Since grade school, most of us have been taught germ theory so consistently and completely that we may have forgotten that it is a theory in the first place. Today, Marcy Cravat, the producer of the documentary “Terrain” challenges our presumptions. She contrasts germ theory with natural law (or what some call terrain theory). And she explains how these drastically different approaches shape our understanding of the world and our own health.
Marcy differentiates between the two – exploring a number of related subjects including contagion and resonance, and the pleomorphic cycle of healing. Along the way, she celebrates the intrinsic wisdom of our bodies to bring us back to balance and health.
Visit her website terrainthefilm.com.
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Episode Transcript
Within the below transcript the bolded text is Hilda
Since grade school, most of us have been taught germ theory so consistently and completely that we may have forgotten that it is a theory in the first place. This fact has made it nearly impossible for most of us to even begin to consider other possible causes for what ails us and consequently for what could heal us. This is Episode 370, and our guest is Marcy Cravat. Marcy is the documentary filmmaker behind Terrain. Marcy contrasts germ theory with natural law or what some may call terrain theory. These drastically different approaches to understanding our health and the world shape our perception of what is going on. Marcy tells us what got her curious about germ theory in the first place and why she decided to make a film exploring the subject.
She shares her understanding of the difference between germ theory and terrain theory and contagion and resonance, the latter being how we communicate with one another on a quantum level. She dives into the science of it all and explains the pleomorphic cycle of healing. Along the way, Marcy offers insights and she celebrates the intrinsic wisdom of our bodies to bring us back to balance and health.
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Go to EarthRunners.com and use the code WISE for 10% off.
Visit her website TerrainTheFilm.com
Get the FREE WAPF info pack here
Check out our sponsors Earth Runners, Paleo Valley, Optimal Carnivore
Welcome to the show, Marcy.
Thank you so much. It’s such a pleasure to be here.
I hear some roosters in the background. Tell us where you’re at.
I’m on the island of Hawaii. Those are roosters. They live all over the place all by themselves. They don’t need to be fed by anybody. They go find bugs and fruits and things. We become friends with some of them. Many of them keep an eye on some of the shenanigans that go on.
The body will start as a whole healthy cell, and then it will start to break down if things are out of balance, turning into different things.
Marcy, I would love to talk about roosters and chickens all day. We wanted to talk about your movie, Terrain. The subtitle of the movie is The Most Important Question You Never Thought to Ask. I want to ask you, what is that question?
The question is, do viruses really exist? We chose that tagline because taglines are supposed to be something that doesn’t give away a whole idea of a film. It’s not a logline that you would see like in the old TV guide we used to have that would say, “This show is about this.” A tagline is supposed to get you thinking about something. What we want to do is foster some curiosity. The question is truly, do viruses exist? Did you ever think to ask that question? That’s pretty much what it is
I don’t think we do or we have. Didn’t we grow up with the idea that viruses are contagious and that’s what causes some sicknesses?
We did grow up with that. It was carefully crafted within the social framework so that we would never even think to ask the question. It’s so much a part of people that it’s the main reason people don’t want to ask the question because if they do, it’s going to raise for them a lot of other questions they don’t want to tackle. This is a big problem because it’s like the ostrich with the head in the sand. When you start to understand that this could be pulled off, you have to start asking the question, how many other things have we been told that to become part of our culture, a part of our social beingness that we need to question? That increases exponentially once you understand that there are no viruses or there’s never been a proven virus and there’s never even been a proven contagion that even exist.
This is so radical. It reminds me that I was interviewing someone and she said, “I have worked with viruses all my life. Don’t tell me that there aren’t viruses.” What was she seeing under that super powerful microscope if it wasn’t a virus?
She’s seeing what she was taught was a virus. This is part of the whole field of virology. In part one of the film, we show how the virologists have their own isolation experiment, which is not an isolation experiment at all, not by any stretch. In every part of that experiment, there’s no isolation at all. What’s happened is you surfed through the concept of isolation, changed the definition of the word, and this is what they teach their students. Their students accept this as fact.
What they’re seeing under the microscope is cell debris. What the cell debris is doing is responding to SOS call from the body. When the body has an issue with toxicity or malnutrition or psychological, spiritual issues, any number of things, or a physical assault, like an accident or something like that, the body tries to respond to help.
In most of the cases, it’s related to some form of toxin. That toxin can be generated from several different ways. It could be grieving that starts to generate the body’s secretion of enzymes and hormones and things that get out of balance and it creates a disturbance in the body. It could also be coupled with malnutrition because there are so many toxic assaults. We’re talking chem trailing and fluoride in the water and GMO food system and EMFs and vaccinations. This goes on and on. When we don’t address those toxins and they build up in the body, then the body starts to suffer an illness. The first thing that will happen is a symptom.
The body will address that symptom by trying to clear out the toxin. What they’re seeing under the microscope is the breakdown of the cell. As the cell breaks down, it goes through something called a pleomorphic process, which is in part two of the film. That means that the body will start out as a whole healthy cell and then start to break down if things are out of balance and it will turn into different things. It’ll go from being a summited to a colloid. The colloid has a function. At one point, it will become bacteria. The bacteria are there to eat up the toxins that are out of control. If we remove the toxins or solve the source of the issue, like we get over some grieving or whatever it is, the body will come back into balance.
That bacteria will die down on its own, but that’s not the way Western medicine looks at it. Western medicine looks under the microscope and they say, “There are bacteria there. They caused the illness.” They didn’t cause the illness. They’ve only come on the scene to help. The next step they take is they give you a pharmaceutical to remove the symptoms, which makes the person feel they’ve been cured, but they haven’t been cured because they haven’t removed the toxins. They’ve only temporarily helped the symptoms subside. Now, the natural healing process is eradicated. What’ll start to happen is the toxins are still there and the bacteria will then go through its next stage.
One of those stages becomes fungi. Fungi creates tumors. The body will start saying, “We’re at this bad stage right now where the bacteria weren’t allowed to do their job. Now we’ve morphed into these fungi. We’re going to start to try to store these things in a little closet over here, out of the main traffic of your body. We’ll put it over here.” Western medicine calls that a tumor. Western medicine says, “That tumor is going to share those cells with other parts of the body and then it’s going to “metastasize””, but that’s not what happens either. It fills up in the area that it’s at to a point where it can store no more and then it’ll go find another place to store.
This is mind-blowing because if I’m understanding you correctly, it’s like you’re saying it’s the opposite of what we have thought. We are blaming these little bits of cell debris and we’re calling them the criminals when they’re at the scene of the crime because they’re the police officers, so to speak. They’re trying to help out. We’re saying, “Get them somewhere else.” It makes us more sick with tumors.
Tom Cowan has a good analogy of firefighters. You don’t say that firefighters on the scene of a crime caused the fire. It’s the same thing. They’re there to fix the problem, to put the fire out. That’s what these different stages, but they can get out of control. They get out of control because we didn’t balance the ecology of the body. If the initial source is ignored, denied, or tamped down, the problem doesn’t disappear. It only subsides periodically through the pharmaceutical being applied to tamp down. That’s what aspirin and antibiotics does. What they’re doing is they’re removing inflammation and things that the body’s naturally doing to cause fluids to pull and push things away.

Inflammation is something that’s necessary. That is a signal that there’s some toxin that needs to be removed. Rather than try and squash the inflammation, we should be looking at the inflammation and saying, “Thank you for the message. Where’s the problem?” You have to figure out where the problem is. “What’s creating this inflammation? Is it that I have a lot of anger and I’m storing it in my joints and I have rheumatoid arthritis? Is it that I’ve been exposed to pesticides and I have polio?” They’re all kinds of things that you have to look at. All of those questions about what caused disease are the next best question, but it’s not necessary to answer that question to prove that there’s no virus there.
You are describing this in such simple terms. I love it because I’ve interviewed many experts and it can get complicated and heady. I get where you’re going. My question to you is, you’re not a scientist or a doctor. How did you come to know so much about this?
When the whole plandemic thing started getting going, I had already been filming some things I was interested in. I’d been filming Clifford Carnicom about chem trailing and Morgellons disease. I’d been filming Anthony Samsel about GMO food system. I filmed Rosa Koire, who passed away, about Agenda 21. I filmed several different people, but I didn’t have a firm idea of what I was going to do with this film footage. I just felt compelled to learn.
I called Andy Kaufman from having watched a video that he put out, one of his early videos, and he happened to answer the phone. We started to talk and I told him what I’d been filming. He said, “What you should be filming is germ theory. You should be looking at Terrain.” By the way, Terrain is not a theory in and of itself.
It means the Natural Laws, the Laws of Nature. There are things that come under the umbrella of Terrain, like exosomes and how they work and what they perceive them to be doing, that are still theoretical. It’s still something they’re trying to understand, but it doesn’t change the natural laws. The sun still shines. We breathe there. There are natural laws that are laws. They’re not theories. Andy was saying, “If you understand how the terrain works, you will quickly see that germ theory is called a theory for a reason.” I thought, “This sounds interesting, but I have no science background.”
He goes, “That’s better. You don’t have to unlearn anything. One of the toughest things is people that have had all of this background training and now they have to unlearn it. It’s personal for them because they don’t want to have to believe that they weren’t taught authentically. They don’t want to let go of the power of those credentials and things. There’s a lot of ego involved. It’s a struggle for a lot of people on a spiritual level because they don’t want to face that fact. Consider yourself lucky you don’t have any science training.”
I said, “I’m interested in it.” I’ve always had an interest in health. It started to increase. As these things do, films, they start telling you what you need to put in the film. You don’t tell the film. The film tells you, “We’re going to have to touch on law here because there’s a similar analogy going on here with the legal system.” I brought in Alphonse Faggiolo and Peggy Hall. I thought, “I can’t leave people hanging. I’ve got to bring in the way that the future is for medicine.” That’s all about frequency and vibration.
I brought in Veda Austin. She, like Dr. Emoto, does consciousness work with water. She gets these pictures and water that she’s communicated with via photographs or words or anything that she puts under the Petri dish. I end on that note. We start to see, and it trickles out throughout the film, especially from the likes of Tom Cowan, who seems to be motivated in this direction to understand that DNA does not inform our blueprint. We inform the DNA through our consciousness. This tilts the whole genetics world upside down as well.
I’m not ready for that yet. Let’s stick to turning this around, and then we’ll get to the other one another day. I would like you to help us understand the difference between germ theory and this natural law or terrain idea. Help us understand and wrap our heads around it.
That gets to be a complex subject about where the individuals at it’s unique. You may be looking at a person who lost a job or lost, I hate to say most horrible thing that can happen. It could be something like that, coupled with poor eating habits and no sunshine, no grounding, no spirituality, no connection to love. All these things can cause the body dis-ease, a lack of ease and fluidity in the body. What starts to happen is that this water in the cells starts breaking down. When this happens and that water’s no longer coherent water structured water, the cells are not healthy.
They start to break down. That’s when they start going, “I need some help.” That’s when the pleomorphic process gets activated and they say, “Let’s help you out here. We’re going to send in the bacteria squad. We’re going to send in this or send in that.” All these stages of the pleomorphic cycle have a purpose. That is natural law, but we are hooked on this theory that there’s this outside contagion that comes in. It’s an important theory for the general public to embrace because it’s at the crux of all of medicine and pharmaceuticals.
Coming up, Marcy shares how life changes when you embrace the Natural Laws of Terrain theory. She also discusses her vision for the future of human health and medicine.
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The thing is, who was that doctor back in the day, who would go from attending corpses in the morgue, and then he would come and help women deliver babies? He noticed he was making them sick. That’s a contagion or bacteria spreading. Is that different than virus spreading?
What they were spreading was the formaldehyde from the autopsies. It was getting into the pregnant women because it was a toxin and causing illness. They were also spreading formaldehyde from the rotting flesh of dead bodies and what happens when flesh rots are it calls in bacteria to eat the dead flesh like a compost pile. The bacteria excrete their own excrement. If you’re dealing with rotting flesh or feces, you don’t want the excrement from those bacteria.
You can’t pass it long from human to human, but if you ingest it, which is what all of these diseases in the past that had to do with poor hygiene, like dumping sewage onto the street, had to do with. People were ingesting, by accident, fecal matter. That’s toxic because the bacteria that are eating up the dead tissue or whatever they’re eating up are excreting their own poop.
You’re eating that or exposed to it. That’s not good for you. You can’t pass that to somebody else, but you are still being exposed to that situation. The only two areas that I am familiar with, and there may be more, are rotting flesh and fecal matter. There may be more. The person to ask that would be one of the doctors. It’s not contagious. You just don’t put junk in your mouth. You don’t sit and slop up your hand on the ground and lick it.
I have to ask all these questions because I know there’s bound to be someone reading thinking, “What about when one of my kids gets a cold and they have this runny, gloppy nose, and next thing you know, the other kid has it and pretty much we’ve all come down with it?” That’s anecdotal, of course, but that seems to corroborate the experience that we’re getting things from each other.
The way that I understand this is that, generally speaking, when the seasons change, the barometer levels change and the weather changes, our bodies are then activated to go into a detox response if they need to. Not everybody needs to. That’s why there’s always somebody in the family that doesn’t “catch” it. Nobody caught anything.
What is communicated through resonance exosomes is this part is still in theory form. We don’t know exactly, but there’s a lot of good evidence out there. For example, if women live together, they’ll all start menstruating at the same time. This is a resonance communication. We need to study this a lot more because it’s probably way more prevalent than we realize. This is why I bring Veda Austin at the end. If we understand that what we think, what we feel, what we say and what we do puts out an electrical vector that seeks resonance with, something that will match it.
We recognize we’re creating a reality right there. If you want to know in a family what’s happening, some kid comes home with a gloppy nose. They all are at the same school. They all are under the same conditions at the school. They’re sitting underneath the phone wires or they’re breathing and sucking in the chemtrails all day when they’re out at recess. Most of the kids are eating junk in their lunches. They’re popping open their soda pop or whatever.
There’s going to be a large percentage of these kids that are going to get sick because it’s detox time. The reason it’s detox time is so that they can be prepared for what’s new in the spring. They have to clean out their closets. They go home. Those situations and circumstances may be similar in the house, but not everybody’s going to get it.

This disproves that everybody should get it, but there’s going to be 1, 2, 3 family members that, for some reason, they’re healthier, whatever it is. Maybe one’s an athlete or maybe one’s got a cheery disposition or whatever it is. It could be any number of things. They won’t need to go through the detox event, but then people see this and think, “I caught it from this person.”
What you caught is some resonance communication, cell to cell, body to body, that says, “If you need to detox, now would be a good time.” This is why children go through childhood diseases around certain ages because they have to prepare for the upcoming growth spurt. They’ll have typical childhood diseases like chickenpox.
It looks like they’re contagious, but what they’re doing is they’re communicating, “If you need to detox in order to be better prepared for the growth spurt coming up, now would be the time to do it.” It’s a gift. When modern medicine tamps that down and uses all these pharmaceuticals and vaccines and things to tamp this down, these kids are more prone to cancers and things in their adult life because they didn’t clean out their closets when they should have.
That’s what that’s about. There are some obvious examples. I’m sure you’ve heard Sally Fallon talk about these things like scurvy on boats and they eat a lime or a lemon. The next thing you know, they don’t have scurvy anymore. They thought it was something they were passing around the ship. This can be looked at, at any number.
Polio is another one. Sally talks about a lot of these diseases. Arsenic poisoning later became DDT. This phenomenon happened in the summer, mostly around candy stores, where kids were eating a lot of sugary products coming from sugar cane fields, probably from here in Hawaii, that were spraying with DDT. The kids were getting DDT poisoning. You can look at disease and you can start to explore that, which is the next question, but it’s not dependent on disproving viruses. I look at it like this. If a kid died down by the river and everybody said, “Mr. Robinson who lives in that shack killed him,” in our world of law, the way it’s supposed to be, Mr. Robinson should be caught, accused, and go on trial.
He’s either found innocent or guilty. What’s happened, though, is people have said, “We can’t exonerate Mr. Robinson until we find out what killed the kid.” You don’t need to find out what killed the kid to exonerate Mr. Robinson. It turns out Mr. Robinson didn’t even live there. He died fifteen years ago and the shack has been vacant for fifteen years.
The kid died from an asthma attack. This is what it’s like. It’s like people seem to think that they have the entitlement to blame something and shut a whole world down and ruin people’s lives, to break up families, leaving dying people alone without their families during an important transition point. Put masks all over kids and teach them they have no voice. They have no way to read lips, listen or see facial features. They don’t develop normally and naturally. Tell them is normal.
Tell them that it’s normal to fear the person walking down the street and to distance themselves. This is evil. There’s nothing about it that is coming from good forces. The only things being used are things that put those frequencies out there that, when they find resonance, only increase that consciousness field. When that consciousness field is increased, you have more fear, more people complying, more people handing their authority or their bodily autonomy over to authorities who are these government officials that have no idea who you are and should not be telling you what to do with your body.
All of this happens. This critical thinking goes out the window and people stop asking good questions like, “If these masks worked, why am I allowed to walk through the front door at a restaurant with a mask on and take it off as soon as I sit at a table and I’m supposedly no longer contagious? What, the virus gives a pass to people sitting at tables?”
People say, “It’s supposed to be to prevent stitches to clean more cases.” You’re not supposed to think of it that way. You’re supposed to think that you’re just lessening the exposure, but that doesn’t make any sense because there are countries that never had masks implemented and their health statistics have a much better outcome than those that didn’t. The same thing goes for the vaccines, which are not vaccines. They’re just jabs or injections of poison. We’re now seeing people dying a lot more than they’re reporting from vaccine injury, which they’re calling COVID. Yet the places where they don’t “vaccinate” aren’t having health problems. If one was to look critically at this, they would see they’ve been bamboozled.
They have to go through a dark night of the soul, recognizing that they allowed themselves to be bamboozled, that they may are probably being bamboozled about a lot of other things, and that they have to take their power back. How are they going to do that when they feel so powerless? You brought up earlier that you don’t want to sit and marinate in this stuff and shake your head at the skies over the chemtrails. Part of your work for the betterment of society has already been done surely by being aware because when you’re aware, you can say, “I don’t consent.” When you say, “I don’t consent,” you’re putting out a vibrational frequency that’s going to match with mine. Together, we do not consent to chemtrails. Are we going to be the two that are out there going, “New chemtrails?” No, but we’re going to support the people that are doing that and the narrative so that something gets done. We all have our place.
Before we started rolling, we were discussing the importance of putting our energy and things that can make a difference. Shaking our fists at the sky is not likely to get us anywhere except maybe to a heart attack because we’re going to be holding onto that anger. What we want to do is be aware. Your movie goes far in doing that. I was thinking people might not leave the theater completely convinced because it requires a lot for that paradigm shift, but at least it will have them asking questions, which is a good place to start.
When you start to foster curiosity, it’s like the old seek and you shall find saying. The teacher will appear when the student is ready kind of thing. The worst thing that one can do is go into denial because then all they do is feed the evil system through a lack of awareness. That consent keeps that reality alive. People that are aware of it have to suffer the consequences of not being able to travel or accompany their dying loved one or having to put a mask on their kid, which I wouldn’t do if I had a kid, or forcing them to get vaccines so they can keep their jobs. My sister has a daughter. She’s a single parent.
Part of your work for the betterment of society has already been done surely by being aware, because when you’re aware, you can say, “I don’t consent.”
She lost her job over this. She literally was fired for not complying. Now she’s going to sue because it’s illegal to force people to do medical procedures. She never signed up for that. There’s so much stuff that’s being thrown out into the public narrative that is constantly bombarding us through the scripted media and through the educational system and everything else. There’s this incessant peer pressure. People will sometimes succumb to that. They don’t want to have to be the one that sticks out like a sore thumb. It’s easier to go along. All of these things are consenting and creating an energy frequency. When you say, “You shake your fist at the sky,” shake your fist at the sky and say, “I do not consent.”
You don’t have to get involved with being out there picketing if you don’t want to. You can go about your day creating the content that you feel is going to help people be better people. If you’re more of the optimistic type, then that’s the way you should be. I tend to get more like, “I’m going to let about this and I don’t care what you think.” I’ve got more of that Amanda Vollmer type of I don’t care if it makes you uncomfortable. What you’re doing is way more than making me uncomfortable. It’s literally stripping me of my rights.” If you want to talk about comfort, take a look at what you’re doing. Every time you take a jab or put a mask on, you’re putting the jab into the arm of a five-year-old. You are participating in an evil system.
Think about it before you do it. If you must do it, you have to get on that plane because you’ve got to be with somebody who needs you. When you put that mask on your face, say, “I put this on only for the purpose of something I have to do, but I do not consent.” You’re creating that protection around yourself. You’re putting out a vibrational frequency that will seek resonance with someone like me who would say, “I understand your predicament. Go ahead, wear it. Don’t feel guilty about it. You got to get where you got to get because it’s more important to get to your mother right now. Do it, but understand what you’re doing. Be aware and don’t consent.” By the way, there are a lot of people regarding the chem trailing that is doing a lot of interesting things that we could do that are easy for us to do.
I don’t know for sure. I haven’t tried all of them. Mitch The Orgone Donor had tremendous results in Arizona by using Orgone. There are people that are trying things and doing things. That all stems from curiosity. The fact that you’re curious is such a beautiful first step. As long as your curiosity is healthy, you’re going to keep moving toward the truth. You cannot. Once you know and understand this at a place in your heart of knowingness, you can’t be swayed anymore. You don’t unknow what you know unless you come to a stumbling block where you recognize you.
I am a perfect example of this. I made two films before I made Terrain. They’re both beautiful films. Angel Azul is a gorgeous film with a lot of underwater footage with coral growing all over these statues that are human-like statues. Midway through the making of that film, the coral stopped growing on the statues. We started asking questions about the reason why. We discovered that it was because of all of the pollutions that was going into the ocean around Mexico there. At the same time, the scientists that we brought in to discuss this started talking about global warming.
I allowed that narrative to enter into the film. At the time, I fully believed these scientists. I wasn’t a scientist and I thought they must know all of what they were talking about. To be quite frank, they did know most of what they were talking about, but this global warming narrative was starting to rub me the wrong way. Over a period of time, too late to change both of the films, which deal with things that are still so wonderful, that they’re completely valid, wonderful films to watch. I no longer consent to the parts that talk about global warming.
I have a choice to either go back and edit that stuff out or to show the public that we sometimes have all the best intentions. Through our curiosity, we start to follow things and then we find that what we’re following may not be right in some regard. In other words, we could be going down some roads right now that, ten years from now, we might want to hone, reframe, and take some of it out that didn’t prove to be quite right.
What I can tell you we know right now is there’s never been an isolated virus ever that came from a living human organism. If you don’t have a living thing isolated, how can you genetically sequence it? You can’t. There’s nothing. When the PCR tests are finding things, what are they finding? They’re finding stuff that was created on a computer, pulled from bits and pieces all over the place and sewn together like a patchwork. That’s what they’re finding.
That reminds me, in your movie, I loved how you included graphics to help us understand these concepts. I want to thank you for letting your curiosity bring you where you are. Your words resonate with me so much because I know that science is ever-changing. It’s debatable. It should be strong enough to support our questions. It should also be humble enough to change when needed. I feel like you’re bringing all those elements to bear in your latest project. If we need to talk again because something wasn’t quite right, I know you’ll let us know, but I’m excited to put that movie where folks can find it.
You can get it on TerrainTheFilm.com, which is the website that Andy’s team created. They’ve got all kinds of links to other things. If one were to download that, they would see the Rosa Koire footage that I shot too because they get that with that. That’s special because she passed away. She was the speaker for Agenda 2130. She knew so much.
You could also go to Ickonic, David Icke’s son, Jaymie Icke’s platform. He has a lot of films on there that are alternative type films were on there as well, but you have to be long to Ickonic to see it there, membership. It’s apparently going out and the website TerrainTheFilm.com would show other places where it’s going. I don’t follow any of that. There’s a team doing that stuff where it’s going, but it’s supposed to always be on the website.
I want to pose to you the question I’d like to pose at the end. If the reader could do one thing to improve their health, what would you recommend that they do, Marcy?
Be honest. If you’re feeling something, look at it, honestly. Don’t hide and deny. In the long run, it’s going to make your health and your trajectory more painful if you don’t look honestly at something. It takes courage and curiosity to be honest, which you’ve already touched on. Approach life as authentically as you possibly can, as honestly as you possibly can. Connect to your heart and see how you feel about things rather than what you think about things. If you think with your heart more, you’re going to connect to what you’re supposed to be paying attention to. You’re going to be more authentic and your health is going to be a living example of that.

Marcy, thank you for your time and for all your wisdom and for everything that you brought in honesty and sincerity.
Thank you so much for doing this and for putting these kinds of messages out and for having your curiosity and focus. You have a wonderful energy about you. It’s clear that your intent is to bring the truth out. I want to express my gratitude.
It’s my pleasure.
Our guest was Marcy Cravat. Visit her film at TerrainTheFilm.com to view it and to find more resources from Marcy. For a review from Apple Podcasts, “Love, love, love it,” by Sunbeams Farm. “I love listening to these podcasts and my children even enjoy them. I love when I hear my six-year-old correct his grandma on things like how butter and fat being bad. I never even noticed that he was listening until he started laying out the facts. In one of the older podcasts, it talked about an app that would help find healthy places to dine out. I’ve looked for this app. Is it out there yet? Thanks for spreading the truth.”
Sunbeams Farm, thank you so much for writing this review. Yes, the app is out there. It’s called Real Food. We also have a 12 Spoons app and you might just have to click around on our website to find that thing. I can tell you this. There are also chapter leaders all over the US and around the world who would be happy to connect you with Real Food. Go to our website, click on the link that says find food and local chapters and see who’s near you. Thanks so much for reading. Stay well, my friend. Remember, all shall be well and all shall be well and all manner of things shall be well.
About Marcy Cravat
Marcelina (Marcy) Cravat is a Passelande Pictures LLC documentary filmmaker with two completed award-winning films, Angel Azul and Dirt Rich. Her third film, Terrain, produced in association with Dr. Andrew Kaufman, has just been released. Marcy received her training at The Art Center College of Design after graduating from The University of California in San Diego, and later in life she attended The Berkeley Digital Film Institute for film training. For years she was an editorial photographer, transitioning into film later in life after her kids were grown. Marcy is passionate about the subject matter of her films which motivates deep exploration, growth and an ever-expanding understanding about human consciousness.
Important Links
- Marcy Cravat
- Timeless Principles of Healthy Traditional Diets
- WestonAPrice.org
- Free Info Pack
- EarthRunners.com
- PaleoValley.com
- Amazon.com/optimalcarnivore
- Ickonic
- TerrainTheFilm.com
- Real Food
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