Please join the Pennsylvania Independent Consumers and Farmers Association (PICFA) at a rally on Monday May 5th in support of Mark Nolt, local farmer and friend, who was recently arrested on his farm for selling raw milk and raw milk products.
The rally is being held at 9:30 am at the District Court in Cumberland County located at 229 Mill Street, Mt. Holly Springs, PA 17065. The rally aims to engage the local citizenry and the Pennsylvania legislature in bringing attention to a farmer’s constitutionally protected right to sell raw milk and raw milk products, directly to consumers (as well as a consumer’s right to buy and consume these products). This will be a peaceful assembly.
Concerned citizens are encouraged to bring signs and banners in support of Mark Nolt and that reflect positively on raw milk and its benefits. We are expecting a lot of media coverage so the more people there, the better!
229 Mill Street
Mount Holly, Pennsylvania 17065
Just east of Carlilse, PA, off of Highway 81, take Mt. Holly Springs exit.
Mr. Glen Wise is being tried for selling milk without a permit on May 6. Mr. Wise prefers his trial to be quiet and has requested that people do NOT come to the courthouse.
The Nolts would prefer donations in the form of money orders, made out to Mark Nolt. However, checks are also fine. Checks should also be made out to Mark Nolt (not Mark and Maryann Nolt as stated in our earlier email). Please send to:
Mark Nolt
P.O. Box 136
Blain, Pennsylvania 17006
The Farm-to-Consumer Foundation provides compassionate relief funds to farmers who have endured a farm raid or other urgent financial hardship related to their direct-to-consumer sales. Donations to the Farm-to-Consumer Foundation are tax-deductible to the full extent of the law.
BY PHONE: 703-208-FARM (3276) (10 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. EST)
BY MAIL: Check payable to FTCF – Compassionate Relief Fund, 8116
Arlington Blvd., #263, Falls Church, VA 22042
If you have not written your letters to the governor, the secretary of agriculture and your legislators today, you still have tomorrow! Remember, these letters should go in the mail on Monday, May 5th. Tuesday May 6th is the day for our fax and email blast.
Please send this email to your local groups. Also, you may use the press release below in contacting local media.
Thank you!
Sally Fallon, President
Media Advisory
Media Contact: Kimberly Hartke, Publicist 703-860-2711, cell 703-675-5557
May 1, 2008 –Mt. Holly, PA– Raw milk supporters will rally in support of dairy farmer Mark Nolt’s constitutionally protected right to direct farm-to-consumer sales without permits or government interference.
The Mennonite father of ten’s farm was raided by police and department of agriculture officials on April 25. Nolt was led away in handcuffs while agents confiscated over $25,000 worth of cheese along with parts of his processing equipment.
The rally will take place on Monday May 5, at 9:30 am Magistrates Office at 229 Mill Street, Mt. Holly, Pennsylvania, where Mark Nolt’s hearing will occur.
“At a time when millions are starving, the theft and destruction of hundreds of pounds of nutritious cheese can only be described as obscene,” said Sally Fallon, President of the Weston A. Price Foundation, a nutrition education foundation that encourages the consumption of raw milk.
Demand for raw dairy products is on the rise, as increasing numbers of health minded consumers seek raw dairy to help resolve a number of maladies: autism, asthma, allergies, ear infections, sinus infections, osteoporosis, lung disease, among them. Because raw dairy is pro-biotic, cancer patients and others seeking to boost their immune system frequently use raw and fermented raw dairy products as an adjunct to other healing protocols.
Even with a permit, the State of Pennsylvania prohibits the sale of unpasteurized butter, cream, soft cheeses and yogurt. A state permit for raw milk sales excludes ancillary raw dairy products, which are highly valued by these consumers.
Nolt-now referred to as the “Rosa Parks of the raw milk movement”–is a dairy farmer who choses to operate without a state permit, because of his conviction that the US Constitution guarantees his freedom to sell by private agreement with his customers from his farm.
Nolt has been summoned to appear at Monday’s hearing to answer five charges related to selling raw milk and other dairy products without a state permit, In a previous incident last August, the state seized $30,000 worth of products and packaging equipment
The rally is being sponsored by the Pennsylvania Independent Consumers and Farmers Association and the local chapters of the Weston A. Price Foundation.
Just east of Carlilse, PA, off of Highway 81, take Mt. Holly Springs exit.
The following individuals are available for Press Interviews:
Jonas Stoltzfus, PICFA Farmer 717-536-3618, cell 717-275-3016
Maureen Diaz Weston A. Price Foundation Consumer 717-303-3832 cell 717-253-0529
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