January 10, 7-9pm
Santa Monica, CA: Local Chapter Meeting, at Wild Oats on 5th and Wilshire. Topic: TBA .
January 24, 7-9pm
Santa Monica, CA: Local Chapter Meeting, at Wild Oats on 5th and Wilshire. Topic: Beyond biological dentistry by Jamie Azdair, DDS. Dr. Azdair discusses tooth blotting — a technique to ensure immaculate teeth.
January 24, 7pm
Tulsa, OK: “Healthy Eating Support Group” local chapter meeting. Topic: All About Coconuts. At the Schusterman-Benson Library, 3333 E. 32nd Pl.
February 5, 10am to 1pm
Arcata, CA: Lacto-fermentation class at the College of the Redwoods – Arcata Instructional Site. Fee: $40.
February 7, 7pm
Santa Monica, CA: Local Chapter Meeting, at Wild Oats on 5th and Wilshire. Speake Nathan Donahoe presents Adventures with raw milk, natural cooking, and the Amish. Nathan recently arrived in Los Angeles from the East coast, and we’re glad he did! He helped run the Raw Milk Club in Manhattan (remember, they can’t buy raw milk at the store), attended AnneMarie Colbin’s The Natural Gourmet Cookery School, lived for a month on an Amish farm, and in general has had the kinds of fascinating experiences that I believe we’ll all enjoy hearing about, since they so directly relate to topics near and dear to all our hearts!
February 10
Aberdeen, SD: The Oiling of America/The Cholesterol Myths, sponsored by Northern Plains Sustainable Agriculture Society.
February 11
Aberdeen, SD: Seminar on Traditional Diets, sponsored by Northern Plains Sustainable Agriculture Society.
February 12
Aberdeen, SD: Seminar on Traditional Diets, sponsored by Northern Plains Sustainable Agriculture Society.
February 12, 9 am–12 pm
Greenville, TX: A Traditional Diet Seminar: Foundation and Practice. The Foundation: discover the pioneering work of Weston A. Price and his studies of nonindustrialized peoples, including startling photos of the effect of processed foods on human health. Topics include the importance of nutrition for healthy children, benefits of fat-soluble vitamins, facts versus fears about dietary fats, myths and truths about dairy products, and the dangers of modern soy foods. $5 per person. Shady Grove Baptist Church, FM 499, Greenville, TX 75401, (I-30 to Hwy 50, left on FM 499, .4 miles on the left).
February 13
Bismark, ND: The Oiling of America and The Politics and
Economics of Food by Sally Fallon. at Bismark State College.
February 14
Mahnomen, MN: Seminar on Traditional Diets by Sally Fallon,
sponsored by White Earth Tribal and Community College.
February 18
Santa Fe, NM: Earth-based Vocations Certificate Program begins and runs through May followed by practicum at Ecoversity, 2639 Agua Fria Road, Santa Fe, NM 87505.
February 19,1:30pm-3:30pm
Zionsville, Indiana: Quarterly meeting of the Indianapolis Chapter of the Weston A. Price Foundation at the Trader’s Point Creamery. Our topic of discussion will be on Fats and Oils and we will be demonstrating how to make mayonnaise out of Mary’s Oil Blend.
February 19, 2pm
Santa Monica, CA: Local Chapter Meeting, at Wild Oats on 5th and Wilshire. Speaker Victoria Bloch presents an introduction to the Weston A. Price Foundation. So who was Weston A. Price, anyway, and why is there a foundation named after him? This talk, accompanied by a slide show, will cover the fascinating travels and discoveries of this seminal figure in the fields of nutrition and health. Author of the groundbreaking book, Nutrition and Physical Degeneration, Dr. Price traveled the world between 1930 and 1940, visiting and photographing indigenous peoples, studying and analyzing their diets, and establishing core principles for proper nutrition. Understanding Dr. Price’s work is key to understanding how important proper nutrition is to our health and the health of future generations, and while I look forward to seeing familiar faces, I particularly encourage people new to the Weston A. Price Foundation to attend!
February 19, 9 am–1 pm
Greenville, TX: A Traditional Diet Seminar: Foundation and Practice. The Technique: learn where to find natural whole foods and how to prepare them, including tips on meal planning. Demonstrations include the proper preparation of grains and nuts, bone broths, sourdough, lacto-fermented foods and more. Lunch included. $10 per person. Shady Grove Baptist Church, FM 499, Greenville, TX 75401, (I-30 to Hwy 50, left on FM 499, .4 miles on the left).
February 20, 10 am-4:30 pm
Chicago, IL:Chicago Urban-Rural Food Systems Conference hosted by Michael Fields Agricultural Institute and Kendall College (900 N. North Branch St., Chicago, IL). The Chicago Urban-Rural Food Systems Conference provides a unique forum connecting consumers and farmers, sharing ideas and information. Attendees will have an opportunity to connect with local food producers, enjoy a great lunch, hear outstanding speakers and panelists, view exhibits including non-profit, farmer and CSA table top displays and a unique bookstore of sustainable agriculture and food selections. Celebrity Chefs and Rock Star Farmers. This conference is for anyone, both urban and rural dwellers, interested in learning more about where and how local food is grown and by whom.
February 26th – March 11
Santa Fe, NM: Permaculture Design Certification Course at Ecoversity, 2639 Agua Fria Road, Santa Fe, NM 87505.
March 3
Lititz, PA: Seminar on Traditional Diets, sponsored by the Homeopathic Medical Society of the State of Pennsylvania.
March 5
Brooklyn, NY: Eat Fat Lose Fat: Putting the Powers of Coconut Oil to Work for You in a Successful Weight Loss Program by Sally Fallon at the 2nd annual Biodiversity conference at the NY Mariott at the Brooklyn Bridge.
March 7, 7-9pm
Santa Monica, CA: Local Chapter Meeting, at Wild Oats on 5th and Wilshire. Speaker: Brian Brown presents A Goat Revolution, and Chicken Uprising.Brian, an urbanite and prospective grass-farmer, discusses his classes on in-the-field cattle grazing and goat browsing, and his tour of a pastured poultry farm. We’ll focus on custom grown pastured chicken, goose, duck, chevon, lamb, pork, eggs and dairy.This is a slide show, and will have some wonderful photos.For anyone interested in learning more about how the way in which the food we eat is raised — and in particular, the value of pasture-fed meats, poultry and eggs — this will be a fascinating talk! Brian is knowledgeable, passionate, and eager to create a local source of quality food.
March 10, 6-7:20pm
Alexandria, VA: Free lecture by Bill Sanda, Executive Director of the Weston A. Price Foundation, The Whole Soy Story: The darker side of America’s favorite health food, it’s misuse, and the corporate-industries behind it. Part of Back to Chi’s Ongoing Free Community Lecture Series at 2305 Mt. Vernon Ave., Alexandria, VA.
March 14
Santa Fe, NM: Spring community classes begin at Ecoversity, 2639 Agua Fria Road, Santa Fe, NM 87505.
March 14, 5:00 – 6:30pm
Philadelphia, PA: Katie Singer, CFE presents Fertility Awareness: Charting a Woman’s Waking Temp and Cervical Fluid to Gauge Gynecological Health and for Natural Birth Control or Pregnancy Achievement. This talk will explain how to determine a woman’s fertile and infertile phases by charting and how to identify common GYN problems before serious problems arise. Huntsman Hall G60, 3730 Walnut Street University of Pennsylvania.
March 15
Nevada City, CA: Nourishing Traditions Cooking Classes with Shan Kendall. We will cover lacto-fermentation, bone broths (also gravy & reduction sauce), preparing seed foods, egg dishes and desserts as well as menu planning for sanity and saving time.
March 19, 9:30 AM – 12:30 PM
Pocantico Hills, NY: Especially for farmers: a mini-conference with Joel Salatin. Hear the how-to and why of pasture-raised livestock from the author of such books as Salad Bar Beef and Family Friendly Farming. Farmer and author Joel Salatin, of Polyface Farm, will conduct an intensive morning session in our hay barn about making the most of limited acreage. Joel will discuss the production and marketing benefits of raising a variety of animals on a small plot of land, how to deal with an urban customer base and much more. Each participant will receive a copy of Joel’s new book, Holy Cows and Hog Heaven at the event. $15.
March 19, 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM
Pocantico Hills, NY: Holy Cows & Hog Heaven: Joel Salatin at Stone Barns. Grass-fed is best! Farmer and author Joel Salatin of Polyface Farm will be joined by Stone Barns livestock manager Craig Haney and Stone Barns creative director Dan Barber for a conversation in our hay barn. Joel will answer all your questions about the hows and whys of pasture-raised livestock as well as talk about his new book, Holy Cows & Hog Heaven. Books will be available for purchase and signing at the event. Tasting to follow. $10.
March 19, 10:00 – 5:00
Slippery Rock, PA: Raw Milk, Pasture-fed Livestock, Local Produce…Reconnecting Farmers and Consumers. Mark McAfee from Organic Pastures in CA will talk about “Repairing the Links of a Broken Food Chain.” Bill Sanda, Executive Director of the WAPF will discuss “Whatever Happened to Our Food Supply?”
March 19, 2pm
Santa Monica, CA: Local Chapter Meeting, at Wild Oats on 5th and Wilshire. Speaker Victoria Izrailova presents The Power of Homeopathy and Energy Medicine. Victoria has been a practicing homeopath for 15 years, and is also a Reiki Master. In her talk, she will discuss the history of these alternative practices, how they work, and what drew her to them as a practitioner.
March 22
Nevada City, CA: Nourishing Traditions Cooking Classes with Shan Kendall. We will cover lacto-fermentation, bone broths (also gravy & reduction sauce), preparing seed foods, egg dishes and desserts as well as menu planning for sanity and saving time.
March 26, 10:30am – 4:30pm
Washington, DC: Women’s Health Workshop. The first in a series of workshops designed to help women have vital information and personal new practices and tools, to maintain and sustain physical, mental and emotional health and well-being. This workshop brings together traditional eastern and western health practitioners to offer you the best of both worlds! Featuring Dr. Y.L. Ni, a Traditional Chinese physician, acupuncturist and herbalist; Master Li, a traditional Chinese healing practitioner; and Eleanor Kibrick, Program Director for NIGH. Workshop Fee: Early Bird Payment: $55 (payment received by March 20), $80 at the door.
March 26, 4:30 – 6:00 PM
Raleigh, NC: Local chapter meeting. Ken Fager will be our chef for the evening. He will be giving instruction on preparing two food items, one being a meat dish and the other to be revealed during the presentation. This will also be a time for you to network with others in the community and to share thoughts on your own food preparation experience. If you have a special recipe to share with others please bring handouts and you may even want to bring the dish!
March 28, 7:00 pm
Tulsa, OK: “Healthy Eating Support Group” local chapter meeting. Topic: Eggs:The Perfect Food?! Schusterman-Benson Library, 3333 E. 32nd Pl.
March 29 &30
Lindsborg, KS: Direct Marketing, Agritourism, and Community Food Systems Conference. This two-day workshop will showcase farmers who have been successful with innovative direct sales formats (our own Oklahoma Food Cooperative!), agritourism and place-based agriculture, creating farmer-consumer connections, and building community food systems. The workshop will be held in the fascinating Old Mill Museum and Swedish Pavilion in Lindsborg, a town noted for its Swedish American heritage. Fabulous food will be featured at lunch and dinner, and visits to farms will show exactly where the food came from!
April 2
Toronto, Canada: Eat Fat Lose Fat: Putting the Powers of Coconut Oil to Work for You in a Successful Weight Loss Program by Sally Fallon at the Consumer Health of Canada annual conference.
April 5, 12, &19
Nevada City, CA: Nourishing Traditions Cooking Classes with Shan Kendall. We will cover lacto-fermentation, bone broths (also gravy & reduction sauce), preparing seed foods, egg dishes and desserts as well as menu planning for sanity and saving time.
April 9, 9:30am – 4pm
Greenville, TX: Traditional Diets Seminar: Foundation and Technique. Topics include the importance of nutrition for healthy children, benefits of fat-soluble vitamins, facts versus fears about dietary fats, myths and truths about dairy products, and the dangers of highly processed modern foods. Learn where to find natural whole foods and how to prepare them, including tips on meal planning. emonstrations include the proper preparation of grains and nuts, bone broths, sourdough, lacto-fermented foods and more. Centerpoint Bible Institute, 2365 Highway 69 South, Greenville, TX, (1.3 miles south of the intersection of Hwy 69 & FM 1570) Lunch included. $15 per person in advance; $20 at the door.
April 16, 6:30pm
San Francisco,CA: Moroccan Feast at Aziza Restaurant. This evening will be a real treat – a night off from cooking while still eating according to the Nourishing Traditions principles! We will enjoy a variety of incredibly delicious Moroccan dishes “family style” – made from sustainable, organic and local ingredients … all while being entertained by belly dancers!
April 16th, 11am
Woodland, WA: Benefits of Raw Milk. Mark McAfee will
be giving us a 2-hour presentation via video that he had presented to the USDA last month. We will have Ron Schmid’s The Untold Story of Milk available at class (and anytime if you would like it before/after then). Let us know if you would like to attend as space is limited! If necessary, we will add classes or
consider renting facilities in Woodland. So be sure to call!!! FREE admission.
April 21
Madison, WI: The Oiling of America/The Cholesterol Myths by Sally Fallon sponsored by the Madison Area Chapter of the Weston A. Price Foundation.
April 21, 5pm
South Bend, IN: Local chapter meeting. Speaker Barbara Keune, President of the Michiana Unit of The Herb Society of America will discuss herbs from both the cooking aspect and the health aspect. Barbara farms a 5-acre spread and works in the Fernwood herbal gardens. Her kitchen hasn’t had white flour or sugar in it for 30 years. She is working on her Master Gardener certification. Her normal fee is $75, but she is waiving it for our group. Please consider a love offering for Barbara when you attend the meeting. Meeting held in the Dickinson Room of the main public library in South Bend, IN.
April 21, 8:30pm-10pm
Washington, DC: Dr. David Helvarg presents Blue Frontier – Saving America’s Living Seas. Dr. Helvarg will identify many of the problems now facing our oceans including over fishing for the global seafood market, pollution of near shore waters from agricultural and urban runoff, coastal sprawl, and fossil-fuel
driven climate change. He will then discuss how we can begin to turn the tide and find solutions through the creation of a bottom-up citizen seaweed (marine grassroots) movement to protect, enjoy, explore and restore our public seas. At American University – SIS lounge. Free food will be donated by Coppi’s Organic Restaurant and Honest Tea.
April 22
Wauconda (Chicago), IL: The Oiling of America/The Cholesterol Myths, hosted by Serenity Health Resources.
April 23
Wauconda (Chicago), IL: Seminar on Traditional Diets, hosted by Serenity Health Resources.
April 23, 2pm
Santa Monica, CA: Local Chapter Meeting, at Wild Oats on 5th and Wilshire. Each Saturday we have a meeting, we will be showing a video of one of the speakers from the Weston A. Price Foundation conference, held in October 2004. Video: Industrialization and Physical Degeneration by Jerry Brunetti, BS. This was an absolutely fascinating lecture, and one that will give you real insights into the importance of the health of the soil! Mr. Brunetti described the unfortunate effects of the industrial model when it is applied to crops and animals, from depletion of the soil to widespread disease in animals and humans.
April 28, 7pm
Allentown,PA: Bringing It All Together: Making The Nourishing Traditions Method of Food Preparation Work for You. Maureen Diaz will cover practical ways of fitting these all-important preparation techniques into the busiest of schedules for the benefit of the individual and the family’s health. She will also discuss some of the benefits to be expected by careful choice and preparation of our foods. Available at the meeting: pastured, organic produce from local producers, books, and videos. Admission:Free (donations accepted). On-site parking. Lehigh County Senior Center; 1633 Elm Street, Allentown, PA. Sponsored by Weston A. Price Foundation–Lehigh Valley.
April 30, 10:00A to 1:00P
Point Reyes Station,CA: Marin Sun Farms Tour. Be prepared to walk about 2 miles on grassland (hiking boots or walking shoes, hats and water would be wise). Please bring your children only if they are in a position to walk for that distance at a touring pace. The tour includes a lunch made with all local and mostly organic incredients including Marin Sun Farms beef on their sandwiches! Adults $30 for WAPF Members / $35 for Non-Members. Children $20 for children of WAPF Members / $25 for Non-Members.
May 7th, 1:30-3:30pm
Indianapolis, IN: Indianapolis Chapter Meeting. Focus: “How to Feed Your Family the Weston Price Way on a Budget.” The afternoon will include a cooking demonstration, nutritional information, networking, the lending library, and an opportunity to purchase hard to find foods and related books and videos.
Place: Trader’s Point Creamery, Zionsville, IN. $10 per person.
May 9, Monday, 7pm-9pm (approximately)
Santa Monica, CA: Local Chapter Meeting, in the upstairs community room at Wild Oats on 5th and Wilshire (FREE!). Speaker: James Hopson, L.Ac. Topic: “Opening Up the Pathways of Detoxification.” In order for good health to be maintained in today’s world, it requires that we address not only what comes into the body (food) but what goes out of the body (elimination). If our pathways of elimination are not open and flowing, our body’s healing process can be greatly slowed, or even blocked. This is true even if we are eating the best quality food, properly prepared. This presentation will cover what these pathways of elimination are, what happens when they are backed up, and practical steps for bringing ourselves back into balance. James Hopson is a licensed acupuncturist and certified metabolic typing advisor practicing the healing arts in Venice, CA.
May 14th, 11am
Brush Prairie, WA: Cheesemaking 101.Mary Rosenblum tells us
how to make the “Utterly Easy Kitchen Cheese”, ricotta, and several others. will be our instructor (she’s fabulous) and there will be lunch served. There will be supplies available for sale there. Cost is $15.00/person. You can become a member of the Dairy Goat Association at class and get free future admission as well.
May 21, Saturday, 2pm-4pm (approximately)
Santa Monica, CA: Local Chapter Meeting, in the upstairs community room at Wild Oats on 5th and Wilshire (FREE!). Speaker: Victoria Bloch. Topic: “Introduction to the work of Weston A. Price, DDS” (slide show). Accompanying event: Potluck! This is an event to remind us of the basics, and to introduce our family members, friends, and anyone interested in health and nutrition to the seminal research of Dr. Price — and why it’s relevant today, more than ever! Accompanied by numerous slides, many from Dr. Price’s travels in the 1930s, this is a lively and highly informative talk. And the potluck is the perfect partner. Please note: There is absolutely NO obligation to bring anything at all other than yourself. That said, if you would like to bring a dish or beverage to share, please be sure that it falls within the general guidelines of the Nourishing Traditions diet (no processed foods, no refined sweeteners, no pasteurized dairy products, etc.)!
May 23rd, 7:00pm
Tulsa, OK: Local chapter meeting at the Schusterman-Benson library. Topic: tomatoes and the farmers market. We will present information on the importance of buying local and the difference between a store-bought tomato and a farmers market tomato. We will have local farmers talk with us about their sustainable methods of farming. And we will have demonstrations and, of course, tastings!
May 28
Spokane, WA: Creating Ca$h with a Ca$h Cow: How to Start a Natural Raw Milk Dairy and Farm Store.
At the farm of George and Judy Calvert Spokane, Washington.
June 4
Cornwall Bridge, CT: Keeping A Family Cow Workshop. Learn about milking, feeding, housing, breeding, caring for you cow and making butter, soft cheese and ice cream.
June 6, 7pm
Santa Monica, CA: Local Chapter Meeting, upstairs community room at Wild Oats, 5th & Wilshire. Speaker Victoria Bloch presents a talk on digestion. This informative talk will cover the basics of digestion, starting well in advance of the meal you’re will enjoy. Handouts will accompany the talk, and of course Q&A is an important part of the evening!
June 18, 2pm
Santa Monica, CA: Local Chapter Meeting, upstairs community room at Wild Oats, 5th & Wilshire. Topic: Seeds of Deception: Health Dangers of Genetically Engineered Foods (videotape) Speaker: Jeffrey Smith, MBA. It’s movie day for our chapter, continuing the ongoing series of videotapes from the national Weston A. Price Foundation conference in October 2004. This fascinating talk, by the author of Seeds of Deception, covers the development of genetically modified (GM) foods and their dangers.
June 19, 12 to 2pm
San Francisco, CA: San Francisco Chapter Discussion Group, hosted by Bonnie Scott. A chance to share recipes and experiences, ask questions, “talk amongst youselves”!
June 22, 6pm-10pm
Charlottesville, VA: FARM FOOD VOICES, Food Tasting and Seminar. Emerging Agricultural Ideas: Session I, The Trend Towards Raw Dairy and Opportunity Development for Farmers and Consumers. This will be an evening of fun and education, with heavy hors d’oeuvres supplied by Virginia Producers. There will be presentations by Mark McAfee who runs Organic Pastures an innovative dairy operation that provides raw dairy products in California and (tentatively) Dr. Ron Schmid, an MIT grad, Naturopathic physician, author of The Untold Story of Milk, and Jersey cow owner and operator.
June 23-July 4, 2005
Washington, DC: Sustainable Agriculture Featured.
This summer, Washington, DC is putting FOOD Culture center stage during the Smithsonian Folklife Festival. While FOOD CULTURE USA! is celebrated during the day on the National Mall from June 23-27 and June 30-July 4, the city’s chefs and restaurateurs are opening their doors in the evening with special dinners featuring local talent, visiting chefs and fresh growers.
FOOD CULTURE USA celebrates the extraordinary story of the American food revolution of the last 40 years. The program focuses on three of its driving forces: the immigration that has introduced new foods and tastes to American cooking, THE GRASSROOTS MOVEMENT FOR SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE AND ITS CONNECTION WITH TRADITIONAL METHODS OF GROWING, and the role that chefs and cooks as tradition-bearers have played in encouraging appreciation for the great variety of American foodways.
Visitors will learn about the artisan food trend that has revitalized older crafts to produce cheese, bread, olives, and chocolate. They will see how spices and herbs from around the world are cultivated, processed, and preserved. They will hear about the challenges of finding new markets for traditional crops, and much more. Chefs, cooks, growers, and food lovers will share their traditional knowledge and spirit of innovation as they create meaning from sustenance.
June 25, 6:30pm
San Francisco, CA: Nourishing Traditions Potluck. Join the San Francisco Chapter of the Weston A. Price Foundation as we gather in my new loft for the first time to enjoy a meal we’ll all contribute to. As with our last potluck, I encourage everyone to make something from Sally Fallon’s books (either Nourishing Traditions or Eat Fat, Lose Fat) so we can taste her recipes and exchange notes! I will ask you to let me know what you are bringing and for page numbers once we get closer to the event. Our guest speaker will be Mario Repetto who owns Grindstone Bakery in Sonoma. Mario, of Argentinean / Italian descent, makes
bread following traditional methods using ancient and alternative grains such as spelt, kamut, barley, oats, and rye.
June 25
Spokane, WA: Creating Ca$h with a Ca$h Cow: How to Start a Natural Raw Milk Dairy and Farm Store.
At the farm of George and Judy Calvert Spokane, Washington.
July 5, 6 OR 7 (TBA)
San Francisco,CA: San Francisco Chapter Meeting at Sandrine’s loft. The San Francisco Chapter of the Weston A. Price Foundation has existed for about 1 year at this point. Some fellow members and I have talked about having a general meeting. Let us gather to talk about what activities we would like to engage in, the direction members would like to see the chapter heading in, what community projects we want to support or lead, future group orders, possible co-op buying, etc.
July 11, 7pm
Santa Monica, CA: Local Chapter Meeting, at Wild Oats on 5th and Wilshire. VIDEO: Seeds of Deception: Health Dangers of Genetically Engineered Foods. Jeffrey Smith, MBA, gave this important talk at the Weston A. Price Foundation conference in Washington, D.C. last fall. He has published an excellent book of the same name, and it is a comprehensive, meticulously researched work covering the introduction of genetically modified foods into the food supply, both here and around the world —
and the risks to our health and crops because of such foods. Related site: http://www.seedsofdeception.com/
July 16
Campbell, California: You are invited to attend the Primal Diet Workshop given by Aajonus Vonderplantiz on July 16th at the Pruneyard Inn in Campbell, California. There is a free talk given in the first 45 minutes of the workshop that begins at noon the 16th. Attendance is limited and costs $70 per person for a 5 to 8 hour workshop. Attendees may receive a mini appraisal to determine foodneeds appropriate for each individual for an additional $30. This is done in the presence of everyone so that all present may gain from the info. For reservations call (888) 988-3325 at the offices of Cocoon Nutrition. Aajonus’s books We Want to Live and The Recipe for Living Without Disease will be available for sale at the workshop if the revised version is in print. Workshop Location: The Pruneyard Inn, 1995 S. Bascom Avenue, Campbell, California 95008.
July 16
Longview, TX: Traditional Diet Seminar, Missionary Tech Team, 25 FRJ Drive, Longview, TX .
July 18, 7pm
Santa Monica, CA: Traditional Foods Cooking Class at Wild Oats on 5th and Wilshire. Topic: Fermented foods and beverages; Instructors: Lois Williamson, Victoria Bloch. Lois trained at the Culinary Institute of America in Hyde Park, NY, and is currently a private chef who is developing her own line of foods. Victoria is the local chapter leader of the Weston A. Price Foundation, and partner in Real Cooking, a nutritional coaching business.Starting with a brief (10-15 minute) presentation on the history of fermented foods, and the ways in which they add important enzymes to our diet, Lois and Victoria will show you how simple it is to prepare a variety of delicious, nourishing raw fermented vegetable dishes: sauerkraut, kimchi, corn relish, and ginger carrots, as well as nourishing fermented beverages such as beet kvass and ginger ale. Samples of the finished products will be available for you to taste, and you’ll take home printed copies of recipes, as well!
July 20, 5:30pm PDT
Bay Area, CA: Listen to Dr. Tom Cowan and Sally Fallon live. They’ll be interviewed on KWMR, West Marin Community Radio. For Bay Area residents, the call letters are 90.5 FM, and they’ll be on the air from 5:30 to 6:30pm pacific time (that’s 8:30-9:30pm East coast time). If you’re not in the SF area, you can listen live online at www.kwmr.org.
July 23
Swoope, VA: Field Day at Polyface Farm. Join us at the Weston A. Price Foundation booth.
July 24, 10:00am-1:00pm
San Francisco, CA: The San Francisco Chapter of the Weston A. Price Foundation will be offering cooking and nutritional classes starting July, 2005. Both private and group classes will be taught. The first class on Saturday, July 9 will focus on Moroccan cuisine. The menu will consist of a traditional Moroccan soup, Cornish Hens in Almond-Orange Sauce and/or Chicken with Almonds and Prunes and/or Kefta as well as a vegetable dish — most probably Cooked Carrot Salad or possibly Green Pepper Salad (three or four dishes in all). We will discuss the spices commonly used in Moroccan Cuisine and their medicinal properties (when appropriate) — such as cumin, turmeric, saffron, paprika, cinnamon and nutmeg. Weston A. Price Foundation Members per class — 75.00; Non-Members per class — 85.00.
July 25, 7pm
Santa Monica, CA: Traditional Foods Cooking Class at Wild Oats on 5th and Wilshire. Topic: Sauces; Instructors: Victoria Bloch, Hollie Greenwood. Both Hollie and Victoria have been cooking as long as they can remember, and are partners in Real Cooking, a nutritional coaching business. Victoria is also the local chapter leader of the Weston A. Price Foundation. Sauces add depth of flavor and lots of variety to your meals! Learn how to make a variety of tasty sauces to enhance your next meal: mayonnaise, sun-dried tomato/red pepper sauce, pesto, and others. Simple, easy, and fun, and of course samples will be available for you to taste — and printed copies of recipes, as well!
July 28, 7pm
Allentown, PA: Don’t Eat This Way Because It’s Healthy, Eat This Way Because It’s Good! Our panelists will give their take on food, quality of life, health, and taste: Chef Andrew Little will share his reasons for searching out organic farms and local producers for the ingredients in his kitchen. Businessman Ralph Simon will talk about why he goes out of his way to insure that his family eats well. RN Rachel Hendricks will explain her views on feeding children and eating during pregnancy. Farmer Trent Hendricks will give a brief view of operations at Hendricks Farms and Dairy as well as insight into his family’s approach to eating the Weston A. Price way. Free Admission. Books, videos and farm products will be available for sale. Held at Lehigh County Senior Center, 1633 Elm Street, Allentown.
July 28
San Francisco, CA: Eat Fat Lose Fat: Putting the Powers of Coconut Oil to Work for You in a Successful Weight Loss Program by Sally Fallon, sponsored by the Learning Annex.
July 29-31
Oakland, CA: The Fourfold Path to Healing Conference featuring Tom Cowan, MD, Jaimen McMillan and Sally Fallon at the Oakland Asian Cultural Center. Join the authors as they bring to life these groundbreaking principles for a weekend of classes, discussion and lectures on Nutrition, Therapeutics and Movement. www.fourfoldhealing.com
July 30
Spokane, WA: Creating Ca$h with a Ca$h Cow: How to Start a Natural Raw Milk Dairy and Farm Store.
At the farm of George and Judy Calvert Spokane, Washington.
July 30, 2pm
Santa Monica, CA: Local Chapter Meeting, at Wild Oats on 5th and Wilshire. VIDEO: Coconut Oil for Weight Loss. Mary Enig, Ph.D. is the ultimate authority on fats and oils, and a founding board member of the Weston A. Price Foundation. Whether or not you have a copy of Eat Fat, Lose Fat, which Mary co-authored with Sally Fallon, this talk will fill you in on how and why coconut oil is not only incredibly healthy, but why it’s a key component of any weight loss program! She is also a licensed nutritionist, a fellow of the American College of Nutrition, president of the Maryland Nutritionists’ Association, and the author of Know Your Fats. Related site: http://www.bethesdapress.com/
Aug 5-8
Ocean Shores, WA: Traditional Foods, Diets and Lifestyles: Food, Soil and Environmental Chemical Exposure Conenctions to Health featuring featuring Seminar on Traditional Diets by Sally Fallon and Know Your Fats by Mary Enig. www.traditionalfoodsdietslifestyles.com.
Aug 6
Fairfield, Vermont: Grazing School. Sarah Flack will lead an all-day, on-farm introductory grazing workshop on basic grazing management for beef, dairy cows, sheep & poultry.
August 10, 10:00am to 1:00pm
San Francisco,CA: Nourishing Traditions Foundational Cooking Class at Sandrine’s Loft. This class will cover basic, “staple” items that are rich in nutrients and enzymes – such as kefir, kombucha, beet kvass, sauerkraut and other lacto-fermented vegetables, creme faiche, butter, chicken, beef and fish broths, soaked and dried nuts, etc. If you need kombucha pancakes, kefir grains and/or creme fraiche you can obtain them at the class as I will be cultivating them especially as “starter” kits! There will be an extra fee for these kits – which is yet to be determined. I may also place a group order for bones and chickens (for broth) from Marin Sun Farms to sell at a discount. Fee: Weston A. Price Foundation Members — 75.00; Non-Members — 85.00.
August 12 7:00pm-9:00pm
Indianapolis, IN: Chapter Meeting at the Trader’s Point Creamery, 9101 Moore Road, Zionsville, in the Red Barn. This quarter we will host a panel discission of organic farming with local producers. The topic will be: ” Why We Farm the Way We Do.” $10/pp for advanced registration. $15/pp at the door.
Aug 12 and August 13
Nichols, NY (just west of Binghamton):Northeast Organic Dairy Producers Alliance (NODPA) Fifth Annual Summer Field Days Event hosted by Engelbert Farm and Sunnyside Farm. The Field Days will include field trips, workshops, a producer meeting to discuss organic dairy industry issues, a trade show and plenty of time to enjoy conversation and excellent, local organic food.
August 13, 6:30pm
San Francisco, CA: Nourishing Traditions August Potluck at Sandrine’s Loft. Join the San Francisco Chapter of the Weston A. Price Foundation as we gather to enjoy a feast we’ll all contribute to. I encourage everyone to make something from either Sally Fallon’s books (either Nourishing Traditions or Eat Fat, Lose Fat), or Sandor Katz’s Wild Fermentation, or any other source — including your imagination. Please bring food made with ancestral wisdom and from organic, and if possible local ingredients. Our guest speaker will be Suzan Hahn, D.D.S. (no relation) who practices holistic dentistry in San Francisco with Dr. Leo Arellano. Suzan will explore and answer questions related to current trends in the field of whole body medicine with our community.
August 15, 7pm
Santa Monica, CA: Cooking Class at Wild Oats on 5th and Wilshire. Dressing up…creating fresh, delicious salad dressings. In recent years, salad dressing has become something you pour out of a bottle, not something you make at home. The trouble with this is that there are virtually no salad dressings made with great ingredients. Take a look: soybean oil and canola oil (both with significant health issues) are prominent on virtually every label. Don’t give up your salads, there’s hope! It takes about as long to whip up a delicious salad dressing as it does to tear up the lettuce that you toss it with. And when you learn how simple it is to make, you’ll never look at commercial salad dressings again. In this class, we’ll start with a brief discussion on the pros and cons of various oils, as well as the benefits of homemade dressings. And we’ll make a basic vinaigrette (and show you how to vary it almost infinitely), a savory asian dressing, a delicious caesar dressing, a creamy lemon tarragon dressing, a yummy Greek salad vinaigrette, and a tangy lemon pepper dressing. Everything will be made with organic ingredients, and there will be plenty of crisp vegetables (and yes, some lettuce) to taste the results. All recipes will be provided in printed form, of course.
August 20
Mesquite, TX: Traditional Diet Seminar presented by Connie Hale (of Windy Meadows Family Farm) and Nancy Wesson at the Meadow Oaks Academy. In the morning we present the research of Dr. Price as well as Sally Fallon’s “Why Butter is Better and Other Surprising Facts about Nourishing Traditional Diets.” We serve a lunch of bone broth soup, lacto-fermented condiments, raw milk cheese and more. In the afternoon Connie Hale demonstrates preparation of several foods, as well as gives in-depth nutrition information. We wrap up with discussing where to find local products, as well as meal planning ideas and general health tips. Please join us!
August 24, 7:00pm
San Francisco,CA: San Francisco Chapter Meeting at Sandrine’s loft.
Aug 27
Spokane, WA: Creating Ca$h with a Ca$h Cow: How to Start a Natural Raw Milk Dairy and Farm Store.
At the farm of George and Judy Calvert Spokane, Washington.
August 27, 2pm
Santa Monica, CA: Shopping tour of Wild Oats on 5th and Wilshire! Guides: Victoria Bloch, Hollie Greenwood. We meet at this wonderful store twice a month, now let’s go shopping! We have received a number of requests from chapter members who would like to know more about what to look for when choosing foods to eat. We’ll show you how to navigate the aisles to find the foods you want–they’re there in abundance, and Wild Oats carries some great product lines. (We should know, we just spent an entire evening looking at every label in the store for our upcoming shopping guide!) So come with comfortable shoes and get ready to learn your way around this great resource called Wild Oats!
August 29, 7pm
Santa Monica, CA: Cooking Class at Wild Oats on 5th and Wilshire. Three for the dough…working with sourdough grains. There’s so much confusion about grains these days, in particular foods made with flour. Is bread an empty carbohydrate, a nutritional powerhouse, or somewhere in between? Can pie crust ever be considered part of healthy diet? What about pancakes? Grains have a lot to offer, and it’s entirely possible — and even easy — to work with grains so that they nourish the body, providing a good source of important B vitamins, while remaining digestible. In this class, we’ll talk a bit about grains and their preparation, and then we’ll demonstrate the three items mentioned above (all prepared with organic grains and other ingredients): sourdough bread; yogurt dough, a delicious dough for making tarts and quiches; and delicious sourdough pancake batter. While we won’t be able to bake on the premises, it’s incredibly useful to know what to look for, how good dough smells and feels, and how to prepare your own — after that, the baking part is easy! Samples of finished products will be available for tasting, and of course, recipes will be available in printed form.
September 10, 10:00am to 1:00pm
San Francisco, CA: Nourishing Traditions Foundational Cooking Class at Sandrine’s Loft. This class will cover basic, “staple” items that are rich in nutrients and enzymes – such as kefir, kombucha, beet kvass, sauerkraut and other lacto-fermented vegetables, creme faiche, butter, chicken, beef and fish broths, soaked and dried nuts, etc. If you need kombucha pancakes, kefir grains and/or creme fraiche you can obtain them at the class as I will be cultivating them especially as “starter” kits! There will be an extra fee for these kits – which is yet to be determined. I may also place a group order for bones and chickens (for broth) from Marin Sun Farms to sell at a discount. Fee: Weston A. Price Foundation Members–$75; Non-Members–$85.
September 10
Denton, TX: Traditional Diet Seminar presented by Connie Hale (of Windy Meadows Family Farm) and Nancy Wesson at the Asbury Methodist Church. In the morning we present the research of Dr. Price as well as Sally Fallon’s “Why Butter is Better and Other Surprising Facts about Nourishing Traditional Diets.” We serve a lunch of bone broth soup, lacto-fermented condiments, raw milk cheese and more. In the afternoon Connie Hale demonstrates preparation of several foods, as well as gives in-depth nutrition information. We wrap up with discussing where to find local products, as well as meal planning ideas and general health tips. Please join us!
September 11, 11AM-6PM
High Falls, NY: Family Farm Festival at Epworth Camp, High Falls, NY, celebrating New York family farms, grassfed meats, and sustainable agriculture. Come & meet farmers & producers of grassfed meats, dairy, organic & biodynamic fruits & veggies & much more. There will be speakers, a Real Milk Roundtable, heritage breed farm animals, bluegrass music, lacto-fermented & artisanal foods to sample, kids activities & the popular Celebrity Chef Competition where regional chefs prepare “tastes” of locally raised grassfed meats. Farmers, vendors & volunteers are always needed! $5 ages 12 & up.
September 12, 7pm to 9pm
Santa Monica, CA: Local chapter meeting at Wild Oats on 5th and Wilshire, potluck, video and general discussion.
Sep 16
Ft. Calhoun, NE: The Oiling of America by Sally Fallon.
Sep 17
Ft. Calhoun, NE: Seminar on Traditional Diets by Sally Fallon.
Sep 19, 7pm
Santa Monica, CA: Cooking Class at Wild Oats on 5th and Wilshire. Soups that are best served chilled presented by Victoria Bloch and Hollie Greenwood of Real Cooking. We usually think of steaming hot, comforting bowls of soup in the wintertime (and they’re wonderful, too), but many soups are designed to be enjoyed cold. These include the famous chilled soup from Spain, gazpacho. Did you know that in addition to the classic tomato-based version, there is a delicious white gazpacho with no tomato at all? The French enjoy smooth, creamy vichyssoise. And smooth, tart fruit soup is an amazing and delicious summer dessert.
While the summer harvest is at its most abundant, and the warm weather lingers, we’ll show you how to make them all. Of course you’ll sample the delicious results at the end of the class.
Sep 20, 6pm
Toronto, Canada: Toronto Chapter Potluck at 3 Follis Ave. (off Bathurst, North of Bloor). POTLUCK and Jamboree! We are holding a potluck and you are cordially invited. This will be a wonderful opportunity to get to know other nutrionally-minded-folks in Toronto and the GTA (anyone wishing to drive in from the countryside with some fresh farm produce dishes, you’re more than welcome!). Please let your family and friends know about this event, and bring along anyone who you feel would benefit from a night of healthy eating and camaraderie.
September 24, 9:30am-6:00pm
Davisburg, MI: Growing Connections 2005. Farmers Market, Exhibitor Booths, Petting Zoo, Live Music, Taste & Learn About Organic Foods & Where to Get Them, Children’s Activities. Unravel the web of confusion and controversy and learn how to create health for yourself, your family and generations to come, by taking small steps that will make a big difference. Participate in lectures and workshops featuring expert speakers from all over the country. Discover new research and common myths on current health conditions.
Sep 24
Keene, NH: Full Day Seminar with Thomas Cowan and others entitled Achieving Health Independence.
Sep 24, 10:00am-1:00pm
San Francisco, CA: By popular demand, the Moroccan cuisine class will be held again. The menu will consist of Cornish Hens in Almond-Orange Sauce, Moroccan Cooked Carrot Salad and Lentil-Onion Salad in Lemon Sauce using all organically produced ingredients, with a focus on local farms.
We will discuss the spices commonly used in Moroccan Cuisine and their medicinal properties (when appropriate) — such as cumin, turmeric, saffron, paprika, cinnamon and nutmeg.
Weston A. Price Foundation Members per class–$75; Non-Members per class–$85.
Sep 24, 4:00pm
San Francisco, CA: SandrineFest at Golden Gate Park at the intersection of Chain of Lakes Drive West (closed road) and John F. Kennedy Drive (south end of North Lake between the golf course and the bison paddock). This is a free gathering, however, a donation jar will be set up to collect a massage fund if you feel like throwing a couple of bucks in to further Sandrine-chill-out-time.
September 24, 2pm to 3:30pm
Santa Monica, CA: Organic farming (produce and cattle) with speaker Greg Nauta of Rocky Canyon Produce, Atascadero CA. One of the most important aspects of the Foundation is the support and encouragement of local, sustainable farming, and it’s always fortunate when one of our local farmers is able to take the time to come speak to our chapter! He’s an enthusiastic and skilled organic farmer, and will talk about his experience running a small family farm in California, including both the successes and the challenges facing all small farmers in this day and age.
Sep 24
Spokane, WA: Creating Ca$h with a Ca$h Cow: How to Start a Natural Raw Milk Dairy and Farm Store.
At the farm of George and Judy Calvert Spokane, Washington.
Sep 27
San Francisco, CA: San Francisco chapter book club. We are starting a corresponding book club that will meet once a month. The day and time was determined by the first 10 book club members to RSVP – Tuesdays from 7:00 – 9:00P. Our first book – The Yoga of Eating.
Sep 29, 7pm
Nevada City, CA: Gold Country Chapter of Weston A. Price Foundation presents Who is Weston Price? Health, Strength & Beauty Through Nourishing Traditional Diets, Lecture/Slideshow by Shan Kendall at the Madelyn Helling Library. Refreshments will be served. Admission by Donation.
Madison, NY: TRADITIONAL AMERICAN FARMHOUSE CHEESES-BONNYCLABBER at Heamour Farm. Rona Sullivan from Sullivan’s Pond Farm in Deltaville VA explains her technique of making cheese without culture or rennet.
October 5
Milwaukee, WI: Our local chapter will be presenting two introductory sessions focused on the principles of the WAPF–one at 10:30 am and one at 6:30 pm. We will also be providing some tips on food preparation and spending some time sharing our personal stories. These meetings will take place at the United Senior Center at 47th and Forest Home Ave.
October 7
Bellows Falls, VT : Evening Lecture with Sally Fallon The Oiling of America at Bellows Falls Union High School.
October 8
Keene, NH: All Day Seminar with Sally Fallon Seminar on Traditional Diets will take place at Stonewall Farm
October 10, 7pm to 9pm
Santa Monica, CA: Biowaves: A new diagnostic and healing tool Speaker: James Hopson, L.Ac. With discoveries in quantum physics we now know that everything in the universe (including you and me) are made from energy. On the quantum level everything is vibrating at a specific frequency. This is also
true of our human body. Each organ, gland, hormone, and body part vibrate with a specific frequency. It is also true that each vitamin, mineral, food, drug and chemical have a specific frequency. Wouldn’t it be great it there were a way in which we could measure this in you? We can! Find out more about this new form of sound technology called the BioWave, and how it can be used to assess health issues and assist in bringing the body back to balance. For more information visit http://www.biowaves.com.
October 15, 6:30p
San Francisco, CA: San Francisco Chapter Potluck. Marnie Reasor and Edi Pfeiffer will be discussing homeopathy as a health care choice; what it does, how it works and the ways in which it is an appropriate modality for a wide range of physical, mental, and emotional issues.
October 17, 7pm to 9pm
Santa Monica, CA:Wild Oats cooking class. Life without wheat: cooking for people with celiac disease Speaker: Victoria Bloch, Real Cooking (and local chapter leader of the Weston A. Price Foundation)
Celiac disease — the inability to handle gluten — affects numerous people, particularly those of European origin. This condition is much more widely understood in Europe (where restaurant menus feature dishes specifically for guests with celiac issues), and is gradually becoming more known in this country. Someone with celiac disease must eliminate not only wheat (and its forbears spelt and kamut), rye, barley, and oats from their diet. This class will cover some of the basic issues presented by celiac disease, as well as strategies for eating deliciously and well if you (or someone you know) is dealing with this challenging condition.
October 21
Vancouver, BC, Canada: The Oiling of America by
Sally Fallon, sponsored by the The Staff of Life Institute.
October 22
Vancouver, BC Canada: Seminar on Traditional
Diets by Sally Fallon, sponsored by the The Staff of Life Institute.
October 22
Greenville, TX: Traditional Diet Seminar presented by Connie Hale (of Windy Meadows Family Farm) and Nancy Wesson at the Rehoboth Ranch. In the morning we present the research of Dr. Price as well as Sally Fallon’s “Why Butter is Better and Other Surprising Facts about Nourishing Traditional Diets.” We serve a lunch of bone broth soup, lacto-fermented condiments, raw milk cheese and more. In the afternoon Connie Hale demonstrates preparation of several foods, as well as gives in-depth nutrition information. We wrap up with discussing where to find local products, as well as meal planning ideas and general health tips. Please join us! For more details or to register go to www.goodgut.com
October 24, 7pm to 9pm
Santa Monica, CA:Overview of the Traditional Foods, Diets & Lifestyles Conference (Ocean Shores, WA, August 5-8, 2005) Speaker: Hollie GreenwoodThis outstanding conference focused on creating healthy lifestyles for the 21st century. Its focus was on the application of the wisdom of health pioneers (past and present) concerning food, soil and the enrivonment. Sally Fallon and Mary Enig were both featured speakers, and numerous other experts discussed issues as wide-ranging as soil health, optimizing digestion, wild foods, environmental toxins (chemicals, EMFs, etc.), homeopathy, and many other health-related subjects. Hollie will provide an in-depth overview of the seminars she attended during this 4 day conference, given by speakers of particular interest to members of the Weston A. Price Foundation.
October 29, 10am-4pm
Gettysburg/Chambersburg PA: Fall Gathering. Ted Spence, the VA dentist who spoke a couple of years ago at our conference will be addressing fluoride & mercury, and touching on vaccinations. We start at 10 a.m. with a mini-workshop (desam bread) with a pot-luck lunch at noon, followed by Dr. Spence. We plan on wrapping up around 4-5 p.m. In addition to the talk & lunch, we have quite a few local producers bringing their good foods with them to offer up for sale. This includes a wild salmon fisherman with the summer’s catch, local cheese producers (even sheep’s milk cheeses!), milk, butter, etc.
October 29th 12:30pm-2:30pm
Indianapolis, IN: Member Appreciation Fall Harvest Potluck. Members to bring a covered dish celebrating the foods of the season. David Robb will be giving a presentation on the preparation of Winter Squashes at Trader’s Point Creamery, Zionsville, IN in the Green Barn.
November 2, 10:30am
Milwaukee, WI: Fats–The Good, Bad, and Really Ugly! Dick Amen, biologist, will be the presenter and will give special emphasis to the benefits of coconut oil. A short meeting will precede the presentation and special treats will follow.
November 5, 10:00am to 5:00pm
North Garden, VA: Apple Harvest Festival at Rural Ridge Farm. Many varieties of apples presented for tasting, loads of fun, and great information.
November 5, 6:30pm
San Francisco, CA:San Francisco Chapter Pot Luck. Our goal is to spread the word amongst each other and curious others about the joys and benefits of traditional cooking and EATING. Bring a dish, bring a friend, and lets socialize and feast on healthy, delicious food. There is no speaker scheduled for this potluck, but we will host an organized introduction and discussion session (or sessions, depending on group size) to warm everyone up.
November 7, 7pm to 9pm
Santa Monica, CA: DVD: Sweet Misery: A Poisoned World. We’ll be screening filmmaker Cori Brackett’s documentary about the devastating effects of aspartame. Brackett interviews medical experts from Russell Blaylock, MD (author of Excitotoxins: The Taste that Kills) to Arthur Evangelista, former FDA investigator, as well as lawyers, activists and victims of aspartame toxicity. Also featuring archival footage from G.D. Searle and federal officials, discusssing propaganda used to get aspartame on the market. Wild Oats in Santa Monica, located at the corner of 5th & Wilshire, in the upstairs community room. As a bonus, Wild Oats kindly offers 10 percent discount coupons to everyone attending our meetings!
November 11-13, 2005
Wise Traditions 2005, the 6th Annual Conference of the Weston A. Price Foundation at the beautiful Westfields Mariott Hotel near Washington Dulles Airport.
November 14, 6:30–8:30pm
Derby, KS: The Derby Kansas WAPF first local chapter meeting at the First Christian Church of Derby, 201 North Derby, Derby, KS 67037. Meetings will be held on the 2nd Monday of each month following.
November 19, 2pm to 4pm
Santa Monica, CA: DVD: Hidden Dangers in Kids’ Meals. Jeffrey M. Smith (author of the bestselling Seeds of Deception) Today we’ll screen three separate short films, each covering a different and important aspect of the impact of genetically modified foods — and the ongoing attempt to cover up the information.
1. Hidden Dangers in Kids’ Meals Research, poor regulation, and warnings from respected scientists explain why GE foods are dangerous and should be removed from children’s meals. 2. The Health Dangers of Genetically Engineered Foods and Their Cover-Up. Jeffrey Smith describes how biotech companies rig research, cover up health dangers, and have pressured government regulators to approve foods that even FDA scientists said were unsafe. 3. The Wisconsin School Phenomenon: Impact of Fresh, Healthy Foods on Learning and Behaviour In this brief documentary (15 min.), parents, teachers, students and school officials describe dramatic improvements in student behaviour following a change from the usual school meals to ones made with fresh, whole foods. Wild Oats in Santa Monica, located at the corner of 5th & Wilshire, in the upstairs community room. As a bonus, Wild Oats kindly offers 10 percent discount coupons to everyone attending our meetings!
November 20, 4pm-6pm
Toronto, Canada: Tea time get-together of the Weston A. Price Toronto Chapter at the “Red Room”, a nice tea house located at 444 Spadina (on the west side, a half block south of College). We’ll get to hear about the Wise Traditions 2005 Conference from Patricia Meyer-Watt (who is in Virginia this weekend — note: Patricia is the registered nutritionist who gave the wonderful lacto-fermented beverages demonstration at our potluck in September!!). Also, Joseph Ouimet will likely give a brief presentation (tbc). I would also recommend preparing some questions in advance for Joseph if you have some.. he is a font of knowledge re Weston A. Price and nutrition.
November 21, 7pm
Tulsa, OK: DairyFest 2005 at Schusterman-Bensen library in Tulsa. We will have samples of raw cows and goats milk and their cheeses. We will have demos on making yogurt, kefir, butter, and ice cream. Plus samples of all those as well. Local dairy farmers will join us for the demos. And there will be other fun dairy-related activities as well.
November 21, 6:30pm to 9:45pm
San Francisco, CA: The Soil/Food Web, potluck and lecture for ecology buffs at 104 Laidley Street. Jeff Lowenfels is a soils expert coming to SF for Thankgiving week. He has agreed to do a talk on soil science for WAPF and friends. Yes its a quick turn around but hey….life is fluid and ever changing. Come get soiled. Please invite your gardening friends.
Dec 3
Richmond, VA: Eat Fat Lose Fat: Putting the Powers of Coconut Oil to Work for You in a Successful Weight Loss Program by Sally Fallon, part of Health Freedom Expo.
Dec 10, 6:30pm
San Francisco, CA: December San Francisco chapter potluck. Our goal is to spread the word amongst each other and curious others about the joys and benefits of traditional cooking and EATING. In order to build community and get to know one another, we would like to enjoy a meal together, in potluck form, at least once a month.
December 12, 7pm to about 9pm
Santa Monica, CA: Holiday potluck, DVD and general discussion at the upstairs community room at Wild Oats, 5th & Wilshire. Since the Foundation is all about nourishing ourselves with real food, prepared in authentic, time-honored ways, and served in a setting of camaraderie, what better way to celebrate this wintry holiday season than with a potluck? What a wonderful way to share with one another, whether you’ve been involved with us for ages or are new to this traditional way of eating!
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