Chapter Guidelines
Basic Requirements
- To create a Food Resource List for milk products from pasture-fed livestock (preferably raw), pasture-fed eggs and livestock and properly produced whole foods in the local area.
- Provide a contact phone number to be listed on the website and in our quarterly magazine.
- Provide Weston A. Price Foundation materials to inquirers, and make available as appropriate in local health food stores, libraries and service organizations and to health care practitioners.
- Provide an annual chapter report as provided by the WAPF office.
- Be a member in good standing in the Weston A. Price Foundation.
- Sign a contract on the use of the Weston A. Price Foundation name and trademark.
- Read the Chapter Handbook.
Optional Activities
- Maintain a list of local health care practitioners who support the Foundation’s teachings regarding diet and health
- Represent the Foundation at local conferences and fairs.
- Organize social gatherings, such as support groups and pot luck dinners, to present the Weston A. Price Foundation philosophy and materials.
- Present seminars, workshops and/or cooking classes featuring speakers from the Weston A. Price Foundation, or local speakers who support the Foundation’s goals and philosophy.
- Represent the Weston A. Price Foundation philosophy and goals to local media governments and lawmakers.
- Lobby for the elimination of laws that restrict access to locally produced and processed food (such as pasteurization laws) or that limit health freedoms in any way.
- Publish a simple newsletter containing information and announcements for local chapter members
- Work with schools to provide curriculum materials and training for classes in human development and home economics.
- Help the Foundation find outlets for the sale of its quarterly magazine.
Local Chapter Application
If you would like to start a local chapter, you can either:
- Download the application, print and sign and mail it to: The Weston A. Price Foundation, PMB 106-380, 4200 Wisconsin Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20016, or
- Email it to: info@westonaprice.org or
- Fill out the web application by clicking the button below
Additional Resources
Find a Local Chapter | Chapter Resources
Last Updated on Wednesday, 28 February 2024
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Is there any chance of a chapter being established in Australia?
Edward, I do hope that by this time you have been able to find a chapter in fairly close proximity to you. If not, here is the page listing all of the chapters across Australia:
If there is not one convenient to you, please consider starting a new chapter in your area! To do so, you must be a member and be able to provide3 a list of local resources for those who might inquire. Meetings and other events are optional.
Is there any established and active local chapter of the Dr. Weston Price Foundation in the Philippines? And how can we contact them? If none, we would like to start one. We have been following the teachings of the foundation for more than a decade already. We would love to share to share it with others as well and contribute to the growth of the movement. Grace and Shalom.
Hello Eric, I do hope that you have already located the Manila chapter, listed here:
If not, we do encourage you to start your own local chapter! It is not cumbersome, and only requires that you are a member first, and able to provide a local resource list to share with others; events and such are optional, but certainly encouraged! We help in whatever ways we can.
My name is Dr. Peter Mokaya.
I am the founding CEO and a director of Organic Consumers Alliance(OCA). We subscribe, to large extent, to the principles and values of the WAPF, in the context of advocating for and promoting agro-ecological organic agriculture food production and consumption systems which are in harmony with nature and promote sustainable ecosystems while enhancing healthy lifestyles. More on our website here :http://organicconsumers.co.ke/
We are starting a wAP Chapter in Kenya/East Africa. Details to be uploaded soon on the WAPF website.
Looking forward to sharing evidence based and truthful wellness facts, to enable informed choices on dietary choices leading to Wellness and improved quality of life, locally, regionally and globally, in partnership with other link-minded stakeholders.
Hello Dr. Peter!
I don’t see you listed yet as a chapter, but we would love to have you on board! Starting a local chapter is fairly easy;
Looking forward to having you on board, and best wishes!
May I ask where in Kenya you open the Chapter? Have good friends there… – much into organics!
I would love to start a chapter near my home, but I definitely don’t have the time to manage it myself unless it was a paid job.
Hello Nicole!
We are happy to have your interest, and hope you will find a way to start a chapter in your area (although I don’t know where that is).
We have a large network of volunteer chapter leaders all across the world, sharing the teaching of Dr. Price, while connecting local consumers with resources in their area, especially including their farmer/neighbors producing high quality pastured poultry, raw dairy, meats and vegetables.
Our chapter leaders are dedicated to helping their communities through a growing awareness of health through nutrition and the importance of clean, sustainable food and old-fashioned practices. But we all do so on a strictly voluntary basis; as a membership-driven organization, we simply do not have the funds to pay our chapter leaders for the work that they do. However, we all find that our reward comes not in a monetary form, but in the satisfaction that cones from helping our communities, and our beloved organization. This is simply the best work there is to be done (short of raising healthy families and producing great food)!
To find out if there is already a chapter in your area, please take a look here:
The link for finding a local chapter is not working. I’m trying to find one near Corpus Christi, Texas. Thx. mani
Try https://secure.westonaprice.org/cvweb_weston/cgi-bin/utilities.dll/openpage?wrp=chapter_dir.htm
Hello. We currently have a chapter in Delaware. Do we have to submit the resource list? If so, how? Is it mailed or e-mailed to WAPF? Thanks!
A resource list must be submitted before a chapter can be established. email or snail mail is fine. Thank you.
Are there any chairs in Ontario Canada?
Hello I want to know if is possible to have a chapter in Colombia, I would like to do this but I don’t know how to make the list, how to know who produce healthy food in my area?
Hello Maria,
Yes, you certainly can start a chapter in Colombia, we have chapters all over the world! The main thing that is required is the resource list you mentioned. However, this is something that is entirely up to you to create from the resources in your local area. Only you can visit the farms, stores, and producers where you live to know if they are providing high-quality, clean and nutrient-dense foods. Generally, these are guidelines we use to determine these qualities:
Animal products produced on chemical-free pastures, not in buildings nor fed conventional grains.
Milk and eggs the same as above; dairy products also being raw and whole.
Vegetables produced on rich soil without the use of chemicals.
Grains that are chemical free, non-GMO
Unprocessed, natural and chemical-free sugars (raw honey, maple syrup, panella)
Whole, unrefined salt
I hope this helps, but feel free to shoot us more questions if you have them!
By not feeding “conventional grains” to the animals, what exactly do you mean? In SE Arizona there is no true Pasture for animals to feed on year ’round, so they must supplement with hay or silage or fodder. The pigs that I know about are also fed barley and/ or sprouted grains. For poultry, some buy organic feed from feed stores, others non-GMO; are those considered acceptable to be on a list for local suppliers? We don’t have a local chapter and I would love to start one, but want to be clear on who I can include.
Would a chapter in Ruston, Louisiana be possible? I see there are 2 chapters down south but when I searched the closest one to me was Texas.
Is there a possibility of having two chapters in one region? Our chapter leader is not active and there are many farmers in our area looking to become more involved.
Yes, it is possible depending on size and demand.
I would love to be a Chapter Leader however I can fulfil all basic requirement apart from Health Care Practitioner (obviously holistic )information – Will that be a problem? I do know of a holistic Dentist albeit quite a distance from my home. Any tips as to how I can locate a Health Care Practitioner would be appreciated.
Hello Joann, we would love to have you onboard as a chapter leader! You may go to the link here to read the requirements and sign on. You do not have to list health care practitioners unless you actually know of any in your area. Many of us do search to find providers who are on board with our principles, or who at least will not push vaccines, unnecessary medical treatments, etc. Should you choose to become a chapter leader, please consider also joining our chapter leader email group where we have many informative discussions and provide support for one another.
Many thanks Maureen I have just applied to be a Chapter Leader look forward to receiving information and will donate when I received the same. Yes would wish to join chapter leader email group too.
Thank you again Joann (my legal name is Joan) hope no confusion
Many thanks Maureen I have just applied to be a Chapter Leader look forward to receiving information and will donate when I received the same. Yes would wish to join chapter leader email group too.
Thank you again Joann (my legal name is Joan) hope no confusion
I am on Long Island and see there are no chapters. I know of a farm that provides raw milk and fresh eggs, but this farm is the only one I know about. Would love to support in any way I can.
Good Morning Rosemary ,
I think it is great that you are looking for a chapter in Long Island. Beautiful Place , and a wonderful place to bring in some food staples. Make great friendship with that farm in down the road. It’s always great to have fabulous neighbors and especially when great bonds are formed between.
Wish you much luck in your endeavor , I am sure, and happy to know that you will find a brilliant passage in your search.
I am commenting in similar regard in search to be a chapter leader in Ecuador with and alongside a city in the rural andes. I and a team of passionate and service oriented professionals want to return principles of foundational knowledge to a population that has lost or been pulled away from a traditional form of agriculture. Aren’t we all , however in this rural , transitioning city in Ecuador. There is a desire to stay through traditional forms of human nutrition, however costs , knowledge and support system do not exist to push a full on transition.
What we would like to serve as a chapter moving forward is a simple reference of traditional and coexistent models of animal raising and organic farming in the city , when endemic species of seeds, types of feed , animal housing and husbandry , seed saving and referential gardening and farming.
Simply just to provide an integral base for earthly traditions , and connect back and build together from there.
Fermentation , Artisanal food storage and fruit derivatives , coffee , cacao , something real original and authentic that is not somebody’s , but everyone’s to enjoy and be nourished from.
I was excited to read this comment Rosemary, one from this year. It will be pleasing to know that I will have a potential partner in this 2022 year of a new chapter for this decade.
Good luck and it will be such a pleasure to share and collaborate with you. I am going through the process as well , it’s alway great to work and share together.
I’ll leave my email for you here ,
GadparroquialelTambo ( at ) g m ai l (dot.com)
All the Best and welcome regards
How close can chapters be? For example: there is one about 90 miles or so away from where I live. Could I still open one?
Yes you can
Are there any chapters in BC and AB Canada?
There are several. Check this link – https://secure.westonaprice.org/cvweb_weston/cgi-bin/utilities.dll/openpage?wrp=chapter_dir_inter.htm
We have a local chapter where the community comes together to have pot lucks, share resources, buy food products that are difficult for community members to get outside of our group and sometimes learn from a presentation set up by chapter leaders. This group has been meeting for over 10 years. However in the last 3 years, our group has only met a couple of times. The chapter leaders have been going through some tough life challenges, but the community has been needing to get together. The chapter leaders refuse to hand over the reins to other volunteers who are eager to make meetings possible again. My question is, how does the community urge the chapter leaders to either step aside or allow for a temporary volunteer leader? Is there anything in the handbook that addresses this? Thank you.
About how long does it take from the time we apply to start a new chapter until we find out if we’ve been accepted?
Hi there! I just applied to be the Yuma, AZ chapter leader; however, I don’t see any information on what to expect after the application is submitted. How long does it typically take to hear back? What are the vetting requirements? How will I be contacted to know if I am selected/approved? Is there a Orientation Liaison to help set chapter leaders up for success/answer general questions about beginning a chapter?