Page 70 - Winter2020
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Tim’s DVD Reviews

                              good for plant life and all life. The FMD model  really means the insurance and pharmaceutical
                              devastated English agriculture. The Covid-19  industries have decided this is the best way for
                              model has put a major dent in agriculture and  them to make money. Doctors and nurses are
                              the economy needed to produce and acquire  just as trapped in the system as their patients.
                              food all over the world. Destroying the enemy’s   When you see a conventional doctor, you
                              food supply is a tried-and-true war tactic. Gov-  are putting yourself at the mercy of industries
                              ernments everywhere seem to have perfected  that say they care. And they do care, very
                              the use of computer models to convince us that  deeply—about your money. If you need to lose
                              they need to reduce our food supply for our  weight, they will help you lose weight, mostly
                              own good. I’m not trying to start conspiracy  in your wallet. They will respond to concerns
                              theories, but whether this is deliberate or not,  about radiation by claiming that you get the
                              the result is equally unacceptable. The thumb  same amount of radiation on an airplane. OK,
                              is UP for this video.                    maybe true—but on the plane, that radiation
                                                                       is evenly distributed over your whole body. A
                              bOObs: The War on Women's Breasts        mammogram concentrates it just on the chest,
                              Written, directed and produced           which makes a big difference. I’m not sure
                              by Megan S. Smith                        flying on a plane is the greatest thing for your
                              WayMark Productions                      health, anyway.
                              Distributed by Cinema Libre Studio           According to a study published in The Lan-
                                                                       cet, not only does mammography not decrease
                                 Our mainstream medical system is still  breast cancer mortality but it may increase
                              widely trusted despite a rather pathetic track  overall deaths. The stress associated with false
                              record. The basis for this trust is a lot of fake  positives could be part of that. It is also a very
                              news put out by an industry that is very adept  abusive process involving a lot of smashing of
                              at patting itself on the back. The film bOObs  body parts that might have a tumor. Never a
                              seeks to counter the fake news with a few facts  good idea. Apparently, Switzerland is the only
                              specifically on the subject of mammograms. Dr.  country that has gotten the message and banned
                              Ben Johnson and other experts on the biological  mammograms.
                              effects of radiation are interviewed and have   The video makes some strong recommenda-
         False positives      some interesting points to make.         tions for prevention and alternative methods of
                                 One of the first points is that a mammogram  screening. If you must get screened, thermogra-
                and false     exposes you to about the same amount of radia-  phy (especially when combined with ultrasound)
          negatives are       tion as one hundred X-rays. Next point: Con-  has much higher accuracy than mammography.

              so routine      trary to their reputation, mammograms do not  There is no smashing, no radiation, not even
                              achieve early detection. By the time a tumor is  any touching.
                 that the     large enough to be detected by a mammogram,   But there are also ways to reduce your risk,
          mammogram           it has probably been growing for five years  for example, by tossing your junk food in the
              procedure       or more. Next point: False positives and false  garbage. Bras that are too tight will cut off blood
                              negatives are so routine that the mammogram  and lymph circulation, and poor circulation
                is hardly     procedure is hardly better than flipping a coin.  absolutely can lead to cancer. This film does a
             better than      But they have convinced middle-aged women  good job of giving women better information
                  flipping    everywhere that it is very important to flip that  and much better choices than mammography.
                              coin once a year or so, whether it really does any  The thumb is UP.
                  a coin.     good or not. It is the “standard of care,” which

         68                                       Wise Traditions                                WINTER 2020
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