- Why Did God Create Cancer? Dr. Tedd Koren reveals cancer as a self-protective mechanism
- Support for Pediatric Cancer Kim Schuette provides detailed instructions for restoring your child to health
- The Tijuana Cancer Clinics Sylvia Onusic describes her recent visit
- GCMAF and Raw Milk Lee Emerson explains why alternative practitioners are giving GcMAF to cancer patients
and how you can make your own. - My Adventures with Black Salve Kelly the Kitchen Kop tells how to use black salve to treat basal cell carcinomas
- President’s Message: A Bold Step
- Letters: Letters to the Editor of Wise Traditions
- Caustic Commentary: Sally Fallon Morell takes on the Diet Dictocrats
- Reading Between the Lines Merinda Teller discusses the dangers of microwave radiation and 5G technology
- The Wise Traditions Pantry Maureen Diaz on avoiding junk party foods
- Homeopathy Journal Joette Calabrese on homeopathic support for cancer
- Technology As Servant John Moody cautions against sous vide cooking
- WAPF Podcast Interview Nina Teicholz on the crumbling lowfat dogma
- All Thumbs Book Reviews
- Tim’s DVD Reviews
- Thumbs Up
- Thumbs Down
- Food Features
- Legislative Updates Judith McGeary on current issues
- Vaccination Updates Kendall Nelson on the mandates
A Campaign for Real Milk:
- Healthy Baby Gallery: More Wise Traditions babies!
President’s Message
by Sally Fallon Morell
In this issue we take a bold step and address the subject of cancer, presenting a number of holistic, alternative therapies to this disease of modern civilization. We are not alleging to provide “cures.” That would constitute an irresponsible claim. Nevertheless, many people do “recover” using holistic alternatives, sometimes used in conjunction with conventional treatments, but more often on their own.
It is the person diagnosed with cancer who must make the decision as to the type of treatment he or she thinks best. No one else can make this decision. All that friends and family members can do after a diagnosis of cancer is provide information. Unfortunately, accurate information on alternative treatments is hard to come by, and most doctors put great pressure on the frightened patient to adhere to the allopathic treatments of surgery, chemotherapy and radiation. We hope that the information contained in this issue will provide the cancer patient with a better platform on which to base a decision.
A diagnosis of cancer often serves as a wake-up call, an alarm bell that urges the patient and his family to reconsider every aspect of their lifestyle—diet, therapies, environment, work, relationships, daily schedule and even thinking patterns. Our focus is on the diet, showing the need for whole, clean foods, properly prepared, and helping people obtain these foods. The nutrient-dense Wise Traditions diet should be the first defense against all disease, but especially cancer; non-toxic therapies added to this diet make for powerful medicine.
The hows and whys of nutrient-dense food will be the focus of our upcoming conference, the 18th annual Wise Traditions conference, held in Minneapolis. In addition to your favorite returning speakers—such as Natasha Campbell-McBride, Chris Masterjohn, Stephanie Seneff and Tom Cowan—offering 16 new talks, this conference boasts 19 new speakers. We look forward to presenting really cutting-edge information on hormone health—our main theme—and many other topics, including fertility, dental health, nutrition for the eyes and brain, digestive health, diabetes and weight loss, as well as more practical topics such as food preparation, farming and gardening.
For those needing to watch their budgets, we have many options, from one-day tickets to passes without meals to work scholarships. We can help you arrange room shares and ride shares. As always, we provide a children’s program and of course, delicious, nutritious meals. For further information and to register, visit wisetraditions.org.
One more thing: Fall is the time for our annual fundraising campaign. WAPF does a lot with a little and does not accept any funding from corporations or the government, but we do need extra help to keep all our programs going. We welcome donations of any size.
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God did not make the body to be getting sick repeatedly. The symptoms we observe are the body’s mechanism for dealing with infractions of health laws–the body’s attempt to overcome what the person has done wrong. Attempts to do away with the symptom is to work against built-in mechanisms to repair what we have caused. A penalty must be paid for broken laws–take a drug (or procedure) to make a symptom go away and another symptom will occur, ’til the cause is removed.
SOLUTION: remove the cause!
100% accurate! It’s the simplest concept to understand, yet very few people do…..