Are you willing to consider a completely different point of view of today’s “pandemic”? Many people today are convinced that the coronavirus is contagious, masks are a must and that vaccines are critical to eradicate it once and for all. Sally Fallon Morell, President of the Weston A. Price Foundation, and Dr. Tom Cowan today explain, in no uncertain terms, how the so-called coronavirus is not actually a virus, at all, and that because this is the case, our response to the current health crisis has been completely off-base.
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Episode Transcript
Within the below transcript the bolded text is Hilda
Many people are convinced that the Coronavirus is contagious, masks are a must and that vaccines are critical to eradicate it once and for all. My guests explain in no uncertain terms how the so-called coronavirus is not a virus at all. That because this is the case, our response to the current health crisis has been completely off base.
This is episode 335. Our guests are Dr. Tom Cowan and Sally Fallon Morell. Sally is the President of the Weston A. Price Foundation, an author, speaker and advocate for real food and ancestral health ways. Tom is a well-known alternative medicine doctor, author and speaker with a common sense, holistic approach to health and wellness. Together, they have co-authored a book entitled The Contagion Myth. In this conversation, they discuss one of its main points. How the coronavirus has not been isolated and consequently is not spreading and causing sickness as we’ve been told.
They’re not saying that there is no sickness rather they communicate that it is not based on a virus. They also discuss how to build resilience, the topic of natural immunity and what we can do to shore up our health in these times. This is the first of a series focused on COVID and it just may be one of the most radical episodes we’ve ever published. I invite you to approach it with an open mind, a willingness to explore concepts that may be unfamiliar and it may shatter your paradigm when it comes to understanding health and the so-called pandemic.
Welcome to the show, Sally and Tom.
Thank you.
You can’t put a ping pong ball in a bucket of stones and throw it at the wall and say, it’s the ping pong ball that knocked down the wall.
Thanks, Hilda. It’s great to be back again.
It is a wonderful thing that you’ve written your book and you have this different theory and philosophy about what’s happening in these days.
We don’t have a theory. They have a theory about this. We have an explanation of facts.
Let’s get to that. Explain to us your explanation of the fact that there is no virus.
Let me start on that. The question is how does a virologist know there’s the existence of a virus and then know that it causes disease. Every human being on the planet should know the answer to that, every medical doctor, virologist and scientist. The problem is almost nobody does. When you ask people that, they say, “A lot of people got sick in Wuhan or China or Italy or so and that proves it’s a virus. People got a horrible disease and that proves it’s a virus. The disease spread from one place to another and that proves it’s a virus. Somebody was sick and I went to this prison and then next thing you know, a bunch of people in the prison got sick and that proves it’s a virus. Aunt Bessie went to church and somebody tested positive and then she got sick and then uncle Fred got sick. That proves it’s a virus.”
The fact of the matter is those are called epidemiological observations. The role of epidemiology in medicine is to generate hypothesis that is to say theories about what may be the cause. Nobody who thinks who knows any science would say you prove causation or existence of anything by those kinds of observations. Besides, if you think that because a lot of people get sick in the same place proves it’s a virus, you must think Hiroshima was a virus. If you think that because it spreads from one place to another, it must be a virus, you must think Chernobyl was a virus.
In fact, the medical profession has a long history, which Sally knows about probably better than anybody now. That all of these things that we think were caused by viruses, scurvy was supposedly contagious, people’s teeth fell out and then the next person, or the people in the same families and then somebody ate a lime and the whole thing away because they were deficient in vitamin C. There is no way that anybody can prove that there’s a virus by using those stories. I don’t need to hear one more story like that. I’ve heard enough.
I understand. You’re tired of repeating yourself, I get the impression.
Here’s how you could say they should prove there’s the existence of a virus. You take sick people who have probably the same symptoms and then you look through their bodily fluids. Remember, a virus we’re talking about is a particle. It’s a thing. It’s not a feeling or a thought or an idea or a theory. It’s a protein coat with a piece of genetic material on the inside. It can be seen under an electron microscope. The idea is you take these people who have the same symptoms. You look through their bodily fluid. You do the steps called macerate, filter, centrifuge.

It comes out in a band. You suck the band out. You look at the band, it has identical morphology, shape, size, characteristics. That is the virus. This was how bacteria fascists were found. This is how a virologist used to be called, named Stefan Lanka, found the first virus in the ocean. It was the steps that were listed by the Pasteur Institute in 1973, as to how to find a virus. Bodily fluid, blood, sputum, snot, urine, something, purify the virus from that fluid, macerate, filter, centrifuge, suck it out, look at it, then you can find out what it’s made of.
I am here to tell everybody that in the entire history of the published medical research, there is not one so-called pathogenic disease-causing virus that has ever been found in one bodily fluid of one person. Not HIV, Ebola, Zika and SARS-CoV-2. If anybody disagrees with that, Andy, Stefan and I are hosting an event, where anybody who has a paper showing they found a pathogenic virus in the bodily fluid of a single human being can present the paper and we’ll give them time to explain how they did that, what they found. We will critique it.
Here are the people who agree with what I said, that not one pathogenic virus has ever been found in any bodily fluid of any sick person. Number one, 120 different health institutions around the world, like the CDC, FDA and the NIH and the equivalent Ontario Health Ministry. One hundred twenty of these institutions under the Freedom of Information Act have said in writing, “We have no reported published studies of any SARS-CoV-2 being found in any bodily fluid of any sick person.”
The next people who agree with this are the authors of the six major papers on the isolation of SARS-CoV-2 in writing, all agreed, they never found any particle called SARS-CoV-2 in any bodily fluid of directly in any sick person. Finally, I was asked to speak to a group of lawyers and activists about this and medical doctors. They invited a guy who was twenty years, senior virologist pathologists at the Wuhan Center for Virology and then twenty years Yale pathologist, ahead of their diagnostic virology lab. He was going to tell me that I was wrong and I’m an idiot.
We said, “Is there any paper showing SARS-CoV-2 found in any bodily fluid?” He said, “No.” We said, “Why not?” He said, “There’s not enough virus to see.” Which begs the question, if there’s not enough virus to see, on what theory is it killing us all? Andy had the presence of mind to say, “What about if you mix ten people’s sputum together, would there then be enough virus to see?” He said, “No.” We asked him, “A hundred people, would you then have enough virus to see? He said, “No.” We said, “A thousand people, you mix their sputum together. Would you have enough to see?” He said, “No.”
We said, “Ten thousand people?” He said, “No.” He wouldn’t answer anymore. If you think that you can find this virus in any bodily fluid of any sick person, you are sorely mistaken. There is no published case that that has ever been done. The question is, how did they say they’ve isolated this virus? I’ve read 200 papers called the isolation of such and such a virus. Here’s how they do it. They take the fluid of a sick person. They filter it, which is not purification. They have filtered snot. They mixed that with gentamicin, amphotericin, which are two nephrotoxic antibiotics.
They mix that with fetal calf serum. They inoculated that on monkey kidney cells. The kidney cells break down. They see particles that we now know are broken down kidney cells and they say, “That’s the virus.” That nonsense, which we’ve now proven happens without the addition of any snot from anybody. We repeated the experiment, except we didn’t add snot from anybody. It broke down in exactly the same way. Proving that the breakdown of the monkey kidney cells, which is called the isolation is a farce.
It is an anti-scientific disproven bit of nonsense that has been erroneous mostly by some deception, which I don’t understand. Maybe Sally knows more about the words. Why they call that isolation and every analysis of the genome and every picture is done on that disproven snot breakdown. The other thing we did in this experiment is we added yeast RNA to this mixture of broken-down monkey kidney cells. We then aligned, meaning we found the entire genome of SARS-CoV-2, even though no virus was ever in there.
Nothing from anybody with COVID or Coronavirus or any sickness was put into this mix. Yet we were able to, using the same process they did, create the entire genome of SARS-CoV-2, proving that the genome doesn’t exist in that mixture, which they say it doesn’t. It is a manufactured genome as are all the variants, as are this nonsense of a lab created virus.
The whole idea is a misconception. It’s what happens when your tissues break down. They break down and form particles. This is an out-fection, not an infection. It’s what happens if you blow up your house, you get little bits of paper. Nobody thinks the little bits of paper infected your house.
It’s normal to have a cold every few years. If you block that process, you’re going to end up with something worse because the cold is just a way of getting rid of things.
I was just going to say these genomes that they get, they’re getting sequences that are like minuscule fraction of the entire genome. You could call those an artifact and it’s an artifact of the assumptions that they have made to get this genome.
Sally, you’re correct. Here’s the artifacts. Here’s what we did. You take the monkey kidney cells. You break it down by starving it and poisoning it. That’s the minimum nutrient medium. That’s the amphotericin, gentamycin. You add yeast RNA. It breaks down. You break the RNA pieces into little pieces, exactly what they do. You try to align those little pieces into the whole genome. It’s like you have a bunch of words and you try to make Hamlet. You try to piece the words together but you’ve never seen Hamlet. All you have is a bunch of words.
What happens is if you have to amplify it so you can see it and if you do with twelve cycles of the PCR process, you get 20% of the genome. You do it up to 30 cycles and you get 98.5% of the genome, which means that the PCR process itself generated 78% of the sequences. I don’t know Sally if you caught that. The sequences that they’re using are generated by the PCR amplification process itself. Every single genome study that I’ve read uses 45 cycles, which means they amplify it and create all new segments, like creating millions and billions of words. They put Hamlet into the computer and they say, “Arrange these words into the play Hamlet.” It does and it makes mistakes and then they say, “We found the genome.” When it makes mistakes, that’s the Delta variant.

There are 479,000 published variants of the imaginary genome because it doesn’t exist. Every time the computer does it, it makes a new genome. The California Health Department, in writing, said, “They have no analysis whatsoever of any Delta variant.” This is a spell. It’s a big old anti-scientific hoax.
Using a lot of scientific words and coming up with explanations, like the Delta variant for explaining why people who’ve been vaccinated are getting sick, why more people are getting sick and they’ve got a whole Greek alphabet.
To be clear, neither of you is denying the fact that people are indeed becoming sick. You’re suggesting that it is not from a boogeyman virus that’s following us all around the world and spewing out variants that are going to get us around every corner.
Not suggesting, there’s no evidence of a virus. It’s not a theory but yes, people are getting sick.
We published an article called Questioning COVID in our journal and it was by an Italian doctor who described some of the very earliest cases. They were in a nursing home and she had many years of experience and she described unique symptoms. It was something she had never seen before. It is an illness with these unique symptoms.
For the vast majority of us, it is not serious. It’s not dangerous. We recover. Her feeling was and her observation was that the people on inhibitory drugs were very much at risk. Unless you’d take them off these drugs, that they would die because the sympathetic nervous system would just stop working
Talk to us a little bit more about contagion, Sally. Don’t we catch cold and sicknesses from each other?
That’s the idea that if we have these bacteria or viruses, they’re so small and they come out in our breath or on our hands and this is how we pass these diseases from one person to another. This is the explanation for why a whole bunch of people get sick at the same time. We have a wonderful example of this with the Spanish flu, which according to what we read killed 50 million people and there were a lot more people who got sick.
The US Public Health Department did their level best to show that this was contagious. They had sick people breathe on well people, get right up to their faces and breathe on them. They injected well people with the blood of sick people. They took a thing to spray the snot and stuff of sick people down the throats of the well people. In that one pace, would they make somebody sick who was well?
They showed that the Spanish flu was not contagious. Another wonderful example is smallpox. That was considered highly contagious. There was a doctor in San Antonio, Texas who had a clinic there. He believed and showed very well that smallpox was caused by the bites of bedbugs. It was serious on people with what he called an ascorbate deficiency, Vitamin C deficiency.
The idea was that if you just were around the bed clothes or in a room of somebody who had smallpox, that you would get it. He and his coworkers often went into these rooms. He said he would shake the bedclothes, shake the rugs and breathe in this so-called infected air and not he nor any of his associates got sick from this. He said, “We were very careful. If you got bitten by a bed bug, you could get sick.” When he was able to clear out all the bed bugs, nobody in his clinic got sick from smallpox. If they did get bitten, he made them eat fruits and vegetables for vitamin C.
Smallpox in the Western world has completely disappeared. We don’t have bed bugs anymore. We don’t live our lives with insects because we have vacuum cleaners and screens in our windows. We don’t have them anymore. In other countries, they still do have bed bugs but somebody needs to do a study on the saliva of bed bugs. What’s in it that made people break out in this terrible rash? To get rid of some poison.
I’m hearing what you’re saying and I’ve read Virus Mania. I understand this concept or this fact that we’re not spreading things among one another. Does this also fall under the difference between germ theory and terrain theory? That is that we’re not spreading things among each other but that our body is a terrain that we need to nurture health in. There’s going to be all kinds of viruses and bacteria. Can you help me understand that a little bit more, Tom? Can you address that?
We did a whole piece with a doctor named Samantha Bailey from New Zealand, who has extensively looked into chickenpox, which is one of the main so-called contagious, viral diseases. As always, there is not one study, where you can find any uniform morphologically identical particle called the chickenpox virus in any bodily fluid or lesion of a child with chickenpox. She went back all the way to 1919 to see if there was any study that showed the transmission of chickenpox from one person to another. Here’s the interesting point. We have the experience, most of us, maybe even all of us, that things can be transmitted from one person to another.
That is an experience which we’ve all had. They go back to 1919 and they took chickenpox lesions that where the virus is supposedly emerging, although they can’t find it. They spray that on children, they don’t get sick. They injected it into children, they don’t get sick. The only thing they could make them have a reaction is if they took unpurified chickenpox goop, which has all kinds of stuff in it, toxins, everything that you’re eliminating. They made an incision on children, injected it in and they got a rash at the site.
They said, “That proves that it’s contagious.” First of all, if you inject just about anything in an incised wound, it’s going to have a rash. That proves nothing. Besides, if you’re going to do science and you say it’s the virus you have to inject the virus. You can’t put a ping pong ball in a bucket of stones and throw it at the wall and say it’s the ping pong ball that knocked down the wall. That’s called anti-science. They were not able to transmit chickenpox by any component of a child with chickenpox.
Illness helps us adjust to things.
Here comes a theory. I will cop to this as a theory. If you think about what happens here, there’s only one transmissible agent from one person to another of sickness. Do you know what that is? The whole living person. Not any part of the person, snot, boogers, blood or urine but you can transmit the synchronization of the menses from one woman to the next. You can transmit laughter and fear from one person to the next. We transmit a lot of things, just like all animals and all plants.
We could even transmit the idea through, at this point, an unknown mechanism that chickenpox isn’t a disease. It’s a maturation step. That’s the other problem. We have erroneously called these diseases where if you look at the facts, everybody who has chickenpox is healthier for life. If you do a study that’s been published in Miller’s Review of 400 vaccine trials. Children who’ve had chickenpox, less cancer, heart disease, arthritis, asthma, eczema. You could imagine that one child does communicate to another, “If you have this toxic stuff in you, now it would be a good time to get rid of it.”
If they never isolated the chickenpox virus, what were they injecting into our kids to prevent chickenpox?
Here’s your question. How does a chickenpox vaccine stop children from getting chickenpox? Number one, is that true? It’s very hard to prove that that’s true but let’s say it is true. Here’s the obvious explanation. You take somebody who’s going through a maturation step, which is beneficial for their entire life. They’re getting rid of toxins. They’re cleansing themselves so the child can fit more with their body. By the way, a chickenpox vaccine is this cell culture I described. They take the monkey kidney cells, they poison it, they starve it, it breaks down.

They inject that in you to poison you so that you don’t go through the maturation process. What do you have instead? You have chronic sickness. You cannot go through the normal process called chickenpox. You’re worst for life. That exactly lines up with all the facts around the chickenpox vaccine and the epidemiology of what happened. You get shingles, asthma and eczema, which is worse. You are a misfit in your mind. You’re depressed and have ADD. That is exactly what happens in every case that we prevent childhood disease. We make worse sickness because, in fact, you can poison somebody so they don’t go through the maturation step.
Coming up. Sally reviews TB experiments and their failed attempts to force contagion. Tom explains why there is resistance to a narrative that differs so much from what we hear every day on the news.
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You’re blocking a normal process in the body just like a cold is a normal process to get rid of toxins. It’s normal to have a cold every few years. If you block that process, you’re going to end up with something worse because the cold is a way of getting rid of things. By the way, I wanted to say in these experiments with chickenpox and they injected the goop, been poisoned and so forth into their arms and they got a rash.
This is pretty much what Robert Koch did for TB. He took what he thought was the TB bacillus. He did what he called passage through a bunch of animals and always with more disinfectants or whatever. He injected that into some people and they got little lumps around the injection, which is the body’s way of encapsulating poisons but he never was able to make somebody sick in the way we think that they get sick by having a person with TB breathe on them or by them inhaling the breath or the sneezes or whatever of somebody with TB. He never could do that.
TB is our number one killer in the world. It used to be treated with cod liver oil and sunlight. Not always successfully but often successfully. We have this disease that kills 3,000 people a day in the world. It’s the worst disease we have. Until we realize that TB is not caused by a virus, the virus or bacteria are just innocent bystanders, we’re never going to solve this disease because we’re looking in the wrong place.
In this Koch studies, when you read it, what he also did was he created symptoms in these. I don’t know whether they were rabid or something, by injecting it right into their eye. A partially purified, which also was cooked in broth.
Sometimes they did urine.
Most people don’t get hit by lightning more than once. Does that mean you’re immune to lightning strikes?
We have been criticized by articles saying, “They cause disease.” Koch was able to cause disease. My response is, many people in several years of medical practice came to my office and said, “Tom, I was walking around fine and somebody came up and grabbed me and they injected a bunch of chicken broth and TB goop right in my eye. Next thing you know, I felt like crap. I’m wondering what you think I should do about it.” That has no relation to anything in the real world. That’s the irrelevant nonsense that we get criticized for.
It’s the same with the pasturer. He was able to make dogs behave as though they had rabies by injecting this goop with a lot of poison into their brains. The dogs would fall with their mouth and die. That’s not how dogs get rabies. In fact, at the time, vets thought that dogs got rabies because they were hungry and they would go rabid. I feel that way when I’m hungry myself sometimes. I feel like biting people. The wounds, if they were cauterized, which is what they did, they burned the puncture wound so they would not get infected. Almost everybody recovered from rabies. The pasturer had a different idea.
This is in some ways a theory but a way of conceptualizing for people. What is another way of looking at a disease that seems to be transmissible? I’ve gotten literally hundreds of people saying I got herpes from somebody else. Everybody knows somebody or something. What happens? You start having sex with somebody that you didn’t have sex with before and then you get these blisters on your genital region. That’s what we call herpes.
Point one, if you don’t get this point right, you’ll never get any of the other points right. There is no herpes virus in those genital lesions. If you have a study that shows that morphologically identical, same structure, same genetic piece like they’re supposed to be. It’s not like some of them are this big and some of them are this big, that’s not the same. That’s cellular debris. There is not one study that shows that.
What’s happening there then? Number one, your skin is separating and you’re oozing out a toxic mixture that hurts. That’s what you see. You probably have a collagen deficiency because you didn’t read Nourishing Traditions and you didn’t realize you should eat the bone broth. Your collagen is weak. If you’re starting to have a lot of sex, you’re getting irritated and that breaks down your collagen. The tissue is made from collagen and vitamin C and you didn’t read nourishing traditions so you’re deficient.
Here’s another explanation. All of us have toxins in our genital organs. You just met and started to have sex with somebody new. It could be that your soul thinks, “I could start a family. This could be the love of my life. I better clean myself out to get ready for starting a family.” That emotional experience sets off the elimination of toxins from your genital organs, which then ooze out through your skin and then it stops. You are healthier and have a better chance of creating a healthy baby than before because your soul or whatever it is, knew that I’ve got a new opportunity here.
That accounts for all of the observable facts. Here’s the problem because nobody thinks like that, no medical researcher, I would love for somebody to test that out. It may be a difficult task but what is in that stuff that’s oozing out? I treated people for decades, I told them to drink and eat bone broth and they stopped getting herpes.
That reminds me, you said it both in this case and in the case of the chickenpox as an illness as part of maturation that the people were healthier afterward. It makes me wonder about this time, whatever sickness is coming about. Do you believe that people are going to be healthier who’ve gotten it and gotten over it?
We were discussing immunity. Dr. Campbell, who had the clinic and got rid of smallpox, said there is no immunity to smallpox. He said you don’t get smallpox and never get it again. If you get bitten again, you get smallpox again. He didn’t believe there was any such thing as immunity. We are never immune to colds. We get them over and over again. We need to go back and revisit this idea of immunity.
It does seem that with the childhood illnesses, you have them once. It’s because your body does this once in your maturation process. This whole concept of unity needs to be looked at again. Illness helps us adjust to things. I can’t say that having COVID once, you’ll never get it again, it’s just we’ve never looked at it.
They made up the concept of the immune system to convince you that you were infected by viruses and bacteria. They made that up.

The whole idea of the vaccine is that we’re going to give you this poison. You will adjust in some way and be immune to future encounters with this poison. This is not a new concept. This is a superstition that dates back to ancient times. The idea was if you ate a little bit of poison, you would be immune to a larger exposure to the poison. The perfect example of this is Napoleon because he ate arsenic because he was afraid someone was going to try to poison him with arsenic. That was what they thought in those days.
If you believe in the immune system, i.e. antibodies, that I would love to hear your explanation of the following. They say, you get measles and that’s a virus, then you make antibodies and then you’re immune for life, never to get measles again. You get mumps and that’s a virus, then you make antibodies and then you’re immune for life. You get the symptoms of AIDS then you get antibodies. That means you have a horrible virus that’s going to kill you. One of the quotes in our book from the head of infectious disease from Wake Forest. A wise man said, “Antibodies are important. They mean you either have the virus or you didn’t, you were either sick or you weren’t and you’re either immune or you’re not.”
When I read that, I went out to buy a refrigerator and the guy said, “Yeah, it’s a good refrigerator, it’ll either keep your food cold or it won’t. I bought three.” This is not how human beings talk, except virologists or medical doctors. This is anti-science, antibodies, non-specific proteins to neutralize toxins. That’s why you see them after you get sick because you’ve been poisoned. They don’t mean you’re immune to anything.
They made up the concept of your immune to convince you that you that viruses caused disease. That’s why there can’t be antibody-dependent enhancement, pathogenic priming, viro and all these things that are being passed around in the so-called holistic community. If there’s no virus, how is it that when you can contact the wild virus and being made sick?
If our current approach is misguided, misinformed or completely off base, what should we be doing instead to live our healthiest life?
Stop poisoning and starving ourselves, just like the cell cultures. You eat a nourishing tradition diet, you stop using wireless devices and stop putting glyphosate in your food. All the things that you should have done.
Fluoride in your water. It makes sense that you want to have a clean environment and healthy diet that gives you a good immune system. That gives you good resistance because I was telling Tom, I read this book about wallpaper. The wallpaper in the 1800s, they used arsenic paint. That arsenic and damp weather formed the gas and made a lot of people sick. This wasn’t something trivial. England was producing 23 million rolls of wallpaper a year. There was a higher number in the United States. Pretty much everyone, unless you were very poor, add wallpaper in every room.
The medical professional knew that arsenic was poisonous but it somehow took them a long time to make this connection with the wallpaper. One of the reasons was that not everybody got sick, just some people. I stumbled on a study, which said that B12 status determines how well you can deal with arsenic. People who were eating a lot of organ meats and meat and had good B12 status, they could deal with the arsenic fumes coming off the wallpaper. People who were living on tea and cookies and sugar couldn’t deal with the arsenic fumes coming off the wallpaper. At least that’s what I’m proposing.
I wouldn’t push your luck. Dunking a wallpaper and your thing with arsenic then putting a 5G tower in your house and sucking down on some glyphosate and see, “I’m good.” The idea is that things only happen once like most people don’t get hit by lightning more than once. Does that mean you’re immune to lightning strikes? The way that people have been hypnotized or spellbound into thinking is we live in a profoundly, not unscientific but anti-scientific society.
Full of superstitions. Ideas that have no basis and fact.
Here’s another one. All these people talk about the blood-brain barrier. I spent weeks looking for a picture that showed take up the blood like capillary and the brain versus the blood, the capillary and a liver. There’s no barrier. The liver and the brain looked different on the slides. The blood vessels look the same. There’s no piece of cellophane in there that’s a barrier. Where did they come up with thing? They made it up to convince you. People said, “I’m not going to take that drug. It’s going to affect my brain.” “No, don’t worry. There’s a blood-brain barrier.” There’s no barrier. They are some drugs that affect your brain or mind or something, the way you think more than others. If you go looking for an anatomical structure called a blood-brain barrier, it is not there, anywhere.
The thing is, most of us, aren’t going to take the time that you’ve taken to do the research, which we probably should do. That’s why we’re spellbound. We’re not hearing or seeing anything that gives us any cause to disbelieve what we’re learning from the experts.
It’s a trust in authority, someone wearing a white coat. A lot of this stems from my parents’ generation. All the men were in the military and you obeyed and trusted authority. You have to, in times of war. That attitude takes a long time to dissipate. In my parents’ generation, very few people were questioning these things. We’re the next generation. We’re more difficult. We don’t accept all this stuff.
Here you get into the actual emotional or psychological reasons behind it. Here’s how somebody could question it. You do facts. How many people died in this state in Germany, May 2019? I don’t know the exact number but it’s around 7,500. You run the numbers. Official numbers, May 2020, that’s 4 or 5 months after the pandemic. How many people died in the same province? The answer, 7,200 less. What kind of pandemic do people die less? You do May 2021, four months after they roll out the vaccines, so-called. That’s now 8,600. What happened when you rolled out the vaccines, so-called?
What we’re seeing is the natural selection of the wise. It seems very cruel, but this is how nature works.
More people died. That’s the facts. Here’s the problem. People have certain reasons why these things don’t matter. What matters to them is I had trouble before the pandemic started. I had a hard life. I was anxious, fearful. I didn’t understand what was happening. There was isolation, all kinds of things and poison. They gave me meaning. Now, I can be part of the group. We’re all in this together. It’s altruistic, I can do my part but I have to believe everything I’m told. Even interestingly, to the exclusion of things, which do me harm. You lose your job. I don’t have any money. Your friend left you.
We’ve all had those things happen. None of that matters because now I’m part of a group. My life has meaning. This is exactly what happens when people are hypnotized. You can do surgery on them because they’re so focused on one thing, being hypnotized, that you can cut their sternum open and they don’t even feel it. You can do all kinds of nasty things to them, like destroy their lives. You can’t be with friends. You can’t travel. You don’t have a job. You have to get poisoned. You can’t go to the store. All this stuff. No matter, I’m part of the group. I’m good. That is a mass psychosis or what I called in the book, a spell.
Why don’t people see it? They don’t see the numbers. Seven thousand five hundred before the pandemic died. Seven thousand three hundred after six months of the pandemic, meaning nothing happened. They start vaccinating, more people died. What happened? You poison people with vaccines, more people die. How hard is that to understand? I don’t care because then I won’t be part of the group.
My life will be back to having no meaning, which is why we cannot go back to where we were before. People are scared to death of that. There was a great book I read called Bullshit Jobs, 40% of Americans think their job shouldn’t be done. There’s no value to the thing they do every single day of their life. What are we going to tell people? “By the way, you should go back to do that job.” They don’t want to do that job. They’re scared.
When you’re scared, you can’t think straight.
When you’re scared, those numbers and the facts that I present make no different. Sally can tell you all day long, they stick squats, snot up your nose and nothing happens. I have twelve published, peer-reviewed studies exactly that. They stopped doing them.
They haven’t done them for COVID. They have not done contagion studies. How can you say this is a contagious disease when you haven’t studied whether it’s contagious or not? You just assumed that it is.
It’s what you’re saying all along time, Tom. That’s not science if you’re not going to do a study and examine the facts on that.
The vaccine so-called, they never assessed whether there’s any effect on transmission or somebody else getting sick.
The head of NIH said that, “We have not studied whether this vaccine prevents transmission or infection.” Why are we doing it then?
You have a situation where the CDC says, “We’ve never studied transmission.” You have the City of San Francisco saying to a basketball player, “You can’t play without a vaccine because you’ll transmit the virus.” The only way you can possibly believe that is if you’ve decided not to think. Otherwise, you would stick to yourself, “This is bullshit. This stuff makes no sense. I’m not going to believe stuff that doesn’t make any sense. Why did God give me the ability to think if I’m not going to use it?”
We’ve been dumbed down over the last 100 years with a diet that replaces critical nutrient-dense animal fats with vegetable oils. Food’s growing in depleted soils, which no longer contains organ meats, which are critical to good health. We’ve been primed for this. Most people’s minds don’t work very well because of the diet. Not just in their generation but several generations of this diet.
Those people who have been eating these wonderful nutrient-dense foods, are we going to have to start our own community of critical thinking people? Seriously, I’ve been talking to some people because we’re the only ones who aren’t spellbound, like develop our own way of connecting with one another, our own infrastructure for food, which essentially, we are doing with our buying local and our close communities of Wise Traditions friendly foods in people.
Like-minded people. I’ve been saying for years, what we’re seeing is the natural selection of the wise. It seems very cruel but this is how nature works. It selects those who can survive. In the case of humans, it’s the natural selection of the wise. It’s almost like they’ve trying to figure out how to make the whole culture more thinking and understanding.

We are trying to make ourselves more resilient and stronger. We want to live our healthiest lives. If our audience could do one thing to improve their health, what would you recommend? We’ll start with you, Sally.
Stick to the facts. Look at the facts first. You want to completely eliminate the industrially processed seed oils and replace them with nutrient-dense saturated animal fats. We talk about this in the book, how saturated fats ensure that your cell membranes are robust and smooth so that you can structure the water in your cells against these membranes, appropriately. That’s the wiring in yourself. To me, that is critical before anything else. I’ve been reviewing so many studies on vitamin A. You need a good source of vitamin A in your diet. That’s either liver, several times a week, cod liver oil, egg yolks but vitamin A is the number one nutrient to deal with poisons, including radiation poisoning. That’s what I do first.
You, Tom?
Try thinking for yourself. It may be a new experience for people. You can change everything but if you don’t change the way people conceive of the world and think then they just create the same system all over again.
Thank you for those words. Thank you for your time. We are so grateful. I hope to talk to you again soon.
Thank you, Hilda. Thanks for all that you do.
Our guests, Sally Fallon Morell and Dr. Tom Cowan. Visit Sally’s website, NourishingTraditions.com and you can find Tom at DrTomCowan.com. You can find me at HolisticHilda.com. I’m the host and producer of the show for the Weston A. Price Foundation.
You can change everything, but if you don’t change the way people conceive of the world and think, then they just create the same system all over again.
For a review from Apple Podcasts, SDNewsy33 had this to say, “This show has been an absolute blessing. I listened to every new episode and use each episode as a jumping off point to explore and research any given topic further. Thank you for this and all you do through the foundation.”
SDNewsy33, thank you for this review. It means a lot. You are also welcome to leave us a rating and a review on Apple Podcasts or if you don’t have access to that, just shoot us an email at Podcast@WestonAPrice.org. We’d love to hear from you. You can also give us your suggestions for how we can improve the show or for guests. There is a guest application on our website as well. Thank you so much. Stay well, my friend. Hasta pronto.
About Dr. Tom Cowan
Dr. Thomas Cowan is a well-known alternative medicine doctor, author and speaker, with a common-sense, holistic approach to health and wellness. He has given countless lectures and workshops throughout the U.S. on a variety of subjects in health and medicine, and is the author of six best-selling books, including “The Contagion Myth” co-authored by Sally Fallon Morell, “Cancer and the New Biology of Water,” “Human Heart, Cosmic Heart,” “Vaccines, Autoimmunity and the Changing Nature of Childhood Illness,” “The Nourishing Traditions Book of Baby and Child Care” co-authored by Sally Fallon Morell, and “The Fourfold Path to Healing” (with Sally Fallon and Jaimen McMillan).
From 1985 until 2019, Dr. Cowan had a general-medical practice, first in upstate New York, then for 17 years in Peterborough, N.H., and for 17 years in San Francisco, until his recent retirement from active practice. He was a founding board member of the Weston A. Price Foundation and continues to serve as its vice president.
In the past five years, he launched two businesses along with his wife and two sons. The first, Dr. Cowan’s Garden, offers high-quality vegetable powders and kitchen staples; the second, Dr. Tom Cowan, LLC (this website) distributes information, hosts his popular webinar series, and offers many of the products he has used personally and in his practice. Dr. Cowan attended Duke University, graduating in 1977 Summa Cum Laude with a degree in biology.
He then served as a Peace Corps volunteer in Swaziland, Africa, from 1977 to 1980, teaching gardening in a secondary school. It was in Swaziland where he encountered the work of Weston A. Price and Rudolf Steiner, two of the greatest influences on his career. After the Peace Corps, he attended medical school in his home state of Michigan at the Michigan State College of Human Medicine, graduating in 1984. Dr. Cowan lives with his wife, Lynda, on rural farmland in Upstate New York. He has three children, one stepson and six thriving grandchildren. He is an avid gardener, and recently added several sheep and barn kittens to his growing farmstead.
Important Links:
- Dr. Tom Cowan
- Sally Fallon Morell
- Weston A. Price Foundation
- The Contagion Myth
- WestonAPrice.org
- HolisticHilda.com
- WiseTraditions.org
- Redmond.Life
- Wise Traditions Conference
- Redmond Real Salt
- Primal Pastures
- Optimal Carnivore
- Virus Mania
- Nourishing Traditions
- Bullshit Jobs
- Podcast@WestonAPrice.org
For sure
…interesting correspondence in doc jarvis’ Vermont Folk Medicine 📖: i.e., using two(2) teaspoons of apple cider vinegar per hundred pounds weight in cows 2x/day caused heel fly larvae( “budbugs”)to diminish in size, and amount on the cows., also eradicating mastitis, and diminishing brucellosis abortus……….same benefits of acid ph intake via acv with people( measuring by ph via nitrazine paper in urine). Mmmmmm , good, too. Especially with raw honey. Worthy of 📝 📋 🗒 📓 🎵:in his – highly reccommendable(!!!caveat on industrial seed oil/ corn oil he suggests!!!!#×÷=/+) book- that , back then, good studying RECCOMMENDED honey for baby formula. I wonder where this current pox on honey for babys comes from n its truth. Hmmmm. Thank you all for this truth- based wisdom, love and intelligence.