Page 56 - Spring2008
P. 56

With the      “All of the consulted experts agreed that there  oil) as well as margarines and shortenings with
                      exception      is suffi cient evidence to consider the total/HDL  low to moderate levels of trans fats.”
                                     cholesterol ratio as the primary biomarker for
                       of a brief    assessing the effects of dietary fats on coronary  A DILEMMA FOR THE INDUSTRY

                    mention of       heart disease.”                                 In spite of successfully manipulating the
                                          With the exception of a brief mention of  discussion about trans and saturated fats, the
                biomarkers for         biomarkers for inflammation, the committee  focus on the dangers of trans fatty acids poses a
                 inflammation,       avoided looking at meaningful endpoints, such  real dilemma for the industry. Its options are, in
               the committee         as death from heart disease; and the Task Force  fact, quite limited:

                        avoided      made no mention whatsoever of the relative ef-     For salad dressings and tub spreads, the
                                     fects of trans fats versus saturated fats on other  solution proposed is monounsaturated oils. The
                      looking at     biological systems, such as lung function, kidney  Task Force makes no mention of olive oil, the
                    meaningful       function and the immune system. To do so would  ideal choice. Canola oil is highly monounsatu-
                     endpoints,      have put saturated fats in a positive light, some-  rated, but canola oil is not ideal. As mentioned
                                                                                in the report, it must be deodorized, a process
                                     thing the committee was determined to avoid.
                 such as death            The committee operated on the premise  that adds up to 2 percent trans fats. And most
                     from heart      that “trans fats are unavoidable in ordinary  canola oil is industrially refi ned, which destroys
                  disease; and       diets,” when in fact with the right public policy,  vitamins, antioxidants and omega-3 fatty acids.
                                     the industrial trans fats (as opposed to the small
                                                                                     Baked goods present more serious prob-
                the Task Force       amounts of natural trans fats that occur in meat  lems. The report bemoans the fact that in some
                       made no       fat and butter) could be completely avoided.  food categories, such as cookies, snack puddings,

                        mention      The final report expressed concern that “these  crackers, granola bars, oriental noodles and liquid
                                     changes may potentially increase the intake of  coffee whiteners, “Partially hydrogenated oils
                    whatsoever       omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids to undesir-  have sometimes been replaced by oils in which
                 of the relative     able levels.” Yet saturated fats are not considered  50-100% of total fat was saturated fat.” These are

                effects of trans     as a viable alternative. “The goal should be to  obviously palm oil (50% saturated) and coconut
                                     replace, as much as possible, trans and saturated  oil (90% saturated) or fully hydrogenated coconut
                     fats versus     fats with monounsaturated fats and maintain ad-  oil (100% saturated), but the Task Force avoids
                 saturated fats      equate intakes and a proper balance of omega-6  mentioning the specifi c names of these fats.
                        on other     and omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids.. . .     According to the report, “At present, the
                                     throughout its deliberations, the Task Force has  only viable alternative to partially hydrogenated
                      biological     been concerned that consumption of saturated  fats in baked goods appears to be fats and oils
                 systems, such       fats should not increase signifi cantly as a result  containing a signifi cant proportion of saturated
                          as lung    of limitations on trans fats.” The committee  fatty acids. However, the use of saturates in baked
                                     stipulated that foods whose trans fat content has  goods should not lead to an overall increase in
                       function,     been reduced must also be low in saturated fat in  saturated fat intake as the use of saturates plus

                          kidney     order to carry a “trans fat free” claim.   trans fats in other categories have been decreas-
                                          The report makes only brief (and dismis-
                  function and         sive) mention of butter, coconut oil and palm    ing.”  Solutions for the industry include develop-
                   the immune        oil as alternatives for partially hydrogenated  ment of new more stable varieties of canola high
                         system.     vegetable oils in baked goods and no mention at  in saturated stearic acid and full hydrogenation to
                                     all by name of lard or beef and lamb tallow, the  produce solid fats high in saturated stearic acid.
                                     safe and logical fats for frying. “All the invited  “For harder fats used in margarines and shorten-
                                     experts, including those providing written feed-  ings, the Task Force favoured products prepared
                                     back, agreed that butter and other animal fats are  by the interesterifi cation of highly saturated oils
                                     not a good replacement for partially hydrogenated  or fully hydrogenated oils with different pro-
                                     oils.” Why? Because “[b]utter has been shown  portions of non-hydrogenated liquid vegetable
                                     to have a greater adverse effect on the total/HDL  oils.” In fact, the report encouraged research into
                                     cholesterol ratio than all the other solid dietary  “increasing the range and levels of saturated fatty
                                     fats (e.g. palm oil, palm kernel oil and coconut  acids in certain oilseed varieties, and identifying
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