Page 97 - Fall2020
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pastures or clean water, and the cows in city  of both animals and humans develop antibod-  Pasteurization
            dairies were kept in filthy conditions with poor  ies to adjust to their environments. As with   answered
            nutrition and poor animal health. Many of these  the case in human breastmilk and especially
            cows were fed byproducts from alcohol distill-  colostrum, the milk and colostrum from cows   the question
            eries, leading to illness in the cows.  Raw milk,  and other milking animals contain antibodies.   of how to
            which had been safely consumed by humans for  Such antibodies are damaged or destroyed by   commercialize
            nearly ten thousand years,                               pasteurization.
            became associated with the                                   There is evidence that   dirty milk,
            diseases of filth and poverty,                           in  some instances contact   rather than
            such as tuberculosis, typhoid,                           with domesticated animals   focusing time
            diphtheria and scarlet fever.                            actually provided immuno-
               In the late 1800s, raw                                logical protection to humans.   and energy
            milk was accused of caus-                                For instance, in the 1700s   on producing
            ing these diseases, and two                              some people believed that   clean milk
            solutions  were  proposed.                               milkmaids who had been
            Pasteurization was one of the                            in contact with cowpox (a   from healthy
            solutions on the theory that                             relatively mild illness) were   cows.
            heat treatment would elimi-                              protected from smallpox.
            nate pathogenic bacteria in                              The fact that milkmaids had
            the milk coming from these                               beautiful skin was offered
            filthy conditions. The other                             as proof that they had not
            solution was to produce the                              suffered from smallpox, but
            milk in hygienic conditions       Goddess Hathor         a better explanation is that
            with healthy animals.         Suckling Amenhotep II. 11  the milkmaids had a daily
               Many physicians realized                              source of superb nutrition
            that raw milk was a superior source of nutri-  and healthy bacteria, which conferred natural
            tion for infants and children, so the American  immunity and good health—including smooth,
            Association of Medical Milk Commissions  healthy skin.
            (AAMMC) was established in the late 1800s to
            ensure a safe supply of hygienic raw milk.  The  RAW MILK’S ROLE IN 2020
            AAMMC was in operation for nearly a century,   It is important to recognize that the human
            certifying medical raw milk for use in hospitals  gut loves milk. We are mammals. Our human gut
            and for feeding infants and children.     is lacto-loving. For ten thousand years, raw milk
               Pasteurization was ushered in to address  has provided a source of nourishment, gut health
            filthy and poisonous conditions and unhealthy  and immune-boosting to mankind. When one
            cows in cities. It answered the question of how  hundred twenty-five years of commercial milk
            to commercialize dirty milk, rather than focus-  pasteurization are compared to the long history
            ing time and energy on producing clean milk  of highly successful raw milk consumption, they
            from healthy cows. Over time, the pasteuriza-  do not even register as a blip. Pasteurized milk
            tion movement gained traction and became the  makes up only 1 percent of the ten thousand
            standard for ensuring “safe” milk, even though  years of documented human milk consumption.
            pasteurization is known to degrade and damage   The advent of pasteurization ushered in a
            many of the nutrients in milk.            negative shift in mankind’s relationship with
                                                      milk as a life-giving food. Raw milk—an in-
            RAW MILK AND IMMUNITY                     nate part of our healthy immune history—is
               Unlike pasteurized milk, raw milk con-  now largely missing in our sterile, sugar-laden,
            sumption provided immune system advantages  preservative-laced, antibiotic-abusing modern
            to people. Cows and other mammals that lived  diets and medical culture. Now we are in a time
            in close quarters with humans mutually shared  of widespread industrial food, poor nutrition,
            much of the same biome. The immune systems  immune depression, comorbidities and compro-

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