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         how to be social creatures—how to be  was safely used on Americans prior to  our bodies. Every baby is born with
         fully human.                       antibiotic development. (See ncbi.nlm.  over three hundred man-made toxins
                            Joel Ottenstein  that do not belong there. Over half our
                      Shorewood, Wisconsin     It is unacceptable for any media  children have one or more chronic diag-
                                            to block and condemn ideas on the  noses. The widespread environmental
         ALTERNATIVE TREATMENTS             table that might stop a Covid-19 patient  movement repeatedly asked for regula-
             It’s objectionable that the media  from suffering and dying every ninety  tion, but corporate profits poison us.
         condemned,  ridiculed  and  shamed  seconds.  Mature  problem-solving  Federal energy laws removing local and
         President Trump’s legitimate ideas to  requires  open-minded  transparent  state control over siting of pipelines,
         look into “disinfectants” that might  dialogue without vilification and sham-  centralized electrical grids and Wi-Fi
         cleanse patients of viruses, such as heat,  ing. Transparently open, peer-reviewed  EMF and microwave towers must be
         light, sunlight, ozone, hydrous chloride  science must be discussed fairly and  repealed as they have removed our self-
         (HOCl) and UV. This character as-                                             determination to protect our
         sassination has the same effect of                                            health and safety, and this has
         a protective religious cult response                                          made us increasingly vulner-
         to not disturb brainwashing pro-                                              able to Covid-19.
         paganda. This “fake news” serves                                                     If the media want to
         status quo misinformation.                                                    attack Trump politically, they
             Without open, transparent pub-                                            should not do it when he is
         lic discussion with full debate of the                                        trying to help dying people,
         facts uncensored, problem-solving                                             but when he works against
         with rational, logical and rigorous                                           our  safety  and  health.  We
         scientific analysis is blocked from                                           must  end  shaming,  blam-
         optimally determining our policies.                                           ing and vilifying. We must
             Trump  specifically  said  he                                             demand full transparent and
         “didn’t know if it will work or not,”                                         open debate of scientific facts
         that he was “not a doctor,” but that                                          and rigorous analysis for all
         he had “good ideas.”                                                          matters that affect our health
             Conspicuously  missing  is                                                and safety.
         the search for a cure for sick and                                                       Susan Michetti
         dying Covid-19 patients beyond                                                   Mount Horeb, Wisconsin
         patented drugs. Hundreds of studies  equally without unfair power and con-
         show Americans deficient in nutrients  trol mechanisms exerted to block sci-  IATROGENIC ILLNESS
         required  to  optimize  immune  sys-  entific discussion from being heard by        There’s a lot we don’t know about
         tems. Sunlight and optimal vitamin  everyone. Scientific analysis requires  Covid-19, but this is what we do know.
         D improve immune system response.  that all possible factors remain on the  Old, obese, diseased people who don’t
         Heat kills Covid-19 over 150°F, sug-  table to be rigorously analyzed until  eat well (nursing home food) on a lot
         gesting saunas may help. Bleach-like  proven unsafe by measurable facts.  of meds (especially statins to lower
         chloride creates FDA-approved HOCl  Anything less is anti-science and ir-  cholesterol)  and  who  are  pressured
         that disinfects hospital and restaurant  rational.                   (forced?) to get vaccines (flu, pneumo-
         viruses, including on fish: it is under     Our anti-science culture has caused  nia, shingles, etc.) have a higher death
         safety study for spraying in eyes, nose  thirty years of accelerated poisoning of  rate than young healthy people.
         and  mouth.  As  for  UV  injection,  it  our air, water, soil and food—and also     In Pennsylvania, the average age
         4                                        Wise Traditions                               SUMMER 2020
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