We know that pharmaceutical drugs have their place. But are we over-medicating ourselves? On this bonus podcast episode, featuring highlights from our fall Wise Traditions journal, Sally Fallon Morell, the President of the Weston A. Price Foundation, discusses the dangers of over-prescribing and taking too many medications. She is especially concerned that our seniors are becoming dumping grounds for drugs. She also touches on our children’s health and the impact the environment has on their well-being.
Highlights from the conversation include:
- the motivation behind the statement from a Harvard professor who said that coconut oil was pure poison
- what is contributing to our children’s plummeting IQ scores
- what motivated Sally to write her article on senior citizens being a dumping ground for pharmaceutical drugs
- how the average senior citizen is on at least 5 prescribed medications
- the most commonly prescribed meds for seniors include statins, blood pressure medication, anti-depressants, pills for pain, antacids
- why seniors are targeted by drug companies
- why drugs are a form of “sorcery” if you will
- why aspirin (once commonly recommended) is now considered problematic
- the dangers of hyperinsulinemia
- how more Round Up is used on neighborhood lawns than on our farms
- why Round Up is so threatening to our health and that of our children
- the impact of wifi and electromagnetic fields on our children
Wise Traditions journal fall 2018 – https://www.westonaprice.org/journal-fall-2018-pharmaceutical-drugs/
“Generation Zapped” movie – https://generationzapped.com
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