Page 124 - Spring2009
P. 124

The Shop Heard ‘Round the World
                      Dedicated to Helping the Consumer Obtain Nutrient-Dense Foods and Accurate Nutrition Information

                                                                                              Fish That We Eat
                                                                                             Iqaluich Niginaqtuat
                                                                                         This manual by Anore Paniyauraq Jones
                                                                                      is the second in a series of three detailing
                                                                                      VJG VTCFKVKQPCN HQQFU QH VJG +PWRKCV  6JG ſTUV
                                                                                      book in this series about Inupiat foods was
                                                                                      Nauriat Niginaqtuat, Plants That We Eat, an
                                                                                      ethno-botanical manual, long out of print but
                                                                                      due to be re-printed in the fall of 2009 by
                                                                                      7PKXGTUKV[ QH #NCUMC 2TGUU  +V KU     RCIGU
                                                                                      with black and white photos and sketches.
                                                                                         The second manual, Iqaluich Niginaq-
                                                                                      tuat, Fish That We Eat, provides information
                                                                                      TGICTFKPI VJG VTCFKVKQPCN WUG QH ſUJ  VJGKT
                                                                                      processing, recipes and eating enjoyment.
                                                                                      It was compiled from the local traditional
                                                                                      ſUJ MPQYNGFIG QH PQTVJYGUV #NCUMC CPF YCU
                                                                                      partially funded and placed on the web by
                                                                                      the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
                                                                                         The third manual in this series will simi-
                                                                                      larly detail the traditional Inupiat processing
                                                                                      techniques and recipes for sea mammals.
                                                                                         Presently there is no funding to support
                                                                                      this work. Any suggestions would be wel-
                                                                                      come. The web link to Iqaluich Niginaqtuat,
                                                                                      Fish That We Eat, is below. The report is
                                                                                      located under the U.S.F.W. Northwest AK
                                                                                      section. From here you can read it and/or
                                                                                      download and print it. It should be printed
                                                                                      FQWDNG UKFGF FWG VQ VJG NGPIVJ      RCIGU
                                                                                      including 100+color photos, sketches.

                                                                                            ſUTGRQTVFGVCKN EHO!ſUTGR     *10/2


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