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effects are those with underlying thyroid disease  when a person excretes 90 percent of the iodine ingested. He devised an
          and previous low iodine intake. Problems from  LRGLQH ORDGLQJ WHVW ZKHUH RQH WDNHV    PJ LRGLQH SRWDVVLXP LRGLGH DQG
          consumption of iodized water—including both  measures the amount excreted in the urine over the next twenty-four hours.
          hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism—usually  He found that the vast majority of people retain a substantial amount of the
          resolve after consumption is discontinued. A safe     PJ GRVH  0DQ\ UHTXLUH    PJ SHU GD\ IRU VHYHUDO PRQWKV EHIRUH WKH\
          dose is 1-2 grams per day, and most can tolerate  ZLOO H[FUHWH    SHUFHQW RI LW  +LV VWXGLHV LQGLFDWH WKDW  JLYHQ D VXI¿FLHQW
          much higher amounts without probelms.     amount, the body will retain much more iodine than originally thought,
                                                          PJ  ZLWK RQO\   SHUFHQW RI WKDW DPRXQW KHOG LQ WKH WK\URLG JODQG
          THE CHALLENGE                                 $FFRUGLQJ WR $EUDKDP  PRUH WKDQ       SDWLHQWV LQ WKLV SURMHFW WDNH
              A challenge towards the reigning attitudes to  LRGLQH LQ GDLO\ GRVHV UDQJLQJ IURP      WR    PJ  DQG LQ WKRVH ZLWK GLD-
          iodine compounds came in 1997, when Dr. Guy  betes, up to 100 mg a day. According to these physicians, iodine at these
          Abraham, a former professor of obstetrics and  GRVHV GRHV LQGHHG UHYHUVH ¿EURF\VWLF GLVHDVH  DOORZV GLDEHWLF SDWLHQWV WR
          gynecology at UCLA, mounted what he calls the  use less insulin and hypothyroid patients to use less thyroid medication;
          Iodine Project. He had his company, Optimox  UHVROYHV V\PSWRPV RI ¿EURP\DOJLD  DQG VWRSV PLJUDLQH KHDGDFKHV  7KH\
          Corporation, make Iodoral, the tablet form of  report that the side effects of iodine, including hypo- or hyperthyroidism,
          Lugol’s solution (which combines iodine and  DOOHUJLHV  VZHOOLQJ RI WKH VDOLYDU\ JODQGV DQG WK\URLG  RFFXU LQ OHVV WKDQ
          potassium iodide), and he engaged two family  percent.  8ULQH WHVWV FRQ¿UP WKDW LRGLQH DW WKHVH GRVHV UHPRYHV WKH WR[LF
          practice physicians, Dr. Jorge Flechas (in 2000)  KDORJHQV ÀXRULGH DQG EURPLGH IURP WKH ERG\   They believe that iodism,
          in North Carolina and Dr. David Brownstein (in  an unpleasant brassy taste, runny nose, and acne-like skin lesions, is caused
          2003) in Michigan to carry out clinical studies  by the bromide that iodine extracts from the tissues. Symptoms subside
          with high doses of the iodine compound.  The  on a lower dose of iodine.
          project’s hypothesis is that maintaining whole     ,Q       'U  $EUDKDP SXEOLVKHG D ORQJ SDSHU FKDOOHQJLQJ WKH :ROII
          ERG\ VXI¿FLHQF\ RI LRGLQH UHTXLUHV      PJ D  Chaikoff effect. “The W-C effect is supposedly the inhibitory effect of
          day, an amount similar to what the Japanese  peripheral inorganic iodide (PII) levels equal to or greater than 0.2 mg/L
          mcg. The conventional view is that the body  ing supposedly in hypothyroidism and goiter. These rats never became
          FRQWDLQV   ±   PJ RI LRGLQH  RI ZKLFK   ±    hypothyroid and thyroid hormones were not measured in their plasma.
          percent resides in the thyroid gland. Dr. Abraham  Nevertheless, the W-C effect, which did not even occur in the rats, was
          FRQFOXGHG WKDW ZKROH ERG\ VXI¿FLHQF\ H[LVWV  extrapolated to humans. The correct interpretation of the results obtained


                Atomidine is a stable compound of iodine in a saline solution “that liberates the element in an atomic or nascent
            state on contact with an excess of solvent, such as the fluids of the body.” The use of Atomidine was popularized by Ed-
            gar Cayce, the so-called Sleeping Prophet, who gave medical diagnoses and suggested treatments in a trance. He often
            recommended the use of Atomidine, produced by Schieffelin & Company in New York, which he referred to as “iodine
            with the poisons taken out,” for a variety of conditions including thyroid and other glandular problems, sore throat, gum
            problems and infection (www/ A typical treatment consisted of “one drop in half a glass
            of water each morning for five days before the morning meal, leave off ten days, and then take again” or “three to five
            drops in water morning and evening.” He also recommended Atomidine for use as a gargle, as a douche and in topical
            preparations. (One intriguing ointment recipe called for adding 10 drops tincture of Benzoin, 5 drops Atomidine and 3
            drams powdered snuff to 1 ounce ‘Oil of Butterfat’.”)
                A theme running through Cayce’s writings was the use of Atomidine as a gentle way of “cleansing or purifying the
            body,” alternating with days when Atomidine was not used. He issued the same precautions for foods containing iodine,
            especially seafood, which he said should be consumed occasionally but not everyday. In one reading he indicated that
            seaweed could be toxic because of its high iodine content.
                A paper published in the 1930s to promote Atomidine, written by the Schieffelin & Company, is posted on the internet
            ( According to the report, Atomidine should be diluted when taken “and
            never given after a starchy meal.” The paper cites many cases of improvement when Atomidine is given for gum problems,
            as an antiseptic after surgery, gastrointestinal problems, urinary tract infections, high blood pressure, goiter, malaria and
            tropical fevers, venereal disease, infections of eye, ear, nose and throat, bronchitis and asthma.

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