really need this.
No. This is about a Vitamin A/D deficiency and the only studied remedy known to treat fibroids.
Thank you so much for sharing your story. I had one very large fibroid that kept growing and I had similar symptoms – edema, painful back and leg cramping and I was also severely anemic after three years of this. My life basically didn’t exist. In those 3 years I resisted 4 gynecologists who recommended a hysterectomy but I didn’t see this website and your letter until recently. I tried different kinds of holistic therapy and working with an alternative practitioner but nothing worked to reduce the ever-growing fibroid. In my research I found out that a myomectomy would take out the fibroid, leaving my organs intact. Why didn’t the gynecologists mention this surgery? To this day I am mystified that they only recommended a hysterectomy and never mentioned the possibility of a myomectomy. It may be because a hysterectomy is just easier for the doctors to do- or maybe because it is more lucrative. I really couldn’t get an answer to that. I looked for a dr to do a myomectomy but couldn’t find one that seemed willing and happy to do this procedure. I was actually scared that I’d go into surgery expecting just the fibroid removed and come out without my uterus, etc. – I read online accounts of this happening. Finally I came across the HERS Foundation and they recommended a wonderful dr. to do a myomectomy. So I want to put it out there for women who might want to consider something less invasive than a hysterectomy. I wish I had read this letter and tried the mega dosing before having to do surgery – the surgery was similar to a c-section in my case, although it depends on the location of the fibroid. So it is major surgery, but still one more option for those considering hysterectomy.
Can I get the information to the Doctor.
You don’t need surgery. You can get an UFE done which is just freezing and killing the fibroids with a catheter. Research DR. LIPMAN and UFE. 20+ years of experience.
No, UFE does NOT freeze fibroids.
During uterine fibroid embolization, a catheter is inserted into a main artery. It is guided to the blood vessels feeding the fibroid, where it deposits a cluster of small plastic particles. The particles block bloodflow to the fibroid. Starved of blood, the fibroid dies.
This is typically an outpatient procedure with a small incision in your wrist or upper thigh.
People experience variable degrees of pain as the fibroid dies. Depending on where the fibroid is, the body reabsorbs or discharges the tissue. Personally I would plan at least a week or two off work to recover at home for this procedure.
Thank you for sharing.
I had heavy periods all of my life, I’m 35. I was using iron supplements since I was 18, I had seen many specialist doctors, doing a lot of tests to find out what was the problem. When I was 25 an hematologist put me on birth control pills. He said even if I had a perfect diet, I’d still have anemia due to heavy period. I took the birth control pills for 2 years, it helped with my period, but I got psoriasis. I started doing research and find out that birth control pills cause cancer, too, so I stopped taking them.
I have been taking fermented cod liver oil as a supplement for a year, and its amazing. I have a normal period now, thank God. I feel stronger and with much more energy.
fermented cod liver oil? how can I find that? I´ve been taking iron supplementation for at least five years by now, I really need someting to improve. Please reply if you see this. Thanks
Blue Ice Fernented Cod Liver Oil is the brandname.
What did you do to substitute your birth control?
you should look into different fertility awareness methods. This is NOT the rhythm method. The rhythm method is not a fertility awareness method. My husband and I have been using it for almost 2 years and we have not had any unwanted pregnancies. The method we use if the symptothermal method.
I had large amounts of bleeding in 2007 due to uterine fibroids. At the time I was 41. The doctors recommended a myomectomy, but I knew I would be in the hospital for five days and have much scar tissue. I still hoped to marry and have a baby someday. So after seeing three OB/GYN’s in Buffalo, New Yor who said the same thing, I kept praying and asking God if there was another way. One night, in the middle of the night, I couldn’t sleep. I got up and saw a magazine on the table, flipped it open and there it was an article on robotic surgery. I ended up having robotic surgery one city away (because they didn’t do it Buffalo then) to take the uterine fibroids out, outpatient, with tiny scars! Now, years later they do it all over the county. The doctors said the fibroids might grow back and now, seven years later, I have some. I’m trying a natural cure–Turmeric, apple cider vinegar, changing diet, and cod liver oil and of course, prayer. If that doesn’t work, I may need robotic surgery again. Ask the Lord to help you!
Get your thyroid efficiency and iodine levels checked. Dont use plastic water bottles and utensils for meals. Most of the time an underactive thyroid is the reason of fibroids to grow back.
Hi Pam, really interested to read about your problems with fibroids as mine were very similar and I had a myomectomy in 2008 and my fibroids have returned. Is the robotic surgery you had called a hysteroscopy?
Hi what brand of cod liver oil do you recommend?
Hi, I have some large fibroids and have been suffering with heavy bleeding and large blood clots for about 2 and a half years, and sometimes this would continue throughout the whole month, to the extent that it impacted on my everyday life, each month the bleeding seemed to be getting heavier. I had ultrasound scans and a biopsy to rule out other problems, but all tests came back clear. I tried all sorts but nothing worked apart from prescribed medication from the doctors which helped to keep my problem at bay, until I came across Nikki’s tread above.
I have been taking Angus Castus (Vitex) and cod liver oil for nearly 2 months now. After a week I saw an improvement in my bleeding, and after 2 weeks, I just had spotting, by the 3rd week the and bleeding had completely stopped, and I have been fine since and by body feels normal again.
I just wanted to share this with you all.
Hi what dosage of vitex and cod liver oil?
What is the dosage
please how can I get vitex? I live in Nigeria. thanks
Healthplus pharmacy stores in Lagos stock them or they can order for you.
I cant find any cod liver oil with vitamin a especially that high of an amount, please help
Hi Michelle,
Weston A Price Foundation has recommended in the past Sonne’s Cod liver oil ( Springreen is their brand as well )and Twin labs in their shopping guide under the good category. Springreen cod liver oil you would take 5 tbsps to reach 60,000 IU
You can purchase this cod liver oil at https://www.naturalhealthyconcepts.com/cod-liver-oil-No85.html I pray this helps you 🙂
How do you deal with the extra calories? Holy
What is the best time of day to take it? Morning or night.
Since posting this last. My family and have discovered Rosita cod liver oil has been best for us to use. I have also started using ostro organics borage seed oil as well to balance the hormones. I would encourage everyone to look into The Root Cause Protocal by Morley Robbins before taking any Iron supplements.
Yes and Amen! I highly recommend The Root Cause Protocol also. It explains the root cause of disease and what’s being talked about here!!!
Hi, Last year I suffered from heavy bleeding and clotting (the clotting was so bad that I couldn’t keep a tampon in they would push them right out) from October 2016 to the beginning of February 2017. I had experienced this maybe 5 or 6 years ago but the bleeding only lasted 6 weeks and stopped. After that my period was normal again. However, this time around the bleeding never stopped.
After 2 months of heavy bleeding I could barely walk 2 feet without feeling like i just ran 10 miles so I went to ER. I had lost so much blood my hemoglobin was down to 7 which caused me to need a blood transfusion. The doctor had told me that he would give me medication to stop the bleeding but by morning he was gone and he didn’t note my chart so I was denied a prescription for medication to stop the bleeding when I was released. 6 Days later I had to go BACK to the ER, except this time I had lost so much blood, my eyes felt like they had bricks on them and I could barely see. At this point, my hemoglobin was at 5. Needless to say I had to have another transfusion requiring an additional pint of blood. I was told I could have had a heart attack. This doctor prescribed Norethindrone to stop the bleeding for 5 days until i saw my OBGYN.
I finally went to my OBGYN and she gave me a 60 day prescription for Norethindrone. At this point it was January and I had been bleeding for 3 months. After a few weeks my bleeding stopped. During this time my OBGYN kept insisting I get an IUD which had horrible side effects which i didn’t want to chance. She also recommended I get some kind of fan that they implant in your uterus and it burns the walls of your uterus. Of course I refused.
I didn’t bleed from February to May. However In May, I started bleeding again and I got a 30 day supply of Norethindrone. However, this time it didnt stop the bleeding completely. I kept reading blogs about ACV and fibroids I read that caffeine, processed meats and refined sugars are what feeds fibroids. So i cut back on my intake of these foods. I also started adding 3 tablespoons of Bragg’s ACV to a bottle of water and i drink 2 bottles a day. In addition, I ordered Herbal Secrets Apple Cider Vinegar Tablets which I take 3 times a day. It has been about 3 weeks and the bleeding and clotting have completely stopped. In addition to this I have lost 10 lbs. I’m not Sure if my fibroids shrunk or if it just controlled the bleeding .. but I am fixed! lol .. I didn’t want to have surgery or any of the other methods my OBGYN recommended. I’m so glad this works! You have to be patient if you use this method it wont work overnight. I hope this story helps someone!
Hello ~ thank you so much for this post ~ I just ordered the ACV tabs ~ you mention you take them 3x per day ~ do you take one or two tabs? Thank you for your help ☺️
Thanks for sharing.
I was wondering: 3 tablespoons of vinegar in a bottle… how big is the bottle. 1 litre? 1.5 litre?
Thank you so much ❤️This was so helpful!
Do you get acidity when you take ACV.
I thank u all for sharing ur stories. I shall try to go by it hoping that I will get a positive result and sure to get back to u on ds platform
Thanks for the posts.
Am 47 and I am experiencing heavy and excessive bleeding during my menses which is not stopping. Doctors say it due to fibroids and where it is positioned. I bled for 17 days now. I heard of the cod liver oil, Vitex and the apple cider vinegar.
What must I do or where can I get them. Am in Ghana.
Any suggestions on what brand of Angus Castus to purchase?
Hi I live in England ‘ holland and Barrett’ sell Agnes castus made in Germany. I’ve just tried it today so fingers crossed. Also u nay want to try organic apple cider vinegar in warm water and magnesium tablets are beneficial for balancing hormone irregularity – the main cause of fibroids and menorrhagia
I am 52 years of age and have literally had problems with menorhagia and dreadful pain (which would often make me vomit) since my teens. I have also had just about every premenstrual symptom going, the most constant one being tremendous fluid retention and muscle weakness. I have tried all manner of therapies over the years and the most effective I found was classical osteopathy and colon hydrotherapy. These helped dampen things somewhat. In my twenties, I used codeine, paracetomol etc but later, actually realised these medications were actually worsening the pain because they were harsh on my digestive system. I haven’t used medications for anything since! Anyway a few months back, I had gum and tooth issues so purchased some supplements starting out with Seven Seas cod liver oil. Being menopausal, my period had delayed for a couple of months and when it arrived, it was just very long and light… and pain free! This month it has arrived a month later and lo and behold, it is pain-free and whilst heavy, isn’t clotting! I have since added in Green Pastures butter oil/fermented fish oil capsules and still have some of the cod liver oil. I am little short of astounded since the only other time in my life that I have had a pain-free period was when I had several sessions of acupuncture before an important exam since the period was due on the exam date- and arrived. Quite literally, if I’d had the pain, I would not have been able to do the exam, which would have been a disaster at the time! So I am continuing with the fish oils. I do not jest when I state that the period problems literally wrecked my career path and have caused several employment problems over the years. As such, this event constitutes a miracle for me!!!
Be careful with fish oil. Fish oil is highly toxic, will led to other problems. (It is made from oil of skin, blubber, flesh etc). Cod Liver Oil (made only from the liver of cod) is very healthy.
I had heavy bleeding for 14 days after my period while I was travelling out of the country. I typically don’t go to doctors because I don’t have faith in the system, but this time I was forced to see one due to the nonstop bleeding. The doctor believed I had hormonal imbalance and gave me progestin to stop the bleeding. The heavy bleeding stopped within one day. When I came back to the US, I was forced to see a doctor because the heavy bleeding resumed. From the ultrasound, she saw fibroids in my uterus and said this could be the cause of the bleeding. She ruled out menopause because my FSH and LH levels were nowhere near the menopause levels (I am 46). She suggested I see an oby/gyn. After the progestin cycle ended (10 days), the heavy bleeding returned and I was no longer sure if it was my menstrual period or just bleeding. After two days of unbearable bleeding, I took the second cycle of progestin pills. I felt very weak, demoralized, and unable to do regular activities. I looked everywhere online for answers, but nothing really helped until I saw your posting on the WAPF site regarding cod liver oil. I immediately took 4.5 tsps of the high vitamin fermented cod liver oil and drank raw milk. The next day, the bleeding was significantly less. By the third day, it has almost stopped completely. I will continue taking the CLO and see how it goes. I cannot thank you enough for posting this. This is a big life saver. I am worried about what the ob/gyn will suggest about the fibroids. I am crossing my fingers that the CLO and the raw milk will make everything normal again.
Thanks ricki Nunez for sharing ur terrible experience with menorrhagia. I’ve had a similar experience for the last 6 months and with periods lasting 5 weeks of sheer non stop bleeding to the extent I needed 2 blood transfusions. I was put on tanexamic acid tablets and esmya and ferrous sulphate tablets by my gyaenocologist. Nothing seemed to work . After my hysteroscopy I had 1 fibroid removed but carried on bleeding. The tanexamic acidseemed to make my condition worse. So I looked around online and found several self help remedies that I am trying
Angus castus a natural remedy
Will help
Also organic apple cider vinegar a few drops in warm water to drink on an empty stomach in th morning
Black cohosh root is very effective it helps regulate the menstrual cycle and shrinks the fibroid tumours
Also as you have subjected fermentedcod liver oil or vitamin A – please be aware that any oil supplements you take should not contain soya- bean oil as this feeds the fibroids.i hope this info helps anyone else who is experiencing what is a ‘ very traumatising experience’,
I’ve ordered Seven Seas capsules. Approximately how many would I take to get to the right dosage??
Hi, can anyone tell me where can I buy/ordered the cod oil & Vitex?
My heavy bleeding dd start when I was 35yo. I have no insurance so no on check up for me Til 2013 finally I dd see an Ob re my problem. She ddnt find out Til after 2 ultrasound that I have fibroids it was 2015 then she told me it was small in diameter so she’ll prescribed me a birth control pills for the first step of treatment. The heavy bleeding stopped. but only for 3 days my menstrustion will stop then it will be back again but not as much as before when I don’t take the birth control pills yet however I dd hear fr a friend that the pills is a cancer feeder now I’m scared. If ever I can find the cod oil n Vitex is it onto mix with the birth control pills?
Thanks for all the info.
I bought Vitex on amazon. gia herbs is the highest quality. but you should also take cod liver oil
Hi dies nahone know a vega alternative to cod liver oil 🙂 ? Thnak you
Cod liver oil is for the vitamin A and D content, so if you don’t want to take cod liver oil. Find a Vitamin A and D supplement. High levels of vitamin A can be toxic so be careful
50 years old and the bleeding is in full force today. I am on my way to get cod liver oil. This is terrible. What exactly are the large clumps? Is that good or bad? Is it just toxins?
The dr. suggested a hysterectomy and asked if I wanted the surgeons name, I said no. 18 years ago I did IVF, the first one resulted in a baby the second didn’t and I never did it again. Since the IVF I have always had pain, rashes at the injection site ( for 3 years) and fibroids at one point I looked 8 months pregnant because of how big one of them grew. I am happy at the IVF result but I wish they would do more to help woman with this problem then just hysterectomy.
Hello thank you for this… I am 45 years old and have fibroids. i have been bleeding for about 2 weeks now and before that for 2 weeks until the de gave me progesterone which stopped the bleeding i am now bleeding again and on birth control because according to the dr it will stop fibroids from growing… i juat bought the cod liver oil and vitex hoping this will help with the bleeding because the birth control pills are not doing anything… i wonder if after taking Vitex and COD liver oil i should NOT take the microgestin which are the birth control pills… or should i keep taking them? Has anyone gone through this?
Birth control pills in any form feeds the the fibroids in other words they make them grow. Stop taking them!
Hi I have been taking vitex for ten months now and it has lessen down my bleeding less gushing less clots so I encouraging you ladies not to give up and loose heart. My period last for the longest seven days and by day three it begins flowing much lighter.
I am so excited to have found this page. At the age of 37 (2008) I had a myomectomy to rid myself of fibroids. Initially my doctor told me that he would recommend a hystorectomy so that this would be a thing of the past. Of course my husband and I decied against it and thank God that we did. Fast forward to October of this year (2018), where I am experiencing longer and heavier cycles. It is ruining my life. My husband and I are now empty-nesters and would like to spend time together traveling and enjoying ourselves, but this “thing” is holding me back. I am appreciative of all this information and will start taking CLO tonight. My one question is, can I take the capsules instead of the actual oil (brings back flashbacks of when I had to take a tablespoon each morning and chase it with a orange slice). Not my favorite childhood memory at all. Please let me know if I can take the capsules, how many should it be?
Thank you and blessings to all.
Yes Ayisha, you definitely may take clo in capsule form. We shy away from making recommendations as to quantity, but 1-2 tsp/day is generally a good amount. You don’t want to exceed that amount as too much of a good thing can be harmful.
You said 1-2 tsp but i. Ordet to get the 60000u in the sonnes CLO isnt it 5 tblsp?
Dj, my recommendation is based on Blue Ice Fermented Cod Liver Oil. I am not familiar with Sonnes brand.
Thank you Maureen
How many capsules of the Blue Ice Fermented Cod Liver Oil to get the same dose as the 1-2tsp recommended dose?
Hi maureene I order mine cod liver oil spring green just got it to June 29,2018 .how long should I take it for wat does it do for woman tht as blood clot irregular menstrual. Non stop
Will any kind of Cod liver oil work?
Hi I am having issues with fibroids have not stopped bleeding for quite a while I have to take seizure meds and quite a few things counteract the meds need advice on stuff I can take to stop this tried stinging nettle n felt seizure auras when I did the nettle need something that I can take that won’t cause auras but will eliminate the nonstop bleeding
For the 1-2 tsp what dose is the vit A and Vit D we wld be getting? Also if i decided to use the capsules how many are recommended per day?
Oh wow, thank you for sharing. I am going to try Vitax and Cod liver oil for my bleeding of 2 weeks and counting.
Same here! Bleeding three weeks a month and spotting in between. I’m definitely trying the cod liver oil ! My Portuguese grama swore by it.
How do you deal with the extra calories?
The extra calories are in the form of fatty acids, something your body deals with by burning a fuel rather than storing as fat cells.
OMG! Thank you so much for this. Day 4 of 60000 iu of the liquid cod liver oil, vitex, DiM, and vitalyzm and bleeding stopped. Going to start maintenance dose in capsule form. I cant wait to take control of my life again…Thank you. 💃💃
Wonderful DJ, so good to hear!
How much vitex and cod liver oil should I take and how many milligrams should each one be
I found out I had fibroids in December 2014 when I had pain, heavy bleeding of a whole month. I did go to a fertility expert in about 2012 and at that time during a scan, they only mentioned that I had a small cyst which was not an issue he said. Since 2014 to 2016, the fibroids developed into many and they really grew. I look pregnant. I have tried many things and I don’t know if any of it helped as I still continue to bleed very heavily, most times all month, and I get big balls of clots that just pop out with only a few seconds warning. My life is very restricted, its really hard for me to go places, I have to plan everything around my period and whatever state its in at the time. The only option doctors gave me was a hysterectomy but my husband and I didn’t want it as I’ve already had two operations for cysts and the buggers still grew back in different places.
I bought the Fibroids Miracle book, and also some natural supplements for fibroids from Botanical Health that took me through detox, liver, kidney and heavy metal cleansing and drinking Alkagreens. I drank some herbal medicine made by a medicine lady. I stopped drinking lattes and reduced my dairy intake significantly. I also tried to eat seafood and seaweed to get the iodine and magnesium which I read helps. In 2017, I got the big clots, so I had to use transxemic and primolut. Late 2017 I had a blood transfusion as my bleeding was clotting so badly. I decided to pretty much stop eating chocolate which I really love because it was pretty much the only sugary thing left that I ate, and probably too much of. I tried a bit of fasting too because your body can heal itself but it was a bit hard as I am always anemic. I have certainly learnt a lot about my body on this journey, but I haven’t been able to reverse my fibroids yet.
I have never tried cod liver oil so I’m going to try it tomorrow. I hope our pharmacy has it in stock. And I do hope that it will provide me with relief as I still have 5 years to go before I am in menopause stage.
I everyone! I have fibroids and bleed most days. I started by taking progesterone cream and I 3 C. It helped a little for some time, the dosage was increased a couple of times, but eventually the naturopathic recommended surgery. Since then I’ve been on bioidentical progesterone ( 2 prometrium) from gynocologist plus I 3 C, Adeva hormonal balance, and am on third bottle of high vitamin Cod Liver oil. I started off at a lower dose, but have been on 3 tbsp. or 60 000 IU per day for almost two weeks. I am still bleeding daily! Has anyone had this experience too? I was so hopeful that I would be helped. I’m wondering whether I should continue with the CLO. All of these supplements are costing me a fortune, which would be ok if they worked!
Are you sure you are using 60000u? Calculate it off the Vitamin A. You can increase to 90000u until under control. Also try DIM and vitex.
Hi DJ,
Thanks for the recommendations. Yes, the cod liver oil was 60 000u, but I could try a higher amount. I take vitex, but will look into DIM too. Thanks for your help!
I can not find cod liver oil with vitamin A in Canada. Is it ok if they are taken separately. And if so 90,000 IU of Vitamin A, but how much of cod liver oil.
Thanks so much for your help
This reply is a little late but I thought I’d share that Costco carries the Webber Naturals Super Cod liver oil with vitamins A and D (I’m in Canada too).
Hi Karen,
God bless you and each of the women who have shared your histories here. You have provided me with the relief I’ve been searching for.
THANK each one of you for giving me the answers I have been seeking.
Karen, I live in the north end of Toronto: yesterday, I found gel capsules of cod liver oil in both my local Walmart (I bought the “equate” brand, 550 mg. with vitamin A = 1250 IU, and vitamin D3 = 400 IU — but I have not tried this brand yet!), and Shoppers Drug Mart, (the “webber naturals” brand, also 550 mg. with vitamin A = 1250 IU, and vitamin D = 400 IU).
I took 2 capsules of the “webber naturals” brand last night for the first time ever, and my heavy bleeding has almost stopped overnight. Please try this, if you haven’t had a chance to yet!
I have been bleeding heavily (most days), continuously since January 11, 2019. (The bleeding did taper off to a light flow for a few days, twice.)
My history: kindly bear with me, I am including as much personal info. as I can, to provide a clearer picture of my situation.
I am 52 years old, always been healthy and a little over weight, (but I am also a bit taller than average; around 5 feet, 9 inches).
I had taken Triphasil 21 oral birth control for years as a contraceptive between ages 24 to apporoximately 35, and it worked wonders for me as a young woman, to decrease the heavy bleeding and excessive cramping that I would usually experience with every period, and regulate the timing of my cycles. (I would often take “222” pain relief tablets, use a heating pad, and sometimes vomit on the first day of my period. Occasionally I would have a “normal” flow period, without any cramping and headache.)
I have never been pregnant that I am aware of, and have never given birth. (My lifestyle choice.)
I never smoked, seldom drink alcohol; I don’t drink coffee, occasionally drink tea, and definitely over-indulge in chocolate. : ). Otherwise, I try to eat healthy most of the time, and I do my best to exercise (walking) at least a few times each week.
I am gluten-intolerant, so do not consume wheat & other gluten grain products. (I do occasionally “cheat”, and indulge in a decadent dessert.)
I was diagnosed with Graves disease 12 years ago, and had extreme hyperthyroid symptoms, due to a large goitre on my thyroid. I first took medicine under the direction of my endocrinologist to try to reduce the goitre and control my symptoms, but it was not very effective. I ended up having a total thyriodectomy (my entire thyroid gland was removed) almost 10 years ago. (No cancerous cells were found at the biopsy.)
Currently, the only medicine I take is my daily morning dose of synthroid (synthetic thyroid replacement hormone); 200 mg. alternating every other day with 175 mg., to keep my blood levels of THS (thyroid stimulating hormone?) within the “normal” range.
I also take the following daily supplements, in the evening: with dinner – 1 tablet “Jamieson” brand chewable “platinum” multi-vitamin (described as suitable for adults ages 65 +), and 1 tablet of “Jamieson” brand chewable vitamin C, 500 mg.; and at bed time, I take 1 tablet of “Jamieson” brand chewable vitamin D – chocolate flavour – YUM!, together with 1 tablet of “Jamieson” brand calcium 333 mg. combined with magnesium 167 mg.
I do not take any other medicines or supplements (except now – adding in the cod liver oil gel capsules).
I do not have any other health concerns, (never had high blood pressure or any other chronic conditions, aside from slight bronchial asthma, which is so mild that I don’t take any medication for.)
I began having non-stop bleeding after a heavy period in May 2017. I bled continually for 2 weeks, (the bleeding had tapered off, but not stopped). I went to my family doctor, (who happened to be absent on medical leave herself), and saw her colleague.
I was sent for routine blood tests (checking my thyroid hormone levels is now a routine part of my life), and an internal pelvic ultrasound, to diagnose the prolonged bleeding. That’s when it was discovered that I had 4 fibroids in my uterus – the culprits behind my bleeding I suspect.
After she saw the results, she prescribed 500 mg. Tranexamic acid, 2 tablets to start, going down to 1 or 2 tablets 3 times per day. Yes, it worked. The bleeding slowed, and stopped within a few days – 4 or 5? But, the side effects were immediate, and very noticeable: fairly annoying flu-like muscle aches, a strong headache, (I didn’t take any pain relief medicine to counteract that side effect), some cramping in my uterus, and a slightly upset stomach. I coped, and struggled through a few days with tough symptoms/side effects. I read in the patient leaflet for this medicine, that it is not to be taken for more than 5 consecutive days. (I stopped taking it after 3 days, because the side effects were so annoying. It felt like I was coming down with the flu. I doubt most women would tolerate those side effects for very long anyway! I would rather bleed heavily.)
I am experiencing similar types of side effects this morning, after taking the cod liver oil capsules last night. (I have a slight headache, some muscle aches in my neck, hands, and legs, and a slightly “flushed” feeling of warmth in my face. But that’s nothing to me, compared with the constant feeling of overheating that I had when my thyroid was so bothersome years ago.)
I will continue to take the cod liver oil capsules, I will experiment a bit and taper down the dose to find the “correct” balance for me.
I also searched for the “Vitex” supplement / (? medicine) mentioned here in many posts, but didn’t find it easily.
Can anyone clarify please, if they have found it on the shelf of a local store (pharmacy) in the Toronto area?
Good luck Karen, I truly hope that you have as much success as I have.
hi I am also suffering from fibroid and heavy bleeding since two months….yesterday I have read your post and purchase seven seas cod liver oil which contains vitamin a vitamin d epa and dha ..but I am only taking one capsule…kindly suggest me how much dose should I take to stop bleeding and shrink fibroids .
HI where i can find the 30,000IU cod liver oil. i bought this one but it the Vitamins A 4,000 IU and Vitamins D only 400 IU
Amazing tedtiminies. I’m glad i came accross this site. been bleeding since on the 5th of march…at first, it wasn’t much but the flow has become very heavy in the last 4 days and am so worried. I am going to try the vitex and cord liver oil. i pray it works on me so i can come and give my testimony here . I appreciate you all for sharing your experiences…
How much Vitex should I take for it to be effective against excess bleeding caused by fibroids?
In the article above it says “So, I began taking Vitex, in the amounts listed as being the most effective (1200mg per day, all at once),”
The recommendation I got was 1tablet per day or 40 drops of tincture. And only during the second half of the cycle (from ovulation to onset of period). What dosis are you others using?
I am so happy to have found this article. I’m 52 y/o and I was bleeding heavily for about 4-5 weeks. It got so bad I fainted and went to the ER. I had to have a blood transfusion. They couldn’t give me birth control pills because the hormone in the pills give me blood clots. The OB/GYN in the ER wouldn’t treat me for the fibroid because he was afraid to deal with me due to my past blood clot issue. I got opinions from 5 OB/GYNs and they all wanted me to have a hysterectomy. (Which I don’t want). The last dr. I saw said “You’re uterus is trying to kill you. It’s only for making babies and for periods.” I started taking Sonne’s Cod Liver Oil and Vitex on March 28th. Within 3-4 days the bleeding/gushing and clotting had diminished to a very small amount of spotting. I’m just starting week 2 and it’s still getting better. When I told my last dr. that I was taking cod liver oil she said “I think you should consider not taking that. There are no studies on the effects. It could be causing you to hypercoagulate”. (She was trying to scare me through the whole appt.). So far, I’m feeling good and I can function much better daily than with the heavy bleeding/clotting. I also had severe cramping that is now gone. My only question is how long should I take the Vitex and Sonne’s at the recommended higher dosage before I drop down to the “maintenance amount of 30,000ui? Should I continue taking Vitex at 1200mg? Or should I drop the dosage on that as well? Thanks for sharing this NATURAL solution. These dr.s seem like they could care less if we bleed to death…smh
I have to admit I have not gone to a doctor yet. I avoid them at all costs. Don’t have a lot of faith in them. In February of this year, I had my regular period. But two weeks later I had it again! I’m 48. I thought perhaps menopause was starting. I bled on and off, more on than off, for most of March and into April. And then I finally had 11 days of absolutely nothing! So I was hoping whatever it was was behind me.
I’ve been super stressed the last year looking after my mom and her dying husband. I thought maybe stress was playing games with me.
But my period started again yesterday and is massively heavy today!
So I’ve been Googling some more because I’m worried about blood loss/anemia. I ended up on this site and will be going out later to get some Vitex and cod liver oil. I would much rather try the natural route then the pharmaceutical. I just had cinnamon water, which I read could also help with stopping bleeding.
Reading all of the stories here, makes me not feel so alone.
I so relate with all these stories! I have just started on the cod liver oil, Vitex, black co hosh and omega three Supplements.
Also have started castor oil packs on the abdomen for the past two nights. These are not recommended to do during your menstrual cycle, but how do I know if my bleeding is from my cycle or these damn fibroids?? I also take iron but am still anemic and so tired of being tired! Been struggling for 5 years- Things have gotten progressively worse and II things have gotten progressively worse and I am finally considering a hysterectomy if this doesn’t help!!!
I have wanted to try the castor oil packs have been dealing with all your same issues I’m 49 this blog saved me I have been bleeding horribly for a month. I have read everythigbi could find and sorting through these posts I saw th B6 mentioned I’ve been taking 2 Aleve every 6 hrs and 100mg B6 2x daily and 100mg magnesium 2x daily and a handful of fish oil pills 2x daily in 3 days I’ve gone from a nightmare to being able to sleep through the night to barely any bleeding. All the info I’ve looked at seems my hormones needed balanced. I do eat a banana and peanut butter in the morning and have reduced my caffeine not taking all the pills on an empty stomach is a definate must but I hope this helps someone else. I was at my witts end .
Try Mega Foods Blood Builder for iron. Some people take 2 a day and find it gives more energy than the standard iron tablet.
Mega Blood Builder pills are amazing. I’ve been taking them for 1.5 months and have so much energy. It takes a little while before you feel the results, but it’s worth it. I only take 1 a day.
Oh My, All these issues us Women have to go through. I too have had irregular periods for 6 years. I have never used any form of Birth Control pills, The irregularities started when I was 40. Prolonged periods, clots, periods which could last for months. Throughout the 6years I went to my Doctors all female and they all said, its normal to have irregular periods in your 40s. They tested for Anemia and yes I was Anaemic, however I would only take the tablets maybe every 4 months or so.
Anyways I noticed for the past three months that I was getting out of breath, could hardly walk, legs felt heavy, heart beating fast and legs were swollen as though I did hours of Aerobic exercise, went to the Doctors, saw a Male doctor and they did a urgent ECG, Chest Xray and urgent Blood Tests, ( I dont have the results of xray yet) anyways so far it turns out I needed a urgent Blood transfusion/Iron as my HGB was 66, and a urgent visit to a Gynaecologist, They did a Scan but I refused an internal. They found one Fibroid about 27mm, The consultant is pushing me to do an internal, colonscopy, biopsy etc to see where the bleed is coming from or she thinks I could have some hidden bleeding,. Am writing this as I dont know what to do next, I dislike internals as I feel like they can tamper with something. can they treat the fibroid without doing an internal? is the internal necessary since they found a fibroid by scan.
Hi Us Females, I was wondering if you ever got an internal done? As I had to get an emergency blood transfusion in March of 2017. I had the same symptoms but I was also pregnant. I should mention that I am severely anemic and have fibroids too!
I’m 48, have 4 large fibroids and heavy bleeding/clots part of month. It was daily. My OB/GYN is very supportive of less invasive methods of treatment. She has recommended hysterectomy 3 years ago and then when I said didn’t want major surgery yet that I wanted to try everything else first in hopes to get to menopause during that time. To be continued…
I thought I might share my story here in case it can help someone. I’ve always had periods on the heavy side. Ate meat about 3-5 times a week and lots of junk food, too. About 4 years ago, I moved out and couldn’t afford to eat as much meat as usual (maybe 4 times a year). My periods got lighter, but I was still spotting and getting fatigued. Doctor found very low iron.
I tried a lot of things, all of which didn’t help, including iron therapy. It turned out I was massively deficient in vitamins A, D and E, which I didn’t know. I was also sitting inside working most days and not getting enough sleep or sunshine. I had bone pain, stress fractures, tendonitis and digestive problems. It was at that point I began wondering if there could be a relationship between vitamins and the uterus. I searched online and dug up a medical paper which concluded that uterine muscle contractions are strongest in the presence of both adrenaline and vitamin D. I got rid of my car and began walking everywhere. I also cut out muscle meat and began eating more organ meats like liver and also eating brightly coloured foods for the antioxidants.
The results so far have been promising. Within 2 months of ditching my car, I began having weeks at a time of no bleeding at all, and when it would come, it would be like a normal period: smelling fresh and looking normal, like the periods I had as a teen. The only other time I’d had no spotting at all was during my weight training crazes of the past. Two days ago, I ovulated for the first time in about a year. I’m still pretty anaemic now (I have thalassaemia trait and live in a moldy house), but the doctor found that the haemoglobin and folate levels in my blood cells have increased, which gives me hope.
I’m starting to think exercise, vitamins and sunshine may play a much bigger role in uterine health than I ever imagined. I’m absolutely certain that exercise has had the MOST dramatic effect on my periods, though. However, I could never have taken on vigorous exercise without the vitamins from such foods as liver, spinach and beetroot because even walking out my door would have me winded. Now, I am wondering if whether taking iron (or any supplement) by itself may actually do more harm than good, as taking iron, even in massive doses, by itself never seemed to bump up my iron levels much and, in fact, I would just bleed it all out anyway.
Ali, I am so pleased that you have found the right path, and it is truly inspiring! Yes, nutrients and foods work synergistically, while exercise and sunshine play very critical roles in our overall health as well. Stay the course, and let us know how it goes; we’re hoping and expecting that things will only continue to improve!
Vitamin A is supposed to help with iron absorption.
Hi.i notice most of the challenges addressed here are from people who have not completed menopause yet. How do you treat this bleeding after menopause in your 60s. Thanks for any feedback.
I am 60 yrs and have a very large fibroid and bleeding is SO bad . Had to go to emergency via ambulance as I was so week . I was given primolut and transamexic acid which was working but is not any more . I still have active ovaries . I didn’t have a period for 2 years so sure I was over the menopause symptoms . I am going to try iodine and cod liver oil as soon I can purchase. Have you had any progress @BJJONES ?
Thank you Ricki and everyone else for sharing your stories. I’m 47 years old, perimenopausal, with low progesterone and with two fibroids (14cm and 10cm). Otherwise of healthy weight and lifestyle. I don’t drink alcohol and quit smoking 5 years ago. Have been bleeding excessively with clots the last year and a half, some cycles lasting 7-8 weeks. Was prescribed Transexamic acid which sometimes works and other times doesn’t. Iron levels have dropped consistently since then. It’s been almost 3 months since I’ve been taking Vitex 400mg 2x per day and 2x CLO with a total of 5000IU Vit A and 800IU of Vit D. I know it’s a lower dose than what most women are taking here but it seems to be doing the trick for me. I also increased activity levels when I can and drink nettle and raspberry leaf tea daily (only a cup of either). I’ve cut back on caffeine and sugar and increased raw and steamed veggies, nuts and seeds. I STOPPED taking Ibuprofin for menstrual or any other pain relief as it would always start/exacerbate the heavy bleeding. My last two menstrual cycles have been almost normal and bleeding stopped on it’s own by the 6th day (I haven’t needed to use the Transexamic acid at all). Leg pain/swelling and back/abdominal cramping has also diminished by about 50%. It’s still early to tell if these improvements will continue long term but I’m hopeful.
Help I am desperate. I have been bleeding/spotting since January 16 when I gave birth for the first time. I has a myomectomy in 2015 and had 4 fibroids removed. I got pregnant on May 2017 and since I gave birth I was bleeding normally but it lasted like 2-3 months without stopping, in the mean time the doctor tried:
1- Norethindrone (it worked as soon as I left them the bleeding started again) I used only progesteron because I was breastfeeding
2- Lo-Ovral: three times daily until bleeding stops, then two times daily per two days and then daily
3. Dilation and Curettage
4. Mirena (I expulsed the Mirena with a huge bleeding I had)
Right now I am taking Lo Ovral daily non stop without the placebo and Max Fe (Iron) two times daily. My HGB is 8.8 and just waiting on getting INfed (iron in infusion) if the HGB doesn’t go up.
Almost 5 months bleeding now, I hate this. The longest time that I stop the heavy bleeding is like 1 week but I kept spotting.
The other option for me is Lupron… myomectomy or hysterectomy. I am tired, anemic and I don’t know what else to do.
Apparently Yunnan Baiyao, a Chinese compound remedy, can stop the bleeding. I read about it on http://www.steamychick.com, which is a website dedicated to vaginal steaming, which is a great option to normalize one’s periods and to deal with fibroids, too.
I am a 35 year old who was recently diagnosed with fibroids. I had my period, which lasted the usual 7 days & 2.5 weeks later(while on vacation) I started to bleed. The bleeding lasted for about a week & it began to get so heavy. To the point where it scared me. I went to the ER & that’s where she found fibroids. I have been bleeding for over 10 days straight now.
Can you please tell me what is best to help stop my bleeding. I am starting to feel so depressed. Along with other problems in my life, this has me so scared & I feel so defeated. Any tips would be so appreciated. I just want some relief with this bleeding.
Just wrote something above on stopping bleeding: Yunnan Baiyao.
Ricki, thank you ever so much for your post! It is like reading my story written by another. Two days ago I had to sit on the toilet for almost two hours as I had so many clots and tissue fall out. I am taking iron and am 48.5 and hope I have reached the end of all this as I do not want to do anything drastic or take depo provera that has terrible side effects. Mirena to control the bleeding did not work for me and fell out (along with clots) after 1.5 years with horrible symptoms but my gynac would not listen. I had gained 12 lbs and had a swollen belly. I have one small fibroid on the lining of my uterus and the second small one that is somewhere inside that is not supposed to have an effect on my clots etc. So tired of my gynac and yet do not want a new one as they all follow the same steps with a one size fits all approach. I am at the stage of deciding if I want to scrape the fibroid out of my lining and see if it all gets better as I did not want the depo provera shot. Decided not to do this and just read this site – what a blessing!
I have been praying to the Lord and asking for help, I will post my update in a couple weeks or as changes occur. I have ordered Natures way – Vitex and NOW – Cod liver oil.
Question I have is Vitex seems to have excellent reviews to help people get pregnant. I am on the mini pill – Jencycla 0.35 mg (progestin) to control the bleeding, not doing that but I guess works as a contraceptive through this tough stage. Can I still get pregnant with Vitex and the mini pill? Anyone with any insight?
Thank you all for your posts and comments! I felt a ray of hope last night and so blessed with Ricki’s post and all of you! Finally, some insights on this tough phase in life.
Kamrym, your story is a testament to the ineffectiveness of modern medicine; so sorry!
I would recommend that you take precautions if you do not wish to be pregnant as yes, you can still get pregnant. You will have a 1-9% chance of getting pregnant, possibly more with taking Vitex as well.
We might suggest a less processed cod liver oil however. Perhaps Green Pastures Blue Ice, Dropi, Rosita or Premiere brands.
Best wishes!
Where can we get Premiere brand?
Thank you
Hello my name is Gladys and I have fibroids I’m 59 years old and I bleed everyday and going for 3 or 4 years now they keep telling me to get a hysterectomy I don’t want to I’m so tired I’m at the point I don’t know what to do each gyn they say the same thing hysterectomy no I don’t want to lose my organs no I don’t want anymore kids I had all my kids that’s not the reason can anybody tell me what should I do I have fibroids any help would be appreciated
Pls refer to my comments under payal in this forum
Refer to UNSULPHURED BLACKSTRAP MOLASSES – it stops bleeding asap
Blackstrap did not work for me. Neither did ACV. In fact ACV makes it worse. Not sure on the BSM. I was using organic by Plantatation.
Hi Ricky,
Thanks for sharing your experience.
I was wondering about the cod liver oil. I take tablets: 1,000mg twice a day. You mentioned 60,000 iu. Would you know the conversion from the “iu” unit to mg?
Hello! Great to have come across this article and all the comments. So much interesting information!
I just wanted to add for those ladies bleeding a lot: I have read about the use of Yunnan Baiyao, a Chinese herbal compound medicine, to stop bleeding. I read about it on the website http://www.steamychick.com. I have not used it for that myself, but several of my midwife collegues use it against post partum hemorrhage and say it works even for that, so I’m pretty confident it’ll work for too strong and ongoing menstrual bleeding as well.
Once the bleeding has stopped, vaginal steaming (see the website mentioned above) can be a great possibility to regulate one’s periods. I am just beginning to learn about it and am really impressed.
I thought high levels of Vitamin A were toxic?
Hello pls pass on this message to as many women as you can – heavy bleeding with fibroids – just take VIT B6 100 gms daily – if periods are heavy take VIT B6 either 50g mg and 50 mg Am and Pm – VIT B6 halts minimizes bleeding and prevents spotting – also load up on progesterone rich foods but VIT B6 is a simple over the counter that can stop bleeding and heavy bleeding issues – I honestly dunno why doctors don’t prescribe B6 – do not exceed max dosage of 100 MG – then u may get some tingling and side effects but they will go away if you stop B6 -but VIT B6 which is most simple readily available is the 1 STOP Solution to heavy bleeding – pls try it and publish your experience and spread this message – there is No need to take birth control pills to get to scanty period – VIT B6 is perfect.
This worked for me. I used Carlson’s regular cod liver oil. But after 3 rd day I just took a 1TB a day and 2nd started spotting. Should I keep taking the 3 TB a day? (Also taking the chaste berry. But wasn’t getting actual relief till I started the cod liver)
Please where can i get the vitex nd Cold liver oil to buy in Ghana
That is something we probably can’t help you with Grace. Have you tried contacting the company? Otherwise, if there is a chapter in your region you may be able to ask the chapter leader, or order it online.
Hi Grace, I am also from Ghana but do live in the USA. You can buy on Amazon from Ghana.
But please for how long should i take the cod liver oil for my heavy bleeding with fibroids and the dosage pls
Thanks to the writer of this article. It has turned out to be ray of light in total darkness. Facing excessive bleeding problem.
I got thr CLO gels but something is fishy here…1 gel = 375mcg of vitamin A=1250IU
60,000 IU means 48 gel/tablets ?? :O
Could this be true?
Ppl plz suggest, those who are using CLO gels, how many gels/day is their dosage?
I thank you all for the helpful comments.
Best regards
Hi I’ve been bleeding for 6 months now I’ve been on every birth control pills, depo, two IUD’S that didn’t go in do to the fibroids and plus it was very very painful so my OB told me to start back taking birth control pills which have both estrogen and progestin so I took it for a month and a half the the first month I took the white blue and had no bleeding at all but when I started on the greens all my heavy bleeding and clotting came back so I went to my OB appointment again and he told me I can stop taking the green ones that makes my period come on so I did my new pack I take all of the white pills and missed one day so the next morning I decided to take two so I took one and the morning and the other at my regular time which was at night I felt very nauseous and couldn’t sleep at all and begin gagging like I had to throw up but a few days before that I was told I had acid reflux I think it came from the birth control pills so that day I was gagging I went to the er and the doctor there told me that it was acid reflux and gave me pantoprazole and zofan every sine I took them two birth control pills on the same day I stopped that day and now I’m back bleeding badly and clotting too…. I’m already anemic and been going back and forth to day or and I use up all my OB appointment for the whole year can’t be seen until next year I’m scared and afraid I don’t won’t any kids at all thinking hard about getting the hysterectomy I don’t wanna take anymore pills cause I’m afraid of the side effects I wanna try black Jamaican Castor oil to see if that would help me anything natural with no side effects is what I’m looking for but I don’t know what else to do anymore I already suffer from anxiety attack and by me bleeding like crazy is driving me crazy I need you guys help please I don’t know what to do anymore thanks and God bless you all….
Hi am 35 year. I’ve had heavy menstrual flow since i began menstruating at 16. I realized i had multiple fibroids when i got pregnant 8 years ago and by God’s grace had a beautiful baby girl through CS. Some of the fibroids were removed then but not all. Since then i have always been on iron supplements since the heavy menstrual flow continued. In August this year i became so anemic that my HB was below 6 and had emergency blood transfusion. After the transfusion i agreed to a myomectomy which was done in Sept 18 to remove 36 fibroids with some inside the uterine.
The problem is i’ve been spotting since the surgery. Had my menses for the first time after the surgery last week and its been 9 days now i can still see some blood, not spotty and not heavy. This time the menstruation wasn’t heavy as was before the myomectomy. Can i take the vitex and CLO to stop this bleeding. How long and what dosage should i take them since i dont have heavy bleeding but prolonged menstruation. Pls note that i’m also trying to get pregnant here.
Hi should we take cod fish oil and Vitex at the same time or Vitex in the morning and cod liver oil in the evening? Thx
I just want to thank each and every one of you ladies for posting your stories. I have felt so alone with this nightmare of bleeding, and have been searching for a natural solution. I am 53 years old, and have been bleeding non stop for 3 weeks, the clots are ridiculous! My sisters chose to have hysterectomies, something I refuse to do. I will start the Vitex and Cod Liver oil regiment today in hopes of getting my life back. To our health ladies, God Bless!
Thank you for sharing. Can you update us – how did you go?
Pls take UNSULPHURED BLACKSTRAP MOLASSES – I used Aunt Patty’s organic from whole foods – take 1 glass warm water add 1 spoon and drink ( with straw if y worry about staining your teeth)
Un BSM – stops bleeding in 10-15 mins
Take it during periods if it’s heavy
After periods daily or once in 2 days
You will see changes immediately
Also understand that whatever stops bleeding – only that item can shrink Fibroids
You can use this AM-PM or 3 times a day
Pls stop having MILK
Birth control pills
Animal meat eggs etc
It may not give full results with the above
Pls send feedback
How many cod liver oil capsules to equal 3 tablespoons of cod liver oil? Please help if you know the answer. Thank you
Hello, I want to try Vitex and Cod Liver Oil to control the bleeding from a fibroid, I am taking Provera 5mg daily, but I was also diagnosed with a blood clot and I’m taking Eliquis, do you know if it would be safe to take the Vitex and the CLO?
Iam 38yrs old I have been suffering from painful multiple uterine fibroids since 2010. I have been trying to have children can someone pls tell me what medicine I can take to increase my chances of getting pregnant.Thank u all.
@Jolayo, I was diagnosed with fibriod 2 months ago. My menstrual cramps are disabling. Hurts like fire and I bleed heavily. I also noticed that I could not lie on my stomach for long without having some pain. The fibriod is small but it feels like I can feel it.
So I started a journey of taking natural remedies. Here is what I did
I am in Nigeria. So I got ginger, garlic ,clove(konafuru) and the black uda( I don’t know the English name but can send u a picture) . Boiled it in water. Let it sit in the water for a day. Then I strained it and poured it in a bottle. I started sipping it first thing in the morning and last thing at night. I drink 1.5 litres of it a week.
I noticed I don’t have cramps a more even when the small clots comes out. Just slight discomfort and that is all.
The next step I want to take is to also reduce the heavy bleeding. I am working on using turmeric.
I thank God for this post. So I will get the cod liver oil and hopefully I can get vitex in Nigeria. I read that it is also good for getting pregnant.
You can send me a mail wunmi.tobun@gmail.com
Try taking ginger, garlic , clove and uda(don’t know the English name but can send u a picture of it) boil in water and sip morning and night. Works for the cramps and after a while shrinks it. I am working on using turmeric for heavy bleeding.
Vitex is good for conception from the reviews I read. And will try the cod liver oil too. wunmi.tobun@gmail.com
I am so thankful for these posts. I tried the Cod Liver Oil (3 soft gels at 1250 iu’s per softgel) three times a day for a total of nine. I also took Vitex, Dim+, Black Cohosh root and drank water with ACV on an empty stomach in the morning. Just started yesterday as I was very alarmed because I had been having very heavy periods (I am 45) but at least they were regular. However this month I had two periods and a UTIS and I was very alarmed. When my practitioner suggested fibroids I found this site then went and purchased everything immediately (from The Vitamin Shoppe—they had everything!!!). Anyway the results were almost immediate!!!! Blood significantly reduced in the same day! There was no blood on my pad this morning and very little when I used the restroom. Yesterday it was so bad I bled through my pants and onto my car seat—it was crazy! The point is this is definitely working for me. Thanks to everyone for the information. I am so glad to get this even before going through the prolonged anguish others have experienced.
I had excruciating menstrual cramps with a possible ruptured cyst. During my regular cycle I would have to take 6 Ibuprofen capsules every 4 hours. My hormones were so messed up that I was constantly depressed and did not know why!After the rupture I was diagnosed with a fibroid. But…. I decided that I was going to allow the Lord to heal me the NATURAL WAY! After 10 days of taking the herbs listed below the fibroid is now almost non-existent. This is what I did:
Daily Morning Routine:
1000mg of Maca, 160mg of Black Cohosh, 500mg of Magnesium, 2 tbsp of ACV in 8oz water, 1 pack of Chamomile Tea, and 1 pack of Dandelion Root Tea, on an empty stomach.
Afternoon Routine: Meditation & Prayer
Cut out ALL processed foods and sugary juices that are not naturally sweet. Eat cold water fish at least 4 times a week even if it’s just one slab of fish. Exercise every morning if only light stretches and sit ups. Eat legumes, beans and green vegetables that are known to detoxify your intestines and boost your mood.
This will help to bring BALANCE to your hormones, as fibroids live off of either too much estrogen or too much progesterone.
I’m 22 years old and my period is hell. I’ve always had irregular periods growing up. My obgyn put me on birth control pills and I took them to help regulate my period. The first month I took the pill my period ended, I was so happy. This month I took the pill and I am having the worst period ever. It’s been on for over 2 weeks and it is so heavy with so much clotting, i have pain in my lower right side of my womb. My husband and i dont really know what else to do. I feel as if the birth control made my problem worse because i have never experienced pain and periods this bad. I change my pad every 2 hours and at night time my period is extremely light I would think it’s coming off. But as soon as I wake up in the morning it is so heavy. I’m going to try the cod liver oil pills, but does it have to be fermented? I’m gonna also take iron pills for the extreme blood loss I’ve been experiencing. Someone please help I really don’t know what to do at all and i am so miserable
Red clover will slow your period. I take capsules by solaray along with tumeric and vitex. Also used Apple cider vinegar mixed with black strap molasses in cup of juice (for taste) or water, not the white but the brown vinegar which did help before i discovered the red clover.
OMG so glad I came across this site!!! Thank You ladies!!!
Thank you, all! Gold mine of information here, timeless thread, and I’ve studied through but still confused on *the IUs* because it’s not spelled out, can you clarify? >
On a bottle of liquid Cod Liver Oil, the nutritional label will call out Vitamin D IUs, Vitamin A IUs, sometimes Vitamin E IUs (ex. Dropi Original).
Do you determine the “IU amount” Ricki mentioned in her post [“I took three full tablespoons, (60,000IU)”] by adding all of the CLO Vitamin IUs up together? For Dropi brand for example, the label says Vitamin A 3650 IU, Vitamin D 385 IU, Vitamin E 4 IU in 1 TEASPOON. So does this mean 1 teaspoon delivers 4,039 IUs? Multiply that by 3 to get a tablespoon dose, so 1 TABLESPOON delivers 12,117 IUs? That would be 2.5 tablespoons to hit 30,000 IU maintenance target; and 5 tablespoons to hit 60,000 treatment. Is that correct thinking?
Or am I misunderstanding how this is all calculated? Maybe you just take the highest IU value on the label out of all the Vitamins listed (Vitamin A in that example) and use that one as an IU benchmark to do the math? I haven’t seen anyone in the thread mention this.
Thanks for shedding more light~
Also, off-topic but wanted to mention I read in another thread here that histamine content is high in *fermented* cod liver oil, and didn’t see that mentioned in this thread yet, so I just wanted to add that to the key notes. I often get hives with high histamine foods so I’m opting to go with trying out extra virgin CLO rather than fermented (like the Blue Ice line fermented).
Wishing healing and good health to all!
Also, aren’t we supposed to take Calcium with CLO?
Hi going by what I’ve read and the comments here you calculate the 60,000iu by the vitamin A content
Did you ever figure out the Dropi 60 ? How many tablespoons equal 60iu vitamin a?
I have fibroids and have been anemic for years. I started taking garden of life healthy blood or raw iron. It definitely helps bring iron levels up. One doctor said There was no way,but i know. I have results! Going to try the cod liver oil to help with bleeding!
Oh my its 4am and I have been researching everything to stop my bleeding. I am soooo glad I found this site!!! I had been bleeding for a month followed by dropping 4 to 5 baseball size bloodclots each day for what seemed like 2 wks. To the point that I had fainted, couldnt walk, massive headache, bed ridden and was terrified I might jist bleed out. And I didnt want a blood transfusion bc I didnt want someones blood in me. Thats just me. So I prayed hard and somehow I was able to stop it finally with a very restrictive veg, fruit diet and with naxproxen and huge doses of silver hydrosil. After 3 days it stopped.
The silver is not supposed to be taken for period or hormone regulation. Its actually for colds, flus, bacteria, etc, but it has a side benefit of cutting period pain and slowing blood flow. But it kills bad and good bacteria so only should be taken for short periods but I was desperate. Things like naproxen and nsaids ( ibuprofen) do slow blood flow but destroy your stomach lining, liver, intestines, etc. But again I was desperate.
Both of these things supposedly also reduce estrogen as well, which I found through research.
Well after a week the bleeding has come back after I spent the last week taking iron b vitamins and everything else to build my blood supply back up, which it has bc I can kind of do normal activities again, though not as vigorously.
I am really hoping the Cod Liver Oil and Vitex help. Bc really the idea of silver and naproxen everyday I know is not good for me in the long run.
Thank you so much to the OP for giving me hope.
Also, has anyone tried ice packs on their abdomens to slow bleeding down?
Update. Well. After a week of no bleeding. The bleeding and clots came back. Im devastated. Im ordered Dropi CLO, bc someone on the thread recommended it, just waiting on it. I’ve been doing research for two weeks now. Im pretty sure my issue is fibroids. Im scared to take Vitex bc I did a long time ago and it made my period worse. Our bodies are all so different.
Right now Im just doing veg n fruit very little anything else. B6, b complex, magnesium, vit d with k, iron. Im also taking Aleve which is the only thing slowing the bleeding but its so bad for your stomach lining and intestines.
I bought Shepherds purse on someones recommendation on here but I think it made the bleeding and clots worse bc the next day I passed 3 large clots in the morning.
I bought Calcium D Glucarate but read it may lower iron. Its remove estrogen and toxins, and some minerals, and other hormones, so leary of it removing stuff I may need, I need to keep reading.
I also used to take Dim but now seems to be making the bleeding worse.
I dont have pain, very little, just heavy blood flow and giant clots, like baseballs. Its so scary.
Something has got to work!.
Question? Isn’t Cod Liver Oil a blood thinner and as such may increase bleeding? Fish Oil thins the blood.
I really want to take it but terrified it may increase bleeding.
Anyone had an adverse experience taking CLO?
Another 4am post and follow up. So out of desperation last week or so I tried the Cod Liver Oil. BIG MISTAKE. Made me super light headed ( probably since im already weak) AND bleed more. I was so upset. Went back to the silver and naproxen but that wasnt working anymore. So I decided to go for the Calcium D Glucarate D Glucarate and much to my surprise the bleeding slowed. Not sure how or why but it did for 4 days. I was like, finally! However I started spotting again and on Day 5 heavy bleeding and clots. I was like wth. Not only that while taking it I noticed my energy level had gotten lower. Went back to Shepherds Purse (desperate) with Aleve, lots of prayers and again got the bleeding under control for a few days but sadly the Sheperds Purse was giving me heart palps probably bc its a vasocontrictor and Ive already lost massive amount of blood I am a zombie can barely walk to the restroom with my heart going nuts and feeling faint. I actually did faint the other day. Its like a seesaw catch 22. I have to stop the blood so I dont bleed to death but everything I try has other bad affects.
Ive got a gyno appt on Wed but as of right now I may be too weak to go. This has been the worst Month going on 2 of my life. The scariest and mist debilitating. And Ive had my share of health scares. But this. This is from another stratosphere. Anyway. Im not poopooing others recs only that our bodies are all different. One lady said ACV. Really? That stuff has always made my periods worse.
At this point Im scared to even try anything or eat anything.
Also, does anyone check this thread anymore. Ive posted 3 or 4 times with no respnse, lol.
Blessings to you ladies!
Hi Marie. Im here reading.. We have the same issue here… Dont know what to do.
Hi Marie-
I unfortunately do not have any great answers for you. Just wanted to say I’m here researching right along with you, 20 years into trying to find answers and get the bleeding to stop. I’ve always run into the same issue as you, where most things that work for other people seem to do the opposite for me, vitex etc.
More recently, I’ve found the combo of calcium d glucarate and dim have helped with breast pain, nausea, vomiting, and some with cramps. I’ve doubled the recommended dose, and saw my cycle shorten by about three days. This is probably the biggest change in anything I’ve tried over the years. I did have some headaches the first couple weeks, but they subsided. Liver cleansing side effects. So maybe give them another shot, increase the dose and be consistent for at least three months to see if anything shifts.
Just started CLO a couple days ago at 20,000 IU/day, and if that goes well I’ll increase….it’s just so much to get to that recommended 60-90k mark everyone notes. : /
For everyone asking how to convert MG and MCG to IU, you can find calculators online by searching for “MCG to IU conversion.” Vitamin A 750mcg = 2500 IU
Stay strong!
Hi Kat and Tara, Thanks for replying! I don’t feel so alone. 🙂
Im sorry to hear you are struggling too. But glad to hear you are finding some success Kat!
Well I finally tried Lady’s Mantle, which ladies swear by.. Again, worked for others but sadly ramped up my bleeding. I wanted to cry. Not even an Aleve helped to taper it down. Im at such a loss. I havent slept in 2 days and right now Im sitting with a cold pack on my stomach since I read it contricts blood vessels. Doing what I can to not bleed to death, literally.
Had a tele appt with my gyno. She prescribed my Tranexamic Acid which is supposed to make blood clot easily. Doesnt sound great, but I took one. I cant afford to lose more blood. I hope it helps at least some.
She thinks I may have a bleeding polyp and due to anemia wants me to get a transfusion. I really dont want to but I know my anemia is the worst its ever been.
Anyway, if this Trans Acid makes my blood stop at least for a few days maybe I can get my iron levels up enough to physically go to get my ultrasound. And see what can be done, surgically. Iys that bad.
Btw, if either of you are anemic or iron deficient. Megafood Blood Builder is really excellent. If only I can stop bleeding it really helps build blood back up quickly.
Peace to all us ladies struggling!
Hi Tara, Hi Marie-
Hopefully you find something that helps soon. Agree with you on the transfusion/surgery route, so I’m hoping you feel better before it gets to that. Same experience with Lady’s Mantel! I will let you know what happens with the CLO after a few weeks… I do understand how you feel; you’re not alone…although this can be incredibly isolating and frustrating.
Hi Kat
Thanks for sharing! Glad to hear the dim and CDG are working for you.
Well I ended up going to the ER for transfusions twice followed by a d&c, hysteroscopy and what was supposed to be a polyectomy but ended up being myomectomy. I had 2 f8broids, 1 large, 1 small, aout a week and a half ago. Not too much pain and bleeding really slowed down. I was so happy then a week later much to my dismay I started bleeding very heavy, clotty and randomly again. I cant believe it!
The ultrasound I had at tge ER found my lining to be 36mm, unreal!
I am right now taking:
Provera ( was helping b4 now not so much)
Transexamic acid to clot blood (until I run out)
Ibuprofen (as needed)
Vitamin A Acetate ( slows down bleeding since im too scared to take CLO again)
Calcium D Glucarate (i couldnt take it before but i can now since having the transfusions, which is weird)
Iron and b complex. (Even though both make me bleed more. I need iron and b vitamins!)
Im eating pretty clean but more food to try and keep my nutrients up since the bleeding is increasing, and I dont want to go to ER again.
I eat cruciferous veggies everyday, broccoli, cabbage brussel sprouts etc for the dim but maybe should try the DIM supplement again.
Which DIM and CDG brand supps are you taking? Do you think they are slowing your bleeding down?
Im using CDG by Now Foods. When I take it reduces cramping and slows bleedng temporarily. Im hoping that in time it will get this estrogen out so my body and help further thin my lining so this episode of my life can finally end! 🙂
Im wondering if the provera which is a synthetic progestin is making me bleed as it suppose to thin out your lining and if mine is still thick even after the d & c then that would make sense I suppose, if my lining is shedding then I would in theory have to bleed it out, right?
Hoping all is well in 2022 for you and that your symptoms are getting under control!
My last post in this thread. Its me, Marie. Well after trying everything in this thread with little to no success, 2 Er visits, surgery, and a few other things I dont want to go into right now bc it makes me angry to think about. I went back to my ob and we tried one more thing. I didnt want to do it bc I didnt want to make things worse but im on new bc, just out on the market as of last summer thats uses natural estrogen and synthetic progesterone and is low dose. After 4 to 5 days miraculously, the bleeding gradually stopped. I cant believe all the things I tried, like 100s and nothing under the sun worked. I know ppl say DO NOT go on bcs. Well ladies, if u have to go on bc, then do it. Ask for low dose and natural. It may or may not work for you. Anyhoo the past several months were hell on earth for me. But thanks be to God for all of us that find something that works. Wishing u all the best!
Fibroid can be fully treated and cured. I used his herbal medication in 2019 and this is my second pregnancy..
website www.drnyokabi.wordpress.com
email gitau.nyokabi@dr.com
Just wanted to know How much Cod Liver Oil in pills should I be taking to stop bleeding. I’ve been in a lot of stress and the bleeding hasn’t been stop for 2 month. I’m taking 2 pills of Green Pastures blend with butter pills with Vitex and it doesn’t stop. If someone has a recommended dose on pills, please let me know.
I was bleeding to the point of just staying in bed . I had gone to ER and they put me on hormones, which only intensified the bleeding. I was desperate! I came across this Cod liver oil article and decided anything can help. 7 days later my bleeding has stopped! I want to thank the woman who originally wrote it. Sure gave me piece of mind and to be able to live my life again.
I am taking 4 tablespoons every day. Am going to reduce it to 2 tablespoons then 2 teaspoons . Not a pill form
Hi, we used the green pastures cod liver oil for years for us and the children but we had to deal with worm infection a few weeks after… Happened a few times. Was it the cod liver oil causing the worm infection? Looking into other brands…
Hi everyone. I was diagnosed with fibroids about 10 years ago. I always had a flat stomach and now something has made it grow and I look 5 months pregnantt on a small frame. I have been praying to God for healing and I am believing he is healing me and I am grateful that he has blessed us with home remedies and doctors
I have been researching cures and saw on earthclinic that they have home remedies for fibroids. I’ve been taking 1 tblsp Brers Rabbit unsulphure molasses, 1 tblsp organic apple cider vinegar(I use Braggs), 2 tblsp real lemonade and mix with hot water since February 19 and I hardly have any spotting. I was due to come on two days ago (26th day) and so far haven’t. Today is my 28th day. I’m 50 and my periods have been coming on early for a while and the spotting would sometimes be bright. I feel much better bad haven’t been moody. I am thanking God in advanced for healing me.
Thank you everyone for the information that I’ve read on here as well.
Here is the info on earthclinic for Blackstrap molasses. Some women said it stopped their bleedong right away and some say it has shrunk their fibroids.
I haven’t missed a day taking my drink since I’ve started and I ‘ve been exercising, taking vitamins, collagen, drinking cherry juice, eating more fruits and vegetables. I am praying that everyone gets healed soon.
Look into the work of Morley Robbins and The Root Cause Protocol.
Iron overload drives the body to release iron through bleeding. Also, the uterine tissue grows in an iron overload condition. The trick is that enemiia (low blood iron) is a result of iron overload in the tissues due to dysregulated iron recycling.
Search “Dr. Ben Edwards You Are the Cure” on Podbay and listen to his interview with Morley Robbins on 12/05/22.
Also look up and listen to Dr. Chris Palmer and Dr. Thomas Seyfried.
Ladies, it’s Marie again with devastating news. After a year of what I thought was a cure from my bleeding fibroids. (Had them removed and put on BC), my bleeding fibroid is back with a vengeance with huge gushes of blood and ginormous clots. I am in tears. Going to see gyno on Tuesday. Has been escalating now for a month. Why or why do our bodies grow these things?
Anyway, I had some tranxeamic acid pills left over from last year’s almost deadly episode. Again scouring the internet for any help at all.
I am trying to keep from bleeding to death. Vitamin a, tranxemic acid, calcium d glucarate and prayer are holding me over.
I made the huge mistake of taking shepherds purse again. I forgot it made ke bleed more. I think bc it causes the uterus to contract and where my fibroid sits I think it was aggravating causing me to gush extra extra blood and clots.
Trying to stay positive but having to repeat this all over again is body and soul crushing.
Marie please look into an acupuncturist to stop bleeding and help liver function until you are able to find a long term solution. It’s better than nothing.
Hello Marie Im back here because I somehow googled and found my own post. Hope all is well. If not, you must have your Prolactin checked and you sound Estrogen dominant. You really need to look into Vitex and B6. High doses will raise the progesterone to oppose the estrogen. DIM is actually estrogenic as it will convert the bad estrogen into good estrogen. Leaving you still with higher estrogen. And if unopposed by progesterone is when the lining will keep building in uterus. Fibroids is already evident theres high levels of estrogen. Please research Vitex or get on natural progesterone.
Is cod liver oil same as fish oil.
No. Cod liver oil contains vitamin A & D. Fish oil does not and is not recommended for … anything.
Can i take cod liver oil during cycle as well? I was told to stop fish oil during cycle as i am going to bleed more.
I can’t claim any expertise on how cod liver oil affects cycles. When I cut myself and apply cod liver oil topically, the bleeding stops almost immediately… for what its worth
How much cod liver oil i should take? https://www.healthyplanetcanada.com/carlson-cod-liver-oil-lemon-500ml.html?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIypHt3c_7gQMVzvXICh0lhAy-EAQYDCABEgJ6svD_BwE
This is a brand that i got. I stared one table spoon a day
Why is everyone taking the oil from the filtration system of a fish? It’s full of toxins!
There is lots of research on calcium d Glucarate but it takes months to see the results. I would honestly do some research on this amazing supplement and if you do decide to give it a go – make sure it’s a reputable company/brand.
I wish you all luck and success on your journeys. X
Hi, thank you for posting this. PLEASE DON’T TAKE STEVIA!! A few months ago, I was taking Garden of Life fiber supplement that had Stevia in it for a month. I started having heavy bleeding in between my periods. As soon as I stopped taking the fiber supplement, I noticed the bleeding stopped. I’ve read on here some women that were taking Stevia had the same issue. I’d suggest eating kale, it may help with the inflammation of the fibroids. Try the copycat Chick-Fli-A kale salad recipe.
Hello, should I take only cod liver oil in a liquid form or pills are good too? Thank you!
>Get a strong form of bioidentical progesterone oil. You can buy Dr Ray Peat’s ‘Progest-e’ or Bezwecken brand ‘ProgonB-L 4x’. It is safe and effective. If you take too much, you’ll just get sleepy. For general dosing for perimenopause and menopause support, take 7 drops 2x per day in the mouth between lower front teeth and gums from mid-cycle to the start of menses. (This goes into the bloodstream right away and avoids the transit time and degradation that can happen when swallowing via the stomach/intestines/liver. )
>You can also take progesterone oil any time for any estrogen dominance symptoms. When I have menstrual flooding I take 7 drops and then again and again until the flooding slows and stops. I have 2 small fibroids even, and it will still stop the bleeding. It is easy for me to keep my period to around 5 days and only 3 heavy with nominal amounts of the progesterone oil. Dr Ray Peat’s work on his website (youtube interviews, etc) and discussion forum has more information.
>Some people with general estrogen dominance symptoms taking it for the first time take it 2x/day, every day for months to saturate the tissues and get back to normal. It has helped me with insomnia, skin issues, brain fog, joint pain. I have heard of it helping women with many other conditions that have a hormonal root cause (eg migraines, breast tenderness, acne, weight gain, etc).
>Coffee (even decaf) boosts estrogen by more than 12% – so drink organic only (avoids estrogenic pesticides) or cut it out around your period. Strictly limit milk of all kinds which can also trigger flooding. Conventionally raised meats and eggs can also be problematic – get pastured and grass fed as possible. Eliminate or limit plastics in drinks and food (we use hard plastics for leftovers but never heat food in them and never eat hot food off paper plates). The softer the plastic the more it leaches. Estrogenic pesticides are sprayed on virtually all conventional fruits and veggies. Avoid parabens in personal care products (also estrogenic). You may not have to limit all of these things but I am listing them just in case.
>There was a study where women prone to menstrual flooding took ginger at standardized doses over many months had lighter periods. So if you start it today, it could be the answer in 3-4 months.