Why look outside ourselves to control chaos? Pete Evans, the producer of the award-winning documentary film “The Magic Pill,” suggests that we have more power than we may realize to effect change.
Today, he gives us an overview of what’s happening and what we can do about it during these challenging times. He connects the dots behind the COVID crackdown in Australia and offers insights on the benefits of changing our diet and doing individual internal work. Finally, he reminds us that each of us can come up with our own personal recipe for a “delicious life!”
Listen to the episode here:
Episode Transcript
Within the below transcript the bolded text is Hilda
.We all want to control the chaos around us. We look outside of ourselves for answers. We’re eager to fix situations and even other people. What if the best option to affect change is to look inside and change ourselves first? This is episode 297 and our guest is Pete Evans. Pete is an Australian chef, author, speaker, podcaster and more. He is the producer of the award-winning documentary film, The Magic Pill, that suggests that food can transform our health. Pete is well aware that these are challenging times. He takes a macro and a micro look at what is happening.
He gives us an overview of the COVID crackdown in Australia. He connects the dots of influence and power that lie behind the draconian measures they’ve taken ostensibly because of the pandemic. He also talks about the importance of taking a deep look into our own lives and developing our recipe for a delicious life, as he puts it. He emphasizes the benefits that come from identifying our fears and growing spiritually. He talks about the ripple effect that internal work can have on the world around us.
Welcome to the show, Pete.
Thank you for having me, Hilda. How are you?
I’m doing great. I wanted to have you on so badly because you are like the Weston Price Foundation to me. You’re no stranger to controversy. You have gotten in trouble for promoting meat to vegan pregnant moms, for recommending bone broth for infants, for suggesting we not wear sunscreen to get the most out of our time in the sun. Where in the world did you get these radical ideas?
I got a lot of the information through people like Sally Fallon at the Weston A. Price Foundation and a whole host of other integrative doctors, professors, researchers and patients. People that have healed themselves or put their diseases into remission or illnesses into remission, or at least lowered their medication. I’m a student of life. I also like to understand how things work from a common-sense point of view. Much of what we are being fed through mainstream media channels and through health authorities wasn’t palatable for me.
As a chef for many years, it’s easy to know when the recipe is wrong. I believe the recipe at the moment for human health is wrong. The ingredients that are being pushed on us will never make them the most delicious recipe for life. That’s for sure. We do have access to these ingredients that do cultivate health, wellness, love, compassion and evolution. We have all of this information. We have those ingredients. It’s a matter of being able to put them into your recipe for life. Hilda, yours might be a little bit different than mine and anybody that’s reading.
I do believe that the basic foundational principles are all the same, good food, good emotional wellbeing, connection to spirit, or our highest self, purpose, source consciousness, whatever you would like to call it. Some people call it God and connection to nature, how we sleep, how we move our bodies, how we breathe, how we interact with our fellow human beings. These are the foundational principles and that can be expanded.
Once we get those foundational principles right and we know those very necessary ingredients, we can tweak them for our bio-individuality, as people call it. For me, I love spending time in the sun, going surfing and going to bed early for the nighttime, eating nose-to-tail food and organic, hanging out with the kids and animals. For other people, they might choose a different path. They might spend more time meditating or doing a yoga practice or living in the mountains compared to living near the ocean because I love being near the ocean. We each have to work out what works for us and that’s a lifelong adventure in itself. Once we know that and we instinctively know that, we know it once we experience it. Life is here to be experienced.
Once we experience things, we go, “Yes, that feels in congruence or in alignment with who I am and how I want to live my life.” Somebody might do things that I do and go, “That doesn’t flow with me. I like this idea of how I want to live my life.” We have to be open to that because if we’re all the same, then we’re going to have a pretty beige and vanilla society. If we all look the same, dress the same, ate the same, that’s what’s happening with our population at the moment. That seems to be where we’re headed. Individuality and expression of their creative wonders and our gifts is the key for humanity to keep evolving.
I love the picture you’re painting. It resonates with me speaking of flow and spirituality, all these different components of wellness. Talk to us a little bit about your journey, Pete. Did it start with food since you’re a chef or did it start with the great outdoors? How did you find the first few bits to add to your recipe for life?
It’s interesting. When I was born, we’d have to even go back to the conception or in the womb because that, as we know, is a very important part of our own journey. For me, my parents were going through some pretty interesting times in their relationship, which no doubt created some emotional patterning in me at that vulnerable age and that age where you would think and hope through the work of the Weston A. Price Foundation is important. When we prepare to bring another life into existence, that we prepare. Parents prepare their bodies. Parents prepare their minds and their spirit to cultivate the healthiest, strongest human being. I don’t think my parents had that at the forefront of their thoughts and I’m not blaming them.
I’m stating the facts that they’re in business. I had a tough relationship at the time between them. I’ve had some older brothers and sisters. They’re going through their journey of life. I absorbed a lot of imbalance. When I was born, I had respiratory problems. I was put into a humidicrib for a couple of days without human touch. That then also shaped part of my identity and then growing up at school and this, that and the other, and constantly being sick, mucus, tonsillitis, colds, flu, these types of things, and not being able to put on weight. I was skinny. I was like, “This is fascinating.”

It wasn’t until later on in life that I was like, “All of these things can be fixed. I don’t need to have the flu. I don’t need to have a cold. I don’t need to have mucus.” The simple fact of changing my diet alleviated many of those symptoms and then being vulnerable, being weak, avoiding loving relationships because I thought they were going to end. That was part of my programming from an early age. I was like, “These can also be addressed.” We can evolve through that and replace those emotional patterns that are weakening to something more strengthening and empowering.
It’s been an ongoing journey and even before that in the womb. For many years, there has been an ongoing evolution of this experience of life that I’ve been gifted. I don’t take it for granted. I try to shape each and every day with as much love, compassion, education, understanding, awareness, sharing that I can to still keep me in balance, to keep me excited and passionate about this journey. I don’t even think I’m halfway there yet or a third of the way there yet. I’m loving this adventure.
Each and every year, I get a little bit stronger mentally, spiritually and physically. That to me is a testament to the work that you and others do in this field. I’m grateful for the experience and the opportunity to learn from your wisdom, Sally Fallon’s wisdom, Weston A. Price’s wisdom, ancient wisdom, but also modern wisdom. Some of these biohacking techniques that are coming to the fore, some of these amazing discoveries that are out there.
That is again about human innovation. I’m in awe and wonder of it all from the ancient to the present, to what we can create in the future. I’m even in awe and wonder with what’s going on at the moment, because it’s like, “This is amazing. Look at everything that’s being exposed.” It’s being exposed on a level that once upon a time now I had Sally Fallon on. She’s been sharing this information along with others. It’s been a very small percentage of the population that has been able to access this information willingly.
Now it feels like that has blown up where people are like, “I need to look at what’s going on here in the world.” Inadvertently, the institutions or the systems that have been in place that Sally, myself and you, you’ve seen the corruption, the imbalances in these systems that can’t continue to keep going for the planet or for humanity and for every species that exists on it in that direction. What I believe we’re seeing at the moment is a dismantling of those systems through their exposure, relentless pursuit of greed, censorship and trying to beat nature and believe that we are the gods of this. I’m watching it unfold. I’m like, “This is amazing.”
You couldn’t have wished for a greater paradigm shift to happen in our lifetime than what’s happening now. I don’t mean to belittle that because there are a lot of people going through hard times, sacrifice, loss of life, income, freedom and identity. However, through this, if we can somehow have a larger viewpoint of this and maybe even attachment to see through a different lens, you understand this better than most people. The people that generally change their diet to a Wise Traditions diet, or a nourishing traditions diet or what we are promoting usually had to hit rock bottom of sacrifice so much of themselves to make that change. What I’m seeing now is that on a macro level happening that we’ve hit breaking point.
The breaking point for humanity sometimes is the opportunity for change because we’re still not in that enlightened state or that evolutionary state where we have prevention as our program. Once we get through this, prevention will be at the forefront of us moving forward as a species and then ongoing solutions. We don’t ever have to get to this breaking point again. That old paradigm of humanity gets shifted. We can do what we’re here to do, which is connect, evolve and grow spiritually, emotionally and physically without fear. There’s my little $0.40 worth.
Pete, I want to get specific now because you’ve mentioned a paradigm shift and taking our health into our own hands. Let’s get specific what’s happening in your country, in Australia right now? What do you hope to see in the future?
These are my observations. Don’t take them as fact. My observations at the moment is that we are seeing some big cards being played. I’ll give you one example. Our Prime Minister Scott Morrison announced that the government has done a deal with a vaccine manufacturer, a manufacturing company in the United States or it could be UK. A quick search for them shows that they’ve paid out over $1 billion in fines and compensations. The company that the Australian government has signed a deal with for 25 million doses of vaccine for Coronavirus already has a checkered past where they have paid out over $1 billion in fines and other interesting reasons.
In other words, they’re not very trustworthy. They’ve had problems with putting out products that have damaged people’s health instead of helping them.
You could make that assumption. The first question is, why would a government be partnering with a corrupt organizational company? Why isn’t the media asking the government this? If you had a business and you’ve had to pay out much in fines to individuals or other companies, it’s beyond warning bells. It’s in your face. The fact that the company also is exempt from any legal pursuits when that vaccine comes to Australia. If there is a payout, the government will pay it, but the government gets its money from the taxpayers. The Australian citizens have to pay for that. If that is not the most corrupt and weird system in the world, it deserves to be squashed and something better and more balanced should take its place instead of being exposed on such a grand scale.
In Australia, we have seven states and territories. In that, we have premiers of each state like governors in the United States. It’s the same. We don’t have a president. We have a prime minister that oversees all of that. Every state has a different way of dealing with this crisis, if it is such a crisis. For instance, Victoria has some insane lockdown rules at the moment and directives. I don’t think their law is their directives. They’ve already had nearly six months of lockdowns in Victoria. He’s announced that it could go for another 12 months, so that’s 18 months of lockdowns.

When you dig a little deeper, you can have a look at and see that premier has been in China 30 times in the last few years. What are the deals that have been done with China over there? They’re very easy to find out. There’s a project called the Belt and Road Project. Interestingly enough, Jacinda Ardern, who is one of the most well-known politicians of the world. She’s the New Zealand Prime Minister. She also has an interesting relationship with China, who was also someone on for that same initiative, which is worth trillions of dollars.
If you watch New Zealand closely, this is what I’ve been saying for months, watch New Zealand and Victoria. If you want to see the state of the world and the state of the agenda rolling out, watch New Zealand and Victoria very closely. What’s happening there is the test case for the rest of the world. People think I’m a conspiracy theorist. Just watch how many liberties are being taken away from each and every person in those states or country. Join the dots of the deals that have been made, the shoulders that have been rubbed.
You look at the connections that they’ve also got with Bill Gates. It’s beyond fishy now. It’s beyond that conspiratorial place because it’s out in the open. You’re witnessing it happening. It is what I would call disgraceful and disgusting. To give you an idea of how disgraceful and offensive it is at the moment, we have some well-known celebrities in Australia that have been in films that have gone global. The Victorian government has engaged and employed them to create TV commercials for the Victorian people wearing masks. Telling people that if you’re not wearing your mask, you are contributing to the downfall of society. The only way we’re going to get through this quicker is for everybody to wear a mask.
I called it out. I said, “This is brainwashing. There are children watching this.” Its own commercial television. I don’t watch commercial television, but I’ve seen these ads. This goes beyond food. This goes beyond wellness in the ways that we have thought about wellness in the past. For the last several years, we’ve been sharing beautiful recipes and talking about building your immune systems and this, that, and the other. I’ve had a lot of blowback over the past few months. “I wish you would stick to sharing recipes, stick to what you’re good at.”
I am passionate about sharing healthy information. This now has got to the point and I saw it when it first came down, I said, “This doesn’t feel right. It doesn’t make any sense.” Watching it play out, you’re like, “This has nothing to do with health.” In my opinion, this is about control. This is about removing people’s freedoms. It’s about fear. What’s the greatest destructive force for our immune system? It’s fear. That is what is being perpetuated on a daily basis, on a minute-to-minute basis. Not only our governments and our health ministers, but also the mainstream media and everybody involved in those systems that do not want people to think for themselves to remain healthy and to know what’s going on.
I’m actively speaking out because I feel it in my heart. I feel it in my intuition. I feel it in my soul that this is my purpose at the moment. Who knows? Tomorrow, I might go, “I’ve done it. I’ve said my piece.” I do know. We need to change this. No one’s coming to save us. If we all stood up, if we all operated of our highest frequency, and I said to people on a Facebook Live, they said, “What can we do, Pete? You keep sharing this information, but you’re not offering solutions.” I said, “I have solutions each and every day. The solution is you.” If you can look after your physical wellbeing, through diet and all the things we spoke about. If you can look after your emotional wellbeing, removing any negative patterns that are holding you back and keeping you in fear. You can find your purposes in life. We’re multifaceted, so we can achieve so much. If you can concentrate on those three things, then imagine if everybody did this.
The reason I say that, I’ll use Australia as an example. If every single person started to focus on their individual health, we’ll start with food as an example. If every single person in this population, 26 million of us, all of a sudden got rid of the inflammatory foods from that time, got rid of the processed food, the multinational food corporations’ food, went to the supermarkets or the markets and only bought the food that is life-giving and not life robbing. What that would do would change not only individual health but collective health. It would change the supermarkets for where 95% of the people in Australia shop. We have two big outlets. It’s a monopoly.
They would have to change overnight because you wouldn’t be buying anything from the internal aisles. If you focused on organic, what would that do? That would change the way the agricultural system is set up. If people demanded grass-finished organic, holistically farmed, regenerative farm practices for all the foods that they were purchasing, and there would be a transitional period, for sure. It could take six months, a couple of years for certain farms to adapt to supply and demand, but they would adapt. What would happen? The flow and effect from that would be the medical system. You would see less visits to the doctors. The health system would adapt. You would see more people interested in herbal medicines, alternative practices, chiropractic, osteopathic, these types of Chinese medicine, acupuncture, whatever the plethora of natural therapies are that are out there.
People would gravitate towards them because they want to maintain their health instead of fix their health. The medical system would change. What other system would change if we all started to eat as a population the most beautiful nourishing foods on the planet? The pharmaceutical industry would change. No doubt, they would adapt into the vitamins, minerals and supplements that are in the alternative space. They would adapt to because there wouldn’t be a market for them. Their market would dramatically drop because people were reducing their medications as they’re improving out.
What else would change if that happened? I know one thing would change. The entertainment or mainstream media would change because a lot of their funding comes from the multinational food corporations, the junk food industry, the pharmaceutical industry. What would happen then to mainstream media? They would have to adapt. New businesses would start to advertise or mainstream media would disappear. New media sources would start to arise. New platforms are arising as we’re seeing. What happens after that? If mainstream media changes, if pharmaceutical, medical, agricultural, supermarkets, how we access our food, what’s next? What else will change? What are the systems that are out there that need an overhaul or need to evolve with us consciously? It’s all of them. All of them would adapt. When people say, “What can we do?” You look after yourself and that’s looking at food.
If we each took our health into our own hands, by making different food choices, it would have this huge ripple effect. You hit the nail on the head when you said, “People are responding to the situation out of fear,” which is being driven into them by the media and the political leadership. I’m sure that it seems very foreign to them to think about responding in a different way, being at a different frequency. It must sound like almost impossible. Do you think it’s possible, Pete, for people to make some changes and find themselves in a different place?
Have you done it?

Have the readers done it?
I can’t speak for every one of them, but every person that does it is not only healthier, they’re happier. They’re freer. To put it in the terms you’ve used, they’re more evolved. They are seeking out their life’s purpose. It’s such a contrast with those who feel like they have to submit to authorities and regulations. We’re not saying at the foundation that people should flaunt those, but it’s a very big contrast with those who think they have to wait for the saving grace of a vaccine versus those who are like, “I can be happy and healthy on my own.”
Let’s take it to another level. We know that political parties have lobbyists. Who are the lobbyists that pay the most money to these political parties? Agricultural, the pharmaceutical, all of these. Think about it. Who were the lobbyists that pay money to keep certain things happening? It would change overnight. Maybe not overnight, but it might take a few months or even a year. Think about it. When people say, “What can we do?” You have the answers. You have the ability. You have more power. Never underestimate the power of one. I shared a little clip from the movie Antz. You’ve got the big grasshoppers. They’re talking about how one ant isn’t scary. What if 26 million ants in Australia changed all of a sudden?
People like, “It’s impossible. We’re not set up for that. The agricultural system isn’t set up.” It’s not set up yet because people aren’t doing it. One of my biggest frustration that I’ve seen over the years in this whole food movement is vegans attacking paleo or keto or Weston A. Price Foundation’s. It’s this internal battle between these 2 or 3 groups of people that have the same ideologies. They want a better planet. They want better treatment of animals. They want better health for themselves and their children.
I’ve often said to all parties, “Why are you fighting between yourselves?” I said, “We make up 5%, 10% of the population maybe.” We should be educating that 90% of the 95% of people. All these inviting, it’s wasting time. It’s getting you frustrated. You’re trying to be right. Let’s educate the masses because nothing’s going to change for the treatment of the animals, for the betterment of the planet, for the betterment of your children, unless the whole population changes.
It’s not about forming a religion or a cult or whatever. It’s about respecting and honoring our bodies in the way that they thrive. We all have our wonderful gifts to share with the world. Yours might be smiling without a mask as you’re walking down the street to somebody else. Looking them in the eye and giving them a wink or whatever, not a come-on wink, but it’s like, “This is freedom.” This is my activism or it could be educating your children to say, “This is the law at the moment and you need to wear a mask.”
This is why these institutions and governments are no doubt going to evolve and transform through this process of taking away people’s civil liberties. Trust in the process. The underlying message here is trust in this process of what’s happening no matter how painful that is. If you have any fears, as we all do as human beings, identify what they are. If it’s a feeling of helplessness, identify why you feel helplessness. What was the original time that you ever felt helplessness? Is it a family trait? Is it something that your mother or father have ever felt or you felt helpless witnessing some atrocity where you couldn’t help something? Whether it was an animal in pain or bullying at school, and you stood back and let it happen? Feel into what your fears are. Once we can contemplate them, meditate them and identify them, that’s the work I believe that we need to be doing to transmute them and alchemize them into a strength for us, so we no longer have that fear.
The image that’s coming to my mind right now is an oyster shell that is going to create a pearl. Maybe it’s a clam. The point is the little irritant in that shell, the sand or the pebble becomes something beautiful. It becomes transformed. In a sense, what you’re saying is this moment in history, this moment in time that may seem that it’s happening to us and it’s problematic. It may transform us, but also transform our world into a better place.
Identify what those fears are or those sticking points that are triggers for you. First thing to do is identify them if you can through contemplation and meditation and awareness. Some people like to journal. Other people like to see some types of therapists that’s out there. There are many different modalities of therapists that may be able to help you. What will no doubt happen is if you want to identify them, a chance occurrence will present itself. Whether it’s something you read, see or hear, or you might meet somebody that you haven’t seen for a while, and they might drop a breadcrumb for you to follow. Once you’re open to processing and working through your fears, insecurities or negative belief patterns, if you have any, the universe will provide the opportunity for you to find the answer for that and to work through it.
As we continue to work through our fears, we become a powerful force because we stand in our truth and the magic happens. As we’ve seen with anybody that’s changed their diet and we’ve helped hundreds of thousands of people. A lot of my demographics seem to be women in their 50, 60, 70s and 80s. They say to me, “Pete, I thought you were a basket case but is that a breaking point? We adopted your dietary principles and other principles. We feel like teenagers again. Now I’m dancing. Now I’m painting. Now I’m singing. Now I’m learning a new language. Now I’m helping my grandchildren. Now I’m doing this and this.” That’s the magic that happens when people have no fear and are fully energetic in themselves. That’s when the magic happens.
That’s what this is about. This is our opportunity to cultivate our inner magic. I’m telling you, if you’re not looking at your shadow or parts of you that you don’t want to look at, this is your opportunity. You will come through this with grace, humility, power, compassion and this is what we’re here to do. Regardless of this virus, regardless of anything, our journey is inwards to know ourselves and to remove our fears one layer at a time.
I feel like you have given us a call. I know you’ve given us a lot of practical tips, but I always pose this question at the end. Let me know if you have something else to add here. If the reader could do one thing to improve their health, where should they start?

Breathing deeply, contemplate who you are, contemplating where you want to go to in this life and what you want to bring to life and go forth with a smile on your face. It may be a little uncomfortable to work through these obstacles that we have created for ourselves, or we’ve adopted from our society or from our upbringing. That’s the journey. If you don’t do it, your children will have the weight and it will even be more difficult for them to go through the journey. It’s up to us to break that cycle, so the next generation isn’t burdened with as much to release and to go through. I’m very happy to do the work for my children and their children and ongoing. Imagine if everybody did that, it’s happening. This is the most exciting time for it to happen because we’ve got the time to do it. It’s all rising up in us. All the fear, anxiety, depression, inadequacies or helplessness, all those things. It’s like, “Here we go. Are you ready?”
As long as people do take the time, what I’m afraid of sometimes, Pete, is that folks are numbing themselves to what’s happening by binge-watching things on Netflix or escaping from themselves instead of taking this time for reflection and growth.
People don’t like it when I say this, but here’s the absolute truth of this. Hilda, it’s not your responsibility to wake up anybody else and to worry about what anybody else does. That’s their journey. Your responsibility is yourself and for your children for a period of time. When we understand who we’re responsible for and who we’re accountable for, which is us, then there’s great freedom and liberation in knowing that. Many people are wanting to help others, yet they don’t help themselves. Now that people that generally do end up helping others are the ones that have done the work on themselves and their cup is full. They have unconditional love, trust and acceptance for themselves and who they are on the planet. They’re walking with limited fears and we’re human beings.
They do come up from time to time when we get challenged. We are not responsible for our neighbor. We are not responsible for them, but I promise you, you will find such great freedom, liberation and love for other people when you detach from their outcome and your responsibility for them. The reason that we’re in this mess at the moment is because people have handed over their power and their authority to government figures to protect them, to save them, to serve them. We need to serve ourselves first and foremost. If we were doing that, then our government system would look very different, as I mentioned.
When we have that personal responsibility and when we accept that there will be people out there that will not do the work on themselves. We see that and that’s okay. If they want to eat junk food, if they want to take a vaccine, if they want to take pharmaceutical medication, if they want to binge-watch television, that is their free will. That is their choice. That is what we need to celebrate that each and every one of us has the freedom to do whatever at any particular point in time. We celebrate that.
We see that in them. They might not be on the same path. That might be all they’re happy to do. I don’t know why. It’s not for me to work out why they’re in that position. I’ve been guilty of it. Many years ago, I adopted a vegan diet. For a year, I thought it was the best thing in the world. I felt so good after a standard Australian diet. I shouted it out to my parents, my friends, my colleagues, “You’ve got to go vegan. Trust me. This is the best thing in the world.” Fast forward, 2 or 3 years later, I was sicker than I had ever been on the standard Australian diet.
It was a humbling experience for me, but what it taught me in that experience is be careful what you share. Be careful that you do not try to tell anybody what to do. It’s up to them to work it out for themselves, and some will do it. Some will not. That’s cool. It is what it is. I know people will be begging for this vaccine, that is okay because they feel safe in that. Let’s say it does become mandatory, hypothetically. They’re already talking about giving it to the elderly and the vulnerable first. We know that they tested on what they would call healthy specimens of human beings. We see the side effects already in the clinical trials on healthy people.
If they put this into the population and they give it to the vulnerable that have compromised immune systems and hypothetically speaking, if death, pain and suffering come from that, humanity has a consciousness. We have a heart. We will only watch so much death, destruction, pain and suffering for a certain period of time until we say enough is enough. Perhaps this is our journey at the moment, perhaps this is the way that we evolve. Perhaps a certain percentage of the population has to go through this pain, suffering, death, despair for the veil to be lifted in a way that we never have to go through this ever again in our human history. I don’t wish on it. I hope it doesn’t happen. I hope that there are solutions that arise before that point in time, but I also have to trust and accept if that is how things have to change, then perhaps that is the solution. It troubles me to say it.
Your points are valid. You and I, and the foundation, and many others have a mission and a heart’s cry to see people healthy and well, but we can only educate and get information out to a point. People have to make their own choices, which is what I hear you saying. If we, as humanity, make choices that are unfortunate, we will realize that and then pivot and make some different ones, but we can’t control everything around us. We only are responsible for ourselves.
I don’t mean to leave at a downer. At the same time, there are wonderful solutions and opportunities that are rising each and every day with new platforms, new systems and new solutions. I’m excited, but I’m also cautious. I’m also aware of what’s happening. It’s the game of life and we’re all playing it to the best of our abilities at the moment. If we can all level up through our nutrition, spiritual practices and our emotional understanding of who we are, then we’re going to be better players of this game. We will radiate that light and that frequency out to our friends, family and colleagues. That will be the true virus that we wish to spread. I hope it’s contagious.
Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts. This is going to encourage people because you’ve included so many aspects of wellness that will indeed help people level up and bring about some beauty, joy, peace and freedom in this life. Thank you so much, Pete.
Thank you, Hilda. Thank you, everybody, for reading. Peace to everyone.
About Pete Evans
Pete Evans is an internationally renowned chef, restaurateur, entrepreneur, keynote speaker, author, television presenter and documentary producer. He also has a podcast called Evolve with Pete Evans, exploring nutritional and emotional wellbeing. His passion for food and a healthy lifestyle inspires individuals and families around the world.
His latest project in development is a documentary film called Evolve. His previous award-winning documentary film, The Magic Pill, shows the impact food can have on people’s health, now streaming globally on Netflix.
As Australia’s number one selling author of healthy cooking and lifestyle books for the last 5 years, Pete is dedicated to educating people about nutritional food and wellness. With around 25 books to his name over the last 13 years, Pete is one of Australia’s most published contemporary Australian chefs. He is also a health coach, with qualifications gained from New York’s internationally recognized Institute of Integrative Nutrition.
Absolutely spot on! Thank you for this interview, and thank you both for your work. I have been working to express a similar message in pharmacy for 30 years. Change starts with ourselves. Blessings.