Page 108 - Winter2008
P. 108


         Yes!    I would like to join the Weston A. Price Foundation and benefit from the timely information in
                WiseTraditions, the Foundation’s quarterly magazine!
                _____Regular membership      $40                  _____Canadian membership            $ 50
                _____Student membership      $25                  _____Overseas (credit card payment only) $ 50
                _____Senior membership       $25 (62 and over)

         Yes!    I would like to help the Weston A. Price Foundation by becoming a member at a higher level of support.
                _____Special membership $100        _____Benefactor membership $1,000
                _____Sponsor membership $250        _____Millennium membership $10,000
                _____Patron membership $500         _____Other $_____

         Yes!    Count me in! I would like to help spread the word!
                Please send me___________copies of the Weston A. Price Foundation informational brochure at $1.00 each,
                so I can pass them along to my family, friends and colleagues, and be true to Dr. Price’s dying words:
                                      “You teach, you teach, you teach!”
                       (Health professionals are encouraged to provide this brochure to their patients.)

         Yes!    I would like to provide my family and friends with the gift of membership in the Weston. A Price Foundation.
                                      (Please attach information on gift memberships.)
                _____Regular gift membership(s) $40
                _____Student/Senior gift membership(s) $25
                _____Canadian and overseas gift membership(s) $50

         Yes!   _____Please send me details about starting a Weston A. Price Foundation local chapter in my community.

         I’m enclosing $______for brochures and $______for ____annual membership(s), a total of $________

         Payment method:______Check or money order (Please do not send cash) _______Mastercard ________Visa

         Card Number:___________________________________________________Expiration Date:_________________________

         Name (Mr)(Mrs)(Mr&Mrs)(Ms)(Miss)(Dr):_____________________________________________________________________





                                       Please copy or remove this page and fax or mail to
                                               The Weston A. Price Foundation
                               PMB #106-380 4200 Wisconsin Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20016
                                                    FAX: 202-363-4396
         108                                        Wise Traditions                                WINTER 2008
   103   104   105   106   107   108