Page 35 - Fall2020
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the factory farm feed-and-be-fed-to system, a  highly recommend that you use all-organic ingredients—including the
            cow may be fed grain fortified with ground-up  spices, which ideally should be non-irradiated. If possible, buy locally
            chicken, while the chickens in turn are eating  produced items.
            feed containing grain fortified with ground-up
            cow. And so on. If disease enters this system,  Sandrine Perez previously worked as a family therapist, art therapist,
            it could suddenly be everywhere.          teacher and as an educational therapist in private practice before she
               [Editors’ note: Not satisfied with the con-  established Nourishing Our Children in 2005. Convinced that the chil-
            ventional explanation, the late Mark Purdey  dren she worked with were well-fed but malnourished, Sandrine closed
            (an organic dairy farmer in the UK) performed  her private practice to devote herself to creating educational materials
            geochemical analyses and furnished a different  that would inspire parents to return to the nutrient-dense foods that have
            hypothesis about BSE (and other diseases such  produced generation after generation of healthy children. She founded
            as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s). Purdey sug-  the San Francisco chapter of the Weston A. Price Foundation in 2004
            gested that the causal agents might be “common  and currently leads the Portland, Oregon chapter. She has also taught
            toxic denominators”—specifically, metal micro-  Nourishing Traditions and Moroccan cooking classes, and has written
            crystal pollutants such as manganese, barium  two children’s books, The Adventures of Andrew Price and A Real Food
            and strontium—capable of seeding “aberrant  Alphabet. Sandrine received WAPF’s activist award for her leadership
            growth of rogue metal-protein crystals within  role twice—in 2006 and again at WAPF’s twenty-year anniversary. In
            brain tissues.” ]                         2014, she was named to the Honorary Board.
               Regardless of which hypothesis one finds
            more persuasive, we recommend that you con-  REFERENCES
            sume the flesh and organ meats of cows eating   1.   Hahn J. Moroccan Cuisine: Where Food and Culture Meet. Visiting Gourmet, 1983.
                                                         Gourmet organ meat recipes. Weston A. Price Foundation, March 22, 2009. https://
            grass. Eating organ meats from animals that
            have been on pasture and eating their natural   3.   “Miscellaneous variety meats: Brains.” The Cook’s Thesaurus. http://www.foodsubs.
            diet exclusively will help ensure both safety and   com/MeatvarMisc.html.
            nutrient density.                         4.   Adams M. What’s on your mind for dinner, cow brains? Natural News, January 14,
                                                      5.   Jockers D. The many health benefits of eating organ meats. DailyHealthPost,
            FINDING INGREDIENTS                          March 18, 2014.
               When I returned from my trip to Morocco   6.   organ-meats/.
                                                         “Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease.”
            in 2005, I was inspired to teach a Moroccan   creutzfeldt-jakob-disease/symptoms-causes/syc-20371226.
            cooking class to Weston A. Price Foundation   7.   They eat what? What are they feeding animals on factory farms? Organic Consumers
            chapter members and the larger community in   Association.
            San Francisco. I chose recipes that showcase   8.   Purdey M. Educating rida: an underground scientific journey into the origins of
            spices that many of us have come to identify as   spongiform disease. Wise Traditions 2002;3(1):11-18. https://www.westonaprice.
            quintessentially Moroccan. Many of these spices   org/health-topics/educating-rida/.
            marry particularly well with liver. In addition
            to obtaining liver from grass-fed animals, I

                                                        IN A MARKET IN

                                                        LEFT: Sheep with
                                                         heads and wool

                                                       RIGHT: Whole lamb
                                                             for sale

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