Page 127 - Spring2010
P. 127

The Shop Heard ‘Round the World
                         Dedicated to Helping the Consumer Obtain Nutrient-Dense Foods and Accurate Nutrition Information

                                                   ADvERTISING IN WISE TRADITIONS

                  Name of Farm or Company:_______________________________________________________________________________

                  Contact Person:__________________________________________________________________________________________





                  DEADLINES      Spring issue: February 20th         Summer issue: May 20th
                                 Fall issue: August 20th             Winter issue: November 20th

                  Payment method:       _____Check (Payable to WAPF)   ______visa    _____Mastercard

                  Credit Card: visa/MC_________________________________________________Expiration: (_____/______)    $_______

                  Please indicate category of classified ad:   ____Mostly local sales   _____Mostly mail order sales
                              Please copy this page and mail to The Weston A. Price Foundation or fax to (202) 363-4396
                                         PMB #106-380 4200 Wisconsin Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20016
                                 The Weston A. Price Foundation reserves the right to refuse advertising space to anyone.
                                                                                      Please submit classified advertisement copy
                                                                                      or column advertisement graphics to:
                                                                                             Phone: 301-943-9990
                                                                                      If the file is very large, please send it from www.
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                                                     MEDIUM                           it for you. Digital files should be grayscale “tiff”
                                                                                      or press quality “pdf/eps”at 300 dpi.
                                                     2” tall by 2.5” wide             CLASSIFIED ADvERTISEMENTS
                                                     $120 per year                    TEXT ONLY, BY STATE & CATEGORY
                                                                                      $32 per year for 40 words

                    COLUMN                            WIDE COLUMN
                    2.25” wide by 4” tall             2” tall by 4.5” wide
                    $240 per year                     $240 per year

                  SPRING 2010                                Wise Traditions                                          127
   122   123   124   125   126   127   128