Page 104 - Spring2008
P. 104

The Shop Heard ‘Round the World
                        Dedicated to Helping the Consumer Obtain Nutrient-Dense Foods and Accurate Nutrition Information

                 REBOUNDER − Need a jump start to health                                FOOD AS MEDICINE  Workshop, Sharon A.
                 and well being ? Boost your immune system,   restaurants               Kane, Instructor. Get the most out of your
                 improve digestion, stimulate metabolism,   VIRGINIA.  The Conscious Bean is a holistic   food! Ongoing classes teach gentle detoxi-
                 anxWATER PURIFICATION. Health-enhanc-  cafe for people to explore healthful ways   fication protocols and hands-on instruction

                 ing water from your tap, certified by NSF,   of being. Come listen to our speakers, meet   in the making of kombucha, kefi r,  gluten-

                 Dr. Masaru Emoto tested, generate income   your local farmers, and enjoy our foods that   free bread and lacto-fermented pickles.
                 as independent marketing consultant for   follow nourishing traditions. (703) 757-BEAN,   Call Sharon A. Kane, 508-881-5678, email
                 established international company off ering   10123 Colvin Run Road, Great Falls, VA 22066, or visit: www.sanc-
                 water  fi ltration/purifi cation/energization    9/4*  9/4*
                 units and more,
                 800-679 7042 ext 7321.        9/2              Services                LIVE BLOOD CELL ANALYSIS is a handy and
                                                                                        valuable window on the state of health or
                 WATER PURIFICATION. Health-enhancing   ARTICLES NEEDED. NATIONAL DIRECTORY of   disease. This procedure has a powerful moti-

                 water from your tap, certified by NSF, Dr.   organic food sources and other natural Health   vating effect to help others improve their

                 Masaru Emoto tested, generate income as   Products needs articles, new releases, recipes,   diets emphasizing the principles of Weston
                 independent marketing consultant for estab-  and information about your products and   Price. Have microscope, will travel. Contact
                 lished international company off ering water   services for further issues. Advertising avail-  Karen Myer,ND,at262-522-9993. 9/1
                 fi ltration/purifi cation/energization units and   able. Sample $3. Buffalo Creek Publications,

                 more, 800-679   PO Box 397, Buffalo Lake, MN 55314.   *9/3   Funding Needed

                 7042 ext 7321.                9/3
                                                    INTERNET/WEBSITE SERVICES. Chapters, Milk   FUNDS NEEDED. Milk Movie. Grass Roots
                                                    Clubs, Farmers, Cow Shares: Save time and

                    Farming/Wapf Lifestyle                                              Effort Needed. For documentary. Help us
                                                    paperwork with internet based ordering and   make a difference! Soliciting funds to shoot

                 COMMUNITY HOUSING Creating first of 12   membership management. Focus on what   a documentary of the story of raw milk.
                 holistic assisted living homes for elderly in   you do best while we handle the technology;   Every dollar will help us bring the story of
                 Aurora, Colorado. Am looking for chef/nutri-  no website of your own is required. Currently   this incredible healing food to the screen.
                 tionist/teacher to implement healthy cook-  serving hundreds of wapf-friendly custom-  Douglass, Schmid, McAfee, Fallon and oth-

                 ing and eating, following the teaching of   ers. Confidential and secure. visit www.  ers will play major roles in bringing you “The
                 Sally Fallon & Victoria Boutenko. Also looking  9/4*  Raw  Truth.” Send checks payable to:  White
                 for investors, grants, funding help. Contact                           Tiger Productions C/O First Republic Bank,
                 Alan at 303.823.0291 or abolo10@earthlink.  PACKAGING - Azure Packaging, custom bot-  1099 4th St. San Rafael, CA 94901.     *7
                 net.                         9/4*  tling, packaging and encapsulating small
                                                    runs not a problem- full lab analysis available   FARMSTEAD FRESH Inc. is soliciting investors
                 COMMUNITY AND FARM FORMING in Central   call JasonMobil 402-336-7130 fax 402-338-  to help with business expansion. The busi-

                 CA seeks WAPF aficionados to be cofounders.   5555.              9/2   ness is known for training sustainable dairy
                 We value community, sustainability, self-suffi  -                      farmers in making gourmet quality “One Step
                 ciency, organic farming and nourishing food.   REMODELING. Michael’s Remodelling, Baths,   Above Organic” grass-fed raw milk cheese
                 We hold regular meetings in San Francisco.   Basements, Kitchens, Decks. Serving Northern   and marketing it.
                 Join us! For more info, visit redskymorn.  Virginia for 17 years. Michael Meredith (703)            9/3*
                    9/2   764-9563.                     9/3
                                                                                        GIVE A JOB is a non-profi t initiative in Israel
                 COWS WANTED: Several grassfed milk cows     Healing Arts               which needs help funding a green house
                 or heifers, within 300 miles of Harrison,                              and olive press. The aim is to create jobs for
                 Arkansas. Pastured poultry for sale. Fresh or   ANCIENT TRADITIONAL  HEALING WAYS.   those suffering poverty. Tax exempt receipts

                 frozen, no hormones or antibiotics. North   Awaken vibrant health and well-being in   given. For more info, please email Shapir at
                 Central Arkansas 870-427-3039 littlegiant-  body, mind and spirit with extraordinary       *9/2
               9/4*  ancient teachings and eff ective self-empow-
                                                    ering tools. Holistic Counseling, Energy   INVESTORS NEEDED: Next Level Productions
                 VERMONT FARM seeks 2008 apprentices. We   Healings. Retreats. Discount for WAPF mem-  is seeking investors to complete its docu-
                 integrate American Milking Devon cattle,   bers. JoAnne Dodgson Ed.D., www.pathway-  mentary film “Body Armor.” The fi lm follows

                 pigs and chickens with growing and ferment-, 1.888.846.6412, joanne@
                 ing six tons of vegetables. Our grain-free        9/2  the journey of individuals with chronic ill-
                 cows support raw milk sales plus butter and                            nesses as they explore natural medicine and
                 cheese making.  We focus on selling nutri-  DR NICK SAUNDERS - WAPF oriented physi-  alternative therapies. Contact Gabe Golden.
                 ent-dense foods while eating well ourselves!   cian, located in Copley OHIO, 330-760-1975.   310-779-2816,
                 Learning opportunities include milking, Specializing in meno-                     *9/4
                 biodynamics, natural livestock care. Positions   pause, andropause, aging.       9/2
                 available April to November, short and long
                 term. Cabins, food, laundry, Internet access
                 and lots of education. Call Doug Flack, 802-
                 933-7752, Flack Family Farm, www.fl ackfami-
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