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President’s Message
Can we Make America Healthy Again? With the election of Donald Trump to the presidency, and the promise of Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. as head of Health and Human Services (HHS), there’s great excitement in the alternative health world. Maybe we can turn around the poisoning and deliberate starvation of our children that has brought us to the current crises.
It’s important to be hopeful—but also realistic. Case in point is fluoride. A recent federal court ruling from Judge Edward M. Chen requires the EPA to respond to safety concerns, namely that fluoride added to drinking water lowers IQ in children. Chen’s ruling cited the risk as sufficient to require the EPA “to engage with a regulatory response.” But has this monumental ruling resulted in the removal of fluoride from our drinking water? Not yet! In fact, it will be a long fight on the local level to get officials to stop, especially in the face of newspaper and Internet articles bewailing any challenge to fluoride’s wonderful benefits! If the EPA moves at all on this, it will be with glacial speed.
School lunches: we all agree that they are atrocious! Can Trump and Kennedy change them with a stroke of a pen? No, they are cast in concrete as federal law, with lots of corporate money riding on giving America’s children the worst possible junk food two meals per day.
Concerns about vaccines have flooded into the national media. Is the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) moving to address the dangers of the horrendous vaccination schedule? No, they have just added another recommended shot—HepB for pregnant women. This means that babies will be exposed to the HepB vaccine poisons in utero, plus the day after birth, at their one-month “well” visit, then again at six months and once more at eighteen months. It also means that babies will be exposed to seven vaccines in utero. This is utter madness; how can anyone think this is right? Remember that vaccines for pregnant women have never been tested, and multiple vaccines at one time in children have never been tested. Furthermore, HepB is a disease of drug users and doesn’t threaten babies.
Raw milk? The USDA just shut down the Raw Farm in California based on bogus PCR tests (see page 83).
So let’s not expect miracles. While we have made slow progress on many fronts, it’s mostly on the local and individual levels. We must redouble our efforts, working towards more raw milk availability, education about vaccine dangers, teaching parents to make their children’s lunches and lobbying local government bodies to remove poisons from our water. We cannot expect salvation from our government, only from our own efforts.
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