Page 82 - Spring2018
P. 82

There are      you see very messed up people who suffer, and   If you chelate someone with mercury fill-
              some very       a lot of them die. You can’t do a whole lot to help  ings, the chelator gets in the saliva, chelators
                              them if you are doing mainstream neurology.  in the fluid, in their tooth pulp, and it sucks an
                     basic    Well, they don’t want to think they are messing  enormous amount of mercury out of their fill-
               chelation      up and letting their MS patients die by not telling  ings. If you manage to get all that mercury from
               rules that     them to do mercury detox.                the filling into the person, they will die. There
                                                                       are many lethal doses in any filling. The filling
            you have to       HG: Speaking of other doctors, I know there  is relatively passive, so that’s why you can have
          follow. Many        are other chelation protocols out there. I guess  a filling in your mouth and not fall over dead
               chelation      we should begin by defining what chelation is.  the next day. But if you take a chelating agent
                              Will you define chelation and then contrast your  that has a high affinity for really grabbing onto
               protocols      protocol with others?                    the metal, it will suck the mercury right out of
            don’t follow                                               that filling and into you, which can be really

             those rules      AC: Chelation is the process by which you take  dangerous. Fillings have to be replaced, which
                              out some toxic metal ion that is in your body  usually involves lots of unpleasant, expensive
                and thus      poisoning you. You use some agent that has two  dental work, which is why people don’t want to
          make people         or more binding sites in each molecule to grab  do it, or don’t want to hear it or want to have a

                who use       onto that toxic metal and help it be excreted.  lot of certainty in the diagnosis before they go
                              Most things aren’t true chelating agents because  forward.
              them very       they don’t have two binding sites. A lot of things
                      sick.   are chelating agents in a test tube because there  HG: I see. Because you can’t chelate unless you
                              is only water and the metal ion, but they are not  have your fillings taken out first?
                              chelating agents in people, where you have all
                              kinds of other things in your blood plasma.   AC: You can’t safely chelate. You can always
                                 Chelation is the process where you take a  chelate because you can always take the pills.
                              chelating agent to get the metal to come out.  But it is a bad idea unless the fillings are out. As
                              There are some very basic rules that you have to  with any drug, there are some basic rules, like
                              follow, which are in all medical textbooks, and  how often do you take it? More or less, every
                              like I said, textbooks are a whole lot better than  half-life. So for DMSA, that’s every four hours,
                              the medical practices. There are many random  for DMPS every eight hours, for alpha lipoic
                              chelation protocols that don’t follow those rules  acid—which is what I recommend—every three
                              and thus make people who use them very sick.  or four hours, because it is a little bit shorter-
                              Some examples of bad ideas are: DMSA every  lived than everything else. As for the dosage,
                              other day or DMSA every eight hours, DMPS  you find out what the person can tolerate. The
                              injections, chlorella, cilantro or alpha lipoic acid  dosage people tolerate is highly individual, so
                              two or three times a day. Alpha lipoic acid is an  you start at some dosage and you move it up or
                              antioxidant, but it is also a chelator. It doesn’t  down until you find it is okay. And then they
                              matter what the doctor says about antioxidants,  just do that, take a break, do that, take a break,
                              the chemical doesn’t listen to the doctor, it che-  for a long time. Eventually, the mercury comes
                              lates because it is a chelator.          out. If they have other metals, they use another
                                 “Chelation” is a general word, like “anti-  chelator and eventually those metals come out.
                              biotic” or “analgesic,” it is not a specific thing,  It is very common for people also to have tons
                              but people tend to use it in this very specific  of lead in them.
                              sense. It has a lot of controversy in medicine
                              for reasons completely unrelated to heavy met-  HG: I understand your protocol well because I
                              als. When you chelate somebody, there are two  have a friend who’s been going through it, but
                              important things. One is that they not continue  I’m thinking of just how helpful this can be
                              to be exposed to the toxin. The chelator will  for other people. I’m hoping our listeners are
                              help the toxin come into the person, which is a  catching on to some of these terms that may be
                              common error.                            foreign to them. I know many of our podcast

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