Page 6 - summer2016
P. 6
ture of this vaccine, the side effects and In response to Edward Anderson, Nicoya was part of a blue zone group
what it purports to prevent versus what who said the answer was not to sign off of people, I went to check that website.
it actually does; they need to review on the child’s birth certificate in order According to the website at that time,
the work of scientists who have been for that individual not to be considered a centenarian from the peninsula of
gagged, and make decisions regarding a corporation, would the solution to be Nicoya ate toasted (oil/fat free) tortillas,
this dangerous vaccine after they are a free individual legally able to make squash and beans. After reading that,
properly informed. Also please note one’s own medical decisions by having I shall never trust the Internet because
that under California law, school nurses no birth certificate, or simply signing a this is so incomplete and so misleading
are permitted to vaccinate your child waiver with the school department? I that whenever I make a presentation
with HPV without your knowledge, would appreciate more insight into this here to Costa Ricans, they just die
consent or permission. all-important issue. laughing because as they all know, the
Educate yourself, educate your By the way, thank you for your main food of the old people of Nicoya is
child and protect your family! In clini- top-notch work and magazine! Nothing pork, lard and chicken skin. The other
cal trials for these and other vaccines— else has been more helpful on so many food items are just small extras.
get this—the placebo is an aluminum issues. Costa Ricans are mostly descen-
hydroxide solution—a deadly adjuvant! Krista Hess-Mills dants of Spanish and Amerindian
If you compare a poison against a poi- Oldtown, Idaho peoples. There are still some reserves
son, the death rate will of course be of 100 percent indigenous people, and
equal, thus allowing them to dismiss CENTENARIANS IN COSTA RICA they are the only group here to have
the side effects as normal and natural. In the last issue a writer com- nice dental arches. Everybody else has
This is shady science to put it mildly. mented that a centenarian of Costa Rica medium or even severely collapsed
Using the CDC’s own statistics on all- from the isolated peninsula of Nicoya arches, which is corrected (sort of) by
cause mortality in five to fourteen year ate about nine spoons of sugar per years of wearing braces—for the less
olds, the difference is eightfold between day. I have interviewed some of these fortunate, the dental care is paid by
vaccine deaths versus all-cause deaths. centenarians and all those that I have universal healthcare.
This ain't normal folks! interviewed said that in their childhood, My family and I live seven kilo-
Sushama Gokhale youth and even recently the only sugar meters from the main town of our area,
Larkspur, California they ate was tapa dulce (evaporated Turrialba, which was never as isolated
sugar cane); they also said they could as Nicoya. Many years ago I used to
THE STRAWMAN DEBATE only afford to eat it once every two buy lard in town and it happened that
I am writing in response to the “Pa- months when they would mix it with on some days I could find not one drop
rens Patriae Response” letter, Fall 2015, coconut or pumpkin to make one small of it. When I finally inquired of one
and the subsequent letter, “Strawman,” dessert. The rest of the time they went of the butchers which day of the week
in Winter 2015. As a mother who sees completely sugarless, tapa dulce or not the stores were likely to have it, he in-
the benefits of avoiding vaccines both (except some fresh fruit). formed me that the day the indigenous
for myself and my children, I am very If one looks at a map one can see people came to town—they came by
interested in coming to a more definite that the peninsula of Nicoya is very far bus from the limit of the indigenous
conclusion as to the legal authority Pa- from San Jose, the capital of Costa Rica. reserve once or twice a week—they
rens Patriae has over oneself and one’s About fifty or sixty years ago, a road bought every single part of the pig,
children. was built to the area and now there is a even the ears, and every drop of the
Al Whitney stated that a parent’s ferry and a bridge; in fact the peninsula fat the store collected in order to make
objection to vaccination must be in of Nicoya is now a very big tourist area. chicharon (fried pieces of pork) to sell.
writing, but to whom should this writ- Some years ago when a friend from By the way, Costa Rica produced so
ing be given? the U.S. told me that the peninsula of much lard one hundred years ago that
6 Wise Traditions SUMMER 2016 Wise Traditions