May 3. 2006
(and that includes everyone, Ohio resident or not)
On behalf of the Ohio Raw Milk effort, we request that any WAPF member who consumes raw milk or raw milk products send their testimonies to us on what raw milk has done for their health. One or two paragraphs would be fine. Many of the Ohio members are concerned that their testimonies would bring attention to their local raw milk farmers and get them in trouble with the Ohio Department of Agriculture. Because of this unfortunate situation, it is difficult to obtain in-state testimonies right now.
The State of Ohio has scheduled a hearing on raw milk next Tuesday, May 9. So, your immediate response is requested.
UPDATE 05 MAY 2006: The hearing on Ohio House Bill HR534 is set for Wednesday, May 10th, 2006 at 8:30 am. If you can attend the hearing on the raw milk bill, please plan to attend. Just remember the big change is the day being changed from Tuesday to Wednesday, May 10th at 8:30 am. Room 116. We want to pack the State House! A good map to the statehouse is located at
http://www.statehouse.state.oh.us/individualMap.cfm?MAP=1. Please plan to make the trip to Columbus, OH if you can. Call Jim Roberts for more details: 937-898-5063.
Please send testimonies by e-mail to Mike Parlin – he is collecting the materials for our hearing next week – at MANDMPAR (at) CORE.COM
If you have any questions, please contact Jim Roberts 937-898-5063 or jtroberts (at) usa.com .
Thank you!
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