When I started out with my family, I was an absolute fanatic about breastfeeding. I knew that breastfeeding was the best way to nourish a growing infant and that commercial formula was junk. I couldn’t understand why any mother would give a bottle to her baby.
My first child, a girl, was born in 1973. She was very healthy, but cried almost constantly. As a result I nursed her very frequently during her first few months—sometimes as often as every hour. I spent the first few months of her life in utter exhaustion—although I did learn to eat with my left hand, as I often nursed her at mealtimes. Fortunately, my husband’s income allowed me to stay at home and I had no other children or duties, so I never had to supplement her diet with formula. I did, however, introduce solid foods fairly early, about four months, and once I did, her crying stopped and I could enjoy her and my life again. Although I never gave her a bottle, she refused the breast at eight months and from that time on I gave her whole milk, with which she had no problems whatsoever.
My second child, a healthy boy, was born four years later. Once again, I planned to nurse him whatever it took. I found that I was nursing every half hour per hour—very difficult when you have another child, a husband and a household to take care of. I was absolutely exhausted of course but worse than that, I seemed to have even less milk than before. By the age of one month he had not only stopped gaining weight, but was losing. I had a letdown reflex, but there was very little milk that followed. I tried valiantly for about two weeks—the worst two weeks of my life, but he continued to lose weight. He had a strained, sallow look and I was frantic. My pediatrician was a big advocate for breastfeeding—that’s why I chose him—but the only “expert” advice he could give me was to tell me that I was too tense and that I should relax! Yes, indeed, I was tense, tense as only a mother who sees that her baby is hungry can be.
Fortunately. . . fortunately I had in my possession a book called Nutrition for Tots to Teens by Dr. Emory Thurston, which contained a recipe for whole milk baby formula. We lived in California at the time and I made up a simple formula of raw milk with lactose added. When I gave this to the baby, he wolfed it down and then smiled for the first time. I knew I had done the right thing.
It was only after I informed my pediatrician about giving him the formula, and the baby’s reaction to it, that he told me about the Lact-Aid, a device that allowed me to nurse while giving him a supplemental feeding. Had he told me earlier, I could have avoided those awful two weeks when my baby was at risk. Instead, he withheld valuable—no, lifesaving—information from me.
With the raw-milk formula given with the Lact-Aid, and the small amount of breast milk that I was producing, the baby thrived. But even though I was now relaxed, and had the stimulation at the nipple, my milk supply did not increase. In fact, by six months, I no longer produced any milk at all and the breastfeeding was over.
With the third child, also a boy, the situation was the same. As soon as I could see that he was not satisfied with my breast milk, I hooked up the Lact-Aid with the raw milk formula and he grew by leaps and bounds. He was the biggest of my babies—over nine pounds at birth and fifteen pounds at three months. He had a voracious appetite. By three months, my milk had dried up and I fed him with a bottle.
The last child, another healthy boy, was born in France. By that time I had accepted the inevitable, and knowing that the situation would be even more difficult with three other children to look after, I had already scouted out a source of raw milk. I had to start with the raw milk formula and the Lact-Aid at one week. By the age of two months, he had the bottle exclusively and the breastfeeding was over.
Now all my children are healthy—they were rarely sick, none needed braces, and all have grown up into high-functioning adults—but the interesting thing is that the last child, who only got two months of breast milk, is the healthiest of all. I am sure it was because of the high quality of the milk in France —from pasture-fed cows. A third of the bottle was beautiful yellow cream. This child has literally never been sick in his life and was the most cheerful of all the children—he is also the smartest and the only one who doesn’t need glasses. My second child, although quite healthy, did have some problems with asthma, and still gets hay fever at times. This may be due to the fact that for about a month in his infancy, he did not get adequate nutrition, and I blame myself for being too fanatical about breastfeeding and not supplementing soon enough.
My difficulty with breast feeding was indeed a humbling experience and it has given me a great deal of sympathy for mothers who have the same problems. I have never found an adequate explanation for my lack of milk—my diet was relatively good, I did not have a thyroid problem, I did not consume junk foods, I had support at home, my babies were healthy, I had a letdown reflex and no problems with the breasts or nipples. Nevertheless, my milk supply was simply not adequate, certainly not for rapidly growing boys.
When I hear the statement that “the vast majority of women can breastfeed successfully,” I wonder. One holistic doctor told me that he sees this problem in his practice only very occasionally—perhaps once a year. But I suspect that there are many women like myself who simply do not have adequate milk. The problem is under-reported because these women just give up early, citing fatigue or fussiness in the baby as the reason for switching to bottle feeding. The same situation exists in the animal world—dairymen will tell you that not all cows are good milkers, and with dogs and cats it is the same. When pets have inadequate milk, the pups and kittens are either bottle-fed or they die.
The good news is that my babies had no problems on raw-milk formula—they grew up as healthy as children who had been breastfed. In fact, they are healthier than lots of individuals who have been breastfed for many months. One acquaintance of mine breastfed both her children for four years, but otherwise took no care with her diet. These two girls have been unhealthy since infancy. They get frequent colds and have poor bone structure. One is overweight and has learning disabilities. Another friend also nursed several years and in the first year the baby got breast milk exclusively. Her child has multiple health problems—leaky gut syndrome, multiple allergies and learning disabilities. It turns out that when her child was born, she had a gall bladder problem and the doctors put her on a lowfat diet. So her milk did not have adequate fat-soluble vitamins, hence the baby did not have the necessary components to build a healthy gut wall and make connections in the brain.
We even have a report of rampant dental decay in a baby who was exclusively breast fed for over a year. The mother was a vegetarian. Pediatric dentistry is the fastest growing medical speciality because of rampant decay in newly erupted baby teeth!
We need to keep our eyes on the goal—which is healthy children. Breastfeeding is the best way to accomplish this goal, if the mother has a healthy diet and if her milk supply is adequate. To pretend that all women can breastfeed without difficulty, and that all breast-milk is completely nourishing, does women and their children a great disservice. Let’s not withhold information as my pediatrician did when I was having difficulties. Women need to know that there are other options besides commercial formula, and that a healthy supplement can be given to a hungry baby even while he suckles at the breast.
Above all, we need to work together to make raw milk from pasture-fed cows universally available so that mothers have a viable alternative to commercial formula. See our homemade baby formula recipes.
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I am an mother of a beautiful baby boy who is 14 weeks old. I am currently breastfeeding but took no care to my diet, what types of foods should I be taking in to make my diet effective for my breastfed child? I crave all the wrong foods and I am super lucky he is very advanced for his age, but I want him to continue to grow. Any tips?
I’m a mother of 2 healthy girls (12 and 7 yr old) and having a baby boy on Nov 9th 2014. I nursed both of my girls and plan to do the same with our baby on the way. Can you please give me advice as to what I should be eating now and after the baby so I can nurse in the helahtiest way possible and have enough supply as well. The first child I breastfed till 6 months and with the 2nd child for 2 months due ot my supply and giving up easily to formula. I’m even looking into organic baby formula for baby #3.
I have an 8 week old baby girl. She was born at 37 weeks at 6 lbs 9 oz. At her last checkup at 7 weeks she was only up to 7 lbs 3 oz. She spits up quite often and even has thrown up everything she’s just ate where it even comes out her nose. I would say she throws up like that about once a week-ish. She spits up through out the day. Sometimes while burping between ounces, sometimes a few hours after. Sometimes it’s a lot and sometimes it’s a little. I try to burp her after every ounce to see if that helps. I can’t tell if it does or not. She didn’t start doing this until after she received the Hepatitis B shot at 1 week. I hadn’t planned on getting her vaccinations but thought the Dr said Vitamin B. She also has had irregular bowl movements since then. I was wondering if you could tell me if a raw milk formula might help this? I am breastfeeding but primarily pumping and giving her the breastmilk with a bottle. I don’t know if it’s something I’m eating that’s affecting her, acid reflux or a symptom of the shot. Any info would be appreciated.
I so relate to this story right now. My first child nursed well until she was 18 months old. I never had any problems except at the very beginning, since it was my first time.
My second child stopped gaining weight around 6 months of age and didn’t start gaining again until about 8 months–when she was eating pureed liver and other foods regularly. I wanted so badly to make the raw milk formula for her, but I was the only one who was concerned. My husband said she took after him (because he’s small), and even the mainstream pediatrician said she was fine evendors though she had dropped under the zero mark on the percentile charts. I knew my milk supply was low and I was beginning to feel fatigue. She weaned herself at 13 months. She is still a very small child with a narrow palate and was slightly delayed with speaking and walking.
My third, a boy, was my biggest at birth. Nursing was going beautifully until he turned 4 months. Many factors affected my milk supply affected all at once and suddenly he was dropping nursing sessions while still seeming very hungry. I was able to get some donor milk from friends with pretty good diets, while working hard for 2 weeks with pumping, resting, taking herbs to increase milk supply, and checking my diet. Things have been getting much better. I am paying careful attention to my diet, including even more butter, raw milk, and eggs than I was bwfore, and how much rest I need. He is 4 months old and I and going to begin egg yolks with him. I hope he continues to nurse and gain weight well because my husband is still not on board with making the formula, althoigh he did take my problems mucb more seriously this time, thank God. It is a tough place to be. Thankfully I don’t work and I have family nearby who has been able to help from time to time. Being a mother is so natural, and yet so difficult and the same time.
Kassia, there are many factors that affect milk supply, nutrition and fluid intake being major ones. But also emotions and stress, and by your third child you may certainly be experiencing some stress! I did as well, and chose to make the homemade formula for one of my children, which was really a life saver for him, once I set my own desires aside (I was quite happy, and proud, of my breastfeeding endeavors!).
You may choose to make homemade formula as a supplement (https://www.westonaprice.org/health-topics/faq-homemade-baby-formula/) using a LactAid ( https://www.amazon.com/Starter-Supplemental-Nursing-System-Bottle/dp/B001G87KYE/ref=sr_1_cc_1_a_it?s=aps&ie=UTF8&qid=1509591842&sr=1-1-catcorr&keywords=lact-aid) that your mammary glands continue to be stimulated to make more milk.
One thing you may choose to try for increasing your milk supply is this pleasant and simple recipe: simmer 1 cup rolled oats in 1 quart of water with 2-4 Tbsp. raw honey and 2 Tbsp fennel seeds (if possible) for 20 minutes. Add 1 quart rich, raw milk/cream. Add 2 tsp vanilla extract. Drink a mug of this several times a day, lightly warmed but not over-heated. This should help to stimulate your milk supply while promoting relaxation. It is very nice to drink this while nursing, concentrating on Baby and enjoying the experience.
I am curious as to how your babies were born. Did you have non medicated births at home, with as minimal interventions as possible?
The experience of birthing in a hospital alone can be significant enough to negatively affect milk supply later down the line, after the first forty days.
I think its very misguided to talk about breastfeeding outcomes without considering the births themselves. The way the baby is born has a HUGE effect on the natural hormones at play that make or break successful breastfeeding (see research on oxytocin by Dr. Sarah Buckley). Women are not “broken” and therefore just “can’t” breastfeed. There is always more to the story, usually an overmedicalized or interventative birth is the root cause. Ignoring this does everyone a disservice.
I also think it is quite disingenuous to use anecdotal evidence of “my least breastfed baby is the healthiest” or “my friends fully breast fed their children and their children are very unhealthy” as some sort of qualitative “proof” that people advocating for exclusive breastfeeding is wrong in itself. While your story is important for women who DO encounter obstacles to meeting their breastfeeding goals, to somehow try to “tout” a route that does not involve breastfeeding as somehow “better” also does a disservice.
This article would have been great if it excluded your biased opinions about “doubting” every women’s natural capability to achieve breastfeeding. I would say, if the birth was taken into consideration (which most of the time is NOT the case) many more women, likely the majority, would meet their breastfeeding goals. 99% of the time it is not some unexplained aberration when women cannot successfully breastfeed. We need to change the conversation around breastfeeding and educate women about how their births can affect it.
Throwing around doubt about the natural abilities of women basically is encouraging women not to even try. That is a shame.