In the current issue of the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, a group of “paleolithic nutrition” and “evolutionary health” researchers published an analysis of the acid-base balance of the diets of 229 hunter-gatherer societies. They concluded that, contrary to the suggestions of Loren Cordain and S. Boyd Eaton that prehistoric hunter-gatherer diets were nearly all net base-producing, about half of historically studied hunter-gatherer diets were net acid-producing.
This basically means that many hunter-gatherer groups subsisted heavily on animal protein, which is rich in sulfur-containing amino acids that increase the production and excretion of sulfuric acid during their metabolism. When the authors assumed that hunter-gatherers ate diets rich in lean meat, they estimated that over two-thirds of these groups consumed net acid-producing diets. They noted, however, that such groups tended to discard lean meat in favor of fatty portions such as marrow, brains, and tongue. When they assumed the groups were eating fattier diets, they estimated that between 40 and 60 percent of the groups consumed net acid-producing diets.
Of course these authors were not able to draw any conclusions about whether the acid-base balance of these diets had any effect on the health of the people consuming them.
Weston Price, however, was able to and did draw such conclusions. In a speech given at the New York Dental Centennial Meeting in 1934, reproduced in full in the newest expanded edition of Nutrition and Physical Degeneration, Price argued that the acid-base balance of diets had no effect on immunity to tooth decay:
It is important to note that in four of these five groups of primitive racial stocks, living on entirely different native foods and in widely divergent climates and entirely different living habits, the immunity-producing diets were found to be higher in acid factors than in base factors. In some the divergence is quite small and in others, quite large. It is also important that, in changing, from high immunity to high susceptibility diets there was no increase in potential acidity with increased susceptibility to tooth decay.
Rather than concluding that the “evolutionary diet” of humans may have been net acid-producing, Cordain, Eaton, and Melvin Konner published an editorial in the same issue of AJCN arguing that the many net acid-producing diets of historic hunter-gatherers resulted from a divergence from the ancestral alkaline diets of prehistoric hunter-gatherers.
To support their contention that hunter-gatherers eating net acid-producing diets suffered ill health because of it, they cited a single paper showing high rates of osteoporosis in skeletons of Sadlermiut Inuit from the early contact period. According to the theory that meat causes osteoporosis, excess sulfur amino acids in meat are metabolized to sulfur-based acids; as organic buffers are released from bone to neutralize the acid, the mineralized matrix of bone tissue is also dissolved.
There are two large problems with this theory: first, many accounts of the Inuit noted remarkable skeletal health; second, eating meat does not leach calcium from bone.
Did the Inuit, on the whole, really have poor skeletal health? When Price studied the Inuit he found not only nearly complete immunity to tooth decay so long as they were eating their native diet, but also a remarkable degree of muscular and skeletal perfection rarely seen among other peoples. When they began eating modern refined foods, the Inuit suffered rapid development of tooth decay and general physical degeneration, but the modern diets were no more or less acid-producing than their traditional diets.
In a 1972 article, “Mental Illness, Biology, and Culture,” published in the book Psychological Anthropology, Alfred Wallace hypothesized that hypocalcemic tetany from low levels of calcium and vitamin D underlied a phenomenon of hysteria found among Eskimos called pibloktok. Wallace noted that tetany was common among Inuit who did not have year-round access to fatty fish and fish bones, but that bone diseases were incredibly rare among the Inuit even when they faced seasonal malnutrition.
So much for the idea that acid-producing diets lead to bone disease among the Inuit.
More importantly, however, modern experimental science has thoroughly debunked the idea that eating meat leaches calcium from the bones.
Since HC Sherman first observed in 1920 that people who eat high-protein diets tend to excrete more calcium in their urine, over 25 trials have been published showing beyond a doubt that increasing dietary protein does in fact increase urinary calcium.
On the other hand there are at least four studies showing that people who eat the most protein have the slowest bone loss over time and another four showing that people who eat the most protein have the lowest fracture rate over time.
What we really care about, however, are the intervention trials, because these allow us to demonstrate cause and effect. While several of these have found modest benefits by providing protein-deficient elderly patients with small protein supplements, by far the most important intervention trial is that published by a group led by Bess Dawson-Hughes of Tufts University showing that protein intakes far beyond the minimal requirement actually improve bone health.
In this study, 16 older men and women were randomly allocated to a group made to increase their protein intake from 0.85 grams per kilogram of bodyweight, considered adequate, to 1.55 grams per kilogram of bodyweight. Another 16 people were randomly allocated to a control group and left their diet unchanged. After nine weeks, the group consuming extra protein had lower levels of bone turnover and higher bone mineral density.
The Dawson-Hughes group, contrary to many other studies, did not observe higher urinary calcium with higher protein intake. Studies conducted by Jane Kerstetter’s group at the University of Connecticut, however, showed that an even larger increase in dietary protein from 0.7 g/kg to 2.1 g/kg did, in fact increase urinary calcium, but not by leaching it from bone. Instead, they found that consuming more protein increased calcium absorption from the intestines. Markers of bone turnover tended to decrease on the high-protein diet but the decrease was not statistically significant. Kerstetter’s group is conducting ongoing investigations to determine the mechanism by which meat and protein enhance the intestinal absorption of calcium.
Does meat really leach calcium from the bones then? Not according to the scientific evidence.
Read more about the author, Chris Masterjohn, PhD, here.
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Jeanmarie Todd says
Thanks for clearing this up, Chris. The claims that meat-eating leaches calcium from the bones had me worried for awhile (in my pre-WAPF days) so it’s great to gain a better understanding of the situation. How interesting that the explanation for the mistaken claims is drawing conclusions on poorly understood, preliminary “evidence.” Gee, that never happens! 😉
Keep up the good work,
Saifudheen says
Just eat sensibly and it strats right now. Get into eating for the baby no sugar lots of veggies and fruits and plenty of protein MAKE sure you take in Folic acid(VERY IMPORTANT) Go to a health food store and they usually have books for reference in the front of the store. Main thing is just because you are eating for two now it doesn’t give you a license to pig out you will totally regret it later and I am serious My first baby was sickly and I gained 60 pounds and it took 2 years to get it off The next two I ate healthy foods like six small meals and had no sugar at all I had two healthy babies andI breast fed and lost the excess in a couple months
Zeke says
I’ve always thought the claim that eating meat leached calcium was a bunch of malarky! Now I finally have something to back it up with. Bravo!
Michael says
Perhaps not meat “per se”…or any other “naturally” found food-stuff, such as those consumed by the people that Weston Price visited…but wouldn´t white sugar, white flour, alcohol and other mineral-deficient modern products do so, i.e. contribute to the leaking from bones and teeth of calcium, magnesium and other “base” minerals…?
Wenchypoo says
As a wife whose husband has gout (tendency inherited), I can tell you it isn’t what we eat, but how often we get rid of it. Inadequate elimination of built-up acids cause gout, and it can be partially neutralized with vegetation and calcium supplements.
A vegetarian diet does not provide the B-12 we need, so that’s the role of meat. Vegetation also does not provide the two types of fiber we need, and that’s where grains come in.
Acidity is necessary to prevent illness–think “Andromeda Strain” here. If we’re too acid, germs, and viruses cannot grow inside our bodies–these things can only survive in certain pH levels, and our object is to survive at DIFFERENT pH levels (which we do with proper diets). If we’re too alkaline, fungus flourishes. Too much acid, and cancer fluorishes.
Meat does leach calcium, but certain leafy greens can replace it–have salads with your steak. Red mineral algae supplements can also replace it.
Aaron says
Actually, B-12 naturally comes from bacteria that is found from the soil in the earth. So vegans and vegetarians would naturally get B-12 if we didn’t over clean our food. B-12 would be found in our dirty water and from the soil on our vegetables and fruits.
Christopher Masterjohn says
Wenchypoo, I agree with your comments on gout. I’m a little confused why you say “meat does leach calcium” when the evidence I presented above suggests it doesn’t.
Michael, I think Price was primarily concerned with those foods displacing mineral- and vitamin-rich foods, but perhaps they also have leaching effects, especially if they feed bacteria and are metabolized to acids (as can occur in the mouth and elsewhere).
Zeke, thanks!
Jeanmarie, you’re welcome, and thanks!
Gayle says
It is my understanding that the Inuit eat their meat, mainly raw. I have to wonder if cooking the meat makes a difference as far as calcium leaching? It certainly changes the amino acid profile. When we eat cooked meat we are eating a short chain amino acid, as opposed to a long chain amino acid in raw meat.
One more note: As I understand it, our consumption of coffee and soda has a greater effect on leaching calcium from our bones, than eating meat. Osteoporosis may be more about our bad habits around consuming inappropriate beverages than about eating meat?
Interesting. We have been recommending that people supplement a raw meat diet for their pets, with a calcium source. Thanks for this info.
Gayle – Know Better Pet Food
Christopher Masterjohn says
Wenchypoo, good points. However, gout is primarily a buildup of uric acid, which is a separate issue. As the evidence I presented in the blog shows, current evidence indicates that meat does not leach calcium from the bones.
Michael, that may be the case, although Price’s focus was on their displacement of mineralizers, not their possible demineralizing effects.
Zeke, thanks!
Jeanmarrie, thanks, I’m glad it helped! I *wish* that never happened!
Barry Wilson says
I was looking at an alkaline foods list at this site. Most meats are listed as acidic. Does the body compensate acidity will calcium from the bones?
It lists many things I thought were acidic as alkaline. Eg. Lemons, I always thought they were very acidic. The mentioned it was based on the alkaline ash? not the ph level of the food.
Suvetar says
My Dad (born and raised in Germany) grew up on Liverwurst, Bloodwurst, Lard on bread with salt, etc and Raw Milk.
He just turned 67 last Winter, still eats and drinks the same foods he grew up on with the exception that the milk is now unfortunately pasteurized/homogenized.
He still has ALL his teeth, few fillings here and there and a couple crowns. On top of that he still has all of his hair, clear skin and focused mind. He also is still strong like an ox and works outside.
I had an uncle that lived to be 92 on a high animal meat/fat diet with vegetables. He kept his height all the way into his late 80’s and was pulling weeds out of his garden and rode the bicycle to the store and back.
Eat your organs/meats and fats!
Ross says
Hi guys
I am still of the opinion that regardless of the inconclusivity of the meat/bone/acid argument that eating ‘mostly’ alkaline is still best.
Let’s face it – alkaline foods include vegetables, seeds, nuts, fruit etc and acid foods include sugar, trans fats, colas, alcohol etc.
Nature has kinda given a clear deliniation.
Having said that, acid or alkaline – a balanced diet is always best and will always make you happiest!
Heaps more research is needed in this area and thanks to the authors for providing space for a debate!
Nilda says
Do you really need to eat twice as much food drunig your pregnancy? Of course not! In fact, maintaining a healthy, balanced diet is of utmost importance while expecting. Learn how to eat healthily and satisfy your and your baby’s nutrition needs.Pregnancy is a time of weight gain and weird food cravings—but just because you pack on a few extra pounds and feel like eating broccoli with peanut butter doesn’t mean it’s time for a free-for-all, anything-goes diet. Now that you’re eating for two, your primary concern should be maintaining a nutritious meal plan that benefits both you and your baby.How Much is Too Much?You may be wondering, now that you’re pregnant, if you should literally eat enough for two. To be brief, the answer is no. Kristen Burris, owner and medical director of the American Acupuncture Center, Inc. in San Diego, California, believes this is one of the most dangerous misconceptions drunig pregnancy. Eating unhealthily and gaining too much weight are prime causes of gestational diabetes and high blood pressure, not to mention bloating! So while you must certainly be more cautious of what you are putting into your body, there is no need to double your food intake.
Prolesan says
pregnancy is a very specific time. Of course, the best interests of the child.
I support the above statement. We are not fooling nature. That’s why we have a simple choice and it’s not worth arguing with.
Personally, me and my wife listen to the voice of nature. I have a good figure with 15% fat, and my wife feels great in her second pregnancy.
Everyone urges to eat alkaline food.
Thanks and best regards
Liz says
Great and thorough article, and easy reading too. It is very interesting to hear the history behind this.
Billy Joe Jim Bob says
Wenchypoo, where the heck are you getting your info? B-12 comes from bacteria in the soil and on PLANTS. How do you think the cow gets B-12 in its body for you to eat? Last time I checked, cows were not meat eaters. The problem is fruits and vegetables that are washed and treated because our society has become so deathly afraid of all bacteria that we think we have to sanitize the hell out of everything!
We need only small amounts of B-12 anyway and it doesn’t have to be ingested every day. If you grow your own fruit and veggies and eat them as-is, you’ll get plenty of B-12 and then some. It is possible to eat nothing but fruits and vegetables and still get ALL the vitamins, minerals, fiber, protein, fat, and carbs you need. Something you can’t say about meat by the way.
Also, in the same paragraph you say too much acid helps kill germs and viruses, then you say too much acid and cancer flourishes. Wha? If that’s true then I guess that’s an argument in favor of alkalinity. Because I’m guessing most people would take a few colds over even one bout of cancer. And “Andromeda Strain” was science FICTION! Otherwise, I enjoyed your post.
Laurel Blair, NTP says
Billy Joe Jim Bob, would you care to explain how one would get all the vitamins A, D, and K2 they need from just fruits and vegetables? How about zinc? Protein? Saturated fats??? Which fruits and vegetables contain adequate amounts of omega-3 and omega-6 essential fatty acids? I’m a Nutritional Therapist and your statement makes absolutely no sense to me. Please do elaborate.
By the way, most people don’t have the means to grow all of their own vegetables and fruits anyway. For those of us who are not so fortunate, we must buy our plant foods pre-washed and B-12 free, making animal products for B-12 an absolute necessity.
Kyle says
Well, actually you do not need to eat an amt for 2 audlts..rather 1 and 1/2. The baby does not need near the amt. of food that audlts do, so you actually do not eat for 2. Remember to eat healthy eat for 1 1/2 the baby will hopefully be healthy so will you, will probably not be left with as much fat after the pregnancy..often times this is many women’s problem b/c they want to eat enough for themselves the baby who can blame them. But before you take this advice, I would talk to the doctor 1st. May God bless you your little one! Take care!
Carlos says
I think it’s most important to get the extra caierlos when you start your second trimester. Unless you are underweight to start. If your body is telling you its hungry I wouldn’t worry about how much you eat though. As long as it is something nutritional. Not just empty caierlos from junk food. You deserve a treat every now and then though. I am 25 weeks and have gained 14 pds so far. I only gained 3 pds up until 19 wks. Then I started putting weight on fast. I craved lots of sugar. Im trying to cut it out now and eat healthier.
Hans Keer says
Increased calcium absorption from the intestines? You need to consume a calcium rich diet to make that possible. That is exactly what Cordain is advocating. Cordain is very Pro-meat. So what is the problem here?
Jackson says
Billy Joe Jim Bob, that is highly irresponsible to promote and it’s because of myths like this that so many vegans get sick.
Cows don’t get B-12 from food, they synthesize it in their rumens. B-12 come from bacteria that are plentiful in a cow’s digestive system. Humans are not ruminants. This is very simple biology.
Eating just a little B-12 from time to time is a great way to develop a deficiency and become an ex-vegan statistic.
Ivet says
As many others tsated before me you do not need to eat for two but you do need to try and make all of your choices very healthy. I am adding other stuff that I think is important. two important things take your prenatal vitamins (and maybe some fish oil!) and Buy the book what to expect when you are expecting as some foods can be dangerous while you are pregnant ie: sandwich meats (which I still eat), Peanut butter (which can lead to a peanut allergy and did happen to my sister), Certain fish (can cause miscarriage) etc. When you go in for your first appointment the doctor will give you the basics. Normally you only gain 3-5 pounds during the first three months. The majority of your weight gain will automatically happen in the 7th month and then later on. Do not worry as your body will tell you what you need through your cravings. Oh and congratulations!
Suzanne says
Is there any experimental evidence that sulphur-containing amino-acids will form sulphur-based acids? I ask this because sulphur is an important component of hair, skin and nails. I have some farming experience, and know that sheep with a sulphur deficiency don’t grow a whole lot of wool of high quality! Sulphur is also used in the production of collagen. Here’s a link to an overview of the importance of sulphur in the diet:
It seems to me more likely that sulphur will be profitably used by our bodies than turned into free acid.
Maryann says
I’m assuming you are lacto-ovo, as you did not sfecipy. Eggs and cheese are sources of protein, and super easy. Add some spinach and make eggs florantine for a little more iron. Yogurt is great for calcium and protein, and contains probiotics. A simple breakfast of cereal with milk or soy milk, and a piece of fruit is enough for me, but I get veggies and beans in other meals. You can try quinoa and veggies for breakfast. I also like oatmeal, but add nuts for protein to it and dried fruit, sometimes I’ll just mix peanutbutter, honey, and a banana in (a trick I learned from staying in hotels when I travel, it’s almost always available at continental breakfasts, warm, and filling enough to keep me satisfied until lunch, even doing work outdoors).
Massage Therapy Mackay says
I like your post, which share about that how meat leach calcium in our bones. Many authors not able to draw any conclusions about whether the acid-base balance of meat had any effect on the health of the people consuming them. Thanks for sharing with us!
iamnatural says
Dietary protein has a few contradicting impacts on Ca levels and its net impact on bone isn’t settled. It has for quite some time been perceived that increasing the amount of protein raised urinary Ca discharge. All the more as of late, it has been found that expanding dietary protein raises the circling level of insulin-like development factor-1, a development factor that advances osteoblast arrangement and bone development. Different impacts of protein on the Ca economy have been recommended in research, yet they are less entrenched. A few investigations have inspected relationship between protein admission and bone break rates. The likelihood that Ca intake may impact the effect of dietary protein on the skeleton warrants advance examination.
Seamus says
Hello all,
Try adding to filter out some of the noise.
I was just “Googling” search term “does meat leach calcium” and is among the most prominent search results.
After adding to the search terms, a reference to a paper describing a Cornell study on this topic was prominent:
Is the China Study debunked?
Mason says
I had not heard of that as a concern. But, good suggestions here. Thanks