Page 115 - Winter2020
P. 115

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                    We have neglected
                   the truth that a good
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                      a kind of artist.
                       Wendell Berry

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                Resettling of America means putting enough people on the land to take proper care of it and
                 pay them decently for doing it. The fact that we know the history of people having to leave
                  the country because they couldn’t make a living there, is the history of rural America. But
                 that they left because they couldn’t make a living is an indictment of our land policies. The
                idea that you have to go somewhere else, that you have to leave a fertile country in order to
                make a living is preposterous and it’s a result of the wrong idea of what we mean by making
                    a living in the first place. To make a living is not to make a killing, it’s to have enough.
                                                        Wendell Berry

            WINTER 2020                              Wise Traditions                                                   113
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