What if nature has a solution to the non-native radiation that is damaging our health? Justin Frandson, the owner of EMF Rocks, leads us in a discussion about the possibility that the ground itself can help us reverse the trend. He covers how radiation stresses our bodies, leading to headaches and insomnia. He discusses how rocks can replace the unnatural resonance with one that is healing and shares stories of what we can do to shore up our internal life force.
Visit his website: emfrocks.com
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Episode Transcript
Within the below transcript the bolded text is Hilda
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Welcome to the show, Justin.
Holistic Hilda, thank you for having me.
You told me your wife was a big skeptic of these rocks. Talk to us about when her mind was changed.
Everybody loves the Grounding Bags. We hand-mined these crystals. They have moisture magnetic properties in them and they’re Grounding Bags. They help you get deeper REM sleep. I’m a Performance Coach, and I’ve worked with athletes and clients for decades saw them starting to break down from EMF. I started jumping into the EMF space. My wife thought that I had spotted another trend, whether it’s gluten-free, kettlebells or BOSU balls.
She obviously is a huge supporter but didn’t know how powerful the Grounding Bags were until we put them in the home. For your readers, she had some early menopause challenges going on with night sweats, not sleeping through the night. The menstrual cycle completely stopped and absolutely crushing her. We loaded up home the rocks, everything normalized. Her night sweats are completely gone. Sleeping through the night and her menstrual cycle completely returned. At that point, she was a believer.
You said you were a performance coach and you notice that the EMF was affecting the athletes. What did you notice and how did you know it was EMF?
They’re coming in, driving Teslas and smartwatches on them, their whole arms would go weak, and they weren’t testing well. Their bodies were getting discharged from EMF and it ended up being a gateway for them for injuries. For most everyone else that doesn’t have that life force as strong as a lot of athletes do, it’s more illness. I saw them break down.
There are a lot of harmonizing things out there, pendants and little machines that could put out different waves. Why didn’t you go that route first?
I actually did. That’s where I learned about it. I was looking at another product and it had crystals and copper. What I found is that the copper ends up imprinting the bad over time. The crystals would get overrun by the levels that we’re experiencing. We’re experiencing 50 times 5G nowadays. When you combine nuclear with smart grid, satellites, and 5G, it’s so daunting on our body. I did start off in that and years ago, I learned about the space, and then I came across it.
The doctor was using a real protocol in his office and he’s like, “Justin, show me what you’re doing,” because I had a reputation in Newport Beach for all this type of work working with athletes and clearing EMF. I said, “Sure, I’m doing this.” He’s like, “What are you doing?” He ended up being way better but he didn’t want anyone to know and he was at the end of his practice. I ended up rolling it out and bringing it to the masses.
These hand-mined crystals, where do they come from?
We hand-mined them in the US and we don’t disclose the location for it, but they’re so pure. It’s an old Indian mine. They’ve been compressed from an underground water source. That water source gives the crystals moisture content and magnetic properties to help repel EMF, ground and recharge you all for a deeper night’s sleep.
It’s not your genes that determine your health. It’s your life force, your chi.
How did these crystals retain the moisture?
They’ve been compressed forever. The big thing is we double seal them. When you get the Grounding Bags, you use it as it is. You don’t need to open it. We double seal them to keep the moisture content in them, but if you feel them, they’re hard as a rock. They’re not wet and they’re more of a soapy type of rock per se.
How did you figure out what amount people needed? I know you can put this bag under your bed. How do you know these rocks have any effect whatsoever, Justin?
I have found them in a doctor’s clinic originally and then he straightens patients successfully from them. I ended up rolling them out myself and started adding to it, creating what we wanted to create. I started taking it to my tribe of doctors, all holistic chiropractors, and they would do everything from waveform tests, blood microscopy, pH, mold, micro toxin, and neurotoxin. We’ve seen the tests leap, obviously one of the biggest ones because everyone is wearing a sleep tracker.
It will track 3% to 50% deeper sleep. The cumulative effect of that is absolutely unbelievable. I had it tested with our tribe. Muscle testing is a big part of it. All the AK docs out there. They absolutely loved it. It was funny because when I brought the other products into one huge clinic, they wanted to rip my head off and then when I brought these in, they were obsessed with it. It’s one of their top-selling products.
In other words, they could tell the difference between your beta crystals and then these real-deal ones that are effective. How long do they keep their effectiveness? How long could I have this little bag under my bed and expect these good results?
We say they’ll last for a couple of years to maybe even decades. You have to keep them out of heat and keep them sealed. As long as they hold their form of the solid rock, they’ll hold their function.
How did Tom Cowan come to find out about them? We hold him in the highest esteem because he’s the Vice President of the foundation.
We did a great podcast with him. He found out about us through. I think I did two podcasts with Dr. Barre Lando of Alfa Vedic, and then went on with Kelly Brogan, MD, as well. I was a huge advocate and blasting out her tribe to make sure they’re protected with our Grounding Bags. We’ve had some amazing people that he respects so much. They have had them tested and Dr. Barre Lando did a waveform test where clinically passively treated up to 91% of the markers that were off. Tom ended up getting the bags and feeling the benefits from it and doing what he needed to do and then invited me on his podcast and that’s where we got to connect with them.
This waveform testing, how is that conducted? Have you ever done that yourself?
Yes, it’s two dual impedance antennas. This is what’s cool. We are here at a conference. Holistic Hilda grabbed me and pulled me aside. I’m so happy she did. All the speakers are talking about your chi, life force, and wave from Bruce Lipton to Eileen with her tuning force. Literally, every single one of them says, “It’s not your genes that are what determines your health. It’s your life force, your chi.” Dr. Barre Lando tests your life force, your chi with waveform technology. I haven’t done it personally, but he did a third-party independent test on him. He has two dual impedance antennas that measure your waveform and any distortion in your waveform that tells them exactly what’s going on with you. It supersedes your blood because your blood is indicative of your chi.
We’ve done a lot of studies of our own in the Weston A. Price Foundation, the cell phones that we carry on our bodies, in our pockets, the cell towers, the new 5G infrastructure, all of this is changing our chi that you’re talking about.
It chips away at your life force and your vitality. It’s this invisible stressor that people are haven’t looked at but it’s so easy to meter. You can have meter-to-meter electricity, dirty electricity and the wireless millimeter-wave. We can specifically quantify all the levels of what’s being read out there. Now, once you point a meter up to a phone and you show your kids that the phone is screaming the whole time you’re holding, it is absolutely incredible to see the response.
They thought this was as harmful as the device that everyone has up to their hand and glued to their lap. It’s huge for fertility and all those other types of challenges that the body will see from that extensive long-term exposure to low-level EMF. Then now the millimeter waves are, we literally sleep at 1 to 8 Hertz or waves per second. The millimeter waves are 50 billion waves per second, 50 to 90 billion waves per second. That’s what we’re putting on us all the time.
It’s almost as if we had a radio blaring at us all the time, but not just one radio. All these different stations at the same time.
5G put multiple bandwidths in that frequency. It’s not just one bandwidth that’s coming at you like a 2G or 3G. They’re getting tricky on how they’re deploying this information and we’re basically their Guinea pigs. They are cooking us. Our bodies were natural conductors. What I shared on Cowan’s podcast is, and I encourage everyone to listen to it, we are electromagnetic beings. We have this living collective matrix of a life force in us. We’re one with the universe and we live in this electromagnetic blanket of an atmosphere. When we electrify ourselves or our atmosphere, we’re going to have to adapt to that in a certain way. That’s what we’re seeing nowadays with this so-called pandemic.
You say we have to adapt to it, but for some of us, I feel like we’re too far gone. What I mean by that is there are vulnerable people in our population, those who are highly sensitive to electromagnetic frequencies, those who already have comorbidities or autoimmune conditions. There’s no way they can adapt to this electronic or radioactive blast that is happening and coming at them.
That’s why we want to give them a fighting chance because when you’re depolarized, you’re not going to be able to fend it off as much. When you’re sick or your immune system is chipped, you’re not going to be able to fend it off. The whole concept is to understand the proximity to the stressors, get them out of your life and then, number two would be to get grounded by nature. Go barefoot, get in the ocean, get the Grounding Bags as close to you and load up on them and get those negative ionic chargeback in your body and pull the electrons from it. I want to encourage you that we can live in this EMF space because what we can do is we can convert away form from polarizing to unpolarized.
That’s what Mother Earth does. That’s what the Grounding Bags do is we’re converting a waveform. When you see a cell tower, it’s not, “This thing is going to kill us.” It’s, “Okay. Thank you.” Let’s put some Grounding Bags there and convert this waveform. It ends up being a healthy waveform like bio-Geometry can do it. We can do with our Grounding Bags. We want to understand Biology, Physics, waveform technology, what we’re doing and deploying hand-mined crystals is Physics. It’s a waveform technology from Mother Earth.
I know what you’re talking about transforming energy because I was talking to Luke’s Story one time and we were talking about how I live in the city, how I hear these ambulances, and it’s annoying to my spirit. He’s like, “You got to transform that.” Now when I hear an ambulance or a helicopter, I just turned it into a dance and make it something good. I feel like that’s what you’re saying.
A perception of what you’re seeing things is a huge part of it. Subconsciously, you can clear these emotional holding patterns. I got tricked one time. I went and cleared. I have all the meters. I’d clear homes and offices. I went to an office and they had a cell tower right on the roof. I literally had a headache within ten seconds and it was the scariest thing I’ve ever felt in my life. I’m like, “We are in big trouble right now.” I had to get emotional clear, I had to change my perception of it and understand that we can clear this stuff Physics-wise. We can do what we’re set out to do. We can transform this waveform. We can keep our life force up and build it. Shaolin monks were not affected by EMF. Their chi is so strong. We can do that. We don’t sit and breathe all day, but we can still get ourselves to a level of health that doesn’t affect us.
I like what you’re saying about grounding and getting out in nature. I know for myself as a podcaster, I’m often on my computer editing and listening to episodes. I’m not as outside as often as I want. Maybe that’s where the Grounding Bags with crystal rocks come in.
We can live in this EMF space because we can convert away from polarizing to unpressurized by grounding.
You’re going to love them. They’re going to keep your life force up. You’re going to be able to not have your energy chipped away while you’re on because you put one on your desk and it’s going to clear that desk cap and all those sources. We call it a source. More protocol would be, you want to clear a bed, desk or car one on or under each. For a bed, you’ll go into a deeper round sleep. For a car, there’s so much EMF on the dashboard. If it’s solar, you might need a few more and then for a desk like you’re talking about for work, it’s going to change your energy. You’re not going to be zapped and fatigued at the end of each day. We’re getting it from the blue light already, but now we’re getting it from all the EMF.
If we have a printer on, your router underneath your desk, your cell phone, and a laptop, you’re literally surrounded by a little village of routers. They’re flat-out routers pinging anywhere from 22 to 50 billion waves per second, all right underneath your desk, where your fertility areas are, and your stomach holds a lot of your immune system. If you’re younger and older, it’s going to chip away at you. If you’re a fetus and a baby, you have zero defense mechanisms because your blood-brain barrier and your skull are not fully developed. If you’re 25 to 50 and you’re already in good health, it’s going to age you a lot quicker.
Talk to us again a little bit, so we can wrap our heads around the science bit of these crystals. You say they’re going to do all these things for us. How do they do it? How do they transform things and shift things around energetically?
Going back to Biology, the Schumann resonance, a healing pulse of the Earth. 7.83 Hertz or weighs per second, the frequency of the Earth changes depending on the season. That’s essentially what it is. It’s going to be about 1 or below 1 to 8 Hertz or waves per second. We rev at a low and slow-wave per second brainwave state. The Earth has a negative ionic charge. The ocean has a negative ionic charge, so do we. What we’re doing is we’re pulling in that negative ionic charge and pulling the electrons from it to recharge our bodies.
It’s simple biology. We’re looking to pull the innate medicinal healing properties from the planet and bringing them to you no matter where you are. If you’re on the go, we have a Mini Grounding Bag or you can bring the Deep Sleep Full-Sized Grounding Bag. You have all this protection and the healing properties from the Grounding Bags that are keeping your ionic charge. They’re transmuting and transforming that waveform from a one-directional polarizing waveform to more of a scalar wave, which is distributed equally in every direction and polarized waveform, that’s healthy for us.
Talk to us more about the hacks we can do to reduce our exposure to all those waves.
Proximity, turn your phone on airplane mode when you’re not using it. All the devices on airplane mode. Convert your smart meter to an analog. You can call your gas and electric company and say, “I want to opt-out of my smart meter.” Normally, they’ll let you do it. It’s $75 one-time and an extra $10 a month. It’s a simple thing as cell towers. They act like a cell tower on your home. If you have solar, definitely do not have it above the roof of your house and then get the Grounding Bags because solar will create lots of static electricity. That’s dirty electricity. If you’re driving an electric car, Tesla or what have you, you’re sitting on a battery. That’s a massive battery and that’s dirty electricity. Again, static and sparking. We want to help. For me, get rid of it.
Electricity is not the option for our bodies or the universe because man-made is different than how we are made. I talked to Dave Stetzer of Stetzer Electric and he’s like, “Justin, most of it’s a manufacturing error.” They’re not making these ground. They’re unhealthy for us. A lot of it can be solved by a little responsibility from the manufacturing side. For us, it’s getting grounded by nature and keeping your life force up, breathing, going barefoot, getting in the water and keeping your beautiful negative ionic charge.
It’s funny what you’re saying about solar panels and electric cars because a lot of people say, “That’s the answer. That’s the direction we need to move in.”
Sorry to break it to you, everybody. This is not the direction you want to go at all. Literally, let’s think about it for a little bit. You’re storing all this energy inside of a battery. That’s got to cause lots of vibration. That’s dirty electricity, then it’s trying to put out the level that you want for your car or your lights in your home. That’s static electricity again, dirty electricity. Milgauss isn’t wired. That’s just electricity. The millimeter waves are 1 to 30 Hertz when we’re robbing and zoning. Athletes are 8 to 12 Hertz in an alpha state, and they’re in the 60 to 90 billion waves for a second. This stuff isn’t an enhancer for us in any way, shape or form. We want to understand the proximity, how to clear it and get it out of our lives.
At this conference that you were mentioning earlier, all these speakers have talked about how we’re energetic and electrical beings, just as you’re saying, they’re describing this life force. Obviously, the optimal would be to have our chi so high, as you were saying, or so strong like some of those monks that we wouldn’t even need anything outside of ourselves to keep us intact.
That is the goal. We want to get our energy up. I wrote a book called ATHLETICISM Whole Body + Whole Brain = Performance Book. When I was writing the first part of the book, all I wrote about is awareness, intake, semantics and clearing the stressors out of your life. I’m like, “This is so boring.” I wrote part two, which is Whole Body and part three of Whole-Brain Training and Performance. That was more of what I want to share, but I couldn’t have that without part one because it’s such a foundation component to health, vitality, and performance. Get healthy, get rid of the GMOs, get rid of the glyphosates, and get connected above. When you’ve connected above, you’re protected and get grounded by nature. Start feeding your soul and your body with love, light and gratitude. You’re going to see your life force jump up to whole new other levels.
Justin, what would you say to a person who’s like, “This guy is all woo-woo. I don’t believe the rock thin and this chi thing?” Let’s say they’re an athlete who is like, “I’m just going to work out and eat carnivores something. That’s all I need to do.”
I’ve had some of those athletes all over the years. I had one and he was number two in the world. I can’t say the name or sport, but he was from a different country. I said, “We needed to learn how to breathe and start doing breathwork.” This is probably several years ago. He’s like, “I don’t need to learn to breathe. I already know how to breathe. I don’t need to practice breathwork. Are you kidding me?” Now everyone is doing Wim Hof and breath training. We need to do this stuff. This isn’t woo-woo. This is pure Physics, Biology, how we’re made and developed. You don’t get healthy. One of the jokes I put into my book is, how do you get fast? Eat fast food. It’s a joke. You don’t need fast food to get healthy.
I like the way you’ve kept your chi and his whole conversation. We are at this conference. There’s a lot going on around us as you may hear but we’ve stayed strong and focused. Justin, let me just ask you. I always pose this question at the end of my blog. If you read, you know. If the readers could do one thing, only one thing to improve their health, what would you recommend they do?
I recommend looking into your sleep and your sleep is where everything gets restored. Dive into sleep, shut down the Wi-Fi, the routers at night, even if you don’t get our Grounding Bags, make your home a healthy home and start to get into a deeper sleep. Before you go to sleep, get grounded, see if you can put your feet outside on the Earth and get grounded by nature. That would be the big thing and the Grounding Bags will do that when you put one under your bed, but you focus on your sleep and your whole life will change.
Powerful advice. Thank you so much, Justin.
Thank you, Holistic Hilda. It’s such a pleasure to connect with you.
About Justin Frandson
The undeniable agile entrepreneurial spirit and expertise. Justin saw a void in the Health and Performance world, growing Athleticism, LLC into six locations implementing their proprietary programs into thousands of athletes, teams and corporations, while selling related products. Many notable clients included; SD Padres, Charger Pro Bowlers, John Cook PGA, O’Neill Surf Team (Jordy Smith), Pepperdine University, the Dannon Company, YPO, SEAL’s and many more. Justin was featured in the documentary movie, Vitality.
He currently does Nerve Rehabilitation for Sport Performance to gets his clients stronger, longer and out of an injury state instantly! He will add 2″ to your vertical leap in 2 minutes…guaranteed! Stretching, Joint Stability, Posture, Bridge Rehabilitation and Sports Performance beyond.
Justin’s strengths and passion meet in combining his medicinal gifts for sports performance development. He is the Co-Founder of GoBeyondSummit.com, hosting online summits, taking viewers beyond their current state.
Justin supported his wife in building and selling their CPG company, Twistband, Inc. in 5 years to a national brand. She created a global brand and a new category of a ‘No Dent’ hair tie, touted as the new Scrunchie. He is also licensed commercial real estate agent.
Graduating in 1994 from the University of Southern California from the Marshall School of Business with a Bachelors of Science degree, Justin’s emphasis was the Entrepreneur program. He studied Exercise Science as a minor and was a Certified EMT from UCLA.
Value Proposition: Intuitive leadership, connector and creative vision that combines experience, situational fluency and decisiveness with collaboration, awareness and compassion. He simply gets results instantly.
Important Links
- EMF Rocks
- Staying Healthy In A Toxic World
- Redmond.life
- TheColdPlunge.com
- WestonAPrice.org/50-50-pledge
- Tom Cowan
- Alfa Vedic
- Podcast – Conversations with Dr. Cowan & Friends Ep15: Justin Frandson
- Stetzer Electric
- ATHLETICISM Whole Body + Whole Brain = Performance Book
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