We’d like to share some information on your options if your employer seeks to require you to be vaccinated as a condition of your employment, or for your children in school.
Employees with sincerely held religious beliefs that would be violated by getting vaccinated may be able to refuse an employer’s demand to vaccinate under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. (Please note: you do not have to belong to any organized religion to have sincerely held religious beliefs.)
Title VII makes it unlawful employment practice for an employer to discharge or discriminate against an employee because of such individual’s religion. (However, you may be required to take other steps required by the employer, such as wearing a mask, in place of vaccination.) This is true for any vaccine demanded by employers.
In addition, with respect to COVID vaccines, they have been granted Emergency Use Authorization only, not full approval by the FDA. Therefore, at this time, employers are not allowed to mandate COVID vaccines, even for first responders and frontline workers.
Vaccine exceptions are also available for children. Parents can opt their children out of any vaccine required for school attendance by claiming a religious exemption in all but 5 states (California, Mississippi, West Virginia, New York and Maine), and 16 states have philosophical exemptions. Medical exemptions are also available in every state, although these may be very difficult to obtain, especially in California. For a map of state exemptions click here:
Any medical intervention should require voluntary informed consent as stipulated in the Nuremburg Code and the Universal Declaration of Bioethics and Human Rights. But authorities tend to override these principles based on emergency declarations due to COVID.
It bears repeating that these COVID vaccines are experimental, have been fast-tracked, and carry a high rate of side effects. According to the CDC, 2.7 percent of vaccine recipients were “unable to perform normal daily activities or go to work” after getting a COVID vaccine.[1] Reports of deaths, especially among the elderly, are widespread.
These adverse reactions are not a surprise. There has never been an approved vaccine for SARS virus diseases because all previously developed vaccines were found to be too risky.
Yet despite these risks – or rather, because of them – vaccine developers have been given complete indemnity if (when) their vaccines cause harm.
Vaccine manufacturers claim that COVID vaccines are 95 percent “effective,” but the FDA is allowing companies to define effectiveness as “prevention of mild symptoms.” The studies are not designed to detect a reduction in outcomes such as severe illness, hospitalization or death.[2] There is no proof that these vaccines prevent infection or transmission of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. This is why public health officials have stated that vaccine recipients will still be required to wear face-coverings, maintain physical distance and avoid crowds.[3] [4]
- 2006 Federal legislation removed all civil liability from pharmaceutical companies for injuries and deaths caused by vaccines and drugs manufactured in response to declared public health emergencies, including the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic.
- Many of the new vaccines use DNA or mRNA technology, which is based on a faster and less expensive technology. Neither DNA or mRNA vaccines have been tested properly in large-scale clinical trials. SARS, MERS, and HIV vaccines use this experimental technology, but so far, none have been proven effective and safe for humans.
- Moderna and Pfizer’s “vaccines” are not really vaccines. According to Moderna executives their “vaccine” is actually a form of “gene therapy.” Messenger RNA “vaccines” send a strand of synthetic RNA into human beings, thus invoking the creation of the S-1 spike protein inside the human being. These “vaccines” do not keep you from getting infected, but they do trigger your body to produce a protein that could make you sick. A true vaccine should confer immunity, not make your body produce a potential toxin.[5]
- Vaccine manufacturers such as Pfizer, Merck and GlaxoSmithKline have paid billions of dollars in criminal penalties and settlements for research fraud, faking drug safety studies, failing to report safety problems, bribery, kickbacks and false advertising.[6],[7] Pfizer paid $2.3 billion in 2009 alone to resolve criminal and civil allegations. [8]
- We can address disease issues without forcing people to accept high-risk vaccinations (while letting the companies that produce them walk away with no liability for the injuries they may cause). A healthy diet with lots of fat-soluble vitamins, preventive measures to boost people’s immune systems, the use of intravenous Vitamin C and zinc, reduction of EMF exposure, and other measures can reduce the severity of disease without side effects, and without destroying people’s civil rights.
For more information on COVID vaccines and Title VII, checkout these articles:
[2] Doshi P. Will covid-19 vaccines save lives? Current trials aren’t designed to tell us. BMJ. 2020;371:m4037.
Haseltine WA. Covid-19 vaccine protocols reveal that trials are designed to succeed. Forbes, September 23, 2020.
[3] Khemlani A. Fauci: Early COVID-19 vaccines will only prevent symptoms, not block the virus. Yahoo! Finance, October 26, 2020.
[4] Scipioni J. Dr. Fauci says masks, social distancing will still be needed after a Covid-19 vaccine—here’s why. CNBC, November 16, 2020.
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Julie Dean says
Thank you for all of your hard work in getting this information to us! It is invaluable! I share it with many others. Keep up the great work!
Jill Suzanne Coleman says
I hope we can all get educated to how our body works, as opposed to given misinformation by the authorities who care more for their pocket book that for our health. Vaccines have side effects and for some even death. Exposing children to toxins and organisms introduced directly into the bloodstream is totally against how our immune system works. Our bodies natural response to a foreign invader is introduced via the nose, mouth or mucus membranes so the body can set up antibodies without getting overwhelmed with heavy metals and dangerous preservatives. It is also against our 1st amendment to now label anyone who disagrees with mass vaccination without any real long term trials, an Anti-vaxxer and many with opposing views are censored. It is a crime against humanity when individuals are forced to do something against their will and better judgement by an authority who obviously do not has our wellbeing at heart.
Martha Sanchez says
Thank you for all the information you bring forth, it is ALWAYS useful .
Also I do not agree with mandatory vaccinations or any other requirements that go against our will and our constitution. This is the land of the free the reason why so many want to come here because we get to make choices for our lives and not anyone else. Who’s says the government can tell anyone what to do.
NO VACCINATIONS!!!!! It should be our choice.
Garry Weil says
My employer, Intel Corp, sent out an email to all employees stating that they WILL NOT require vaccinations as a condition to return to our offices. Yay 🤩
Eldon Townsend says
The company i was working for, furlough us because of the COVID 19 virus. When we do go back to work they said it may demand we get the shot before we return to work. Can they force me to get the shot to return to work.
nancy pauken says
I believe that anyone that wants access to any vaccine should have it, but I DO NOT believe that I should be coerced, forced, begged, blackmailed or otherwise “incentivized” to get ANY medical/pharmaceutical product, device, test or treatment. I also believe that we should return to the pre-1986 strict liability for any of the aforementioned items. The taxpayers should not have to pay for the consequences arising from dangerous and/or untested medical/pharmaceutical interventions, and the companies manufacturing them should be subject to strict liability for their products and if egregious enough, be subjected to criminal penalties.
Renee says
The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission addressed options for religious exemptions in section K.6. of this article.
Chef-doctor Jemichel says
“Civil rights” are actually privileges that are extended by Congress to those who are subject to its jurisdiction (see 14th Amendment) and as such they are foreign in every sense of the word to every American man and woman. What is now vitally needed is an understanding of our Unalienable Rights that we are all born with and that can never be taken away by any Congress or by any Act of Congress.
We need to get perfectly clear that Congress’ legislative power is positively and irrevocably limited and that “exercising plenary jurisdiction only within ten miles square and over ceded military bases etc., as the only land ‘owned by and ceded to the United States of America’ – is the correct standard of just how limited is Congress’ legislative power. Legislation beyond that scope is just smoke and mirrors generated to expand unwarranted legislative assertion of authority over land and subjects NOT contemplated by the Constitution.”[1]
If you understand that your Unalienable Rights are a quantum order above anything that Congress offers its subjects then you won’t be concerned about what is utterly inferior to what you now naturally possess.
Remember this: “We hold these Truths to be self-evident …”
2021 is now fully energetically activated (after a transition period for recapitulation and complete release of 2020). Now we rise from the “4” vibration (2+0+2+0 = 4) to the “5” which is about change and doing things differently. Now is a perfect time to change your relationship with all that you think was your government coming out of DC or out of any corporate capital. It is a perfect time to do government differently by taking the necessary steps toward fully recovering our Lawful and correct self-government – just like the first Organic Law declared to the world, a Law that is still the Law today rather than an ancient history superseded by another story.[2]
Change your story to allow for greater Truth and you won’t need to defer to any foreign entity that does not truly serve we the People!