Page 6 - Spring 2019 Journal
P. 6

   a baby’s bloodstream. Will people ever stop the hysteria and step back and see where their philosophical arguments are conflicting or hypocritical?
Anonymous Mom New Jersey
We need to work harder to get the word out about vaccination dangers. We’ve reached the point where parents do not fear having a child with autism— despite a rate of over nine thousand cases diagnosed per month in the U.S,
roughly 3 percent of all children. Autism is a lifelong, debilitating disorder, rendering the victim depen- dent on others for an entire lifetime. Instead, parents fear a benign and ben- eficial case of measles, which involves a low fever and mild rash for a few days. How has this disconnect with reality occurred? Lots of pharma-sponsored
propaganda, that’s how.
If only parents-to-be could expe-
rience a week in the lives of those of us who have young adults with “au- tism”—vaccine-induced catastrophic brain injury, paired with immune and nervous system destruction, often with GI problems, seizures and a laundry list of other ailments, not to mention unwanted behaviors. Believe me, what we are living is not the dream.
Also, it is an important time for everyone to ask, “Why is this legal?” with regard to every single aspect of vaccines, including mandates.
Until people wake up to this vac- cine holocaust and rebel against it full throttle, we will continue to bear wit- ness to the elimination of our parental rights and medical choice freedom.
Vaccine mandates cannot exist in a free and ethical society. Exemptions are not an acceptable alternative. Informed consent, the hallmark of ethical medi- cine, requires a formal opting in, never a formal opting out.
And to top it off: Not one vaccine has ever been tested or approved prop- erly or ethically. Think about that!
Take a firm stand and fight for your rights and freedoms. . . today!
Laura Hayes Granite Bay, California
Laura’s presentation, “Why Is This Legal?” given in Utah in November 2018, can be accessed at ageofautism. com/2018/11/why-is-this-legal-presen- tation-on-vaccines-by-laura-hayes. html.
A minor note of correction: the
poster “Protective Foods” (Winter 2018, page 51) was not “put out by the U.S. Government in the 1940s” but rather by the Australian Victorian Railways (see the circular logo in the bottom right).
The poster shows a group of foods that are all good to eat, but Elmer Mc- Collum—who first coined the term “protective foods”—specifically named just milk and the leafy greens as the “protective foods” because these two foods “made good the deficiencies” of most of our other foods, by providing especially calcium but also the crucially important vitamin A, both of which are insufficiently supplied in the typical meat and potatoes diet. McCollum did not regard the potato as protective or even as a food containing much nutri-
tive value; rather it was just the kind of food that needed nutrient protection, in this case by the addition of butter (remember it was butter that led to Mc- Collum’s discovery of vitamin A).
According to McCollum: “The po- tato is nearly without flavor, and lends itself to consumption with other things such as butter, cream or milk, salt and pepper or with fat. The appetite of man calls for fat and there are certain foods which are eaten principally as a vehicle for carrying fat. The potato stands first in importance among these” (McCol- lum, EV. The American Home Diet; An Answer to the Ever Present Ques- tion What Shall We Have for Dinner. Detroit; F.C. Mathews Co., 1920; p54).
William Kubara Tucson, AZ
Thank you for this interesting tidbit. Of course, we at WAPF say that the purpose of almost all vegetables and fruits is to serve as a vehicle for butter or cream!
This is a true story from one of our
farm customers, a woman in her fifties who had been ill. Her son decided to intercede when her health took a sharp turn in the wrong direction.
She’d had severe migraines all her life and chronic digestive issues. She had lost a lot of weight and wasn’t over- weight to begin with. She was eating what she considered a “healthy” diet, basically whole grains and vegetables. She was a pill popper as well (Ibupro- fen, aspirin, etc.) Her family didn’t realize how sick she was because she never complained.
 Wise Traditions

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