What are the enemies of weight loss? Dr. Guillermo Navarrete, known as Nutrillermo, today identifies the enemy/enemies and how to fight them for better health. He addresses sugar addiction and how to overcome it. Dr. Navarrete exposes the cozy relationship between BIG AG, BIG FOOD, and BIG PHARMA and how that is influencing our food choices. And he reveals the parallels between a mother’s breast milk and what nourishes us, as adults, best.
He also shares his issues with weight gain (and loss) and what he’s doing today to keep the numbers down and his health up (hint: it has to do with eating nutrient-dense animal products).
See Dr. Navarrete’s website.
Register for the event at Sally’s farm on May 21.
Check out our sponsors: NTI, Upgraded Formulas, Optimal Carnivore
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Episode Transcript
Within the below transcript the bolded text is Hilda
To win any battle, you need to identify the enemy. Our guest examines the lineup of suspects that lead to weight gain and poor health. He reviews what it takes to defeat them. This is episode 420, and our guest offers insights into why much of the world’s population is sick, and overweight and what to do about it. He starts by pointing out the overly cozy relationship between big ag, big food, and big pharma, and the synergistic control that they exert over the media and governmental recommendations, but this doesn’t mean that they control us.
On the contrary, our guest reminds us that we can all ultimately offer our bodies exactly what they need if we apply common sense and remember to consume the foods that have long served our species. From mother’s milk rich in fats and cholesterol to animal products, including fat, meat, dairy, and eggs. He explains why the vegan diet is particularly harmful to infants and children, along with offering advice on how to release the grip that sugar has on our lives. Our guest is Dr. Guillermo Rodriguez Navarrete, known throughout the world as Nutrillermo. He has a PhD in Human Nutrition and has helped innumerable clients around the world lose weight and improve their health. On this show, he leads the way for us as well.
Before we dive into the conversation, I want to invite you to an event on May 21, 2023, at Sally Fallon Morell’s Farm in Brandywine, Maryland. It is a Weston A. Price Foundation-sponsored event, and Sally will be talking about how nourishing traditional diets are the key to vibrant health. Have you heard Sally speak before? If not, you simply must come. If you have, invite a friend and come together. It’s a life-changing experience on her farm that includes a nourishing lunch, of course, and health-saving information from Sally herself, the President of the Weston A. Price Foundation. Go to Weston A. Price and register now. Tickets are only $75 a piece, and the event is right around the corner, and space is limited. Sign up now.
The owner and director of NTI is a longtime WAPF chapter leader and wants to help those in the Weston A Price Foundation community achieve their goal of getting reliable non-conformist nutrition training. You, as a reader, qualify to get half off of your first nutrition program course. This is $475. Go to NTI to take advantage of this exclusive offer and learn more about the school.
See Dr. Navarrete’s website
Register for the event at Sally’s farm on May 21
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Welcome to the show, Guillermo.
Thank you for having me.
You’re known as Nutrillermo, Dr. G, the man who offers the last diet. I want to start with this. Many people come to you simply looking to lose weight, and they come away with vibrant health. Tell us the story of a woman named Patti who wanted to lose some weight.
She’s an amazing woman and powerful. She came to lose 200 pounds initially. She was following my account for a couple of years and did the 22-day No Sugar Challenge, then did a couple more challenges about ketosis or being ketosis and fasting. She got track at some point and she said, “I’ve lost 30 by myself, but I got stuck. What if we do a short-term plan and then a long-term plan?” I said, “What do you mean by a plan? Our longer plan is one year.”
She said, “I want a two-year plan.” I said, “I don’t have it as a service.” She told me, “Please create it because that’s what I want.” I said, “That’s what I call motivation. Let me talk to my management team and create a two-year plan for you.” We did it. For two years, she has lost 180 pounds, and she’s not just at the end of the road and about to get to that 200 pounds, but she’s now studying with us and becoming certified in Modern Nutrition. She will be a coach. It’s probably one of the most amazing experiences I’ve ever had with a patient.
I know you have helped transform many lives. One reason we wanted to talk to you on the show is that your approach is such that you’re not trying to get people to lose weight in the short-term. You’re trying to help them recover their health.
I’m not saying this to be humble and nice to everyone. It’s not me at all. It is the body that wants this. It’s not my approach. It’s our bodies’ approach. It’s not my opinion. It’s our bodies’ opinion. Sometimes when I have arguments with people, I tell them, “It’s not my take on this. It’s your body’s take. If you want to go against your body, go ahead. Don’t argue with me because it’s not me.” When you do the right thing, what the body needs, deserves, and is willing to absorb and use, the body will say thank you. The way your body says thank you is by getting healed from diseases or getting to the right weight on that person.
It’s not me. It’s the body, first thing. If we are going to take a hero on these changes in life and on people, it’s people. Those people like Patti or like many people that change their lives are the heroes. I’m just a guide. That guidance is what leads those heroes to success. I’m happy being that guide because that is what I think I’ve been born for. My mission is to guide people from point A to point B and not just guide them, but keep myself up to date. These modern nutrition approaches, which is it’s funny because the modern nutrition approaches that work is the ancient nutrition approaches that we have lost over time.
The ancient nutrition approaches we lost over time are the modern nutrition approaches that work today.
Modern science is catching up to ancient wisdom. That’s one reason we’re aligned, I believe. Talk to us a little bit more about what you said a moment ago about what the body needs and wants. What is it that our bodies are craving and asking for?
You don’t need to be like a magician to know. You don’t even need to be a biochemist, biologist, nutritionist or doctor to use your common sense to apply the same things that we apply to other beings, to just us. What do I mean by other beans? If you have a plant, what are you doing with that plant? Probably the same thing that the ancestors of that plant had. If it is one of those plants that has always been in the sun, you need to put that plant in the sun. The fact that it’s a new plant, doesn’t mean that you can do different things from what that plant has in its needs. If you have a cat, and you are thinking, “Should I give this cat tuna or a salad?”
It’s not on you. It’s not a decision that you can take. That decision comes with a cat because the cat had ancestors that ate certain things that had been conditioning his systems, cells, brain, muscles and organs to work with certain fields and nutrients that have been given over time for thousands of years. There’s a belief now that I can choose how to eat based on the planet.
I encourage people to think twice. When you want to eat, think about the planet. First of all, it’s not true that certain foods like plant-based foods are better for the planet. If you ask me what’s better for the soil, which is the base of the planet? Pesticides like glyphosate, addressing and all those agrochemicals or the manure of a cow?
You don’t need to be an expert in any science to know that the manure of the cow is better for the soil and insects that live and give life to that soil. It’s better for the nutrients of that soil that feeds from that manure from the cow. It’s a cycle. That manure will bring more pastures. The cow will eat pastures. It will still create more manure. That is a never-ending cycle that has been here on the planet for tens of thousands of years.
Glyphosate, which is depleting our soils from the vegetable industry or the fruit, grains and legumes, all that kind of stuff, are killing our planet. We have been told the opposite. Don’t think that not eating the foods that your body needs, like animal-based foods, are good for the planet. If it’s better for the planet, I don’t think that getting sick or dying yourself will make an impact on the planet. Even if it is good, be good for the planet, which is not true, but even if it could be true, don’t do it either because you have a life and you need to give your body what your body needs. Why?
If you are here by yourself, then it’s a different thing. You need to get a compelling way to keep yourself alive. If you have children, you don’t need to think twice because you are there for them. You need to take care of them and yourself for them to be okay. If you don’t want to do that, please don’t have children. As soon as you bring children into this world, your number one commitment with them is keeping yourself alive and not playing games with food based on any 2030 agenda that wants to keep the planet sick and hungry because of what makes business for the companies that create that 2030 agenda.
There are lots to take into account. First and foremost, we are here with a purpose. We’re on this planet for a reason. If our health deteriorates because we’re trying to do something for someone else, that isn’t serving us or those around us. That’s such a good point. Pivoting a little bit here. A lot of people come to you and follow you because they want to lose weight. How did we get far from what serves our bodies best? How did we become sick is what I want to know.
First of all, finishing our last topic. We are all here for one reason. It is making humankind better for the next generation while having a great life experience during our past through this journey. If we enjoy this life while making sure we will live a better world for the next generation, that’s the main purpose, living in a beautiful state no matter what, because we’re doing the right thing. All these things are the right thing. It is not because I say it is because nature, the body, biology and biochemistry prefer those things that we have been taking and eating for tens of thousands of years.
You were making that contrast between the glyphosate, pesticides and agrochemicals on the soil versus the cow manure, maybe this is one of the things that’s caused us to gain all this weight and get sick. It’s that we’re choosing the artificial inputs over the real food inputs.
It is just not the food. We have been systematically depleted of the things that create life, like protein and fats from animals and liposoluble vitamins present in those animal fats that we have been said are bad for us. We have stopped cooking and eating them. We have been stopping the use of pork blood, beef tallow or any of the things that we started using. When I tell people at his beginnings, McDonald’s fries beef tallow. Not anymore. Now they use canola or all of those oils. In the beginning, we were right. The problem is we have been getting out of the good things and adopting bad things. One thing is clear. Ancient food is not causing modern diseases because if it could be like that, modern diseases would be ancient diseases.
Modern diseases are caused by modern food and modern habits. What are those habits? It’s not just food. That’s the main thing I would love to add to this episode of your beautiful show. Nutrition is not just food. Nutrition is light, electromagnetic fields, water and so many things that have changed over the years and that have been conditioned in our sicknesses and modern diseases.
Modern food and habits create modern diseases.
The three main causes of death in the whole world have nothing to do with the three causes of death from hundreds of years ago. Hundreds of years ago, we died of contagious diseases. Now, we have overcome those contagious diseases and now we kill ourselves. It’s like assisted suicide gradually, in which we die from diseases that we cause to ourselves, which is stupid, but it is exactly what’s happening.
I had never thought of it before. In our own hands, we are hurting ourselves. How can we possibly equip the next generation for their best and healthiest lives if we are slowly dying?
For tens of thousands of years, we have never had a supermarket and water at our house coming from a tap. We have never had the commodities that we have now. For tens of thousands of years, we have lived out of the soil and with a backyard in which we had some chicken, cow, pork and that’s it. If you have a backyard at the back of your property, what do you want to have? You have broccoli that will get the space. You will have broccoli eat twice a year and you will probably eat one meal with that freaking broccoli. Do you prefer to have a cow that will give you milk every day? As soon as you have that cow ready to eat, which is like 3 or 3.5 years, not the milk cow, but the pasture cow, with one cow, a whole family will eat for a whole year.
That’s efficient. It’s better for the soil and cows because as soon as you stop doing that, you will never have cows anymore because nobody will have a cow as a pet. People grow cows and those pasture fields because they have been feeding humans for tens of thousands of years. It doesn’t matter, “Poor cow.” I do think that it’s better to give three years of great life to that cow rather than making that whole species to not exist anymore. That should be our take on this.
Imagine how amazing a chicken is. We have corn, probably one of the worst foods for a human because of the content of pesticides and the poor outcome that it has regarding nutrients. There are no nutrients. It’s not just that it has no nutrients, but carbohydrates and some other antinutrients. It depletes you from nutrients. If you have an oyster, you’ll have 120 micrograms of zinc per deciliter of blood. It is a nice study. That shows you how if you eat the oyster, you’ll have 140 micrograms per deciliter because it’s not what you eat. It’s what makes it to your blood.
It’s what you get to absorb.
If you have an oyster, you will get a huge amount of zinc in your blood, which is what you want. If you get that oyster with corn, you will get virtually no zinc absorbed. There are other foods like beans that will take 50% of the zinc, but corn will get 100% of the zinc, so you will get zero. We have not just bad food. It’s negative food. It is just not providing nutrients. It is stealing nutrients from you. It doesn’t have a price that you can pay and then not absorb the nutrients. We have an amazing thing here. Imagine something in there. Imagine that I talk to you about a machine. It’s a modern machine in that you can put corn on one side. The machine will process that corn, and from the other side of the machine, you will have protein, fat, good fat, good vitamins, good minerals and antioxidants.
I know what machine you’re talking about.
That’s a chicken. You can feed corn to one of those chickens. That chicken will put an egg and that egg is packed with amazing nutrients. How amazing is that machine? We are telling people, “Don’t eat the junk that has a lot of cholesterol.” Give me a break.
This is one place I know we align as we understand the concept of nutrient density. At the Weston A. Price Foundation, we say, “Everything can be on your plate, fine. Have the corn and have the veggies, but the real bang for your buck is going to come from animal products,” primarily, we understand the fat and the protein that you’re describing. One of my favorite posts that I saw of yours was one that said, “La grasa animal es vida,” or animal fat is life.
Everything can be on your plate. You can have the corn and veggies, but the real bang for your buck will come from animal products.
I thought, “We could not agree on that more.” Does this concept seem foreign to the folks who first get attracted to your work? My mom’s from Mexico. My dad is from Cuba. They’re people and their countries cooked with lard. They use tallow and all the things. Coming to this nation, they left it so that the younger generations here see the fats and get scared of the old fats when we know they’re the ancient ones that served our ancestors well. I’m wondering how the public responds to your message that animal fat is life.
That’s why I was telling you at the beginning that it’s so important that people start using common sense and escaping from this narrative, which is nonsense. If your father, mother, grandfather and grandmother used lard, please use lard. If you can get lard from your original country because there are a lot of shops here that sell you things from Cuba, Venezuela or Brazil, there are a lot of specialized shops that can take the same brands that you used to get at your country here in the US. That’s a good thing to do. There’s a reason why all Latinos get sick when they come to this country. This country is the most expensive healthcare country in the whole world, where a broken ankle can cost you $100,000.
That expensive healthcare system should provide the number one longevity mark in the whole world. That’s why it’s expensive. It turns out you’re not even in the top twenty countries in lifespan, which is weird. Why do you want to go and live in a country where you may make more money, but you’re living less? As soon as you start knowing that, you will live less. It doesn’t matter who you are or what you eat. You can eat the same things here than you eat in your country. Here, you get sick and live less than in your country because you will get milk, but it’s not the same milk.
In the US, there is the recombinant BST hormone injected into the cows to give 30% more milk. It’s allowed and legal. It’s illegal in every other country around the world. It’s legal here in the US. Atrazine, glyphosate, so many pesticides are in your grains, legumes, fruits and vegetables and all that push all that narrative about, “Eat your veggies and fruits.”
Veggies and fruits are not the key to health. We need to stop that narrative because it’s killing people. It’s not just misleading people. We have cases. If you go to Google and you put this, “Dead baby, vegan parents,” you will have at least 20, 30 or 40 different cases of vegan parents trying to raise vegan children and killing them. Here in Florida, we had a case in Cape Coral. The two parents were sent to jail because they killed a baby by feeding them fruits and veggies. If fruits and veggies cannot make a child not even get sick, but even live, you cannot tell me that’s key to health and life. No.
Coming up, Guillermo discusses the nutritional components of breast milk and the parallels he has found between what nourishes babies and adults.
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As you pointed out in your own post, I think I saw it on Instagram, animal fat is life. You were talking about a mother’s milk and how a mother’s milk is full of fat and has cholesterol and things that the baby needs to grow. What would make us think, like you said, except for industrial propaganda, that going in another direction and avoiding these natural fats, natural cholesterol, health-giving proteins and fats would do us any good? We’ve been brainwashed. Those parents have been manipulated by the mainstream narrative.
You need to know where’s that narrative coming from to understand the whole picture of why you are being told that. The first thing that you need to understand is everything that is important for life is in the only food that nature has created for us, which is human milk. Every other food on the planet has not been created for us. We taint them, but it’s not that nature created this for the human to be healthy or to live up to 100 years.
We have made it to take whatever we had around to keep ourselves alive. Now, we have different takes based on if you’re from India or Colombia. It doesn’t matter. We all have a past and need the need is mostly similar for everybody. Out of the things that I told you, it’s probably 95% of the same things that we need. Not every human being is created equal, but 95% is equal. Maybe you need to change that 5%. As soon as you have the most important things, the other things are gained.
That was my PhD. For six years, I was studying human milk on antioxidants, minerals, and fat. You can understand which food is good for you or not based on the understanding of human milk. That was my blessing. As soon as I started understanding human milk, I started understanding other foods. One day, I received a call from a national TV channel here in the US because it was Bacon Day. They called me and said, “We don’t have anyone saying good things about bacon but you. You need to come for Bacon Day because we have a panel of five guys throwing all kinds of bad things on bacon. We need you to kind of have a game.” I said, “Sure.”
I went, and it was in the middle of the pandemic. I did it from home. I went back to my PhD book and took all the fatty acid profiles. I compared that to the fatty acid profile of bacon. It’s almost exactly the same. It’s the same fatty acid , same amounts, and same proportions between saturated, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated. How are you telling me that bacon is clogging my arteries if it’s the same fat that nature has decided? That’s why I’m telling you it’s not my opinion. It’s nature’s opinion.
We all agree that the content in human milk is not by chance. It is because we need it and we have been evolving for that. If you study human milk, it’s not the same composition the 1st day, then the 2nd, 3rd or 1 week later. It changes. It’s a life fluid. It’s an intelligent fluid that, if you are preterm as a baby, nature will give you certain stuff. If you are a term baby and you are healthy, you will be given some other stuff. When you have a fever, you will be given one thing. When you are sick, you will be given another thing. It’s amazing how nature can change that liquid. Don’t think that is made by chance. There is a natural intelligence behind the content of human milk.
Don’t think that nature wants to clog your arteries when you are born and a baby. It is stupid to think that bacon is bad for you or for your arteries. When you understand how important saturated fats are for you, for your system, hormones or immune system, you can understand why people are so sick because we have been told that saturated fats and cholesterol, which is the main life components are bad for us. As soon as we stopped eating fats, we started eating carbs in excess because there are two things that make food palatable. If you take the fight away, you need to put sugar or you taste nothing in your food. That has created a whole industry that has benefited from this for many years.
One thing, and it’s probably the most important thing I will say here. Every single problem that we have right now with the food chain in the narrative is based on the profits of three different industries that are probably the three most powerful industries in the world. Big food, big pharma, and big agro.
Big food is companies that create food. There are ten. Conagra, CocaCola, Pepsi, Nestlé, Unilever, and all those ten big companies. Big pharma, which is the people that creates the drugs and big ag, which is the people that create the agrochemicals, Syngenta, Bayer, and Monsanto in the past that was bought by Bayer to clean the name and DuPont. All those companies that are owned by the people that control the whole world, like the DuPont family or all those families are the families that run the world. They created that agrochemical industry.
We all know about big food and big pharma. They are all friends because one industry creates the problem, and the other industry fixes the problem. It’s all a very big friendship that they have. There’s one reason that the FDA is the Food and Drug Administration. It comes together. There’s no food administration and drug administration. They’re friends. They did it together, “Let’s do the Food and Drug Administration. Let’s be a family,” because they are a family. They go together.
When you get into a pharmacy here in the US, you don’t find the drugs at the beginning. You find the drugs at the end of the pharmacy, at the very bottom. For you to get to the very bottom of the pharmacy, you will find a lot of food. It is the only country on Earth where you will find a supermarket inside a pharmacy.
All those lines in that pharmacy are packed with Doritos and chocolates. There are more chocolate brands in a pharmacy than in a chocolate chop. You will even find beer, alcohol, cigarettes, and everything that makes you an addict. Everything that makes you sick can be found in the pharmacy before you get to the place where the drugs are. That’s food and drug friendship.
I have a light bulb going off over my head right now because you’ve put the pieces together. I thought we were going to talk about weight loss, but you’re helping people redirect their vision and open their eyes to see what’s contributing to the weight gain and the sickness that all goes hand in hand. You want to remove them from those big systems of big food, big pharma, and big ag and reintroduce them to life the ancestral way.
I have been teaching people how to lose weight for many years now and have realized that it is not enough. The only way to get people to a safe place where they lose that weight and keep that weight out forever is that you teach them first what’s the problem and why it is a problem. As soon as you identify an enemy, that enemy cannot attack you anymore. The problem is before, they identified that as a friend, and they said, “No, take a little bit for a little bit of time,” then you go back to eating the same crap. People lost weight, then regained the weight. That has been going on for years. I have a setback. I feel that way about it because you are still thinking that that thing is good for and you are avoiding that thing for a little while.
If you identify that whole industry, not just that food or the cookie, but the whole sugar and flour industry, and why is that industry powerful, you will understand why. Let me tell you, that cookie that you are watching as a prize for your baby, for you after a meal or before going to bed, there is a whole mafia behind that cookie. When you see evil behind that cookie, you start not watching that cookie as funny but creepy. An Oreo cookie has evil on it. It’s not white cream. Do you remember the food industry, drug and agrochemical industries? In order for you to get to that cookie, you need to have a food industry telling you that grains are good for you.
Those companies that create the USDA or that feed with money are the ones that influence the department that has cereals in the basement of the department. If you have taken that narrative, paid scientists and created that department, now that cookie is in perfect compliance with what your body needs because those grains that the wheat and the corn or whatever it has as a base with sugar and seed oils are good for you.
You have been said that order that grains or wheat in that Oreo, seed oils are good for you because we have been said that we need to change the saturated fats for polyunsaturated fats, which are the ones that Oreo cookie contains. That’s not true, either. We have been talking about how saturated fats are natural and good for you. Polyunsaturated fats are ultra-processed, bad for you and super inflammatory. When you put in the whole cookie wheat, sugar, polyunsaturated fats and seed oils, that is extremely inflammatory, extremely addictive and guiding to sickness.
The pharmaceutical industry will be happy that you became an addict, that you have high blood sugar, food addiction and you’re getting sick and you get diabetes or any other related to your either obesity or autoimmune disease just starting with that. The agrochemical industry needs you to buy more wheat and more seed oils for them to keep selling their agrochemicals to the wheat world, wheat crops, and all those crops that are plant-based. That cookie is evil. It’s feeding the three industries that are making us sick.
What can you do to go against these three industries? Don’t do like me, posting on social media and getting your account shadowbanned by those industries because they are the one that advertises us on Instagram. When you go against them, Instagram punishes you. They punish my account every time I do post about Coca-Cola or whatever. Don’t do that. Leave that to me. I will take that risk for you. The only thing you can do is eat animals. When you eat animals, you will eat less.
The big food will be hit. You will get sick way less, so the pharmaceutical industry will get hit by your actions. There’s no agrochemical involved in raising cows, pork, chicken, eggs or whatever. You will hit the big agro company. Now you know why all those three industries are putting a lot of money into Netflix documentaries and a whole narrative that is telling you, “Don’t eat meat, fish, eggs and dairy,” and all those things and nutrients, which are what you need. If you don’t take them, you will get sick, you will eat more and you will make a business for the agrochemical industry. That’s the whole story.
You have made an excellent case for identifying the enemy. If I look at an Oreo cookie differently from now on, it’s thanks to you. Let’s say I’m intellectually convinced this is right. These things are out to get me, keep me sick, sideline me and make profits for others. What if I’m genuinely addicted? How can I get released from the clutches of the sugar, seed oils and grains that are not properly processed?
We have a challenge some times of the year. We have a 22-Day No Sugar Challenge, even 11 or 4- Day No Sugar Challenge. We have been teaching for years to the whole world how to get rid of sugar and food addiction. I hear people saying, “I’m addicted to food. I’m an emotional eater.” No, you’re an addict. If you could be an emotional eater, you could eat an eggplant whenever your emotions tell you that you need to eat. You don’t do eggplant, broccoli or cucumber when you want to eat because you’re sensitive to something. You want sugar, cakes and cookies. Call that by its name. You’re an addict to sugar, not to food.
Food is broad. You’re addicted to sugar or flowers or anything with sugar and flour together. When you call things by their name, you can identify the enemy. If you want to win a war, you need to know who your enemy is and where it is. Sugar is the enemy at every cost. Bread is the second enemy because it causes a whole bunch of crazy stuff. When we read the book Grain Brain, that was enlightening in that sense. We knew more stuff from that book than from the twenty years of science that happened before that book. Bread is the silver medal on the cause of diseases, but sugar is the number one. If you could cut sugar from the world, 7 if not more out of 10 diseases would simply go away or completely disappear.
If you want to win a war, you need to know who your enemy is and where it is. Sugar is the enemy at every cost.
Have you experienced some of the transformations as you’ve stepped away from these enemies for improved health? Tell us a little bit about your own story here.
My own story is probably a special story. It’s not something that I necessarily recommend people to do because I’m on my own journey. You need to know that my story is made out of a lot of experience that is pretty difficult to find around. My experience in life has been pretty unique. It’s been unique enough to create experience and knowledge to get a take that is pretty well-paced. I’m from Spain, probably, the country that will beat Japan in 2040 in lifespan. I’m from a good genus because Spain is a place where people live a long life. I have been living in Italy, where I studied for one year, and another year in London, where I also studied in Trinity College.
Another year in Ireland, then I moved to Central America, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, El Salvador, then I ended up in the US. All those places that I have lived have made me understand what food came made to a certain population. It’s not the same thing that you eat in Italy. I also lived in Sicily for a whole year. I gained 30 kilograms in the 11 months that I lived in Catania, Sicily. That made me have to lose those 30 kilograms. It’s not easy. It is 65 pounds that I have to lose myself, which taught me a lot. England taught me a lot about their food. They are the only country in the world that doesn’t have a kitchen. They don’t have cuisine. You can get to Spanish, Japanese or Chinese restaurants, but there are no English restaurants.
They are bad for their health because they don’t have anything to eat if it’s not coming from other people. That creates no culture other than roast beef and fish and chips. Roast beef is okay, but you cannot create a cuisine of one food or one preparation. It’s pretty unique too. Central America made me see the other side of the problem. After studying obesity, I started watching what malnutrition is. You cannot understand nutrition and the importance of certain food until you have a baby in your hand that is going to die if you don’t give that baby right now the right nutrients. If you feed that baby grains, corn, legumes, beans, fruits or vegetables, that baby’s going to die. If you feed that baby animal food, that baby survives and gets healed, and gets to a normal person.
Don’t tell me, in this first world, which nutrients are important for you and your health as a human being until you have spent at least four years like me in that country where people are dying for malnutrition. That’s how you know which nutrients are key for health. After doing all of that, I came to the US. I got 20 pounds again. I had to lose them again.
I understand what’s happening in this country. That’s my final answer to your question. I decided a few years ago to live on a carnivore diet because three scientists that I respect a lot started doing it and I decided to try for 1 month, then I extended it for 3 months, then a whole year and now it’s been many years that I don’t eat 1 single vegetable, 1 single fruit, 1 single piece of grain or 1 single piece of legume.
The only thing I eat is meat, fish, eggs, cheese, avocado, and olive. Imagine how many different animals and parts nose to tail you can eat. Imagine how many things from the ocean you can eat, from a snapper to an octopus going through oysters or scallops. There’s a whole bunch of recipes and different animals that you can eat. There is a whole bunch of different cheeses all around the world that are great and are a whole bunch of K2 vitamin-dense foods that are not in any other food. There are eggs from a lot of different birds and stuff that I didn’t know of until now.
Those are dense foods. They are packed with the right nutrients that we have been having for a long time. I was expecting getting sick or craving for some nutrients in one year. I don’t need Vitamin C even if I take it when I feel I’m getting sick, which is probably inexistent. I got COVID once and it took me one evening to get rid of it. The next day I was feeling better and was okay.
The key to the immune system is Vitamin D. It is made out of cholesterol and out of things that are in animal foods. There’s no Vitamin D in plants. It is D2. It’s not the same that what you need, which is D3, which is in animals. The key to long-term health, I am pretty sure, is on animals. I don’t recommend people to do this because I’m on my own journey.
I may take fruits and other stuff in the future because I honestly think fruit is not bad for you. It’s bad for you because we have been using too many pesticides and chemicals to grow fruit the wrong way. If you do fruits the nature way, you will probably have crickets, worms, flies, birds, raccoons, and a whole bunch of animals that will eat the fruit before you do. I have a house in Florida with three mango trees. You need to be a PhD to get one of those mangoes when the time to eat it because we have a lot of animals that will eat the mango before me in that property.
I love your insights and that you’ve said your journey as your own. I do want to remind folks. We have 11 Wise Traditions Dietary Principles, but we suggest that people adjust them according to their own bio-individuality. We don’t think grains necessarily need to be off the table, legumes, seeds or not if they’re properly prepared, but people can do what you did in terms of using their common sense, paying attention to who the real enemy is and seeing what serves their body best. That’s wonderful information that you shared with us. I want to ask you one last question that I always love to pose at the end here. If the readers could do one thing to improve their health, what would you recommend that they do?
Cut sugar at all costs and in all amounts. There’s no such thing as a little bit of something that creates addiction. You get a little bit and you get addicted. The number one measure that I would tell people to do is to cut sugar. Sugar is evil.
Thank you so much for this conversation. It’s been a pleasure.
My pleasure.
Our guest was Dr. Guillermo Rodriguez Navarrete. Follow him on Instagram @Nutrillermo for an upcoming No Sugar Challenge. Now for a review from Apple Podcasts. PLA Sykesville has this to say, “Outside the mainstream. What a fantastic podcast. Wise Traditions should be mandatory listening in every high school health class and a separate course in every college across the country, and probably in every medical school too. It is so frustrating that our health and food industries have been thoroughly hijacked.”
PLA Sykesville, thank you so much for your support. I appreciate the five stars and your point of view. If you, too, would like to rate and review the show, go to Apple Podcasts, and click on ratings and reviews. Give us as many stars as you’d like and tell the world why the show is worth reading. Thank you so much for listening, my friend. Stay well and remember to keep your feet on the ground and your face to the sun.
About Dr. Guillermo Navarrete
Guillermo Rodriguez Navarrete is known throughout the world as “Nutrillermo”, an expert at helping people not only lose weight but achieve peak health. As a nutritionist, he’s evolved his approach to food over the years and has become an advocate for a more animal-based diet including plenty of animal fats, meat and eggs. He is the author and editor of several books and was recently nominated to be a Fellow of the American College of Nutrition (FACN), becoming the first Spaniard to be inducted into this prestigious academy. Guillermo is a popular speaker, and advocate for healthy living in the Spanish-speaking world and beyond.
Important Links
- Dr. Guillermo Rodriguez Navarrete
- Sally Fallon Morell’s Farm
- NTI School
- Upgraded Formulas
- Optimal Carnivore
- Grain Brain
- @Nutrillermo – Instagram
- Apple Podcasts – Wise Traditions
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Dr.Luis Roberto Arreaza says
I’m Dr Roberto Arreaza pediatrics and modern nutrition specialist, from Venezuela now living in Miami, and in my office in my country my little patients never get any asthma or dermatitis or bowels problems , if they have a good nutrition , a good environment , regular parasites desinfestation, doing swimming from infancy, they will have good defensive immune system and a optimal metabolism , my experience is for more than 40 years
To: Hilda says
Research: book reference: Why we get sick. Benjamin Bikman. BYU.
Mary says
I agree with everything you mentioned Roberto, but one thing… God, not nature created everything. Period. You even said it yourself, “there’s an intelligence behind the creation of our food” that intelligence is God and God alone. God created us in His image and gave us the plants and animals for us to look over and eat. EVERYTHING He has put here, was for all of us to use and help us stay healthy. More people need to start giving credit to where it belongs, and that God. Not worshipping nature or giving credit to nature, because that just living a pagan lifestyle. And everyone knows paganism is behind all the things you discussed is wrong or bad and how the main stream health organization is promoting to the masses.
God bless and take care.
Mary says
Sorry I meant to say Guillermo, not Roberto.
Oscar says
Mayan peoples have been eating corn for centuries. Their culture tells them they are made of corn. What is this nonsense that humans should not eat corn and corn is only for chickens?
Adrian Padula says
Nixtamilised corn
Dr. Jim says
Nixtamilized. Is that limed corn? Is it processed in ashes? Is it MASA? What?
Why is this next fact forgotten? Here:
In the bible Genesis book story of Cain & Abel, God rejected the offering of Cain of his plants from his fields. Cain was the farmer. God accepted Abel’s offering of the animals of his herds, “AND THE FAT THEREOF. Abel was the herder.
Cain became so enraged he killed his brother Abel.
Vegetarian peoples have always been the most violent & hateful. It us as evident now as it was then.
Dr. Jim says
The exception is that not only vegetarians are vicious violent and hateful, it is also Marxist ideology & Islamic religion that qualify for that distinction today. Put those ideologies together with vegetarianism & you get ww3. Except that Islamic peoples are very big meat eaters. So much so that one of the main Muslim iccuoations, along with politics,
is in the meat processing industry & butchery.