Page 32 - Summer2015
P. 32
MMR Ready” genetically modified versions of these In the conclusion of the paper on aluminum
contains crops. and acetaminophen, we wrote: “The fact that
Another factor associated with MMR that mentions of autism rose steadily concomitant
glutamate, as we completely overlooked in the paper is gluta- with significant increases in the aluminum bur-
it represents mate. Glutamate is a known neurotoxin, but the den in vaccines is highly suggestive. However,
10 percent body is normally able to convert it to glutamine, it is possible that other factors, such as more
using the enzyme glutamine synthase. However, aggressive reporting or simultaneous increases
of the amino glutamine synthase depends on manganese, in other environmental toxins, for examples
acids found in which is chelated by glyphosate, making it herbicides or pesticides, or aluminum in other
gelatin, which unavailable. MMR contains glutamate, as it products such as antiperspirants and antacids,
represents 10 percent of the amino acids found in may have contributed to these observed in-
is used as a gelatin, which is used as a nutrient on which the creases.” This was prescient, as I now believe
nutrient on live virus is grown. More recently, I published that indeed there is one herbicide in particular
which the live another paper together with Anthony Samsel that has caused the aluminum in vaccines to be
much more toxic than it used to be, and that is
describing all the ways in which manganese che-
virus is grown. lation by glyphosate would disrupt physiology, glyphosate. In fact, I have published two papers,
and a surprising number of these were linked to together with colleagues, in which we propose
known pathologies in autism. that glyphosate enhances the toxicity of alumi-
I think it likely that glyphosate is making the num, through multiple mechanisms. 17,18
glutamate in vaccines more toxic than it would Glyphosate makes both the gut barrier and
otherwise be, due to the fact that it sticks around the brain barrier leaky, which allows aluminum
much longer when manganese is unavailable. In to get past these barriers and into the brain. Dis-
fact, if you separate the VAERS database at the ruption of the pineal gland in the brain stem can
midpoint in time (2002), and look at the reactions explain the increased incidence of sleep distur-
associated with MMR before and after that date, bances in association with aluminum-containing
you find several reactions that are more common vaccines and with vaccines administered after
after 2002 (including autism), and only one re- 2000. Glyphosate also causes pathogens to over-
action (joint pain) that is more common before grow in the gut, and one of the toxic products of
2002 (see Table 2). Interestingly, both joint pain these pathogens enhances uptake of aluminum
and many of the reactions that are more common by cells. We even suspect that glyphosate binds
after 2002 (such as anaphylactic shock, seizures, to the aluminum in the vaccines and “escorts”
hives, eczema, and shortness of breath), are also it to the terminal watershed region of the brain
typical adverse reactions that occur in people stem, where it then unloads its cargo in the acidic
who have an allergy to monosodium glutamate environment, essentially delivering aluminum
(MSG). to the brain. Glyphosate also enhances voltage-
What’s my advice to a mother facing an onslaught of vaccinations for her child? I recommend reading some of the litera-
ture on the dangers of the toxic chemicals in the vaccines, such as aluminum, mercury, glutamate, retroviruses and human
DNA, to help you make an informed decision. Vaccines used to be a lot safer than they are today, and the reason, I believe,
is the synergistic effect of all the other toxic chemicals that today’s kids are exposed to, in the air, the water, and their food.
Some of these factors can be controlled, particularly the food. I cannot recommend enough the advice to switch your chil-
dren to a 100 percent organic whole foods diet. I realize this takes more effort and costs more, but if you end up protecting
your child from one of the many autoimmune and neurological diseases that today’s kids suffer from, it will be well worth it.
If your child already suffers from asthma, eczema, food allergies, epilepsy, attention deficit hyperactivity disor-
der (ADHD), autism or anxiety, then you need to be very careful with vaccines. If you don’t feel you can respon-
sibly omit all the vaccines, at least space them out and make sure your child does not have a cold or other illness
at the time of a vaccination. I recommend this for any child, but especially for a child who is already suffering from
these conditions. Finally, please get your kids outside in the sunlight without sunscreen as much as possible. Sunlight
catalyzes the synthesis of sulfate in the skin and this is one of the best ways to ensure that your child’s sulfate sup-
plies are adequate. Adequate sulfate will help protect children from disease and make vaccines much less dangerous.
32 Wise Traditions SUMMER 2015 Wise Traditions
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