How Dad Outlives Them All With Homeopathy
I put responsibility for my health care completely in my own hands. And the only way I or anyone can take this stance with such fervor is to know, down to our very cells, what we actually believe.
I put my faith in a nutrient-dense diet and in homeopathy. This doesn’t mean I will never place a toe in the conventional medical arena. But that toe will be positioned there for mere moments for the sake of a diagnosis or to set a broken bone. That’s enough for me! I’ll slip from the sterilized mitts to return to my trusted homeopathy. Indeed, do I have confidence in my craft or not? Not blind faith, but robust, wholehearted trust in the data and clinical observations my colleagues and I have made in our professional and personal lives.
Take my father, for example. He hails from an Italian-American family and was the second youngest of seventeen children. All except two of his siblings, as well as his parents, died before the age of 76.
Over the last years, my father and I have cooperatively gotten him off all heart medications and kept him out of doctors’ offices. In a few months he will be 87. So far, so good.
Here are the details of his story. At the age of 62 my father had the first of two myocardial infarctions. He had also been suffering tachycardia (rapid heart beat) for months before the incident. At the time of this episode his total cholesterol was a skimpy 112. For years, he had followed the Fit for Life diet: lowfat and vegan.
Leading up to and including the 1980s my father was fully cemented in the conventional medical cardiac treatment protocol. He was dutifully compliant with his doctors in every way: he continued the lowfat diet, daily baby aspirin, Lipitor, nitroglycerin, calcium channel and beta blockers, and two more blood pressure meds. Nary a missed drug nor appointment.
But his doctors didn’t always show up for their scheduled appointments. Something began to happen to his cardiologists. One by one, each died over a period of fifteen years. The grand total was six cardiologist deaths with only one of them to survive beyond his seventieth birthday! If these fallen medical men had been living according to their own counsel, swallowing their prescribed nostrums, and eating per their recommended regimes, then their advice would be at best specious, and more likely deadly.
Two years after his first infarction my father suffered another attack and more drugs were added to his treatment protocol. But just before the last cardiologist died, he warned our family that if my father did not undergo bypass heart surgery, he’d not make it to his next birthday.
That cardiologist’s surgical plan sounded more like highway construction than something done to a human body. He artfully planned to connect Route 33, which was partially blocked, to the New York State Thruway through my father’s leg, splice and redirect several more vascular roadways, and of course require the mandatory stop at the toll booth to pay. When I finally shook off my flabbergastion my first coherent thought was to consider the unconsidered. I said, “Dad, let’s get out of here.” My father gave it about an hour’s deliberation and then decided he’d take the detour and forgo surgery, thank you very much.
Before my father reached his seventy-first year, that cardiologist died, too!
After years of conforming to the conventional medical canon along with mounting side effects from the drugs he took, my father allowed me to convince him to consider another way: homeopathy.
It took time to persuade him to rely completely upon the homeopathic methods as well as a modified WAPF-styled diet, which turned out to be both a safe choice and a triumphant one.
If you knew my father you’d understand that he doesn’t move quickly to alter dietary habits, so this remains a work in progress. We began with butter first, then coconut oil. Today he makes dinner for himself and my mother with these two saturated fats in every meal and he makes his own raw milk yogurt on a weekly basis. I must confide that getting him off commercial bread was a trial only a devoted daughter could endure.
As for the drugs, the aspirin was the first to go. No persuasion was needed, since it had caused him gastrointestinal burning that he had simply put up with.
In practicing homeopathy we don’t recommend that people heedlessly eliminate their drugs. Instead, we allow them to live with the newfound benefits of the homeopathic remedies for some time. This method allows the remedy to take up the slack so that the body no longer requires drugs in order to function.
Once we observe this shift, the client is encouraged to see his doctor for help in getting off medication. However, doctors are not trained to get patients off drugs, only on how to get them on. In my father’s case, we skipped this step. Another detour!
Early on, during the period of physiciandirected choices, and unaware that his doctor knew nothing of homeopathy, my father asked his MD’s opinion on using Arnica montana in place of aspirin. The doctor sniffed, “You can’t use those methods without taking risks. What are you hoping to accomplish? I take aspirin daily myself.” That doctor died five years later.
It’s a little hard not to be smug. And so, it wasn’t long before we made a conscious decision to leave the conventional doctors out of our loop. It only caused undue stress on my father to argue with someone who had no understanding of drug-free methods, nor of proper nutrient-dense diets. Instead, my father simply began taking Arnica montana 6x twice daily and within several months he was done with aspirin.
Since making this decision we have observed that when my father inadvertently cuts himself he doesn’t bleed heavily as he once did. This is reassuring, since a more sobering injury or surgery could have potentially resulted in hemorrhage. On a daily note, he no longer complains of chronic burning stomach, indigestion and constipation. The telltale ecchymosis, euphemistically called black and blue spots, disappeared.
Another daunting symptom my father experienced through the years was angina, which accompanied even the smallest of activities. Walking to the mailbox left him in an anguished state because of pain and breathlessness. Arnica montana brought this complaint down to a mild purr, but Magnesium phosphoricum (Mag phos) 6x settled it completely. Instead of keeping nitro-glycerin in his shirt pocket, he tucked in a small bottle of Mag phos 6x and popped a few pills into his mouth as needed. After a few months, the need for this remedy was eradicated and Dad stopped carrying it with him. Mag phos 6x cured his angina.
However, there still remained his cardiac dysrhythmia (irregular heart beat). His cardiologist, the one who died first, told him that dysrhythmia often ushers in cardiac arrest and is incurable. Naturally this symptom therefore carried the greatest fear factor for my father. Digitalis 30c became our remedy of choice, and this too can be used daily for many months, or years if need be. However, the dysrhythmia is likely to resolve in a much shorter amount of time if this powerhouse of a remedy is employed.
Dr. A.L. Blackwood in Diseases of the Heart says of homeopathic Digitalis: “It not only relieves the palpitation but also diminishes and arrests the nightly emissions that so frequently accompany it.” Digitalis has a place even in conventional medical settings, but in that arena it is used in gross form. Unfortunately, as with aspirin, when a substance is used in material structure (as opposed to homeopathic dilution) it frequently causes side effects. In fact, the more “effective” a drug is in suppressing symptoms, the more likely it is to cause damaging side effects. In the original, gross form before it is made into a homeopathic remedy, Digitalis is a poisonous plant, the foxglove. Poisonous substances ultimately make the best homeopathic remedies, because when highly diluted and potentized, they become powerful medicines. The drug industry uses the original plant to formulate a synthetic version in the manufacture of the prescription drug called Digoxin. The difference between this synthetic version and the homeopathic is like the difference between aspartame and raw honey.
For arterial sclerosis, we count on Arnica montana, but another remedy is required to be certain that blockage is not imminent: Secale cornutum (ergot). In his Desktop Guide to Homeopathy, Dr. Roger Morrison points out the following: “Secale cornutum acts mainly on the circulation. Allopathically, ergotamines are used for their (primary) vasoconstrictive properties; homeopathically, Secale is used for circulatory imbalances.”
In my father’s case, we also occasionally counted on Aurum metallicum 200, which is especially valuable when heart disease is accompanied by depression. This remedy has a reputation for resolving the cardiac event as well as depression.
Aurum arsenicum 200 is the remedy of choice at the critical time of cardiac arrest and in general for arterial sclerosis. Dr. Ramakrishnan reports that he has used this on thousands of patients. My father has counted on it when he has gone into tachycardia, with severe pressure and pain radiating down his right arm. After two doses of this miraculous remedy, the pain and heart flipping halts. So does the accompanying anxiety. He has used this powerhouse medicine for such acute situations as well as chronic conditions. After such events, my father counted on Aurum arsenicum 200 to keep this event from recurring. That was over four years ago and he has not had a recurrence.
I also include the tincture, Crataegus oxyacantha (hawthorn), as part of his daily routine. It has a history of addressing hypertension and most important, as per Concordant Materia Medica, “[has] a solvent power upon crustaceous and calcareous deposits in arteries. Tincture, one to fifteen drops; must be used for some time in order to obtain good results.”
How many times did my father hear that the only way to treat heart disease was to submit to surgery, take drugs for life, and abstain from saturated fats? These doctors overtly stated that there was no way to save his health other than to acquiesce and accept lowered expectations for his quality of life.
But for you and me, lowered expectations are the least rational response! It only makes sense if we wish to cede control of our lives to the opinions of others. When it comes to chronic illness such as heart disease the model of modern medicine offers unreliable solutions that can usually be circumvented with intelligent alternatives.
If my father and I flatly refuse procedures and drugs of commerce, are we thrusting our heads in the sand? Certainly not! For I have as much sure confidence in my medicines as does a conventional doctor who depends on his drugs.
One doctor I didn’t count in my previous tally was a close friend of my father’s and a world famous professor of cardiology. He once said to our family, “The way to have good health is to get yourself a scary disease, then learn how to bring yourself back to health.” That is how my father and I approached his illness.
If we believe that we should be personally responsible for our health, and when we depend on ourselves we discover that we are stronger, more successful, and take greater pride in ourselves and our work, then we make positive contributions to society. When you cure a family member, there is profound gratification not only in the joy of watching his or her suffering melt away, but in the blush of accomplishment.
I want the heady experience of serving someone most dear to me. If that means I’m a rebel then I’ll accept that label. Just don’t stand in the way of my helping my father.
Schedule of Remedies
It would be irresponsible of me to suggest that the protocol I devised for my father is indicated for everyone suffering from heart conditions, so this is where I must state that each cardiac case presents different settings, hence somewhat diverse remedies. Cardiac homeopathic choices are numerous, and I didn’t come to the following schedule without trials of other remedy considerations over time. Since I know I’ll be receiving emails and calls on precisely what we used, below is the schedule on which I’ve settled for the last many years.
While items one through four below have been included in my dad’s schedule for years, items five through seven have been adjusted according to symptoms as they presented. I might add that the longer my father has been on this plan, the more infrequently certain remedies are needed. In spite of his age, he grows towards more vigorous health. This is not something you hear in conventional medical arenas, which routinely blame the patient’s age for the lack of response.
1. Arnica montana 3 or 6x, twice daily
2. Magnesium phosphoricum 6x, twice daily
3. Crataegus Q, 5 drops, twice daily
4. Secale cornutum 30, twice daily
5. Digitalis 30, twice daily
6. Aurum arsenicum 200, every 30 minutes in an emergency, followed by twice daily for months until the emergent setting clears
7. Arnica montana 200, every 30 minutes alternating with Aurum arsenicum 200 in cardiac emergency.
Cardiac Benefits of Arnica Montana Versus Aspirin
Arnica montana is one of our leading homeopathic remedies for the heart, particularly in relation to blood and arteries. As Frans Vermeulen states in his Concordant of Materia Medica, Arnica has the ability to resolve the following symptoms: “Angina pectoris, stitches in the heart, pulse feeble and irregular, cardiac dropsy, palpitations after any exertion, pressure under the sternum, anguish, collapse, beats shake the whole body.” Also, “Feeble debilitated patients with impoverished blood. Cardiac dropsy and dyspnoea. Marked effect on the blood, affects the venous system.” The very symptoms my father suffered at the time of his cardiac event are fully covered by Arnica montana.
This medical book is a compendium of excerpts from the writings and clinical experience of Drs. Boericke, Phatak, Boger, Lippe, Allen, Pulford, Cowperthwaite, Kent, Clark, and Vermeulen. Also, Dr. S.R. Phatak in Materia Medica of Homeopathic Medicines relays the pathologies that Arnica montana can address: “Ecchymoses and haemorrhages. Relaxed blood vessels with tendency to haemorrhage, epistaxis.”
For five years, I studied under the homeopathic physician Dr. A.U. Ramakrishnan, who is the medical physician to the president of India. In his hospital in India, he and his colleagues eschew daily aspirin for cardiac patients and instead prescribe Arnica montana 6x. Over the years, my client-students who have elected to use Arnica montana 6x report that this simple change has made a remarkable shift in their well being.
If you are unfamiliar with the harms associated with aspirin use, consider the Mayo Clinic’s website, GROUP=2, which reports: “Stroke may be caused by a burst blood vessel. While daily aspirin can help prevent a clot-related stroke, it may increase your risk of a bleeding stroke (hemorrhagic stroke).”
In the New York Times article, “A Hidden Danger of an Aspirin a Day” ( ), Dr. Neena S. Abraham, a gastroenterologist at the Michael E. DeBakey V.A. Medical Center says: “If your physician has suggested you take aspirin to reduce your risk of heart disease, it is important to remember that even small doses of daily aspirin—including ‘baby aspirin,’ at a dose of 81 milligrams daily—can increase your risk of ulcers and bleeding. It is important to remember that all aspirin has the potential to damage the tissue of the gastrointestinal tract. Damage can occur anywhere, from mouth to anus.”
Thus, not only will Arnica montana address the integrity of the blood, but it shores up the vessels. In that light, aspirin appears to be the wrong drug choice altogether, particularly when the vessels break more easily with its use.
This article appeared in Wise Traditions in Food, Farming and the Healing Arts, the quarterly journal of the Weston A. Price Foundation, Winter 2013.
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Do you have a list of cardiologists that subscribe to your methods of homeopathy in the Tucson Az area.
I live in Texas within driving distance of Abilene, Fort Worth, Dallas. Do you recommend anyone if any of those area. Also in your experience will insurance cover any of the cost?
Thanks for your time
Thanks for sharing your dad’s experience.
Can you recommend trusted homeopathic consultants in the Santa Rosa, Ca/ Ukiah area?
Thank you, Patty
We are looking for a Southern California cardiologist who will work with us along holistic/ homeopathic/ non pharmaceutical lines.
I work online if you like..
Is there a trusted homeopathic person to see in the virginia or North Carolina area? I live about 15 miles above the southern boarder of virginia. Thanks for any info you have.
Adrienne Creath
Thank you so very much for sharing this! As a long time believer in the power of natural ways of healing (I healed myself from 4 bulging discs via a great chiropractor, a great masseur and a stretching coach), I am so pleased to see such a great success story! Wow, wow, wow! Now if we can only get Obamacare to cover real medicine, such as what you practice. Keep up the great work!
My husband had a heart attack in May this year. His Dr. suggested he go on a Vegan diet. At first I was so scared I agreed to it. Now that I have reading about the deficiencies you can get from the diet I think it is a mistake. I started thinking about how my cholesterol is literally twice as high as his, yet he is the one who had the heart attack. I started going back to the WAPF guidelines for good nutrition. I don’t know if I can convince him to do the same. His cholesterol was only 120 when he had the heart attack and the Dr. wants to get it down to 70! What about homecystein levels getting messed up by the Vegan Diet? I read that can cause a heart attack. What about Michael Clarke Duncan? He was a Vegan and he had a heart attack. I’m scared to tell him that I think he should get off the Vegan diet. I guess I would blame myself if he had another heart attack. Do you know of any good reading about the real causes of heart attack.
Heart attacks are caused by either a weak heart or artery blockage to the heart. Both of those are caused by inflammation. Cholesterol is a GOOD thing! Get off statins (Lipitor,etc.) immediately. Diet should be low carb, high fat, NO GRAINS, NO SUGAR. (i.e., Bacon and eggs, YES. Whole grain toast, NO. ) Check Dr. William Davis’ FB page “Wheat Belly” for more info. He is a holistic cardiologist.
Check this website to look for homoeopaths –
You are doing a great service to everyone who reads this. Keep telling the truth. If you can save just one more life (aside from your father), you will have made my day. Blessings to you!!
Thanks a lot for sharing this valuable information which encourages the people to use homeopathy for their heart problems
Brilliant work Joette- thank you so much. I’m going to follow this routine where it applies to my condition. One question, is the herbal tincture the same as the homeopathic tincture? Thanks so much for all you do.
your story encourage the people to treatment the heart diseases by homeo request to all commentator write authentic/true information.because if any problem happened nobody will not take responsible for that. it be a unrecoverable matter.thanks to all.
Thank you for such a long and detailed article about your dad. Most informative.Most apprecaited.
Is it important to take a break from Arnica 6x and Mag Phos 6x or can they be continued for good.?
I am a retired Homeopath and was taught that it is important to take a break every 2 weeks from
long term use of low potencies before starting again, if needed.
Thank you.
Awesome article and big thanks to you and your dad for sharing.
Thank you for an illuminating article on your Dad, and for explaining so clearly how to transition from allopathic to homeopathic remedies! I am a great believer in Homeopathy, and you have given me confidence and knowledge to continue to pursue this path. Appreciate the names and potencies of the remedies. Thank you!
New to homeopathy
Secale Cornutum and Digitalis-Is it 30c or 30x?
Aurum Arsenicum and Metallicum-Is it 200c o r 200x?
Arnica Montana 200 c or x?
Thanks for sharing very valuable information and your Dad’s experience. I had a hart attack about 9 years ago after which the cardiologists inserted two stent in my left artery. They insist that I use medication otherwise there is a danger of the stents becoming clogged. All along i have been using homeopathic remedies along with the allopathic medicines. Can stop taking the allopathic stuff altogether please?
Thanks a lot for good information I had put medicated stents in year 2006 and now on 28 dec 2015 started gettin ischemic pain and breathlessness on excertion .Now i am on Betablocekers dispirin cardace and regular heart drugs Can i slowly shift to homeopthic protocol as you advised I am 64 years old and wants to shift to hom remedies pl advice
Dear, slowly you can shift to homeopathic drugs. Only one and that is R3 drops about which you can have more knowledge on internet. I am also using it. I had my first angioplast in 2009 , in 2011 another by pass surgury, in 2012 again angioplast. Finally i am settled with R3 drops of homeopathy. I am pure vegan, non smoker, less to less oil in my diet, no fried food, but cow Ghee is included in my diet. Regular exercise also in my daily schedule. Dear note that heart problems occur to those who are lazy and earlier i was also lazy as my work schedule was such. Now today on 8rth July of 2018, i am running in 58 years but doing fine with homeopathy R3 , daily 3 times in a day.
98 y.o. man diagnosed with lung cancer outlives his Oncologists:
For the benefit of reader i add to what is written
• Secale cor is an excellent vasodilator.
• Amica: tonic, soft heart. Useful to supplement the use of aspirin in the patient. Act as Blood thinner,
• Baryta mur 200c: hypertension and vascular degeneration.
• Cactus-Q: use it as a cardiac technician. Giving the patient 6 drops every day
• Crataegus-Q: Heart tonic for heart muscles
High cholesterol & Etherosclerosis of (plaques in) Coronary and peripheral vessels.
Atherosclerosis is formation of fatty / calcium/ fibrin plaques in Coronary and peripheral vessels. It is higher in people with high levels of total cholesterol, low density lipoprotein and very low density, and those with low levels of high density lipoprotein. Some of the drugs used in this problem are:
• Lycopodium clavatum,
• Aurum Metallicum,
• Sanguinaria can,
• Thuja,
• Nitric acid,
• Argentum Nit,
• Hydrastis, – 200c. Once every 15 days.
• Cardus Marianus-200 for action in liver & gall bladder, once every 15 days.
• Chelidonium-200: for action in liver and pancreas.
• Natrum Sulphuric-200: for action in liver and pancreas.
• Guatteria gaumeri-Q: this is one of the most important drug, it Lowers cholesterol and triglycerides s. Its use is more effective in tm. (Available from Boiron, Bjain)
• Cholesterinum-3x: use gives very good results in patients with high cholesterol figures, patients prone to hypertension, arteriosclerosis and atherosclerosis.
• Chloroformum-6: drug little used in diseases of the liver. Decreases the rate of cholesterol. It has very good effects in patients with fatty degeneration of the heart, liver and kidney and in airways. Its antidote is phosphorous.
• Vanadium: In asthenia with hypotension. Fatty degeneration of the heart and arteries, arteriosclerosis.
• Fluoricum acidum-200c: sharp chest pains that come and go. Mild hypertension, sexual promiscuous, unfaithful. They have affinity for the coronary artery. It is a good preventive. Once a month.
Coronary Thrombosis
• Crotalus horridus: blocking clots. Removes blood clots. It is a more specific remedy to remove clots, like lachesis.
• Bothrops laceolatus: Hemorrhagic constitutions. Good medicine for internal bleeding Reabsorbed. Thrombosis and its consequences such as hemiplegia aphasia or dysarthria producing, retinal hemorrhage.
• Amica-200c: tonic, soft heart. Useful to supplement the use of aspirin in the patient. Act as Blood thinner, Once every fortnight. Combining with crotalus help as a tonic.
Acute myocardial infarction
Death (necrosis) of heart muscle. The classic symptoms are angina, pain oppressive heaviness and substernal generally central location. Dyspnoea, Fatigue, Irregular heartbeat, Anxiety, Tension, Feeling of impending doom, Nausea, Threw up.
They are the main remedies for acute myocardial infarction
• Aur Ars 200c: MI, cardiac arrest and in general for arterial sclerosis. Anxiety.
• Arsenicum alb 200c: patient with marked fear, mental and physical restlessness, thirst for sips of water. Cool to the touch body. The pulse may be abnormal, soft, contracted, weak, frequent, small or imperceptible. Following arsenicum- Phosporus or sulphur can stabilize heart function.
• Antimonium tart 200c: This remedy predominates cyanotic lips, cheeks, fingertips. Tongue coated white tongue coating. Camera shake in the base diffuse lung, diffuse noise. Soft or weak pulse, hard, frequent, fast, slow.
• Carbo Vegetabilis 200c: acute states with flatulence, without thirst, collapse. He wants to blow air on his face. The pulse may be normal, imperceptible, small.
Administration of these drugs:
Arsenic, Antimony tartaricum, Carbo Vegetabilis: A few drops or ½ spoon or small every 2 minutes for 20 or 30 minutes tablespoon. If there is no improvement change the medication.
Source: A. U. Ramakrisnanan
Can you recommend a homeopathic doctor in Toronto Canada or in Tampa Florida ? I have CVD Thnks sotirios
Wonderful article. . Very informative. Shall I buy all the medicines stated I your article? Or should be consult a homeo? Thanks for the help.
Do you have these homeopathic medicines for sale?
Excellent presentation
Homeopathy works without side effect.
I’m having a difficult time finding aurum arsenicum 200 to purchase. Do you have any suggestions for a place to purchase it? Or an alternative? Thanks for your help!
Washington Homeopathics online
Finally, someone who knows the power of arnica and other remedies! Awesome job you did with your father. I am not a licensed naturopath but have studied and used homeopathic remedies as well as bentonite clays to heal not only myself but pets, too. My mother, in her late 60s learned of arnica and tried it and once she did, and her ailments cleared, she knew – and for over ten years has relied on not only homeopathic but natural remedies as well. Versus allopathics, I will choose homeopathics and things with no rotten after-effects that, many times prove irreparable anddeadly. Once she learned that within 12 months of taking one of the heart meds she would be dead like every single person that took it and had passed away from it, she decreased as fast as allowable and headed for the homepathics and ingesting the appropriate amounts of fats/cholesterols that the medical community lied about so as to create long-term patients and incomes. Allopathic medicine and that community is quackery at it’s best. They cannot truly heal but the certainly do harm and kill, and all in the name of money. Thanks for writing anout your father because the world needs to know.
I’m in the U.S. and I can’t find Aurum Arsenicum anywhere online. Anyone else able to find it? Whenever I search for it, Aurum Metallicum and Arsenicum Album come up which obviously aren’t the same 🙁 Great article thought, thanks! I’m treating my dogs heart with homeopathy. If it’s not available anywhere is there a substitute for Aurum Aresnicum?
Rose, you can get it from Washington Homeopathics or Helios in the UK.
can you tell me was it Cratageus / Hawthorn Berry tincture or the whole plant, also would Secale 6c work on artherosclerosis,
Is 6x Arnica better than 6c
Thanks in advance how is your Dad.
Very good article. Thanks for giving practical application of homeopathic remedies in heart related problems
In homeopathy what are the frontline medicines for-
1. Low Ejection fraction (40%)
2. Left Bundle Branch Blockage (Lbbb)
Here is an article you might find interesting, as I did:
Three years ago, my ejection fraction was 15%, and I was interested in increasing it but no one could/would tell me how to do it. My cardiologist referred me to Hospice because I would not agree to have a defibrillator implanted.
I used this article to set myself up a protocol using mostly Calcarea Phos. I can tell you in general terms what I did, but not specifically because I am not a licensed homeopath (and besides, this is Joette’s blog). I used a lower potency of the remedy than mentioned in the article, but I took it daily for 1 1/2 years.
I also did (and still do) interval training on my bicycle. I phased in carefully. Be sure to discuss this program with an expert, if you can find one.
My ejection fraction is now around 50% and I go for an echocardiogram every 6 months to keep tabs on it.
I suggest you contact Joette for a consultation to discuss her ideas about this. Best of luck!
Can you please tell me the potency you used and how many times a day? My husband’s EF is 30-35, and is having trouble with his breathing. We want to give this a try, but potency is important.
Great informative article with a beautiful writing hand. You can write a book also. Please also keep sharing experiences of your patients without going into details of dose and frequency. Thanks.
Really interesting article Thankyou! I am currently trying to help
My 83 year old dad with nasty leg ulcers, diabetes, vascular insufficiency and heart pathology, -anaemia and weightloss and memory problems, has had quadruple heart bypass and two pacemakers as well as other interventions! He is also
On a long list of drugs cardivedol,
Riveroxaban, lipitor, glycazide, metformin included, just got him
Off ramipril, I am a Homeopath but must admit am struggling to prescribe objectively as there is so much going on and a huge emotional element for me so hard to be detached! Any advice here would
Be appreciated! Thankyou
Karen, take your father for outings in remote and silent place. Advice him to stop reading newspaper , if he do so, stop seeing TV , and meditate more and more and to remain in present as far as possible round the clock. Eat simple and easily digestable foods. Forget all disease. Keep him away from whom he get irritated. These way , your dad can be cured.
Age 69 with low ejection fraction. A-fib; PVC’s and enlarged heart with CHF.
I have been tested and examined many times and to not have any blockages or angina.
I do have a pacemaker with a defibulator
I have abandoned all medical doctors as they are a waste of time. I have started with a doctor that is somewhat versed in Homeopathy and he has helped me along with an Ayurveda doctor.
Do you know of any cardiologist who specialize in homeopathy in the central florida area: Orlando: