Page 12 - Summer 2019 Journal
P. 12

   vaccines often required for school and employment.
The VAERS Awareness Project post-it-note highlights the various known injuries that have been compen- sated for through the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program. From January 1988 to April 2019, over four billion dollars have been paid in compensation to adults and families of children who have proved their ailments were a direct result of a vaccine injury.
We developed the four-inch-by- six-inch post-it-note to highlight these reportable injuries; they can be pur- chased in small or large quantities at By clicking on the description, you can view the two styles of post-it-notes. We have also developed a half-page flyer and a trifold to accompany the informa- tion for one-on-one sharing.
August is Immunization Aware- ness Month. We are hoping to have all fifty states involved in this effort to educate the masses as to the real dan- gers of administering today’s vaccines to children and adults.
With the current level of censor- ship on this one topic, it is imperative that as many people as possible join us in this effort to save more pregnant moms, infants and children from these neurotoxins coming through the needle.
Ingri Cassel, Director Vaccination Liberation Spirit Lake, Idaho
Thank you so much for the coffee
article (Winter 2018). I am sixty-four
and only became a coffee drinker in the last ten years after hearing the health hype about it from sources I trusted. But your article was the information and the kick in the pants I needed to act on what I had known and read over forty years ago in all three of Adelle Davis’s books from the 1950s.
Caffeine by definition is a toxin to the body and though it can be remedial as drugs can be, it’s also dangerous and even deadly (see the recent death of a twenty-five-year-old from caffeinated sports drinks).
I easily switched to chicory without a hiccup at all and have found that my body is showing some good signs that I made the right decision.
1. Less hair loss when I wash my hair (wasn’t worried about that but it is a good sign).
2. I have scaly rough patches alongside my nose that are improving.
3. My teeth are staying clearer of plaque and tartar (I have extremely fast build-up that I scrape off once a week).
4. My gallbladder pain became less acute and now is so infrequent that I hardly notice or think of it.
5. I did this primarily for adrenal health and to counteract edema, both of which are improving.
I hadn’t expected that much so soon but I am heartened by all these changes and hope to see more as my body is able to use the excellent food I eat to better advantage.
Subsequent to getting off coffee I located a homeopathic doctor and
am now on a regimen of homeopathic remedies which are helping me. I see doctors so seldom that I don’t have a regular MD. But after reading your article I thought that homeopathy could be a workable route. The doctor I found first interviewed me for over an hour and then did an extensive blood test and gave me the results. We are addressing various long-term problems but also oral herpes which has been a minor nuisance for about forty years. The doctor felt it should be addressed and handled as I was otherwise healthy per the blood test except for an oddly low white blood count.
The program is a six-month plan and I feel it is working and I love the whole approach.
I feel better, more in control of my health and I truly want to thank you for
what you do.
Brooksville, Florida
Mary Fitzgerald
   Wise Traditions
Gifts and bequests to the Weston A. Price Foundation will help ensure
the gift of good health
to future generations.

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