Page 128 - Summer2009
P. 128

nutRient-dense fOOds         tRaditiOnal fats         laCtO-feRMentatiOn         bROth is beautiful
                  The WesTon A. Price FoundATion                                                         ®                Wise T                                                                                          $12 US

                                for WiseTraditions                                                                                                                     Wise

                                           in Food, Farming and the healing arts
                                               Education  Research  Activism                                            raditions

              nutRient dense fOOds                   tRaditiOnal fats                laCtO-feRMentatiOn                                                Traditions

                bROth is beautiful               a CaMPaign fOR Real Milk              tRuth in labeling

                PRePaRed PaRenting                       sOy aleRt!                    life-giving wateR                                                   in Food, Farming and the healing arts

                nOn-tOXiC faRMing                 PastuRe-fed livestOCk              nuRtuRing theRaPies
                                                                                                                                            volume 10 number 2                                                             summer 2009
                                           COMMunity suPPORted agRiCultuRe

                              You teach, you teach, you teach!

                                        Last words of Dr. Weston A. Price, June 23, 1948

                                                                                           Printed on Recycled Offset      summer 2009
                                                                          Printed with soy ink - an appropriate use of soy             a CaMPaign fOR Real Milk             PastuRe-fed livestOCk             life-giving wateR           COMMunity suPPORted agRiCultuRe      sOy aleRt!                tRuth in labeling                nOn-tOXiC faRMing                PRePaRed PaRenting             nuRtuRing theRaPies

         The WesTon A. Price FoundATion                   ®
                          for WiseTraditions
                         in Food, Farming and the healing arts
                          Education  Research  Activism
             #106-380 4200 Wisconsin avenue, nW
                   Washington, dc 20016

                                                                                                                                                                            Treating Low Metabolism
                                                                                                                                                        A Thyroid Treatment Protocol    The Great Iodine Debate
                                                                                                                                                  More Saturated Fat Attacks   Non-Gluten Sourdough Baked Goods
                                                                                                                                                               Healthy Popsicles     A Treatment for Herpes

                                                                                                                                                                                 A PublicATion oF
                                                                                                                                                                    The WesTon A. Price FoundATion           ®
                                                                                                                                                                           Education  Research  Activism
                                                                                                                           volume 10 number 2
                                                                                                                                                teChnOlOgy as seRvant            sCienCe as COunselOR            knOwledge as guide
   123   124   125   126   127   128