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The Shop Heard ’Round the World
               Dedicated to Helping the Consumer Obtain Nutrient-Dense Foods and Accurate Nutrition Information

               We mourn the loss of Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez.
                               The work continues.

                               Linda L. Isaacs, M.D.
                     Individualized Nutritional Protocols

                         Now relocated in Austin, Texas

                                  Nourishing Wellness
                      Move beyond the struggle
                       and into vibrant health!

            At Nourishing  Wellness,  we  listen,  identify
            the root causes of your health concerns, and
            take  you  step-by-step  to  show  you  how  to
            improve your health with real, whole foods   Our goal is to help you achieve optimal health.
            and proper nutritional support.      We use real food, therapeutic detox and food-
            •  Our  process  utilizes  tools  including  tissue   based supplements to return you to your
            (hair)  mineral  analysis,  nutrition  response   vibrant self. We also offer blood chemistry review,
            testing,  bioresonance  scanning,  and  the     hair mineral analysis and salivary hormone testing
            training and wisdom that comes from being   as options to evaluate your every nutritional need.
            registered nurses.                         Susie Burns, NTP
            • Expertise in men’s, women’s and children’s   Anna Cox NTP
            health, infertility, prepping for baby, thyroid,
            hormonal, and adrenal challenges, and auto-  Carrie Vitt, NTP
            immune issues.                          Lindsea Willon, MS, NTP

            Supporting you • in person • phone • online  Phone, Skype or In-Person Consultations
              Sara, RN, CNC, CGAPS         Jamie, RN, CNC   We are Certified GAPS Practitioners
             262.244.6324 •

                        Let More People

                                                      Know About Us!
                        the word                      Get apparel with our name and logo.
                         in style!                    Items include: shirts, hats, bags & aprons.

                                                      (price shown includes logo)
         130                                      Wise Traditions                               SUMMER 2020
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