John Chester, of Apricot Lane Farms, explains on today’s show how a small farm can make a BIG difference. And he challenges those of us who are not farmers to look for ways to do the same.
He covers topics ranging from what led him and Molly to become farmers in the first place, to our need to respect the environment and livestock, to the impermanence of life, to the importance of composting, to the challenges behind establishing a farm that can regenerate soil, provide nutrient-rich food, and be sustainable and beneficial to the planet! He shares their challenges as well as the secrets to their success–that have to do primarily with the harmony and beauty of a balanced farm ecosystem.
His farm, Apricot Lane Farms, is featured in the film “The Biggest Little Farm,” now showing in theaters. You’ll understand why it is so inspiring as you listen to his story.
Highlights from the conversation include:
- How a dog gave John and Molly the courage to leave their jobs and start their farm
- How regenerative farming practices like growing cover crops helps cycle soil nutrients
- The surprising parallels between the way soil and our microbiomes function
- How closely linked soil quality and nutrient density
- The mutualistic relationship between aphids, ants; and how ladybugs can overpower them
- Why the overconsumption of cheap meat products make it difficult for farmers to raise animals humanely and regeneratively
- The crucial role that animals play in building healthy soil
- Get inspired to reconnect with nature’s natural systems, acknowledging the deep connection that all living things have to the soil
- How shopping at farmers markets and composting can help us connect with nature
- Why supporting innovation can help the next generation feed the world
- How owls solved Apricot Lane Farms’ gopher problem
Apricot Lane Farms: https://www.apricotlanefarms.com/about-us/
The Biggest Little Farm Movie: https://www.biggestlittlefarmmovie.com/
The Biggest Little Farm Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UfDTM4JxHl8
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