Page 31 - Spring2009
P. 31

oil are extracted from the hepatic tissues, which  was built to store potatoes, but was gutted by fire
                  float about in the oil like hard resinous masses. .  soon after completion. It had been sitting empty
                  . . In order to fully carry out the extraction, it is  all these years and came on the market at just the
                  necessary to raise the temperature considerably  time we were looking for a facility, and became
                  above the boiling point of water. . . . The oil pre-  available to us at virtually no cost. We cleaned it
                  pared in this way is very dark, almost black, and  out, washed and painted the walls, painted it and
                  with a greenish fluorescence in reflected light.  installed a new steel roof. The building currently
                  In thin layers and by transmitted light it shows  holds six fermenting vats of just under 10,000
                  a brown colour, and it is therefore termed brown  gallons each.
                  oil. . .”                                     The roof is a solar roof and we use natural
                      The writer then describes processing  sunlight for heat and light—we have lots of sun-
                  methods introduced to Norway in the 1850s by  light in Nebraska. Our next project is to start sun
                  Peter Möller, which resulted in a much purer,  drying fish eggs in a part of the building.
                  consistently light-colored oil made from fresh,   My other task was to find the livers. The
                  not putrefied livers, considerably more palatable  search began several years ago—I picked up the
                  in terms of taste and smell. He notes, however,  phone and made many cold calls, most of which
                  that the “brown oils are actually used to a cer-  got me nowhere. People said I was crazy to want
                  tain extent for medicinal purposes at the present  to purchase thousands of pounds of cod livers.
                  day.”                                     Finally I met a Russian who took an interest in
                      After reading this passage, and foreseeing  the project and found the livers for me—in Rus-
                  the demise of the last natural cod liver oil from  sia, they know about cod livers.
                  Europe, I was determined to produce a light   The first load of 10,000 pounds, which we
                  brown fermented cod liver oil according to the  used for experimental purposes, arrived two
                  old methods.                              years ago. The first load for commercial produc-
                                                            tion—40,000 pounds of frozen cod livers—ar-
                  PRODUCTION OF FERMENTED                   rived in a tractor trailer—packed into pallets.
                  COD LIVER OIL                             Future deliveries will come by railroad!
                      But how to do this on a large scale? That
                  was the challenge I was facing. It has taken six  TESTING COD LIVER OIL
                  dedicated years of work to get to the point of   Our next challenge was to test the oils for
                  offering the fermented cod liver oil to the com-  nutrient content. Of course, we do the standard
                  munity. The first challenge was to figure out a  tests for pathogens, PCBs and heavy metals. We
                  way to ferment the livers in large vats; and the  do this to every batch, and our batches are small,
                  second was to find the livers.            so the number of tests per gallon of product is
                      The method we have developed processes  substantially greater than typically carried out
                  the cod liver oil through a proprietary non-heat-  in the industry. The heavy metal levels are “not
                  ing natural lacto-fermentation. The process can  detectable” and the PCBs meet WHO .090 ppm
                  take up to six months and is carefully handled  standards, the limit to which these compounds
                  throughout the process to ensure the oil is clean  can be measured.                  We have
                  and natural. Industrialized fish oils, including   Measuring nutrient levels turned out to be   never found
                  cod liver oil, are heavily carbon filtered and  complicated. When you test industrial cod liver
                  heated after rendering or extracting. We have de-  oils to which have been added synthetic vitamins  any
                  veloped a unique cleaning process that does not  A and D, you get graphs with well defined peaks,   contaminants
                  use carbon filters or heat. Both heat and carbon  indicating the presence of vitamin A or D. But the   in our
                  filters remove flavors, odors, colors and nutrients,  tests for our fermented cod liver oil came back
                  and also denature the fragile unsaturated fatty  showing a jagged line, with numerous peaks, no  naturally
                  acids such as DHA and EPA.                matter which method we used, and these peaks   produced
                      Our cod liver oil “factory” is a large build-  did not always match up with synthetic control   fermented
                  ing in north central Nebraska. We prefer to call  peaks. The lab technicians were as surprised as
                  it our cod liver oil green house. The building  we were. Their explanation was that this natural  cod liver oil.

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