A friend was riding a mountain bike on a ten-mile road last night. He came upon a preacher from this area that I used to work out with. I had told him not to get the vaccine. He told me not to worry.
The preacher knows a lot of people in the community and a bunch of his friends are nurses. According to the nurses that he knows, the emergency rooms in this town have been full, not from Covid, but from the vaccine side effects. He told me that the hospitals were not letting the nurses record what was the cause of the illnesses.
Becky Plotner
Rossville, Georgia

Thank you to WAPF for the tremendous help that you have been to our family. Thank you for standing tall and strong and speaking your truth and for not compromising what is right to get along. Once I got over veganism, I could finally hear your message and now I have four healthy, beautiful children. We are in your debt, bless you!
We have had weird things happening to us since the vaccine rollout. My children have never had a vax. My husband and I have had the routine series from the 1970s. None of us plan to get this current poison. Our troubles began in early March 2021. We have not been ruled by fear and have been living our lives as normally as possible, meeting regularly with like-minded people. All of us have been well with the exception of my fifteen-year-old daughter who lost her taste and smell in October and still is not back to normal.
Our weird symptoms began when my period, which was always regular, was three weeks late. Now I am spotting and having painful cramping. This has never happened before. I never have spotting, ever.
However, I am more concerned about my daughters. My eldest daughter is eighteen and she is having similar problems—extreme pain and spotting. She usually has pain during her time of month, but never this bad and never spotting.
My fifteen-year-old daughter, who has not had her normal taste and smell since October, recently felt like she wasn’t getting enough oxygen after a martial arts class; a friend in the class (who is only thirteen!) told her that she had gotten her first Pfizer vaccine earlier that day.
All of the girls in our family have had weird feelings in their hearts recently. After I spent a few hours in the car with my dad, who is fully vaccinated (he got them a while ago), later that night I had a weird fluttery sensation in my heart area that lasted for hours.
My eleven-year-old has had weird green bruising on her lower legs and twice had nose bleeds that are so intense that it is like a spigot has been turned on, the blood literally splashes into the sink. Luckily, we have been able to stop the nosebleeds with salt water and ice on the back of her neck.
The boys in our family (my son and my husband) have no differences to report. We are around a wide variety of people but one possible explanation for the weird menstrual cycles is that I have been taking her to physical therapy for a knee injury. The therapy rooms are small and the therapist does a lot of hands-on manipulation. And all of my children attend the martial arts class with children whose parents, and in some cases the children themselves, must have gotten the vax.
Here’s my question—my brilliant fifteen-year-old daughter thought of this—as the vaccinated are registering higher on EMF meters and as there seem to be credible videos of neodymium magnets sticking to their injection site, maybe what is happening is a not shedding in terms of viral particles but a form of EMF poisoning from the vaccinated becoming a sort of 5G antenna in our midst? What do you think, and do you have any ideas about how to protect yourself?
Baltimore, Maryland
My yoga teacher told me that she recently went to stay with her family, who had all been vaccinated. (She has not and never will.) While there, she began bleeding as if having her period, only it was not at all her time, and she said she’s had a twenty-eight-day cycle every month since age fourteen. Then her eyes started hurting and she couldn’t smell anything. She became exhausted, went for a Covid test and tested positive. She had been around no one except her vaxxed family members. She didn’t know at the time that other women were experiencing this.
Denton, Texas
I am twenty-eight years young and I have been following the WAPF for about five years thanks to my dear friend Margaret Bardell, a chapter leader in Illinois.
Before following WAPF guidelines, I had aggravated bowels and a narrow taste pallet, which have since turned into a strong digestive system. I am now an adventurous eater who will try anything at least three times, enjoys every part of the animal, likes fun fermented foods and more. I had fish eggs for the first time today, yum!
Before following WAPF guidelines, I had very sensitive teeth that required fillings for cavities every few years. Now I have strong, pain-free teeth and haven’t had a cavity since.
Before following WAPF, I didn’t have enough energy to work all the way through the day and keep a healthy mindset. Now it is not unusual for me to be the last man standing at work.
I believe following the WAPF diet has changed my thoughts. I am able to keep a more level head, I don’t get depressed when so many around me are, and I can usually keep a positive mental attitude even through trying times.
Before following the WAPF diet I was supporting mainstream grocery stores and food systems. Now 90 percent of my food dollars stays local and goes to farmers whose hands I have shaken and whose homes and land I have visited.
I became a chapter leader two years ago after leaving the beloved farm in Illinois and moving to Florida. When I moved I went through some culture shock—from farm life to town living. I saw more clearly the disconnect between the people and their food and the land. This motivated me to become a chapter leader and to introduce people to a more nourishing way of eating and interacting with our land.
There is always work to be done, although I can say for certain that the Foundation has helped put me in a much, much better spot than I was before—in friendships, physical well-being, mental health, confidence and spirituality.
Thank you WAPF!
Alec Meyer
Fernandina Beach, Florida
My mom was born in Idaho on a dairy farm in 1940, the fifth of six children. I think this picture of her as a second grader looks like the pictures of healthy children with beautiful round faces in Weston Price’s book.
She was breastfed and weaned to raw milk and cream. The family ate liver and onions, fresh butter and lard and vegetables from their large garden. Her mother made bread every week. Many days they killed one of their chickens in the morning and ate it for lunch, including the organs. She never developed a taste for sugar.
She had six easy natural births. My youngest brother was ten and one-half pounds, and my mom is a very small woman! While raising six kids, running a successful business with my father and volunteering for many things in the community, my mom never got very much sleep, but she was always healthy and energetic. It’s not an exaggeration to say she has never had so much as a cold. I probably don’t need to mention that she thinks mask wearing is absurd.
Today at age eighty-one, she and my dad are still running their business and have no plans to retire. She flies around the country, from New Jersey to Hawaii, to take care of her twenty-one grandchildren. She plays the piano at church, and does a lot of volunteer work in the community. She doesn’t wear hearing aids or glasses, even while reading. She has no aches or pains. People are shocked when they find out her age, because she moves like a thirty-year-old. She’s very agile and limber and still does a lot of physical work. She’s always had a positive outlook and a happy disposition.
She has been blessed with robust health her entire life, and she has used that abundant energy to greatly bless the lives of so very many people. Here she is pictured at age seventy-nine, with four of her grandchildren.
Sandy Mara
Chagrin Falls, Ohio

For many years I have been consuming raw milk from a pastured dairy in France called Gaborit. However, because of Covid and closed borders, I was unable to obtain this milk for eleven months and was forced to drink a substitute milk from Switzerland. When I began to have trouble with my teeth, I began to suspect the possibility that the local “raw” milk (Rohmilch in German) might be thermized (heated) although not to the temperature of pasteurization (or perhaps microfiltered or whatever).
What most aroused my suspicions was the experience of a friend, supposedly milk intolerant (and who hasn’t drunk animal milk for a good twenty years), who sneezed (red eyes as a bonus) a few minutes after having taken a sip of this “local” Rohmilch. She made it clear to me how irritated she was by this experience and she fervently blamed herself for giving in to my suggestion. However, I must admit that I was the first to be surprised by the reaction she developed so quickly after drinking just one sip. I had concluded that she was perhaps one of the very few people who were truly intolerant to animal milk, even if it were raw.
Nevertheless, a few weeks later, she agreed to test the Gaborit milk (from Jersey cows), which I again had access to. She not only had no reaction to it, but she even felt so good that she drank a whole glass half an hour later.
During the eleven months without the Gaborit milk, I developed five small cavities, as verified by my dentist. I had an appointment to have them filled, and while waiting, was able to get the French milk again. I went to the dentist today and she couldn’t believe her eyes.
In the space of less than a month during which I was once again able to obtain the real certified raw milk from France, all the previously damaged teeth had calcified and hardened as a kind of self-healing, to the point that she told me that there was nothing more that needed to be done.
The milk produced by the Swiss dairy is biodynamic and has the Demeter label. The cows are brown Swiss. I therefore assume that the cows are fed according to anthroposophical guidelines. However, this dairy also produces pasteurized milk, so I wondered whether their Rohmilch is really 100 percent raw and, above all, non-thermized. When I contacted them, they assured me that the milk was not heat-treated in any way, only that they passed it through a cellulose membrane aimed to remove any impurities or dirt from the milk—but I think this is done with all milk and is not a damaging process unless done under high pressure. So I am not sure what to think—I find it hard to believe that the milk has not been heated since its effects are so different from the French milk.
The Gaborit milk comes from Jersey cows, grass-fed and guaranteed without silage. The dairy is located in the region of Maulévrier, with an oceanic climate. The Jersey cows graze on a rich and varied soil maintained organically for more than forty years. The pampered animals are fed mainly on pasture grass and, in winter, on grass and alfalfa hay. Bernard Gaborit’s raw butter—a true nectar—has a magnificent golden yellow color that testifies to its nutritional richness.
One more thing of interest: The Gaborit milk can easily be kept in the fridge for a week (or even ten days in winter). When it finally curdles, its taste remains smooth and delicious (a bit like fresh yogurt). The Swiss milk has a much shorter shelf life and, in the end, it has an unpleasantly sour taste which even gives the impression that the product is no longer good for consumption.
It just goes to show that the quality of milk can vary greatly. We need some technique to determine whether milk is truly raw and of high quality.
Michel ChambordGeneva, Switzerland
Thank you for this most interesting letter. Many people have asked us whether this new technique of microfiltration is an acceptable treatment for raw milk. Yours is the first indication that filtration through a cellulose membrane indeed damages the milk. Most milk is simply poured or piped through a paper filter, which requires no pressure for the milk to pass through it. But the membrane requires pressure and your experience indicates that this type of processing reduces the healing properties of Nature’s perfect food.
Regarding the recent discussion in these pages about BPA in grocery receipts, recent studies have found that individual thermal receipts from retailers and restaurants can contain a mass of BPA that is 250 to 1,000 times greater than the amount in a can of food. So those who handle these receipts frequently definitely need to wear cotton gloves!
John Moody
Irvington, Kentucky
The Wise Traditions Podcast is accessible, comprehensive and engaging like nothing else out there. Though Hilda covers the widest-ranging topics, she always stays true to the values and vibrant worldview of the Weston A. Price Foundation, which are strongly rooted in universal human traditions and interconnectedness with nature. This joyful podcast is the one you will turn to again and again for transforming struggles into solutions. I have shared it countless times, and continue to cheer every time I hit “play.” I have tried so many alternative health podcasts, but Wise Traditions nourishes my body, heals my mind and holds my heart!
Celanie Jones
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
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