Page 8 - Spring 2019 Journal
P. 8
with healthy bacteria. The following day, still on milk, she felt strong again. She could stand up without fainting, and had no more stomach pain. The day after she announced that she never felt better and that even her tooth pain had subsided—all with no meds! Her skin was better, her digestion felt good, her brain “just felt better,” and she was craving milk! This is a woman who was “lactose intolerant.” She hadn’t had milk in decades. She also started eating our farm meat and cheese. She’s now healthy, joking around with her husband and traveling. Crazy!
But actually not so crazy when you know a bit about what makes the body truly healthy. Instead, it makes sense. Unfortunately, her husband is on fifteen meds a day and won’t drink milk. His doctors won’t allow it!
Vince Hundt
I thank you for your work and
keeping us updated on the latest in healthy living. I have received your
emails about the Ohio dairy crisis and have some comments to make about it. I am an organic dairy farmer in Ohio.
marketing order, we are forced to be members of Dairy Farmers of America. The contracts they have state that they own 100 percent of the milk in the tank. They do not allow herdshares. If they find out we are doing it, they will cancel the contract. We became certified organic in 2011. At that time our buyer, Horizon, was okay with us doing herdshares. Since that time Da- none has purchased Horizon, and they do not allow herdshares. I was informed by another former Horizon producer that Danone has people employed try- ing to uncover any farmer continuing herdshares.
Therefore, we feel we cannot pub- licize the fact that we do herdshares. I continue the program despite the fact it’s breaking the contract because I believe in raw milk. As a Christian, it’s something I wrestle with because we should be obeying the law of the land. If we get caught and they sever the contract, we’ll be in big trouble.
I would love to tell Horizon good- bye and go to all herdshares but we are
We are finding it increasingly diffi- cult to continue our herdshare program. The environment for it is being whittled away by the dairy industry.
Because of the federal milk
The first line of national defense for any nation is its ability to be self-sufficient in food production—high-quality food production. Regions and communities need to be producing as much of the food their people consume as possible. For that to happen, we need small family farms dotting the countryside.
Mandatory pasteurization laws have been a significant factor in emptying rural America. Now developments are coming full circle with the accelerating consolidation of the conventional dairy industry—family dairy farms producing milk for pasteurization are rapidly going out of business.
The way to keep family dairy farms in business is for those farms to produce raw milk for directly consumption. The farms of the future will be diversified farms producing raw milk, meat, poultry, eggs and produce for direct sale to the consumer. To ensure that future, an effort needs to be made now to help small dairies, especially organic ones, transition to producing raw milk for direct consumption.
Consumers are a crucial part of the effort, increasing their purchase of raw milk and other foods direct from the farm, as well as recruiting local dairies to produce raw milk and getting other consumers also to purchase directly from farms. The convenience of buying at the store is an enemy of small-farm prosperity.
Please join us in our Save-Small-Farms campaign by drinking raw milk and encouraging family and friends to do the same! See our great Rosie the Riveter and Uncle Sam memes on this and the next page!
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