Page 103 - Spring2008
P. 103
The Shop Heard ‘Round the World
Dedicated to Helping the Consumer Obtain Nutrient-Dense Foods and Accurate Nutrition Information
Nourishing Foods Healthy Products
100% Organic by Immunitrition. Three deli-
BREAD To Your Health. Handmade sprouted cious, raw blends − Garden, Sea & Sunshine. BABY PRODUCTS − Cloth diapering, slings,
grain breads. Sprouted, milled and baked in Ships throughout USA via UPS. Available in cart covers, pure herbs, Nature’s Sunshine
a small farm setting. All natural and organic 32 oz. jars or try our Cultured Veggie Taste vitamins and much more. Certifi ed nutritional
ingredients. No yeast or preservatives. Will ship Tester with bonus pumpkin oil & sea salt. consulting available. carasmaternalconnec-
in U.S. Call or e-mail for product list (334)584- 877-773-9229, 9/3, cara@carasmaternalconnections.
7875 or 9/3 com (248) 628-8646 (paypalaccepted). 9/2
SAUERKRAUT − Certified organic unpasteur-
BUTTER - Amazing Grazed Real Butter! Step ized sauerkraut and kim chee, Raw, still alive! CURE FOR TOOTH DECAY At last, the real
back in time to the way butter was meant Made in small batches and fermented in truth about your teeth. How to prevent and
to be! Rich, creamy butter and heavy cream ceramic crocks. Other fermented vegetables halt cavities for life. Utilize the wisdom of
from our pasture-based certifi ed organic available. We ship anywhere in the US. Wills Weston Price and Melvin Page. Buy the book,
dairy, butter $12/#, 40 pounds or more $10/#. Valley Farm Products, LLC, Kutztown, PA Cure Tooth Decay! $29.95 www.curetoothde-
Also, organic grass-fed lard, beef, lamb and (610)683-5540. 9/2 *9/3
pork. Shipping available. Green Hills Harvest
(660) 244-5858. 9/4 SAUERKRAUT, ORGANIC, RAW. Fresh, Raw, & DVD of JOEL SALATIN, “Heal the Planet by
Alive! Gold Mine’s Fresh Organic Sauerkraut Healing Your Plate,” presented at the Florida
COCONUT OIL - Nature’s Blessing - USDA is abundant in friendly, living micro-organ- launch of the Farm-to-Consumer Legal
certified organic. Discovered on my recent isms that are powerful aids to digestion and Defense Fund on 8-30-07. About 2.5 hours.
trip to the Philippines, this oil is wonderful! assimilation. Independent lab tests show 7.8 $20 donation to local WAPF chapter, includes
Coconuts are grown and processed on site million CFU’s of live lactobacillus and bifi do- shipping to US. Email WAPFSarasota@gmail.
within 8 hours, cold-pressed. The oil is clear bacterium species per gram - that’s 468 million com. *9/3
with a wonderful mild fl avor. Carrie HAHN, per 1/4 cup serving! Aged in special ceramic
WAPF chapter leader 412-531-4485. 9/3 crocs that allow the growth of friendly fl ora in ECOBOX Air Purification uses ActivePure
a safe environment, Gold Mine’s sauerkraut is Space Certified Technology. Sends the solu-
EGGS, grass-fed from our free range hens.
- according to the most discriminating “kraut tion to the pollution (air/surface germs like
Nutrient-rich eggs are our business, not a connoisseurs” - absolutely delicious! Featured
sideline. Hens have access to fresh grass, at the annual Conference of the Weston A. MRSA, staph, mold; VOC’s; odors; smoke;
sunshine and exercise. No hormones or anti- Price Foundation 2004-2007. To order, call and dust) that compromises health. Covers
biotics. Will ship. Silver Leaf Acres, Fax or call (800)475-3663 or go to www.goldminenatu- 1500 sq ft. Contact Madeline at Purely
715-257-1397. 9/3 Green Environmental, LLC, 888-291-3773, 9/1 9/2*
FOREVER GREEN. Introducing FrequenSea with SPELT, Organically grown. Traditional
marine phyto-plankton, the best raw whole MAGNETICO SLEEP PADS − Renew your
Oberkulmer Variety. Our spelt is grown by a energy while sleeping. Developed by Dr.
food supplement available, exclusively from certified organic farmer. We ship anywhere
ForeverGreen. Visit for more in the US. We sell by the pound. Contact the Dean Bonlie, MagnetiCo is the only magnetic
information about this powerful superfood. Plain Grain Co. LLC for details: www.carasma- sleep pad backed by ten years of scientifi c
Distributors needed now. Go to marine-well-, cara@carasmater- research and designed to deliver the correct for more information on this awesome negative magnetic field to the body. Six- (248)628-8646 (paypal month satisfaction guarantee. Call Dr. Dave
home-based business opportunity. 9/3
accepted). 9/2 Morris at cell: 559-760-7618 for info. & clinical
GARLIC - Organic & Chemical Free as Nature results. 9/4
intended. Whole cloves or dehydrated pow- WILD FOODS FROM THE RAINFOREST. Let
der/chips. Erker Organic Farms, Burlington, them be your health tonic. Mineral rich. NATURAL PRODUCTS. Life Energy Store:
Loaded with vitamins and antioxidants.
CO. 719-346-5026. *9/3 Nourish your body, heart & spirit. Delicious
Anti-aging enzymes. Life Force. Enjoy robust nutritious foods: pure chocolates, coconut,
health with Botanicals from the Amazon.
LACTO-FERMENTED VEGETABLES, raw, certi- mesquite, agave, salts. Additive-free supple-
fied organic, locally-grown. Dill pickles, sau- Formulas proven over 2000 years. For details ments. Natural soaps. More nourishing,
erkraut, kimchi, ginger carrots. Sold/Shipped and a free sample without obligation, call earth-honoring, healing products to vitalize
Life Mission 417-469-5470.
within Northeast only. See website for store your vibrant health and well-being! www.
list and mail order info. Contact: Real Pickles, LifeEnergyStore. com 1.888.846.6412 magic@
PO Box 40, Montague, MA 01351, (413) 863- 9/1
9063,, info@realpickles.
com. 10/1
SPRING 2008 Wise Traditions 103