Vaccines are a controversial topic. Some say that they are effective; others disagree vehemently. Dr. Tom Cowan, a holistic physician, author, and speaker, sees both sides and sheds needed light on this difficult topic. Basically, Dr. Cowan postulates that vaccines do indeed reduce the likelihood of our contracting various illnesses such as whooping cough or measles, for example. However, he explains why this short-term help has long-term consequences for our health—leading to autoimmune disorders and other chronic conditions.
Today’s conversation includes a discussion of what best boosts our immunity to disease, how vaccines (and illness) work in our bodies, why vaccines must include adjuvants (toxic ingredients) to be effective and what holds the most promise for long-term positive health outcomes.
Visit Dr. Cowan’s website: fourfoldhealing.com.
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The Vaccine Trade-Off
Dr. Tom Cowan explains that while vaccines protect us from sickness in the short term, they often lead to chronic health conditions in the long run.
This is episode 149 and my guest is Dr. Tom Cowan. Dr. Cowan is a longtime holistic physician living and practicing in San Francisco. He specializes in helping people heal through diet and natural medicines. Tom is a respected speaker and author. We talk to him about his book, Vaccines, Autoimmunity and the Changing Nature of Childhood Illness. We know it’s a controversial topic and we’ve hit on it before but Tom talks about it in a fresh way, supersensibly and with solid science.
Tom postulates that vaccines do indeed reduce the likelihood of contracting various illnesses like whooping cough or measles. However, this short-term help has long-term consequences for our health. Tom touches on the science behind vaccinations, what is most likely to boost our natural immunity against sickness and what leading scientists have to say about vaccine’s efficacy for long-term positive health outcomes.
Before we get into the conversation, we want to give a quick thanks to our sponsors, Vintage Tradition Tallow Balm, the original whole food of skin care. Check out their new products including a paperboard tube for lips and on the go at VintageTradition.com. Ancestral Supplements, putting back in what the modern world has left out, New Zealand-sourced liver, organ meats and bone marrow in convenient gelatin capsules. Order yours at AncestralSupplements.com.
Welcome to the show, Tom.
Thank you for having me on your show again.
You have valuable information to bring to our readers. I want to kick things off with a story of your grandsons at the lake. Tell us why you included that story in your book and what it has to do with immunity and healing.
The story was an attempt to demonstrate one of the things I’ve said a few times before and included in the book, which is that children learn best when not taught. Even though that may seem like a strange thing to say, I would say that most people like to have their own initiative. The best way to teach is only to respond to direct questions.
The example I gave was that we had scheduled a week vacation in a lakeside house in New Hampshire with my two grandsons who were 3 and 5 at the time. It was by a lake and it had a shallow part. When we got there, they were both non-swimmers and I thought, “This would be much better if I taught them to swim because then they could swim and have fun. We could sit on the beach and watch.”
On the first day, I got in the lake and tried to teach them to swim and said, “Do this and that.” They weren’t interested and didn’t pay attention. The whole thing didn’t go well. Luckily, I had the sense to say to myself, “I’m not going to try to teach them.” I didn’t. I backed off. Within a day or so, they figured it out and would occasionally ask me something. By the end of the week, they were both dog-paddling well around the shallow part of the lake. It was a demonstration of not teaching somebody is often the best way to help them learn.
It’s also a parallel to how our bodies work well if we back off a little bit.

You could say that. The job of a doctor should be to squire their patients to achieve better health and not to do it for them. There are times when you have to do something like surgery or give some medicine to intervene but in the usual situation that should not be the case. That should be a last resort rather than the way it is, which is more of a first resort.
You say that the body is a self-healing system. Can you explain that a little bit, Tom?
This is the basic point of my book, Vaccines, Autoimmunity and the Nature of Childhood Illness. When you look at the typical childhood disease like measles, chickenpox, mumps, colds, flu or any of them, there’s a two-step process that happens. The first is you get exposed to a virus and it infects the cells. Your body’s cell-mediated immunity goes into digesting those cells and essentially excreting them through the excretory channels of rash, mucus, cough and all those. That process usually takes about 7 to 10 days and it’s what we call being sick. There’s often fever, a lot of congestion, mucus and all those other symptoms. That first phase is what we call being sick.
We don’t want to have that same illness happen over and over again in our life so we have a second immune system called a humoral immune system, which remembers what happened and essentially tags a piece of the virus or bacteria and makes antibodies against that part of that organism. If we ever get exposed to it again, we don’t get our cell-mediated immune system involved and we are immune for life. The point is the self-healing part is the cell-mediated immune system, which clears out debris from our bodies, tissues and blood. That part goes by itself. It takes 7 to 10 days. That’s a crucial part of our whole immunological well-being.
How do vaccinations disrupt that system?
The whole theory of the vaccines was that the definition of being sick is the cell-mediated response. By the way, it’s not the virus that makes you sick. The virus stimulates a response and it’s the cell-mediated part that makes you sick. The theory was we don’t want the being sick part. First of all, that’s unpleasant and can even be dangerous. We want the memory part otherwise known as the humoral or antibody part.
We’re going to bypass the cell-mediated part and give something a piece of the virus and some toxin to stimulate an antibody response. We were told that that would be the same as natural immunity. The thing about natural immunity and if you think of mumps, chickenpox, measles, all of those when you have both arms of the immune system working together, it’s almost a foolproof 100% immune for life.
With the introduction of vaccines, I can still remember because I was old enough, we were told that one measles shot and you would also be immune for life because measles immunity is the same as natural immunity. That theory was quickly debunked for a couple of reasons. One is we knew that with an autoimmune disease called nephrotic syndrome, which is a kidney disease of children, if they get measles while they have nephrotic syndrome, for some reason, which was not understood but now we know measles cure them of nephrotic syndrome.
They get cured of this autoimmune disease because of the intense cell-mediated response that you get when you have measles. They thought, “If somebody has nephrotic syndrome, we can vaccinate them with measles and it will cure their nephrotic syndrome.” Unfortunately, it depends on how you look at it, it doesn’t work at all. There is no therapeutic response from a measles vaccine.
The second reason we knew that is because there became outbreaks of college students for the first time getting measles. What that taught us is that the immunity that you get from a measles shot vaccine best lasts 10 to 12 years or sometimes less. There is no possibility of lifelong immunity from measles as a result of the vaccine.
We will never get herd immunity through vaccinations.
I heard a patient of mine said she’s going away to Morocco or somewhere. It’s been more than ten years since she’s got her measles shot and they told her that she needs to get another one because she’s no longer immune from measles. What that’s telling us is that they’re not the same natural immunity and the vaccine-induced immunity because there is no involvement of the cell-mediated immune system. Generally speaking, with some, there’s a little bit. Therefore, you will never get lifelong immunity. This is crucial. You will never get herd immunity through vaccination.
Tom, that’s all I ever hear. That’s what we’re shooting for. They say, “If you’re not going to immunize yourself or your children for your own sake then do it for the larger and greater good. If you’re not vaccinated then you’re putting everyone at risk.” You’re saying that’s not the case.
The CDC is required by law to report on the death rate of all infectious communicable diseases at the end of the decade and the century. When you look at the death rate from measles from 1900 to the year 2000, the death rate had dropped to almost zero by about 1952, 1953. That’s ten years before the measles vaccine was introduced. The death rate had plummeted to almost zero.
The biggest question here is why didn’t we celebrate the fact that public health measures and not pooping in the streets, clean water and using doses of vitamin A to children who have measles that completely eradicated measles as a public health threat ten years before the vaccine? According to the CDC and to their statistics, the vaccine had nothing to do with the decrease in the death rate for measles. There was no change.
It’s partly because we had herd immunity because of natural measles before the vaccine because all the children got it and they were immune for life. All the mothers who had measles as children were able to give antibody so-called passive immunity to their babies. The most vulnerable time was when they were nursing and their babies were protected because of antibodies from the mother. We have a situation knowing that the initial vaccine lasts maybe 10 to 12 years. Subsequent vaccines last 2 to 3 years.
The percentage of the adults who get measles shots every 2 to 3 years for the rest of their life is about 0% or maybe 1%. Therefore, approximately 95% or so of the adults, which are more than 2/3 of the population have no immunity to measles. Therefore, the number that they tell us is that we have to have 90% of the population being immune to measles. We have nowhere near that because hardly any of the adults are immune because their temporary vaccine-induced antibodies have worn off. We’ve created a potential healthcare disaster with the elderly and babies getting measles for the first time since the Native Americans.
Do you see that on the horizon? Is that happening?
There was a prediction that in 2050, the entire population will have virtually no immunity to measles. I don’t know whether that’s going to happen because of the vaccines but it’s clear that the immunity is never lifelong. That’s one of the biggest problems and one of the reasons why this whole concept of herd immunity can only be achieved through letting the children at the appropriate age get measles then go through it successfully. It can never happen through a vaccine program.
If I understand you correctly, the immunity we get through vaccines doesn’t last. Whereas if we get sick, it lasts for a lifetime.
That’s not me saying it. First of all, if you try to figure out how many people got measles twice, it’s almost zero. If I wasn’t correct then why do we vaccinate people against measles before they go to college and why are we recommending that adults renew their measles vaccine every ten years? If I wasn’t correct and the vaccine-induced immunity was the same as getting natural measles, why are we giving people boosters? That’s not my policy. That’s the CDC and the Academy of Pediatrics’ official medical doctrine.

Talk to me about that. Other doctors and scientists, what did they have to say about it? I know this information isn’t exclusive to you.
It’s a guy named Albert Sabin who was the developer of the Sabin polio vaccine. Sabin and Jonas Salk were considered the pioneers and modern inventors of the successful polio vaccine program. Interestingly, here’s what he had to say about this and I’m quoting Albert Sabin, “The official data has shown that large-scale vaccination in the US has failed to obtain any significant improvement of the diseases for which they were supposed to provide immunization. In essence, it was and is a failure.” That’s one person in the normal world. He was one of the luminaries of the vaccine theory and product.
That’s one person but others say that vaccines are critical to public health and that it’s dangerous to question them. What would you say to someone that says that?
I would say to show me the evidence. Here’s another one. There was a study. It’s surprising and shocking how little actual scientific studies have been done on showing not that vaccines don’t reduce the incidence of the disease for which you’re vaccinated against but that they reduce all-cause mortality or the disease burden of the children. In other words, if you’re going to vaccinate somebody with pertussis, there are two possible things you may want to know. One is, do the children get fewer pertussis who are vaccinated? I would say the answer to that is yes. That’s how they report the data. Another question to ask is, do children who get vaccinated against pertussis have better health outcomes? That’s an entirely different question, which surprisingly has rarely been asked.
A guy named Soren Mogensen did a study on a West African group. Half of the village got vaccinated with DPT and the other half didn’t. Mogensen and a guy named Peter Aaby who were the lead authors of this study are some of the most prominent vaccine researchers in the world. This was published in a peer-reviewed medical journal. Here’s their conclusion, “DPT was associated with fivefold higher mortality than being unvaccinated. No prospective study has shown beneficial survival effects of DPT. Unfortunately, DPT is the most widely used vaccine and it is used globally as an indicator of the performance of National Vaccine programs.”
There are two points I want to emphasize in that study. The first is these people who essentially made their living for decades doing vaccine research said, “No prospective study has shown beneficial survival effect.” This is one of the main vaccines that we use. Either you have to believe that these people don’t know the literature and don’t know what they’re talking about because there are lots of studies that show this or that they’re correct and they know the literature because it’s their job. They’re saying that there is no study that shows there’s an improved benefit.
The other thing about this study is as they say, “Children who got DPT did have less pertussis but they had a fivefold higher mortality rate than the children who are unvaccinated.” In other words, something happened to these children so that they had a fivefold higher rate of dying from other things whether it’s an autoimmune disease, brain cancer, diarrhea or neglect. Who knows? They had a much higher rate of dying than unvaccinated. It’s the closest we’ve ever gotten looking at a matched control group to see what the health outcome is.
When you hear that there’s an improvement, the improvement is in the rate of pertussis. I would argue that’s not what we want to know. We want to know as parents, adults, doctors and other people interested in the health of our children, does the health improve when we vaccinate? This study and every study I’ve ever seen says no. There is a higher disease burden for very predictable reasons, which I outlined in the book.
I’m trying to pick my jaw up off the floor because this is alarming. What I see you doing is you’re reframing how we look at vaccinations. They are indeed effective when it comes to perhaps reducing the amount of sickness or disease our children experience but they’re not effective when it comes to hitting our ultimate goal, which is conserving the health of our children.
The reason for that is very well understood. It’s not a mystery how and why this comes about. If you’d like, I could describe exactly how and why this comes about. If you go back to my immune system model, which is not my model, everybody learns that in medical school, the point of a vaccine is to stimulate antibodies without a prior cell-mediated reaction. If you ask most doctors and even pediatricians, “What’s in a vaccine like the chickenpox vaccine?” They’ll say, “A piece of the chickenpox, the so-called antigenic part, some normal saline, saltwater and a preservative.”
Herd immunity can only be achieved by letting the children at the appropriate age get measles and go through it successfully.
The reality of the situation is if you put a piece of a virus or tetanus toxoid, saline and a preservative and inject it into a person, you get no antibody response that protects a person against disease. If you do that, you get no response. The theorists and the early developers of the vaccine had a problem. The problem was how do you make that person make an antibody response? The answer is you have to put an adjuvant, otherwise known as a helper, into the vaccine so that it stimulates the child to make antibodies. It’s mixed with chickenpox, measles or tetanus toxoid so one of the antibodies that you make will be against that virus or that toxin.
The important points to emphasize are two. One is there is no way to give an adjuvant that only makes you make antibodies to that thing that’s in the vaccine. It will make antibodies to whatever’s in the vaccine but the typical adjuvants are things like aluminum, formaldehyde, fetal DNA, surfactants and roundup. All these other things that are in vaccines stimulate antibody responses in a nonspecific way. In other words, you start making antibodies. One of them is the chickenpox virus. Another one is because there are peanut proteins in the vaccine, it will be to peanut. You make antibodies to peanuts so therefore, you’re going to have people who are allergic for the rest of their life to peanuts.
One of the problems is we have to use essentially poisons, you have to, to make the child make antibodies. It’s not that they’re mean or stupid and that’s why they put aluminum in there. It’s because it doesn’t work otherwise and there’s no way around that. I can’t emphasize enough this idea that some people say, “Let’s make safe vaccines.” You can’t because you won’t make a reaction. The problem with that is if you keep doing that over and over again, that stimulates antibody production and release.
I must admit, I have a smart aleck tendency. Maybe it will work and you’ll end up with a person with too many antibodies since that’s the whole point of the vaccine initiative in the first place. What do we mean by too many antibodies? What we mean is somebody with an autoimmune disease. In other words, approximately 100 million people in the United States who have an autoimmune disease have a situation where they have accelerated antibody production.
Are you saying that these vaccinations are causing all these antibodies to appear in our bodies and later leading to chronic conditions?
It’s not the only reason but it’s certainly a big part of it. Yes, I’m saying exactly that. Let me say that I’m not the only one who keeps saying that. Let me read a quote from a guy named Yehuda Shoenfeld. He’s an Israeli. He’s the Editor of the Israeli Medical Association Journal, which is like the JAMA of Israel. He’s the Co-Editor in Chief of Autoimmunity Reviews, Editor of the Journal of Autoimmunity and a member of the editorial board of the Clinical Reviews in Allergy & Immunology. The only reason I say that is because it’s likely he knows something about autoimmune disease.
He says, “Throughout our lifetime, the normal immune system walks a fine line between preserving normal immune reactions and developing autoimmune disease. The healthy immune system is tolerant to self-antigens. When self-tolerance is disturbed, dysregulation of the immune system follows resulting in the emergence of autoimmune disease. Vaccination is one of the main conditions that disturb this homeostasis resulting in autoimmune phenomena and ASIA.”
ASIA stands for Autoimmune Syndrome Induced by Adjuvant, which is going to be renamed the Shoenfeld Syndrome. He estimates that there are at least 150 million people worldwide who have ASIA. In other words, they have Autoimmune Syndrome Induced by Adjuvants injected in vaccines, which he says can happen even 40 years later. They put detergents in there so the aluminum will be absorbed into the tissues better. That’s how long it can stay in your system. I didn’t make this up. This is a logical understanding and a review of the relevant literature on what happens when you vaccinate.
Coming up, Dr. Tom Cowan sheds light on the studies that many point to when they say the science has settled and that there is no link between vaccines and autism. How did these studies hold up under scrutiny? We pause for a quick thank you to our sponsors. Ancestral Supplements offer New Zealand sourced bone marrow and nose to tail organ meats like liver, heart, kidney, pancreas, spleen and more in simple, convenient gelatin capsules. Traditional people and early ancestral healers believe that eating the organs from a healthy animal would strengthen and support the health of the corresponding organ of the individual. A person with a weak heart, for example, was fed the heart of a healthy animal and so on.

I know organ meats are great for us but I don’t think I get enough of them in my own diet so I personally went ahead and got some of these supplements myself. Visit AncestralSupplements.com to get some too. Ancestral Supplements, putting back in what the modern world has left out. The Weston A. Price Foundation. You know we are member-supported so thanks for helping us do what we do. We are doing amazing things. Thanks to donations, including advocating for the legalization of raw milk and much more but we don’t have time to explain it all right here on the show. We have planned a Facebook live with Sally Fallon Morell, the head of the foundation, to let you know what we’re up to. It’s super exciting. We’ll see you then.
I love that you are going into the science here, bringing these quotes to our attention and even the ingredients of the vaccines. I understand that at the back of your book, you have some appendices with the actual ingredients of vaccinations. This is important because one of the goals of the foundation is to educate and you’re doing that, Tom. You’re not making this up.
We did put a list, which I got largely from the CDC’s own website. The CDC is the sales arm of vaccines and they are required to put the ingredient list. That’s where I got most of it from.
I have a couple more questions for you as we start to wrap up. I have to ask about the elephant in the room. A lot of government officials and scientists say that the science is settled and that there is no link between autism and vaccinations. What studies are they referring to? How reliable are they?
I have an appendix in the book that says, “Don’t the studies prove there is no link between vaccines and autism?” Let me talk about one of the ones which are considered the so-called nail in the coffin for the vaccine-autism connection. This was a study done in 2010 by a guy named Smith and others. This was a study that showed that the vaccinated don’t have more autism or neurodevelopmental illness than the unvaccinated. Therefore, this was the nail in the coffin.
Most doctors, scientists and people who say this lack of connection don’t read the study. I had to do that and it’s pretty tedious. What you find is that the Smith et al study looked at two groups. They call them not the vaccinated versus the unvaccinated but the timely vaccines versus untimely. The timely vaccine in the first year got an average of 11.8 vaccines. The untimely, which is the group that some people call the unvaccinated, in the first year got 10.1 vaccines. They were far from unvaccinated.
What they did was they delayed a little bit. We don’t know if there’s any significant difference between somebody who gets 10.1 vaccines in the first year versus somebody who gets 11.8. The first flaw is it’s certainly not vaccinated versus unvaccinated. It’s hardly any difference at all, even in the number of vaccines they got. For anybody who’s interested in science and wants to get into the wonky part of this, there’s a website called VaccinePapers.org. He goes into gory detail in the 48 papers that the American Academy of Pediatrics touts to show there is no connection between vaccines and autism.
What he points out is that the CDC puts out guidelines that authors have to use to adjust their numbers to account for the fact, for instance, why did these people in the untimely group delay their vaccines? Was it because they were seeing problems, they had a sibling with autism, they were too poor or uneducated? Who knows? What was the reason? It turns out that you follow the CDC guidelines for how to adjust this. If everybody in the “untimely group” had a sibling with autism then you would expect that they would have more autism because they’re not the same. It’s not a matched control.
If you follow the guidelines, unlike what the conclusion says, you find that they did have more autism in the timely groups than the untimely group. The conclusion is even in this small difference, the number of vaccines wasn’t significantly different. Even then, they still were able to show that the children who got more vaccines, in fact, had more developmental issues and neurodevelopmental issues including autism. It’s exactly what they say this paper is designed to show was not the case. There are others. That was the crown jewel of the argument that there’s no connection.
Children who got more vaccines had more developmental issues.
Tom, there have to be people in the medical community or doctors who can see it as plain as day as you’re describing it here. Why aren’t there more alarm bells going off or someone saying, “Something is amiss here?”
There are a lot of people. Robert Kennedy, Jr. is certainly saying that, The Vaccine Papers. There are several different books. A guy named Handley wrote a book on ending the autism epidemic where he goes through study after study about this. The literature is full of references. Neil Miller wrote a 400 study all peer-reviewed on all these links that I’m talking about between not having childhood diseases and an increase of cancer, heart disease, diabetes, glioblastoma later in life. Going through measles and chickenpox does protect you against further disease later in life. That was the point of my book.
Why other people don’t believe it? I don’t know. I ran across an interesting story that might say something about that. I don’t want to get too far into this. This was a study that’s completely off the subject. There was a big debate with strokes whether to give clot-busting medicines whether those would prevent complications and allow better outcomes with strokes. They did a number of these trials and they found no benefit from using clot-busting drugs.
Genentech got a new drug and did a study that had a poor design but they got a positive result. That led them to get the FDA to license their clot-busting drug for every future patient with stroke who comes in the hospital. There were a lot of ER doctors in particular who said, “This was a poor study. We need to redo this study because we’re seeing a lot of bad things.”
A guy named Grossbard who is a senior scientist at Genentech has the following quote when questioned about why they don’t do another study. “We don’t know how another study would turn out. If we don’t come out ahead, we would have a tremendously self-inflicted wound. Another study may be a good thing for America but it wasn’t going to be a good thing for us.” There you go.
He knew that this was probably going to be a bad study. They have no reason to do it. They didn’t want to do it. They wouldn’t even facilitate another study being done because it would be a self-inflicted wound and so they don’t do it. He was honest enough to say, “It might be a good thing for the patients but it wouldn’t be a good thing for us.” Whether that’s behind the lack of public information, I can’t say. There’s certainly a lot of big money involved in this and a lot of liability from the government.
I’m sure you know that vaccine manufacturers have total indemnity against any liability from injury from a vaccine or even if the vaccine doesn’t work. That was a 1986 law. You can’t sue a vaccine manufacturer. The US government has a compensation court, which essentially gives money to people who are injured. They’ve already given out about $4 billion and some people say 0.1% of the damages. The government is potentially on the hook for $4 trillion, which I don’t blame them for not wanting to do that. Except if their goal is to help the people in the United States then they would want to find some way to deal with this problem.
To summarize, what I hear you saying is that with the choices available to us as parents or as conscious woke adults for lack of a better term is that we’re making a trade-off. When we vaccinate, we do spare ourselves or our children the short-term sickness but we end up with long-term chronic conditions or higher mortality rates as in the case of the DTP as you are saying.
That’s certainly what the studies look like. Looking around the population, there was little autoimmune disease years ago. Even the people who say, “We’ve always had the same amount of autism as we always have. We know how to diagnose it better.” “Where are all the autistics 70-year-olds?” “I don’t know about you but I don’t know any.” “Where are all the 70-year-olds with peanut allergies?” “I don’t know about you but I don’t know any.” There was almost nobody with an autoimmune disease in children when I was in grade school.
We are in the midst of a huge change in the character of illness in this country. They say, “We don’t know why. We’re not. We just didn’t know how to diagnose hay fever back in 1920.” A guy comes to you and says, “Every time I go outside in April, I sneeze. We didn’t know what to make of that.” I don’t personally believe that. Something is affecting our health and it’s a pretty plausible biological argument. I’m not saying it’s the only thing because certainly glyphosate, the food, the water, the stress and all these things have to do with it but vaccines are certainly part of this mix.
To take an unquestioning stance these days is outdated.
Tom, if the readers could do one thing to improve their health, what would you recommend that they do? We can put that in the context of our conversation.
If we’re talking about children and parents especially around vaccines, unfortunately, one can’t trust the usual authorities so I would strongly question any vaccine provider and say, “Can you please show me the literature that says children who are vaccinated have better health outcomes? Show me the studies that show that this is a good thing for the health and future well-being of my child.” If they can provide them, which I don’t know about any such study, more power to it but to take an unquestioning eye is outdated and naïve.
Thank you for speaking your mind, Tom, and for telling it like it is. I hope our readers take this to heart and will check out your book. Thank you for taking your time. I look forward to seeing you at the conference.
Thank you.
My guest was Dr. Tom Cowan. For more on Tom, go to his website, FourfoldHealing.com. On our show page, you’ll see our survey. Please fill it out for us. It’ll take a second or two to fill it out, I promise. It would mean the world to us. We’re trying to get to know you a little bit better so we can make sure our shows are hitting the mark. Thank you. Also when you get a chance, we would love it if you would rate and review us on Apple Podcasts. We are close to 300 reviews. We can almost taste it. Help us get there and thank you in advance.
Next episode, we speak with Jessica Prentice. Jessica is one of the Founders of Three Stone Hearth, a community-supported kitchen in Berkeley, California that uses local sustainable ingredients to prepare nutrient-dense traditional foods on a community scale. She is passionate about ancestral food traditions, the healing nature of food, our impact on the ecosystem and more. She is deep. She has lived out what we talked about. You’re going to love this conversation. Let’s keep in touch. I’m on Instagram @Holistic_Hilda. Follow me for health tips, podcast stuff, behind the scenes on the show and me. Thanks. See you soon.
Important links
- Vaccines, Autoimmunity and the Changing Nature of Childhood Illness
- Vintage Tradition Tallow Balm
- Ancestral Supplements
- Israeli Medical Association Journal
- Autoimmunity Reviews
- Journal of Autoimmunity
- Clinical Reviews in Allergy & Immunology
- study – Smith, 2010: On-time vaccine receipt in the first year does not adversely affect neuropsychological outcomes
- VaccinePapers.org
- The Vaccine Papers
- Apple Podcasts – Wise Traditions
- Three Stone Hearth
- @Holistic_Hilda – Instagram
About Dr. Tom Cowan
Dr. Tom Cowan discovered the work of the two men who would have the most influence on his career while teaching gardening as a Peace Corps volunteer in Swaziland, South Africa. He read Nutrition and PhysicalDegeneration by Weston A.Price, as well as Rudolf Steiner’s work on biodynamic agriculture. These events inspired him to pursue a medical degree. Tom graduated from Michigan State University College of Human Medicine in 1984. After his residency in Family Practice at Johnson City Hospital in Johnson City, New York, he set up an anthroposophical medical practice in Peterborough, New Hampshire. Dr. Cowan relocated to San Francisco in 2003.
Dr. Cowan has served as vice president of the Physicians Association for Anthroposophical Medicine and is a founding board member of the Weston A. Price Foundation™. During his career he has studied and written about many subjects in medicine. These include nutrition, anthroposophical medicine and herbal medicine. He is the author of three books published by Chelsea Green: Cancer and the New Biology of Water; Vaccines, Autoimmunity and the Changing Nature of Childhood Illness, and Human Heart, Cosmic Heart. He is the principal author of The Fourfold Path to Healing, which was published in 2004 by New Trends Publishing, and is the co-author of The Nourishing Traditions Book of Baby & Child Care, published in 2013. He has lectured throughout the United States and is a frequent guest on health-related podcasts. He has three grown children and six grandchildren and practices medicine in San Francisco, where he resides with his wife, Lynda Smith.
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I am wondering how I can get a hold of TOm Cowan in order to ask a question of clarification.