Page 113 - Spring2008
P. 113

The Shop Heard ‘Round the World
                         Dedicated to Helping the Consumer Obtain Nutrient-Dense Foods and Accurate Nutrition Information

                     New from NewTrends Publishing
                         A LIFE UNBURDENED
                           by Richard Morris

                    A Life Unburdened chronicles the amazing
                    transformation of Richard Morris, whose life
                    of personal and public pain—a life burdened
                    by more than 400 pounds—undergoes an
                    amazing transformation as Richard discovers
                    the redemptive power of traditional foods.
                    Along with his Ten Steps for Success, Richard
                    explains how the Total Food Index (FTI) can
                    help you win the war against overweight and
                    poor health.

                         230 pages
                     Available from
                      Amazon or by
                    (877) 707-1776
                      Case discount
                               Travel                                                                                9/4
                             SWISS TOUR
                            July 17-21, 2008
                           Time to Register for the
                           Third Annual Trip with
                          Swiss Native Judy Mudrak.
                         Visit the Loetschental Valley
                       where Dr. Price did his Research!

                        See heirloom animals,
                       cows, goats and sheep!
                     Meet mountain farmers,
                   beekeepers and herbalists.                                                                     9/3
                        See primitive Alpine
                   cheese and butter making.                                    Legal Defense
                   Bake rye sourdough bread.
                          Alpine walks with
                            splendid views!
                               Swiss Festival!

                     Book your own flight and Swiss rail pass.
                          To reserve, send $35 to
                             Judith Mudrak
                            58 Cranberry Run
                         Southampton, NJ 08088
                             (609) 859-3828
                           Subject: WAPFCH08    *9/2

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