Page 6 - Spring2008
P. 6
Weston A. Price Foundation has pub- such oversight is not even possible. Re- ANGST AT
lished this nonsense. garding the mother who wished to limit NEW FOOD REGULATIONS
But my disappointment doesn’t sugar consumption in her children, she I’ve so often wished that I’d had a
end there! In another letter, a mother faces a dilemma encountered by many well-written letter to express my angst
expresses her relief over her child’s modern parents engaged in providing to various organizations regarding new
grandparents having lived 5000 miles their offspring with a healthy diet. Very food regulations. For example, the in-
away just because they gave them cook- often relatives are unsupportive or even stitution that gives accreditation to my
ies! Talk about idiocy! I only wish my hostile to these efforts. The health-con- son’s daycare center has a new rule that
son had any grandparents at all to offer scious parent in this situation walks a nothing homemade is allowed on the
him home-baked sweets. delicate line of protecting her children premises, presumably to prevent any
Are the above letters really ideals while avoiding remarks that may offend. trigger to a student’s peanut allergy.
that we want to foster? Is this the mes- Sometimes the best solution is limited The ridiculous part is that there is not
sage of the Weston A. Price Foundation? contact. We would not characterize the one student with a peanut allergy! Their
If so, I hesitate to commit another dollar sentiments expressed in these letters as response is that anyone can develop one
in support of your efforts. I have always “hateful.” at any time.
applauded and applied the principles So now, instead of homemade
outlined by Weston A. Price, but I worry OUR MEDICATED CHILDREN brownies or cookies for a “special snack
that your organization is devolving into a Did you happen to see the recent day,” people have to bring in Oreos,
radical, hateful and self-righteous com- PBS program entitled “Our Medicated Goldfi sh, and, in essence, foods with
munity. I truly hope that you’ll put more Children”? The program was about all high fructose corn syrup, soy lecithin,
thought into the words you publish in the the problems (ADD, ADHD, ODD, etc. I’ve tried to write a letter, but it
future. autism) affecting our kids, which have just doesn’t have the authority of one
Marianne Schmidt ballooned over the last 20 or 25 years. written by someone with all the facts.
Ida Grove, Iowa The “solution” is to medicate them and This isn’t the fi rst instance that I found
the results are awful. My husband and I myself wishing that the Weston A. Price
Given the recent problems with products were dumbstruck. Can’t anyone see that Foundation had some sort of resource for
imported from China, consumers have the problem affecting so many kids all its members to draw upon when we need
good reason to be skeptical of that coun- over the country must be very fundamen- to be vocal but don’t have the words! We
try’s organic standards and certifi cation tal—like the food! If you go to could also use a letter arguing for full-fat
procedures. For that matter, given the you can watch it. milk. Any thoughts?
industrialization of organic production We noticed that the mom of one Katie O’Neill
in the US, consumers have good reason kid who had lots of problems served New Canaan, Connecticut
to be skeptical of even domestic organic him corn dogs, Gatorade and chips for
products. “Organic” milk from confi ne- his meal. Most of the moms on the pro- We hope you will summon confi dence
ment cows is a good example. The point gram didn’t look healthy either, so they in yourself to write that letter—nothing
of the letter on “organic” products from were probably not healthy when they has more authority that the opinion of
China was to highlight the injustice conceived. This is just so, so sad. a parent concerned about her children!
whereby domestic small farms are sub- Judith Howard There is plenty of referenced material
ject to economic hardship, intense over- Minot, North Dakota on our website that you can use. And
sight and even harassment, while farm WAPF is happy to provide free editing
products (often subsidized) are shipped once you have put something in your
long distances from overseas where own words!
6 Wise Traditions SPRING 2008