Page 9 - Spring2009
P. 9
so many molecules of human manufac- the Teflon-like polymers. Here fluorine thing, or at least the swath of problems
ture (industry and pharmaceuticals). atom(s) are used to manipulate the in the article, on this one type of atom.
First is the elemental form, a di- properties of the molecules involved. Mark Lichtenstein, BA,
atomic molecule of tremendous reactiv- For instance, ordinary ethyl ether has MS Chemistry
ity, exceeding that of other oxidizers. a long history as an anesthetic, but it is Waymart, Pennsylvania
As the reviewer notes, it is not found very explosive. Fluorinated ethers retain
in nature due to its tremendous reactiv- their anesthetic properties but are far Reply from Andreas Schuld, of Parents
ity. less flammable. of Fluoride Poisoned Children (PFPC):
Second, the element fluorine ap- According to the article, the ad- The claim that fluoride can harden den-
pears as fluorine ions either in solution verse effects of certain drugs are linked tal structure to avoid tooth decay has
or in salts/ionic compounds. The ionic to their fluorine content. This link is long been disproven, even by the CDC.
form of fluoride is what is used in drink- tenuous at best. The drugs aren’t like Fluoride binds preferentially with alu-
ing water. The ionic form of fluorine capsules packaged with “poisonous” minum, not calcium. In the presence of
forms very tight bonds with many posi- fluorine waiting to be released in the mere trace amounts of aluminum, toxic
tive ions, particularly calcium. This is body. The fluorine atoms are tightly fluoroaluminate is formed. Fluoride poi-
part of its claim to fame for hardening attached to the parent molecule and are soning and its degrees depend on total
dental structure to avoid tooth decay. extremely unlikely to be let loose under intake, not just the fluoride amounts in
However, in large doses it can tie up conditions that will support life. water, although the presence of fluoride
significant amounts of calcium ions Further, it is common in drug re- in water alone can be detrimental and
needed for muscular function causing search to make literally thousands of fatal, as proven by many studies from
muscle failure, such as breathing stops new molecules to find one that can be China and India, areas endemic with
and heart failure. sold. Usually, as the field is narrowed fluoride poisoning.
This acute form of fluoride poison- down to the molecule that ends up at Regarding the use of fluoride in
ing is not possible from the quantities in the local pharmacy, a number of related medications, the scientific literature
drinking water; rather, such poisoning candidates are carried forward in case shows that many such compounds cause
is more likely with a laundry chemical the “best” molecule has some fault un- serious fluoride poisoning. The problem
containing hydrogen fluoride, which is covered. Some of those molecules will of fluoride in medications is very serious
sold for removing rust and blood stains. sometimes have other substances in the and proper understanding is crucial in
If you use that stuff—I don’t let it in the place of the fluorine atom and still have providing advice. More than sixty years
house—please, please follow the safety many similar properties to the fluorine- ago, German scientists showed that all
instructions and rinse it out very thor- containing molecules. The point is that fluoride compounds— inorganic and
oughly. The residues can cause nasty the presence of fluorine does not make organic—were able to inhibit thyroid
chemical burns that are very slow to the molecule toxic. Blaming fluoride hormone metabolism. This research
heal. Similarly, it was at one time com- for side effects is sort of like blaming led to the widespread use of such
mon to etch glass with “weak” solutions accidents on spare tires because almost compounds as Capacin (3-fluoro-4-
of hydrofluoric acid to make pretty de- all cars involved in accidents have spare oxy-phenylacetic acid) in the treatment
signs. Be aware that these solutions are tires. of hyperthyroidism. In the 1940s, Pro-
quite dangerous. Putting fluoride in drinking water is fessor Euler and colleagues from the
Third, fluorine can be found cova- indisputably problematic, granted, as a University of Breslau were able to cause
lently bound to a molecule, such as is in civil liberties problem, probably also as identical bone and enamel defects with
some pesticides and pharmaceuticals, as a health issue, but it is far too simplistic organic fluoride compounds as are es-
well as in some polymers, particularly to lay the blame for just about every- tablished to occur with inorganic ones,
SPRING 2009 Wise Traditions 7