Animal fats enhance fertility. Babies benefit from breastfeeding but should not be exclusively breastfed for their entire first year. Women should consider giving birth in a hospital! These are just a few of the controversial views that Sally Fallon Morell shares on today’s episode.
Sally is the President and Founder of the Weston A. Price Foundation, and, as such, she offers valuable insights based on ancestral wisdom related to fertility, pregnancy, and childbirth. She covers dietary choices to enhance conception, and to hasten postpartum recovery. She also goes over how to best nourish a baby and why baby formula is so problematic.
Visit Sally’s website for her blog: Nourishing Traditions
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Episode Transcript
Within the below transcript the bolded text is Hilda
.Animal fats enhance fertility. Babies benefit from breastfeeding but should not be exclusively breastfed for their entire first year. Women should consider giving birth in a hospital. This is episode 502, and our guest is Sally Fallon Morell. Sally is the President and Founder of the Weston A. Price Foundation, and she is a woman who is not afraid to hold or share controversial opinions.
In this episode, Sally dives in with opinions on what to eat to enhance fertility for how long they eat that way before trying to conceive and more. She offers evidence that eating full fat helps with fertility, as a matter of fact. She also weighs in on the Free Birth Movement in this episode and why she recommends hospital births for many modern moms. Finally, she reminds us of the problems with baby formula and emphasizes foods for a quicker postpartum recovery.
Before we get into the conversation, did you know that we have a sister show in Spanish? It’s called Tradiciones Sabias and it covers many of the topics that we cover here in the English show. The Weston A. Price Foundation also has a number of pamphlets, articles, and other resources in Spanish as well. Go to our website, The Weston A. Price Foundation, and click on the button that says WAPF in Espanol. Share that page with your Spanish-speaking friends.
Welcome to the show, Sally.
Thanks, Hilda. It’s great to be back as always.
This is such an important topic. We want to really focus on a healthy pregnancy because we’ve been getting a lot of questions in the office, and I know you’ve written so many books about how to nourish ourselves well even before we conceive. Let’s start there, Sally. What are some traditional and important nourishing foods for people who want to have a baby?
Nourishing Foods For Pregnancy
The problem is that people are not being given the right information. They’re told that follow the dietary guidelines, eat lots of fruits and vegetables low fat, low salt, and you can’t get pregnant that way. If you do get pregnant, you’re likely to have a very unhealthy baby in the end and have a very unhealthy pregnancy. I can’t tell you how many people have been able to get pregnant after not being able to get pregnant by getting on our dietary guidelines.
This is a diet that is very high in animal fats, butter, egg yolks. We strongly encourage women who want to get pregnant to eat liver one way or another. It could be foie gras, liver capsules or liver and onions, but to eat follow our dietary guidelines. We also recommend cod liver oil, and we recommend raw milk, whole milk.
Just to back up a minute. I know that years ago people were told like, “Go low fat, avoid salt, eat lots of fruits and vegetables.” Do you think that’s still the same guidelines?
Yes. Even though there was a study in the early 2000s at Harvard where they took women who had been unable to get pregnant and they told half of them to drink full fat or to consume full fat dairy products, butter, cheese, etc., and the other, they didn’t give any particular advice to. The ones who were on the full fat dairy products mostly got pregnant and the others didn’t. It was very embarrassing because this is Harvard. These are the people who’ve been promoting the dietary guidelines. I call them the genocidal dietary guidelines. They said, “You can get pregnant by adding the full fat dairy products to your diet, but once you’re pregnant, you should go back on your low-fat diet.”
This is such incredibly bad advice. Don’t you think that the diet that gets you pregnant is the diet that your body wants to have a healthy baby? It’s still going on. Either women think they don’t have to do anything, or they being told by the fertility experts, “You need to get on a healthy diet, stop eating the junk food.” That’s the dietary guidelines. Low fat, skim milk, low salt. That’s just the opposite kind of diet to the diet that your body needs to produce the right hormones and to create a healthy baby. If you need to really follow this diet, we say at least six months. If you’ve been on a poor diet for many years up to a year or more before you even try to get pregnant because you need to build up your nutritional stores.
I see what you’re saying because we want to prepare the body to bear the child and make a warm environment, an inviting environment for this baby. Are you referring to a particular pregnancy diet that’s different than the wise traditions guidelines than the eleven principles that we have?
It’s the same as the Wise Traditions diet, but more so. In other words, you really need to emphasize what we call sacred foods. That would include grass-fed butter, whole raw milk, seafood, especially shellfish, fish eggs, eat fish eggs a few times a month, and liver. All traditional cultures valued liver as a preconceptual food.
There’s a scientific reason for this. We love when the science validates the traditions. We now know that when conception occurs, the embryo starts to divide and starts to differentiate. There’ll be cells that become heart cells and cells that become brain cells and bone cells. What gives the signal to the stem cells to differentiate like this?
Vitamin A, I bet.
That’s right. We call Vitamin A the concert master of fetal development. You need to build up your Vitamin A stores before you get pregnant. That’s exactly what traditional people did. As soon as that conception occurs, your body’s going to need a lot of Vitamin A and it’s too late to build it up. The heart and the fetus is forming on day eight. If you don’t have enough Vitamin A it won’t form properly, and you’ll either probably have a miscarriage, so even before you know you’re pregnant.
We did an entire episode with Pam Schoenfeld, who’s a registered dietician, on Vitamin A and fertility for this very reason for what you’re saying. Traditional nutrient-dense foods that people consumed for pregnancy prepare the body in this way in which you’re describing with the strong stores of Vitamin A and other vitamins and minerals that support pregnancy in the body.
Wouldn’t you know it, Vitamin A is the one vitamin they tell you is toxic and that you shouldn’t eat and you shouldn’t eat liver and you shouldn’t eat butter. It’s just completely the wrong advice.
Food Aversions
Sally, what would you tell a woman who’s struggling with aversions? Let’s say she’s already become pregnant and she wants to eat the foods you’re describing but for some reason, it turns her stomach? Any suggestions?
I have a theory about why this happens. My theory is that the body starts making a lot of hormones as soon as conception occurs, especially estrogen, which is a growth hormone. We all know that estrogen has a growth hormone. To make estrogen and the other hormones that the baby needs, you need a lot of cholesterol. These hormones are made out of cholesterol. If you have been on a low cholesterol diet or have low cholesterol, the body’s going to grab that cholesterol to make the hormones, but then it won’t have enough to make other things like bile salts.
Your body’s not able to make bile salts and then you get very nauseous because you can’t digest the fats. There are two things I would recommend. One is to take an ox bile tablet with every meal, and that’s very non-toxic. It’s very natural, and that often solves the problem. Another thing that people have reported is to drink a lot of raw milk, sip it throughout the day. We’ve had lots of gals tell us this really helped the nausea. The main thing is to get on this diet, which is a very rich, high fat, high cholesterol, high Vitamin A diet before conception and build up these stores which you’re going to need when you’re pregnant.
What’s interesting to me too, Sally, is you were talking about fish eggs. I know that in the Asian culture, I think it was China in particular, the women either when they were pregnant and where they were hoping to get pregnant would eat a lot of chicken eggs. It’s interesting that we want an egg to be fertilized in the body and eggs are the foods to go to.
Not so much the whites, but the yolks. Here’s the other thing. They say, “If you want to eat eggs, just eat the whites and not the yolks.” This is horrible advice. We put extra yolks in the scrambled eggs. You can make smoothies with egg yolks, but those yolks are powerhouse, powerhouse of Vitamin A, Vitamin D, Vitamin K, iron, minerals and all the good fats. The yolks are where it is, folks.
The color even tells us that it’s so rich, right?
Yes. You need to get used to a diet that contains these foods well before you get pregnant. You need to prepare for pregnancy. All traditional cultures did this. Isn’t that amazing? All separated by thousands of miles all over the world. They had these customs and they weren’t scientists. They didn’t really know why. They just knew that they should do this. Now the science completely validates these traditions. We just love it when we find this kind of validation.
Customs From Other Cultures
Can you tell us a story of a certain part of the world and one of the customs they had?
We can start with Switzerland. Of course, they didn’t have seafood in Switzerland. Dr. Price found that the food that was valued for getting pregnant and having healthy baby was the butter. Not just any butter, but the butter that came from the cows when they first went to pasture in the spring, eating very rapidly growing green grass. This butter was very high in Vitamin A and what Dr. Price called the X factor, which is Vitamin K, and also contains Vitamin D, the three fat soluble vitamins that we put so much emphasis on, because that’s what Dr. Price found was so high in traditional diets.
In Tahiti, the sacred foods was the liver of the shark, and they also ate the reproductive organs of the shark. The women ate the female reproductive organs, and the men ate the male reproductive organs. I have a wonderful photograph of these. It looks like these round things hanging in the trees. What they are is the shark’s stomach, and they’ve put the livers into the stomachs and let them ferment in the sun. The fermented shark liver oil drips out. That was considered an extremely important food for fertility.
I know some people in my circles like Janine from Awfully Good Cooking recommend when you want to get these foods into your body, but you have aversions because I’m thinking if women who are expecting right now would want these fermented livers, getting liver and then freezing it and just shaving off bits of it and putting it in some kind of raw milk smoothie or something. You can hardly taste it.
There’s also a great recipe for liver chips. They put the liver in the blender. Just raw liver with a lot of seasonings, salt, garlic, paprika and stuff. Spread it out on a pan and dehydrate them, and they’re just like a snack. That’s one of our recipes in the recipe page.
I’ll look for that. That sounds amazing.
I can tell you that liver gives you energy. I know when I need to eat liver because I start to drag, and I felt that way and I ate some pâté and it just wakes you up. You’re draggy when you’re pregnant. You’re tired and that’s where the liver really helps.
Food Nutrients During Pregnancy
What about other nutrients? I’ve heard that collagen is important during pregnancy.
You have extra requirements for collagen and for glycine and the amino acids that your body uses for building tendons and bones and all that. The bone broth is a really good thing to have while you’re pregnant. You can have a very strong baby if you consume bone broth.
Any other important trace minerals that you think the mom should have?
You need plenty of salt. Don’t deprive yourself of salt. I can’t tell you how many books I have on baby and pregnancy that say don’t eat salt. I feel like strangling these people. What’s wrong with them? Your body needs salt and you need salt for the development of the baby’s brain and nervous system. The sodium is very important. You need salt for the chloride to make hydrochloric acids so you don’t get nauseous. We have a salt taste in our mouth, and the creator didn’t put that there to torture you. He put it there because we’re supposed to put salt on our food. Not just any salt, as you probably want to point out. You want unrefined salt like a sea salt or mine salt and not refined salt. The refined salts have all the minerals taken out and the trace minerals, and they put aluminum in them to make them pour.
That’s right. Those anticaking agents.
Anticaking agents are aluminum. They all don’t want that. Another thing that’s very important while you’re pregnant is the fermented foods like sauerkraut to put the good bacteria in your gut and also in the birth canal, so that the baby is inoculated with the good bacteria during the birth process.
I think in the past, modern medicine thought that the womb was a sterile place, but actually I’ve understood that there are even microbes in there. Of course, when the baby passes through the birth canal, the baby’s kind of seated with a mother’s microbiota. Isn’t it true too that when the baby’s in utero, they can have all kinds of active enzymes and microbes that are beneficial to them from the mother?
Yeah. I don’t know, but it sounds very possible to me. We find them now in the bloodstream. They’re everywhere in the body. You want the good ones, not the bad ones.
Pelvic Floor Pain And Natural Births
A diversity, which I think would come from these fermented foods you’re describing. We talked about ox bile to stave off aversions and nausea and morning sickness. I’ve also heard a lot of pregnant women lately talking about pelvic floor pain. Do you know anything about how to address that or what that would be caused by?
I can only say that our diet is the best thing. The pelvic floor is crisscrossed with these very strong or should be very strong tendons. There shouldn’t really be any pain in pregnancy during the birth process. There’s a little pain.
I would say so during the birth process, and yet there is a huge movement right now, Sally, where people want to have natural births. Even free range births like more unattended unassisted because they suspect that that is more natural. What do you think of that movement?
In traditional cultures, usually, there were attendants at the birth to help the woman and to hold her and help the baby out. They were always women. The men were not allowed in this process. Sometimes, the women just gave birth on their own. The typical Eskimo woman gave birth at night while her husband was asleep, and in the morning, she introduced him to the new baby. These were very strong women who had all their lives eating seal blubber, fish eggs, and all of these wonderful highly nutrient dense foods.
The thing is, I think this free birth movement has to do with people returning to traditions where they realize being pregnant isn’t a sickness. I don’t need to go to a hospital necessarily when my body knows exactly what to do. We do need to be strong. That’s a good point.
If you have lived your whole life in a traditional society and eaten traditional foods, grown up that way, formed your body on traditional foods, I would say yes. As soon as the processed modern foods came in, and I don’t think there’s any woman who can say she hasn’t eaten these. Childbirth became life-threatening and dangerous. I’m not sure I could recommend not taking advantage or not availing yourself of a hospital birth if you know there’s problems, and if you haven’t had a perfect diet all your life.
Yes, because didn’t Dr. Price notice that there is a narrowing of the hips and the pelvis for women making child harder?
Yeah. The traditional diet, the people have broad faces in naturally straight teeth. As soon as the diet changes, the next generation has a more narrow face, crowded and crooked teeth, the pelvis gets more narrow, and the opening of the pelvis changes shape. Instead of being round, it’s oval. The round shape is what you want for easy childbirth. If you don’t have that round shape and you have narrow hips and narrow oval opening, you’re going to need help. You can’t just go out and have a baby by yourself. It might kill you.
There are certain things that we need to be thankful for. We need to be thankful for dentists and for help with childbirth. If we didn’t have these things, I don’t know if we’d still be here as a population. Ideally, we wouldn’t need these things, but we’ve had a less-than-ideal diet for three generations now. That makes childbirth very difficult for many women.
We’ve had a less than ideal diet for three generations now and that makes childbirth very difficult for many women.
It’s food for thought as people make these decisions. It takes time for the body to transition, as you implied earlier.
We can’t go back and change our shape. We can get healthier with a good diet. Many people have been able to get pregnant when they couldn’t before. Don’t despair. I really urge you to get on our diet for a year and then try, but we can’t change our shape. If you have a very narrow hips, narrow face, you’re probably almost certainly going to need medical help with your birth process.
Post-Pregnancy Diet: Baby Formula
Let’s talk about now what happens once the baby is born. Should the diet shift at all?
Now you want to be on this diet in spades because you’re making milk and that milk needs to be nourishing. I do not agree with people that say it doesn’t matter what you eat when you’re breastfeeding. As long as they get the breast milk, they’re fine. No, we’ve had babies not thrive on mother’s milk, even though she had a lot of it. They switch to our homemade formula and thrive because they’re better nourished. You need this diet all the more so while you’re breastfeeding and you still need salt. I just can’t emphasize enough how important it is to eat salt while you’re pregnant and breastfeeding and the baby’s first foods need to be salted.
You mentioned this homemade baby formula. How does it differ from the commercial formulas that moms might see on the supermarket shelves?
If you buy milk replacer for a calf and look at the label, the third ingredient on that label is animal fat. That’s because growing mammals need animal fat. That’s why it’s in the milk. Growing mammals need cholesterol, especially, which is one of the things the fat gives them. They need cholesterol to form the brain and the nervous system and hormones, and babies produce hormones, and they need cholesterol to produce those hormones. They can’t make cholesterol. It has to be in their food. Mother’s milk is particularly rich in cholesterol and has several enzymes to ensure 100% assimilation of all that cholesterol.
Now go look at the ingredients in baby formula. It’s skim milk and vegetable oils. There is no cholesterol in human baby formula. There’s cholesterol in animal formula, but not in human baby formula. This is genocide. This is getting our children off to a very poor start. They will not be making the right hormones. Their brains won’t get a good start. They’ll be less intelligent than they should be. They may have problems with knowing what sex they are later on in life because they haven’t gotten this good start with cholesterol. By the way, their whole diets are lacking in cholesterol all through growth, because they’re all based on vegetable oils and skim milk.
If scientists were able to analyze mother’s milk and they see cholesterol in it, and they know animals need cholesterol, and they have it in their formula, why wouldn’t they put it in the baby formula that they market to humans?
My colleague Mary Enig, struck up a conversation with somebody in the baby formula industry years ago, and she said to Mary, “We know there should be cholesterol in this baby formula, but we don’t dare put it there for political reasons.” There are also economic reasons because the way that the industry gets the most money for the butterfat in milk, they take the milk apart and they put it together again, and they take out the butterfat. If they put that butterfat in ice cream and ice cream, by law, has to have about 10% butterfat in it, they will get at least five times more for it than if they leave it in the milk. It’s all economic and the decisions about how to feed our children are being made by accountants.
We are a nation that professes to love children and to do anything we can for our children but we can’t even put the butterfat in the milk for them. We take it out so they can make more profit on ice cream. This is what happens as these children grow. Also, with their parents. They’re on a good, low fat, vegetable oil-based diet all day long. By evening they’re so starving for the fats that the body needs, that they go to the freezer and get out a half a gallon of ice cream and eat the whole thing standing up right there in front of the freezer.
They think they have no willpower when in actuality it’s their body craving what it really needs.
The body is going to do its best to get nourished. I say, “Why don’t you just eat a tablespoon of butter at every meal without the sugar and all the additives and the antifreeze and everything, rather than be craving for ice cream at night?” They say, “No, there’s cholesterol in the butter. That’ll make me fat,” but you’re getting the same butter in the ice cream. I’m digressing here. All mammalian milk contains butter fat. That tells us something. The babies need butter fat. We’re not smarter than Mother Nature. Mother Nature knows what she’s doing.
You want to breastfeed or make a homemade baby formula, which is made with raw cow’s milk or raw goat milk. By the way, mother’s milk is raw milk. Anybody who tells me that raw milk is dangerous, I always say, “You don’t believe in breastfeeding, do you?” Breast milk is full of pathogens. It’s not pasteurized.
If the baby isn’t thriving, if for some reason you don’t have enough milk, and that does happen, if you’ve been sick, if the baby’s mother has died. There are all sorts of reasons why you need a good formula for babies in certain situations. We recommend this homemade formula based on raw milk, which has extra cream in it, and cod liver oil. It’s very scientifically formulated. We have had so many testimonials on this formula, how the baby wasn’t doing well and suddenly it’s thriving or the baby is sick all the time on commercial formula, and they get on this formula and the baby just takes off and is happy and stops crying all the time. Why does the baby cry? Babies cry because they’re hungry. They’re telling you they need to be fed the right food.
Babies cry because they’re hungry. They’re telling you they need to be fed the right foods.
People can easily access the recipe where I interviewed you on how to make this homemade baby formula with the raw milk as a base. I think you even have a variation of it where people don’t need to use milk at all if they feel like there’s sensitive.
We do get this occasion the babies can’t tolerate any kind of dairy. We have one that’s based on liver, which is, by the way, what my husband got when he was a child. His mother tried to give him a bottle and he kicked it away. He wouldn’t drink milk ever. He’s never, in his life, drunk milk. She made him a formula with liver. This is in the 1920s in New Zealand, so they knew how to do this.
Post-Partum Stage
We’ve gone through pre-conception, pregnancy, and now we’re in the postpartum stage. Do you have any recommendations for how to help the woman recover her energy and vitality? You did say the diet and spades, but is there anything else you would recommend?
In China the woman is not allowed to go out for a month. She rests. I can’t stress enough. It’s important to rest. You’ve just gone through something that’s pretty traumatic. You’re not a super woman. They give her this real gelatin-rich kind of soup. Lots of chicken broth. That cod liver oil is really helpful for depression and egg yolks, liver, butter all of these foods that we recommend. I guarantee you, you’ll be up and around in a week and feeling terrific and not depressed. I promise you, these foods are what you need after you give birth.
You’ve got the whole question about weaning. I would like to say a word about exclusive breastfeeding to age one. This is a big fad now, and no traditional culture exclusively breastfeeds for more than six months. Not any of them. They breastfeed for a long time, but they don’t breastfeed exclusively after six months. A couple of cultures start the feeding at one month. Please don’t be a martyr and think you’re doing everything perfectly if you’re just exclusively breastfeeding because what happens is the baby becomes anemic.
Human milk is very high in zinc, which baby needs for development of the brain, but it’s low in iron. All of that iron is absorbed, but it’s still not enough for the baby as he grows. Of course, hopefully, you’ll let all the cord blood come into the baby, but that starts to dissipate after a few months. Remembering that babies need cholesterol, the two weaning foods that we recommend are pureed liver and egg yolks. You put salt in these, maybe a little broth in the pureed liver, and that gives baby off to a wonderful start.
What a contrast with rice cereal.
I tell you, when you go into the store to look at the baby food, it’s all fruit. It’s all the dregs and leftover fruit they couldn’t sell. It’s in either aluminum or plastic. No jars. You can get some meat concoctions with quinoa and stuff in jars. In the old days, you could buy liver and egg yolks in jars. If I were president, that’s the first thing I would do. I would say, “You formula makers, you cannot make baby food unless you supply liver and egg yolks in jars,” because that’s what babies need to get started.
I don’t think you should buy baby food. I think you should make it yourself, but let’s just say you refuse to do this. You got to think of this baby. If you could buy liver and egg yolks in jars, the only other thing you’d need for that baby is a little mashed banana and your breast milk or raw milk or, and he’d be perfectly well nourished.
I’m thinking maybe we got away from that. It could have been an economic decision by any company making these baby foods. I think it’s because also our own diets have veered off. The babies are going to mirror ours.
We ate three times as many eggs per person in 1900 compared to now. Americans ate liver once a week. They were told to by their doctors, and it was inexpensive and it was available and everybody ate liver. It was just what people did. They know that they needed it. They knew it was good. All that’s disappeared now, except in Wise Traditions families, in our circles.
I think people have gotten so sick, actually, Sally, that they’re returning to these wise traditions, which I’m thankful to see.
We see these babies that where the parents have followed this advice, first of all, they don’t need braces. That’s of a huge expense that’s been saved. They’re cheerful. They can be very active, but they can also be very still and pay attention. They’re very smart. They don’t get sick. I should add that they haven’t been vaccinated either and been poisoned by the aluminum in the vaccinations.
That’s a whole other topic. That’s something that for the mother to consider because now they want to vaccinate pregnant women with things that haven’t been tested on pregnant women.
In my day and age, when I was having my babies, nobody would suggest this. We still remember the thalidomide, and it was axiomatic that pregnant women were not to take any drugs because they hadn’t been tested on pregnant women. Now they’re giving them all kinds of things, painkillers, antacids and the vaccinations. They expect pregnant women to have seven vaccinations.
I guess against the flu, COVID and stuff like that, that they say to protect the baby.
The DPT and the MMR, none of these have been tested, so the baby’s already poisoned when it leaves the womb.
Cod Liver Oil
Of course, people can find resources on this the vaccinations, but also this kind of diet on our website. People can have easy access to them. I just have two more questions to pose to you, Sally. One is, you’ve mentioned cod liver oil. I think this seems very strange to us in this modern age like, “What the heck is that? Is that the same as fish oil? Why should we take it if we hope to get pregnant or are pregnant or nursing?”
First of all, they’ve managed to ruin cod liver oil like they’ve ruined everything else. Most cod liver oil is processing extremely high temperatures, so high that the Vitamins A and D are ruined and they have to add synthetics. There are only four brands that we recommend, and these are brands that have been extracted without heat, and they’re on our website.
The only products where we actually say brand name is the cod liver oil on the website. Please use one of the four on our website and you can get them in capsules. My daughter-in-law is currently pregnant. She has a lot of aversions, but she’s taking the capsules and that’s fine. I always took cod liver oil by mixing it with a little warm water and just down the hatch.
It has great Vitamin A and Vitamin D sources. It’s a place where we can get that.
You get your Vitamin K from butter and poultry fat, poultry liver.
I have one last question. This one, because I’ve asked you so many times, but I’ll ask you again. If the reader could just do one thing to improve their health, or in this case, to have a healthy pregnancy, what would you recommend that they do?
I would recommend that they replace all the seed oils, margarine spreads, cooking oils and products containing these with butter. That’s the one thing. That alone will make a huge improvement in your health and the health of your children.
Thank you so much for your time, Sally, on behalf of the Western Price Foundation, which you founded.
Our guest was Sally Fallon Morell. Visit her blog at Nourishing Traditions. Now for a podcast review from Sean McCarty entitled My Favorite Podcast. Sean simply says, “Listen, learn, grow.” Sean, thank you for that succinct review. It is much appreciated, and you too can get on there. Apple Podcasts, click on ratings and reviews. Give us as many stars as you’d like and tell the world why they should listen too. Thank you so much for reading. Stay well, my friend, and remember to keep your feet on the ground and your face to the sun.
About Sally Fallon Morell, MA
Sally Fallon Morell, MA, President, is best known as the author of the best-selling cookbook, Nourishing Traditions®: The Cookbook that Challenges Politically Correct Nutrition and the Diet Dictocrats. This well-researched, thought-provoking guide to traditional foods contains a startling message: animal fats and cholesterol are not villains but vital factors in the diet, necessary for normal growth, proper function of the brain and nervous system, protection from disease and optimum energy levels.
Sally Fallon Morell is founding president of the Weston A. Price Foundation and editor of the Foundation’s quarterly magazine. The Foundation has thirteen thousand members and over three hundred local chapters worldwide. The Foundation has changed the conversation about what constitutes a healthy diet and has stimulated many fine writers to challenge the legitimacy of the lowfat, low-cholesterol paradigm. The Foundation has also alerted the public to the dangers of modern soy products, especially soy infant formula.
She also founded A Campaign for Real Milk ( At its inception in 1998, the website listed only twenty-eight sources of raw milk in the U.S. Today there are over two thousand, with many hundreds more not listed. Raw milk is the fastest growing agricultural product in the US; this growth has been largely stimulated by the information provided at A Campaign for Real Milk.
In 2009, Sally and her husband Geoffrey Morell embarked on a new venture: they purchased a farm in Southern Maryland. P. A. Bowen Farmstead is a mixed-species, pasture-based farm that produces award-winning artisan raw cheese, whey-fed woodlands pork, pastured poultry and pastured eggs. The farm does not use corn, soy, GMOs, pesticides, herbicides, hormones or antibiotics.
Important Links
- Sally Fallon Morell
- Tradiciones Sabias
- Pam Schoenfeld – Past Episode
- Apple Podcasts – Wise Traditions
- A Campaign For Real Milk
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