Page 3 - Spring2008
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OUTSTANDING CONFERENCE ence, to be held in San Francisco. All she came into the world with many risk
I have been implementing a healthy of the talks from the 2007 conference factors, including an obese 43-year-old
traditional diet in our family since 2003. are available on CDs and DVDs. Visit mother with a previous infant death,
I have had chronic fatigue for over ten for ordering informa- preeclampsia, a low birth weight of
years. I don’t know whether I’ll ever be tion. four pounds, and a diffi cult cesarean
completely recovered but this way of post-op period, she has turned out to be
eating has been a lifesaver. Thank you SUCCESS LIST exceptionally strong, smart and is catch-
for all your work. Please add my name to the WAPF ing up physically to other healthy full
I just attended my fi rst WAPF con- success list—I was researching nutrition term babies. People are amazed at how
ference and it was outstanding. First, the for bones (to avoid taking Fosamax) agile she is. She started talking fully at
friendliness of the people and children when a friend told me about the WAPF one year and fi ve months. Her constant
overwhelmed me. Meal after meal, the guidelines. I had news in July, 2005, ear infections have stopped and so has
conversations were as exceptional as the from my NP that I was very close to her eczema and asthma that the doctors
food. Complete strangers could discuss osteoporosis. feared she would develop at a later age.
amiably about the wealth of information Forward to today. I have to go see Now she rarely gets colds.
they had just experienced in the talks. my NP to get the actual numbers, but her This is all thanks to a religious fol-
Natasha Campbell-McBride’s was the recent note (result of a scan on December lowing of all the principles of a nour-
best presentation that I heard, but oth- 10, 2007) indicates bone density “im- ishing traditional diet and feeding for a
ers were excellent, including those by provement.” I joined our local chapter baby and toddler. She not only has the
Vicki Braun, Chris Masterjohn, Dr. Mary and have been buying local raw milk raw milk baby formula, but I give her
Megson, Dr. Veronica Doggett, Kathy and other farm products for about 18 lots of live yoghurt, kefi r, organic eggs,
O’Brien, Kathryne Pirtle and Dr. Phillip months. sea salt, raw liver, raw tuna, meat stocks
Incao. Tish Cotter and whey.
Mary Claire Robinson New York, New York Leesa Khalid
Rileyville, Virginia Dhaka, Pakistan
Dr. Campbell-McBride will conduct an My daughter Isabella is now one LED ME TO WAPF
all-day seminar at this year’s confer- year and nine months old. Even though I first came across your website
LEFT: Isabella Khalid came
into the world as a low
birth weight baby with
many risk factors.
RIGHT: Today Isabella
is a plump and perfect
picture of health on a
nourishing traditional diet.
SPRING 2008 Wise Traditions 3