Page 114 - Winter2017
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The Shop Heard ‘Round the World

               Dedicated to Helping the Consumer Obtain Nutrient-Dense Foods and Accurate Nutrition Information

         VA                                 Natural insect control. Bat House kits. Easy   Husbandry is necessary but the willingness
         Salatin family’s Polyface Farm has salad bar   assembly. $30.00. 2, or more, $25.00 each.   to learn is most important. Ongoing projects
         beef, pigaerator pork, pastured chickens,   Also beautiful, handcrafted, heirloom toys.   in construction, soil/pasture management,
         turkeys and eggs, and forage-based rabbits.   Train made  with 4  different  hardwoods.   agronomy, large composting, husbandry,
         Near Staunton. Some delivery available. Call   $40.00. Cherry pull duck or rabbit. $28.00.   agriculture, irrigation, gardening, forest
         (540) 885-3590 or (540) 887-8194.   All post paid. Many others. Wholesale to     management, heavy equipment, mechanics,
                                            gift shops. Keim’s Wood Handcrafts, 455   welding, etc. We try to do it all here. Looking
         Raw milk, cheese, butter, etc. from 100%   Argersinger Rd Fultonville, NY 12072.  for long-term potential partnership. Oppor-
         grass-fed Jersey cows. 100% grass-fed beef                           tunity of a lifetime.
         and lamb. Pastured pork, chicken and turkey     Dvds
         (soy-free options available). Fermented veg-                         We are seeking a middle aged couple to
         gies and more! Have dropsites in select areas   DVD “Nourishing Our Children” recently   move into our log home and care for our
         or can ship. Call for details. Pleasant Pastures   launched a DVD that may be used for   small herd of dairy cattle.  Knowledge of
         (717) 768-3437.                    one’s  self-education  or  to  present  to  an     organic farming, animals and cheese making

         WY                                 audience. You will learn how to nourish     helpful. Does this look like something you
                                                                              could enjoy?  Come give it a try! – Commit
         Meadow Maid Foods, 100% grass-fed, grass-  rather  than  merely  feed  your  family.     to 6 months or longer if both couples find
         finished beef. On pasture year-round at the   a good fit. Couple mid 60’s due to health
         family ranch in Goshen County. Production   Free shipping!           reasons need a sabbatical from our new
         practices  detailed  on  our  website.  Cus-                         and fast growing A2 raw milk micro-dairy in
         tom beef, Cheyenne farmers markets and     Employment Opportunities  Wyoming. For more information send email
         local delivery. (307) 534-2289,                                      w/ resume;!               A lovely, well appointed cottage, gardens,
                                            pool, labyrinth and more awaits a motivated
               healthy products             couple  interested  in  sustainable  healthy
                                            living  and  exploring  New  Zealand.  See   Healing Arts
         FLUORIDE FREE AMERICA Mission: Enhanc-  woof website for how this works. For more
         ing communication between individuals and   information, email Lyn at 1gardenstone1@  DIAGNOSIS+NUTRITION  HEALTH
         organizations to exchange information and               COACH TRAINING for health care profes-
         create strategies to end water fluoridation.                         sionals and the general public; this “no pres- *  A wonderful WAPF-inspired fine dining   sures” integrative program is available online
         FluorideFreeAmerica/waterliberty  *  70%   restaurant is now recruiting talent. Farma-  and in-person. Learn diagnosis techniques to
         of Americans are fluoridated. JOIN IN THE     geddon filmmaker, Kristin Canty is hiring   create the best diet/lifestyle program for
         EFFORT TO END FLUORIDATION - You   for her new venture, Woods Hill Table, a   yourself  and  others.  John  Kozinski  MEA,
         have the right to safe drinking water.  traditional foods restaurant in her home   (413) 623-5925
                                            town of Concord, MA. To our knowledge,
         TRADITIONAL HEALTH FIRST. Offering all   this is the first-ever WAPF inspired fine dining   GLUTEN OR DAIRY INTOLERANT? Trying to
         Green Pasture’s products including Blue Ice   restaurant. From frying in beef tallow, soaking   heal your gut without special diets? Or have
         Fermented  Cod  Liver  -  Fermented  Skate   grains, and raw fermented foods to serving   an allergy to dust, pollen, pets? Learn the 5
         Liver Oil - X Factor Gold High Vitamin But-  kombucha flavor of the day on tap, Kristin is   Biological Laws discovered by a doctor 36
         ter Oil both in liquid and capsules, Infused   implementing the WAPF dietary guidelines   years ago. Get healthy faster. Former WAPF
         (with FCLO) Coconut Oil and Pure Indian   and changing restaurant history. If you’d like   CL and speaker, Andi Locke Mears, teaches
         Foods Ghee. Prescript Assist Probiotics, free   to be a part of this exciting culinary project,   you how. www.biohealthworksinstitute.
         shipping. Email or call for information about   her Concord Restaurant Group is looking for   com/wapf.
         shipping, referrals, auto resupply, and any   a service manager, servers, reservationists,   VIROQUA NUTRITION COUNSELING is a
         general questions or information about these   chefs and line cooks. Contact Kristin@woods   traditional foods-based practice in Southwest
         superfood products. Visit THF on Facebook.; 24 Commonwealth Ave,
         To order: email John@TraditionalHealthFirst.  Concord, MA, 01742;,   Wisconsin. Laura Poe, RD is a holistic dieti-
         com or call John Delmolino, Amherst, MA., (978) 369-6300.  tian, culinary instructor and WAPF member.
         (413) 210-4445.                                                      In-person or distance consultations available.
                                            FARM FAMILY OR INDIVIDUAL needed   Email Laura at viroquanutritioncounseling@
                     Crafts                 to help set up and live on pristine 164 acre for more information or to
                                            former raw dairy farm and cheese making   schedule an appointment. Initial consults are
         Beautiful crafts by local artists. Keep your gift-  facility in SW Washington state. If interested,   $100, $75 for follow-ups.
         giving dollars in the USA. Alpaca blankets,   please send email to
         socks and yarn; hand painted decorations,   with subject line: “dairy farm”.  Homes & Land Sale
         paintings  by  award-winning  artist  David
         Zippi; handmade quilts. Exclusive source   Successful retiring farmer seeking paid ap-  BUSINESS AND FARM IN OREGON LOOK-
         of Nourishing Traditions posters. Saturday   prentice. Rural S. Oregon Cascades 100-ac.   ING FOR A BUYER AND OR INVESTORS.
         farm tours. Store open Thurs-Sat 10-6 or by   forested/9-ac. pastured organic beef main   The farm is a turn key operation. It has a
         appointment. P. A. Bowen Farmstead, 15701   operation. Very established customer base.   20 cow 30+ heifer herd share dairy, with
         Doctor Bowen Road, Brandywine, MD. (301)   Seek mature, responsible, teachable person   over 100 members. Includes cheese room,
         579-2727,    with desire/willingness to learn. Basic Ag/  greenhouse, underground fodder container

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