Early in the 20th century, doctors were curing terminal diseases and other types of sickness with protocols built around a 100 percent raw milk diet for a period of weeks or months. For example, see returntonow.net/2023/01/17/ why-youve-never-heard-of-the-mayo-clinics-raw-milk-cure/
Now the medical drug dealers have eliminated almost all discussion of this critical information. I want to contact anyone currently using this therapy, perhaps as a health professional, retreat owner or in some other capacity. Please email me at richard@globalleadersconsulting.com if you have any practical experience with this therapy. [You could also send a Letter to the Editor for this journal.]
Richard A. Sacks, PhD
Host of Lost Arts Radio
In the search for health, I would love some feedback from those who have looked into the effects of glyphosate on humans. We are in Florida. I wanted to share three different stories.
First, after moving to and living in Florida for a few years, I started to have symptoms such as significant fatigue and swelling in my fingers and sometimes lower legs. I am a very physically active athlete who eats a Wise Traditions diet, and I don’t eat out. I never had these issues before. I got a thermography scan which showed significant lymph congestion. When I leave Florida all the symptoms go away. When I return, they come back (although now not as severe since I started implementing some lymph drainage techniques). I realize there are many reasons (some emotional) the lymph system could become congested. I realize that glyphosate is sprayed in most places, however it is not sprayed nearly as much where we visit (when outside Florida) compared to how much is sprayed in our Florida neighborhood and county. All my neighbors spray, and all our parks and playgrounds are sprayed, even the cracks in all the sidewalks downtown.
Second, my nine-year-old son experiences “allergy” symptoms when in Florida, but not in other places. I understand that it could be pollen, etc., but he doesn’t suffer from any symptoms when in any other state. But as soon as we get back to Florida, regardless of the time of year, he immediately is symptomatic, with massive congestion all the time. He also eats a good diet with no junk.
Third, one of my son’s friends suffers from symptoms such as severely inflamed red eyes (he looks like he has been hit in both eyes), and trouble breathing. After a couple years of trying to figure it out, his mother took him to a biological dentist who said his tonsils and adenoids were swollen, and they thought it was because his lymphatic system was severely congested. After talking to his mom, I found out that the symptoms significantly increase every time he is on the golf course (six times a week because he is a competitive golfer). Obviously, golf courses are the most heavily sprayed places of all.
So after hearing our friend’s story, and comparing it to mine and my son’s, I started to wonder whether it’s the glyphosate. Have any of you read about these types of symptoms from glyphosate? Is there a homeopathic remedy that could possibly help these symptoms or the lymphatic system if this is indeed caused by glyphosate spraying?
I remember the lawsuits against Roundup by those who have lymphoma. But I haven’t dived in much more than that.
Any other insight? Would the GAPS protocol help even if we continue to live where we live and our friend continues to play golf on sprayed courses? Even though the GAPS diet may help heal our terrain, would the continued exposure to glyphosate keep wreaking havoc and most likely cause symptoms? I am unsure why we would be affected by the glyphosate in this manner when our neighbors seem not to suffer—but they may suffer in different ways that I am not aware of or perhaps they are all on medication, who knows!
Sarasota, Florida
I wanted to reach out to thank you and let you know the information you’ve provided has transformed my entire family’s life and has played a significant role in our lives for over twenty years since we first read Weston Price’s book. So, I wanted to share a story.
My wife Ashley and I had our first-born child last year. From a young age after a bout with cervical cancer Ashley was told it would be highly unlikely she would be able to conceive a child. We followed your suggested prenatal diet and Ashley got pregnant naturally at age thirty-seven. Our son was born two months premature due to her remaining cervix letting go. After a month in the NICU, our son Isaiah was able to come home from the hospital.
We followed your baby formula with great care, exactly as it’s written. We are so pleased with the results I had to reach out and tell someone. Isaiah is now nine months old, and is not only caught up developmentally but mentally and physically, surpassing “average” one-year-olds. He has never had a cold or sickness, has received no vaccinations of any type and no antibiotics. I can go deeper into how healthy this child is but you get the point.
I have included pictures of him when he was born at four pounds and now at nine months at twenty-four pounds. Thank you, thank you, thank you from my entire family to yours!
Matthew Lussier
Cumberland, Rhode Island

On June 4, 2024, Dr. Huber, Dr. Dupmeier and I presented volumes of information and evidence on the numerous harms of GMO crops and glyphosate herbicides to a group of farmers and ranchers along with individuals from the Calgary Vet School and officials from CFIA at a meeting in Swift Current, Saskatchewan, Canada.
We learned of a grain sales agreement that Canadian farmers are being impelled to sign when delivering grain for sale to grain merchandisers. The liability that should be directed toward the chemical companies for the lingering effects of their synthetic chemicals is being transferred to the farmers who are using these chemicals in their farming operations as well as farmers who choose not to use chemicals but are having these chemicals drift onto their land from neighboring farms and/ or custom applicators.
Dr. Huber and I also visited a farm where the lentil crop was killed last year by the glyphosate residue in the soil. The field was on track to make seventy bushels per acre with excellent nutrient management and very specifically managed fertilization. The final foliar application of micronutrients and macronutrients (based on tissue tests and sap testing results) contained a very available form of phosphorous. This highly available form of phosphorous triggered a release of the glyphosate residues from the soil (this is well documented in scientific literature) and subsequently killed the lentil crop within ten days. The yield of the lentils was seven bushels per acre.
Glyphosate is rightly called the elephant in the room on numerous health issues. Too few people realize that the soil health is one of the first places where glyphosate is wreaking havoc. This story needs to be told far and wide and the chemical companies need to be held accountable and liable, not the farmers.
For those who wish to further investigate this, please contact me and I will connect you with the parties involved. To the lawyers receiving this, please reach out to me as time permits. I would like to discuss the legal ramifications of this very troubling matter.
Howard R. Vlieger
Maurice, Iowa
I learned about the Bates Method via the Wise Traditions podcast in 2021. I read the Bates book, found a website with exercises (bateseyeexercises.com/ welcome.php), and have been doing them since. I didn’t expect any improvement, yet I was interested to see (pun intended) if I could prevent further decline.
I’m excited to share my results: my left eye went from -4.50 to -3.50 for far glasses. (Right eye is exactly the same at -3.50.); my left eye went from -3.00 to -2.50 for close glasses. (Right eye declined from -2.00 to -2.50.) Huge improvement for the left! My left eye is now even better than my 2014 numbers of -3.75. Yeah!
At first I tried the usual ophthalmology route: eye doctor and exam. And then two different optometrists. But those results were always too strong, which meant blurry vision and eye pain. I bought a 200 euro trial lens kit from eBay, figured out my numbers, and ordered new glasses online. Problem solved.
Here is another example of my improved health: In 2007, I took ibuprofen one hundred eighty-three times. I learned about the WAPF in 2008, started improving my diet, and my ibuprofen use decreased to one hundred times that year. Then only ten times in 2009. And now I haven’t taken any ibuprofen since 2018. Woohoo!
Thank you for the information the Foundation provides!
WAPF Member
Ulm, Germany
I saw a dead squirrel covered in maggots on the side of the road. Did the maggots kill the squirrel, everyone wondered? The maggotologist did a genome test on the maggots and sure enough these virtually same maggots are showing up all over the world with slight variations depending on country and region.
“That proves it,” said the maggotologist. “These maggots could infect humans,” he warned.
When some people spoke out against this possibility, they retorted, “These flat earthers believe in superstition and don’t understand how science works. They need to be shut up or it will cause everyone to die of maggots.”
They were able to produce magic bullet maggot injections very quickly thanks to new technology. “Here take our magic bullet maggot injections, quickly before it’s too late. They’ll protect you from the maggots.”
They plastered it all over the news. Then the government passed laws about maggot protection. And everyone flocked in a panic to get the magic bullet maggot injections. They “attenuated” the maggot shots so they weren’t alive anymore and not capable of causing any harm.
The people who didn’t get the magic bullet maggot shots were shunned as evil and stupid and cast out of society. Some were even put in prison. Some were even killed for speaking out. The magic bullet maggot-shot makers stood to profit, earning huge sums of money, and they couldn’t let the public believe otherwise. Thank science (God doesn’t exist) for the magic bullet maggot injection makers. They were given a big parade and called heroes.
Praise science!
Later we found out the maggotologist worked for the same group that created the magic bullet injections. Some people accused them of helping to create the maggots in a lab. I guess we’ll never know.
Dave Bowers
Yankton, South Dakota
I am working with a physician, Kevin Ham, MD, to produce some very short books on ancestral diets, obesity and chronic disease. Kevin is a physician who is fully trained in family practice but never practiced medicine, as he became a highly successful Internet entrepreneur. He has some tricks to market books that most would not. Anyway, our planned books will be short and sweet, driving home the message about ancestral diets, but with more of a story line—a Sherlock Holmes “whodunnit” kind of approach—and less science.
We’re working on the table of contents and general plan for a book on cancer—which will mostly be related to prevention, not cure once the disease has begun. However, it might be helpful to weave a few short anecdotes in the book about cancer reversal with ancestral diets.
We are seeking testimonials. Please send them to me at cknobbe@ me.com.
Chris Knobbe
Dallas, Texas
Thank you for the twenty-five dollar membership option. A friend sent me a year’s membership as a gift. I was very impressed by the quality of the writing in the articles.
I’m eighty years old, a retired school teacher and am on public assistance. I am so grateful that you make this available to us who are living in poverty. I have ordered from the Shopping Guide—it’s very useful.
Elaine Rylin
Roundup, Montana
Regarding your recent article on toxic gossypol in cottonseed oil (Summer 2024), my neighborhood group has been talking about the increasing rat problem in our area. One neighbor said they’ve been using rodent birth control on their property, and they’ve seen a definite decrease in the number of rats showing up. Interestingly, the main ingredient is cottonseed oil. One neighbor said it makes her wonder whether cottonseed oil contributes to the increased incidence of infertiliy or low sperm counts in humans, too. So maybe people are slowly catching on to the dangers of industrial seed oils.
Linda Harkness
Seattle, Washington
This is one of the only truly real, unsubsidized organizations with a huge heart, with true ancestral knowledge and an amazing staff. We are all the lucky recipients of your perseverance, talent and benevolence. Thank you for everything you do as an organization and individually, God bless and watch over you all,
Raymond Silkman, DDS
Los Angeles, California
I’ve been an avid consumer of raw dairy (milk, cream, butter, cheese) since Jan. 2001, originally bought from the Organic Pastures company and then the Raw Farm company.
I’m not writing so as to share any personal health benefits per se that I can identify but to share that I’ve never gotten sick from consuming these raw products (which includes at least a pound of raw butter every two weeks; and three raw/organic-raised eggs/day bought from other companies all these years since Raw Farm doesn’t sell eggs!).
I’m on a 95% raw/organic diet all this time, including raw chicken soaked in lemon juice(!), and raw organic-raised top sirloin beef100% the first 10 years.
Americans have been fear-mongered by the Big Agra commercial dairy industry; it’s clearly all about business profits for them, not about human health, especially evident in their efforts to kill off raw dairy companies, being all about satisfying their shareholders; I have to say it, these are shameful, pitiful human beings.